Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Every time a window is broken, Trump gains a thousand voters. Which is why he is now rapidly picking up support in the suburbs.

And why not let bygones be bygones. You cant live in the past. If you cant deal with the present, you will forever be on the losing end of justice and prosperity.

No Justice no peace? How about "know Jesus, know peace". I'm not religious but I like the biblical ring to it. The threat of violence will forever set you back. So tell us all. When you resort to violence, are you going to burn down your own cities?
Yes and he's probably behind the guys breaking the glass. Directly or indirectly. Men captured on surveillance video breaking windows, one using a umbrella. Interesting thing they've all been out of sight of the protest but within a block or two. In one case officers who walked and watched the entire protest could not identify the window breaker. None of them saw him with the protestors. Who was he? perhaps you or someone you know. You do say every window broken is votes for your hero so who has plenty to gain from breaking and burning.
Yes and he's probably behind the guys breaking the glass. Directly or indirectly. Men captured on surveillance video breaking windows, one using a umbrella. Interesting thing they've all been out of sight of the protest but within a block or two. In one case officers who walked and watched the entire protest could not identify the window breaker. None of them saw him with the protestors. Who was he? perhaps you or someone you know. You do say every window broken is votes for your hero so who has plenty to gain from breaking and burning.
I'm astounded that many of the violent protestors are young white men and woman.
Why am I NOT surprised that a Dem would disparage a GREAT speech given by the President on 9/11.

Whenever I think you can’t be THAT bad - you prove you can be worse than I can even imagine. God save us from Democrats !!!!
great speech...…..a third grader could have read the script better than he did......and besides his 3rd grade education could not have even written the speech

Have any of you Democrats or some Republicans ever heard even a rumor concerning THE NEW WORLD ORDER. In order for it to succeed it must destroy capitalism by convincing America to accept Socialism, if this is your goal you will have to accept the results. President Trump is not responsible for the huge Socialist movement that has invade America, Democrats have totally welcomed to change from Capitalism to a non-existing Democratic Socialist that is in reality the same old Socialism. This plot has been in play for many decades, once it is complete here in America all our Freedoms will be at the mercy the government. The Republican party has corruption mixed in its ranks but the Democrats are 100% corrupt. That is why I voted for and now support President Trump, at this stage he is our only hope to hold back Socialism. Loud big mouth, never wrong egotistical, Billionaire Businessman Donald Trump, he runs this country like a business and if someone in his administration don't measure up, he fires them. He always says I DID THIS at first but his words also include the American people. Go Trump!

Why am I NOT surprised that a Dem would disparage a GREAT speech given by the President on 9/11.

Whenever I think you can’t be THAT bad - you prove you can be worse than I can even imagine. God save us from Democrats !!!!

Can't be THAT bad? All of the deaths from 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq aren't 1/4 of the Covid deaths in the last seven months!!! George W. Bush and Barack Obama struck back at the attackers; Donald Trump said don't worry, the attacker will go away....and he KNEW how bad the attack was going to be. We're arguing fucking politics and Covid is warring all of us with equal opportunity!!!
America's future mortgaged under Donald J. Trump . . . evidently conservatism doesn't extend to fiscal responsibility . . . lower taxes then spend like money is going out of style! And then print and spend some more!

A "few" liberals live in the suburbs too . . . more like a LOT :rolleyes:
Of course they do. But they dont dominate as many suburbs like they do in cities. Many of the liberals in the suburbs are socially liberal, yet fiscally and law enforcement conservative. As I always say, even liberals like their safe and quiet streets in the suburbs they own homes in.
Of course they do. But they dont dominate as many suburbs like they do in cities. Many of the liberals in the suburbs are socially liberal, yet fiscally and law enforcement conservative. As I always say, even liberals like their safe and quiet streets in the suburbs they own homes in.

The entire Washington, DC metropolitan area (DC, Maryland suburbs, and Northern Virginia suburbs) leans more to the left than to the right. I live on the Northern Virginia (NOVA) side. There are enough liberal blue votes in those NOVA suburbs that we can control what the outcome of statewide election results will be, since we can out vote the rest of the state where red votes dominate (used to not be that way but times have changed with explosive population growth here). Virginia has been transformed from a red state into a "purple" state. Because if you can decisively win in blue dominated NOVA, then you're going to win Virginia. Obama won it twice. Hillary Clinton won it. Biden will win Virginia this November. Because the populous, LIBERAL NOVA SUBURBS will put him over the top. Same with the blue suburbs on the Maryland side, plus Baltimore. Biden wins Maryland. I consider this part of the country to be "progressive", while those red dominated suburbs you talk about are "regressive" . . . let's go back to the 1950's with Ward, June, Wally, and the Beaver . . . the only "beaver" I want is shaved and in a thong :cool:
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guess you know nothing of white supremist…...of course not you support trump
White supremacist ! Are you that dense most of the violent protesters are young white men and woman, that have been pamper and given everything they ever wanted by successful business parents but are horrible at raising and disciplining ******* they never should of had . The Klu Klux Klan were the racist white supremacist hate group. Many of these so called white supremacist groups are being unjustly labeled as Racist. Antifa and BLM are the violent groups causing all of this hate with almost 90% college aged whites who are the real Fascist whether many of them know it or not. If our leadership was Fascist, the riots would be in jail or dead.
White supremacist ! Are you that dense most of the violent protesters are young white men and woman, that have been pamper and given everything they ever wanted by successful business parents but are horrible at raising and disciplining ******* they never should of had . The Klu Klux Klan were the racist white supremacist hate group. Many of these so called white supremacist groups are being unjustly labeled as Racist. Antifa and BLM are the violent groups causing all of this hate with almost 90% college aged whites who are the real Fascist whether many of them know it or not. If our leadership was Fascist, the riots would be in jail or dead.

can't/won't even bother answer that it is so fucking stupid and right wing and your racism showing through
