Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

White supremacist ! Are you that dense most of the violent protesters are young white men and woman, that have been pamper and given everything they ever wanted by successful business parents but are horrible at raising and disciplining ******* they never should of had . The Klu Klux Klan were the racist white supremacist hate group. Many of these so called white supremacist groups are being unjustly labeled as Racist. Antifa and BLM are the violent groups causing all of this hate with almost 90% college aged whites who are the real Fascist whether many of them know it or not. If our leadership was Fascist, the riots would be in jail or dead.
A liberal defines a racist as being someone with opposite views.
can't/won't even bother answer that it is so fucking stupid and right wing and your racism showing through

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One thing that this BLM movement will achieve in the end, The United States will prove that one thing that is suicidal is if some white people truly continue to be racist, not a good idea to try to ******* them not to be. I actually feel sorry for so many black people who have overcome that deathtrap called Racism and hate this BLM movement because it weakens what so many have accomplished. Civil wars destroys so many on both sides. As for you or anyone calling me a racist, think what you want because I know who I am.
One thing that this BLM movement will achieve in the end, The United States will prove that one thing that is suicidal is if some white people truly continue to be racist, not a good idea to try to ******* them not to be. I actually feel sorry for so many black people who have overcome that deathtrap called Racism and hate this BLM movement because it weakens what so many have accomplished. Civil wars destroys so many on both sides. As for you or anyone calling me a racist, think what you want because I know who I am.

One thing that this BLM movement will achieve in the end, The United States will prove that one thing that is suicidal is if some white people truly continue to be racist, not a good idea to try to ******* them not to be. I actually feel sorry for so many black people who have overcome that deathtrap called Racism and hate this BLM movement because it weakens what so many have accomplished. Civil wars destroys so many on both sides. As for you or anyone calling me a racist, think what you want because I know who I am.

Threads like these prove that we are already engaged in “the Uncivil War” . . . a war that was started by the reactionary right . . . and that the left will be sure to win at all cost.
Have any of you Democrats or some Republicans ever heard even a rumor concerning THE NEW WORLD ORDER. In order for it to succeed it must destroy capitalism by convincing America to accept Socialism, if this is your goal you will have to accept the results. President Trump is not responsible for the huge Socialist movement that has invade America, Democrats have totally welcomed to change from Capitalism to a non-existing Democratic Socialist that is in reality the same old Socialism. This plot has been in play for many decades, once it is complete here in America all our Freedoms will be at the mercy the government. The Republican party has corruption mixed in its ranks but the Democrats are 100% corrupt. That is why I voted for and now support President Trump, at this stage he is our only hope to hold back Socialism. Loud big mouth, never wrong egotistical, Billionaire Businessman Donald Trump, he runs this country like a business and if someone in his administration don't measure up, he fires them. He always says I DID THIS at first but his words also include the American people. Go Trump!
Who is this Trump you speak of?
Every time a window is broken, Trump gains a thousand voters. Which is why he is now rapidly picking up support in the suburbs.
And why not let bygones be bygones. You cant live in the past. If you cant deal with the present, you will forever be on the losing end of justice and prosperity.
No Justice no peace? How about "know Jesus, know peace". I'm not religious but I like the biblical ring to it. The threat of violence will forever set you back. So tell us all. When you resort to violence, are you going to burn down your own cities?
"The threat of violence will forever set 'you' back"? And "...are you going to burn down "YOUR" own cities"?
First, it's all of us- this is one country and our cities. Governmentally speaking, we are very interdependent.

Second, this country was founded on violence, and kept together by violence. We are moving toward more progressive or civilized methods of address government for change, but the reality is, violence has always brought about change.
Every major change, UNFORTUNATELY, has come from one of the HUNDREDS of violent protests going back to the 17th century. Like it or not, it's what move the needles. Peaceful protesters get the guns, waterhoses and dogs on them.
You're an American and participate in political discussion and write some dumb ******* like that? No justice no peace has been effective since 1676- a hundred years before the American Revolution. Which was also a rebellion.

Third, what metric do you see that Trump is gaining support in suburbs. The burbs are not bastions of whiteness or close mindedness. I can show where Trump has LOST support since April in the burbs.
With a little more than 50 days, he hasn't move the needle in his favor in any direction. And only the swing states count, the rest are like us. You will vote for him not matter what, I will vote against him like my life depends on it. In those swing states, he is losing the popular and the suburban vote.
Trump wins if he cheats. Maybe. When he is losing on election, he will dispatch federal officers to shut down voting, ID people in line, block ballots from being counted, challenge the count in court, dozens of courts, and go on tv to declare himself the winner with half the votes uncounted. Or, he'll try to have Joe Biden arrested on November 2nd.
"The threat of violence will forever set 'you' back"? And "...are you going to burn down "YOUR" own cities"?
First, it's all of us- this is one country and our cities. Governmentally speaking, we are very interdependent.

Second, this country was founded on violence, and kept together by violence. We are moving toward more progressive or civilized methods of address government for change, but the reality is, violence has always brought about change.
Every major change, UNFORTUNATELY, has come from one of the HUNDREDS of violent protests going back to the 17th century. Like it or not, it's what move the needles. Peaceful protesters get the guns, waterhoses and dogs on them.
You're an American and participate in political discussion and write some dumb ******* like that? No justice no peace has been effective since 1676- a hundred years before the American Revolution. Which was also a rebellion.

Third, what metric do you see that Trump is gaining support in suburbs. The burbs are not bastions of whiteness or close mindedness. I can show where Trump has LOST support since April in the burbs.
With a little more than 50 days, he hasn't move the needle in his favor in any direction. And only the swing states count, the rest are like us. You will vote for him not matter what, I will vote against him like my life depends on it. In those swing states, he is losing the popular and the suburban vote.
Trump wins if he cheats. Maybe. When he is losing on election, he will dispatch federal officers to shut down voting, ID people in line, block ballots from being counted, challenge the count in court, dozens of courts, and go on tv to declare himself the winner with half the votes uncounted. Or, he'll try to have Joe Biden arrested on November 2nd.

As I noted above, he isn’t winning in any suburbs around here (n)
No it does not, All LIVES MATTER, BLM is completely a phony movement, Blue lives matter to and every time that are called to a crime sean or stop a vehicle they are in danger and being on edge is expected.

That’s right . . . all lives matter . . . and therefore the BLM ✊🏽 movement demands that people, including the police, start acting accordingly with respect to black lives. NOW!!!