Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

No it does not, All LIVES MATTER, BLM is completely a phony movement, Blue lives matter to and every time that are called to a crime sean or stop a vehicle they are in danger and being on edge is expected.
Sure All Lives Matter, that's the book. This chapter is called Black Lives Matter.
All lives can NOT matter if Black Lives do not Matter.
Just say it, you don't give a ******* about police *******. You only have to think about it when it's on the news.
Dems and their polls whenever will they learn

They really believe that on polls the fate of the election does turn

You’d REALLY think that they woulda learned by 2016

Last time round what did their polls really mean 😆
Dems and their polls whenever will they learn

They really believe that on polls the fate of the election does turn

You’d REALLY think that they woulda learned by 2016

Last time round what did their polls really mean 😆

Can't wait until after this election when all you Trumptards get shut the fuck up . . . Trump is going to get his ass kicked, but get ready! Because then here comes all of the WHINING and false, unproven claims of fraud! Trump will be getting his ass out of town. And seeing that I live not too far where he does now, I'll be a part of the mob of patriots to remove him if he doesn't show any dignity and leave of his own free will. Believe this.
The Dems put up a bumbling possibly senile ole fool

All the while trying to make our President look like a tool

Their media bombard the population with tons o poop

Anti-Trump horseshite on a continuous loop

They THINK the American people are not on to this crap

Methinks that’s why they fall into their poll numbers trap
Can't wait until after this election when all you Trumptards get shut the fuck up . . . Trump is going to get his ass kicked, but get ready! Because then here comes all of the WHINING and false, unproven claims of fraud! Trump will be getting his ass out of town. And seeing that I live not too far where he does now, I'll be a part of the mob of patriots to remove him if he doesn't show any dignity and leave of his own free will. Believe this.

ONLY whining will be the Dems and it is perpetual - you never STFU

If the President loses I’ll do the same as I did when Obama won and suffer in silence.

I’m sure the President is shaking in his boots from your idle and purely unnecessary threat.
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The Dems put up a bumbling possibly senile ole fool

All the while trying to make our President look like a tool

Their media bombard the population with tons o poop

Anti-Trump horseshite on a continuous loop

They THINK the American people are not on to this crap

Methinks that’s why they fall into their poll numbers trap

Nobody has to do anything to make Donald Trump look like a fool and a tool of the conspiratorial right. He does that quite well all on his own 😜
That’s right . . . all lives matter . . . and therefore the BLM ✊🏽 movement demands that people, including the police, start acting accordingly with respect to black lives. NOW!!!
What a strange way of stating your view. First off BLM can demand what ever they want, but they won't get what they want by rioting destroying innocent hard working people's property, or physically injuring or killing others, even if the leftist Democrat party is putting on a good show by appearing to support and warrant all the violent rioting in cities under Democrat control . All People should have all the rights owed to them in a government, there should be no favorite citizens. I believe that on this site, most or maybe all the white males hearts are in the right place and most are not Racist. NOW !!! as you put it, is a time in America that it may be impossible to correct all the wrongs that have been ****** upon Black America. When I was growing up in the 60s, I wasn't even aware of Racism as everyone I knew was white, as I have said before I never had a black classmate in 12 years of school, and my family was so poor that we were without TV for many years so I didn't watch the news . Adding more reason to hate through violence will never earn respect.
What a strange way of stating your view. First off BLM can demand what ever they want, but they won't get what they want by rioting destroying innocent hard working people's property, or physically injuring or killing others, even if the leftist Democrat party is putting on a good show by appearing to support and warrant all the violent rioting in cities under Democrat control . All People should have all the rights owed to them in a government, there should be no favorite citizens. I believe that on this site, most or maybe all the white males hearts are in the right place and most are not Racist. NOW !!! as you put it, is a time in America that it may be impossible to correct all the wrongs that have been ****** upon Black America. When I was growing up in the 60s, I wasn't even aware of Racism as everyone I knew was white, as I have said before I never had a black classmate in 12 years of school, and my family was so poor that we were without TV for many years so I didn't watch the news . Adding more reason to hate through violence will never earn respect.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH ******* 🤮!!! You didn’t know anybody not white or what their lives were like, and you didn’t give a ******* to find out. Not then and not now. That’s at the core of the problem. Fat, dumb, and happy to be white! There’s no point in going around and around with the likes of you. Let’s see how much ******* 🤢 you’re still projecting after the election. Probably a lot 👎🏽!!!
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The Dems put up a bumbling possibly senile ole fool

All the while trying to make our President look like a tool

Their media bombard the population with tons o poop

Anti-Trump horseshite on a continuous loop

They THINK the American people are not on to this crap

Methinks that’s why they fall into their poll numbers trap


Half of the words in my poem are poopy words. I am smart

aol is still around? LOL