Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Hmmm :unsure: I said the same thing for 8 years . . . but substitute Republicans with Democrats and Trump with Obama . . . what goes around comes around. Fuck Trump, the Repukeians who support him, and his "agenda" :mad:
Stick with the here and now. 2020, not 2008.

I didnt have ODS so I can say it was wrong then as it is wrong now. If anything, Trump has shown most normal voters on just how childish and idiotic our ruling class is. Which why nothing seems to get done.
Every time a window is broken, Trump gains a thousand voters. Which is why he is now rapidly picking up support in the suburbs.

And why not let bygones be bygones. You cant live in the past. If you cant deal with the present, you will forever be on the losing end of justice and prosperity.

No Justice no peace? How about "know Jesus, know peace". I'm not religious but I like the biblical ring to it. The threat of violence will forever set you back. So tell us all. When you resort to violence, are you going to burn down your own cities?
Yeah? Well this country started with violence . . . seems it's OK when it suits somebody else's ends. And, if you read the Bible, then you would know that God can be and is a vengeful and a wrathful God . . . people get what they have coming to them, including from the hand of God . . . to understand, please start by not holding the good book upside down and backwards ;) That's soooooooome Christian man. More like an ass-backwards moron is what he is :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

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Yeah? Well this country started with violence . . . seems it's OK when it suits somebody else's ends. And, if you read the Bible, then you would know that God can be and is a vengeful God . . . people get what they have coming to them, including from the hand of God . . . to understand, please start by not holding the good book upside down and backwards ;) That's soooooooome Christian man. More like an ass-backwards moron is what he is :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Conservatives don't live in the cities you are burning down. Think about that.
Conservatives don't live in the cities you are burning down. Think about that.

The biggest cities tend to be the most open and accepting of difference (too bad those qualities seem to only be associated with "liberalism") because they are the most diverse . . . it's where more people seem to understand and accept what the full fabric of this nation truly looks like . . . and that we all need to learn to live together . . . and that the only way that's happening is that regardless of what you look like, you must be entitled to the same level due process under the law. This isn't the 1950's fantasy of a lily white "Leave it To Beaver" United States of America . . . "Ward". You think about it. Because I already have.

Law enforcement doesn't get to treat you any differently, and if they do, then there's going to be hell to pay for it. You're right on one count . . . no looking back to how it was. We're not accepting their crooked, racist, abusive treatment anymore. No more hiding it and lying about it and thinking they're going to get away with covering it up. Let bygones be bygones? Fuck that, and you wouldn't say that if it the ******* was happening to you or your family! Cameras are ubiquitous now, and their lying asses are getting busted all over the place! If Bangor, Maine looked like Minneapolis, Minnesota, then the fight would be there. We take the fight to wherever it needs to be. I say again (and again and again and again) . . . NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!

All this bullshit about Biden wanting to destroy the suburbs! I live in the fucking suburbs! And unlike these Trumptards, I'm smart enough not to vote against my own self-interests. Obama/Biden didn't wreck the suburbs. No, we prospered. And so too shall we under a Biden/Harris administration. So people can take that malarkey and get out of town! Get out of the suburbs with that ******* :mad: Cuz nobody is buying it but that "basket of deplorable TRUMPTARDS" :LOL:

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The biggest cities tend to be the most open and accepting of difference (too bad those qualities seem to only be associated with "liberalism") because they are the most diverse . . . it's where more people seem to understand and accept what the full fabric of this nation truly looks like . . . and that we all need to learn to live together . . . and that the only way that's happening is that regardless of what you look like, you must be entitled to the same level due process under the law. This isn't Leave it To Beaver "Ward". You think about it. Because I already have.

Law enforcement doesn't get to treat you any differently, and if they do, then there's going to be hell to pay for it. You're right on one count . . . no looking back to how it was. We're not accepting their crooked, racist, abusive treatment anymore. No more hiding it and lying about it and thinking they're going to get away with covering it up. Let bygones be bygones? Fuck that, and you wouldn't say that if it the ******* was happening to you or your family! Cameras are ubiquitous now, and their lying asses are getting busted all over the place! If Bangor, Maine looked like Minneapolis, Minnesota, then the fight would be there. We take the fight to wherever it needs to be. I say again (and again and again and again) . . . NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!

All this bullshit about Biden wanting to destroy the suburbs! I live in the fucking suburbs! And unlike these Trumptards, I'm smart enough not to vote against my own self-interests. Obama/Biden didn't wreck the suburbs. No, we prospered. And so too shall we under a Biden/Harris administration. So people can take that malarkey and get out of town! Get out of the suburbs with that ******* :mad: Cuz nobody is buying it but that "basket of deplorable TRUMPTARDS" :LOL:
Burn down your own cities. No one really cares. Broadband and the ability to work anywhere has made cities obsolete. The jokes on you.
Burn down your own cities. No one really cares. Broadband and the ability to work anywhere has made cities obsolete. The jokes on you.

These are AMERICAN cities . . . that makes them your cities too . . . it's your obligation as an American to live by "all men are created equal" and to see to it that all of our fellow citizenry lives by the same (including the police) . . . not by "all men are created equal . . . so long as the white man is on top"! If you don't really care, then no the joke isn't on me. It's on the whole of this country that we present to the world as "American exceptionalism". The joke is on you and on every American who purports to stand by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. If nobody gives a damn, then the great American experiment of democracy is just one big joke . . . only . . . it ain't so funny . . . 😑
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These are AMERICAN cities . . . that makes them your cities too . . . it's your obligation as an American to live by "all men are created equal" and to see to it that all of our fellow citizenry lives by the same (including the police) . . . not by "all men are created equal . . . so long as the white man is on top"! If you don't really care, then no the joke isn't on me. It's on the whole of this country that we present to the world as "American exceptionalism". The joke is on you and on every American who purports to stand by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. If nobody gives a damn, then the great American experiment of democracy is just one big joke . . . only . . . it ain't so funny . . . 😑
It's not my responsibility to worry about other cities that destroy themselves.
The biggest cities tend to be the most open and accepting of difference (too bad those qualities seem to only be associated with "liberalism") because they are the most diverse . . . it's where more people seem to understand and accept what the full fabric of this nation truly looks like . . . and that we all need to learn to live together . . . and that the only way that's happening is that regardless of what you look like, you must be entitled to the same level due process under the law. This isn't the 1950's fantasy of a lily white "Leave it To Beaver" United States of America . . . "Ward". You think about it. Because I already have.

Law enforcement doesn't get to treat you any differently, and if they do, then there's going to be hell to pay for it. You're right on one count . . . no looking back to how it was. We're not accepting their crooked, racist, abusive treatment anymore. No more hiding it and lying about it and thinking they're going to get away with covering it up. Let bygones be bygones? Fuck that, and you wouldn't say that if it the ******* was happening to you or your family! Cameras are ubiquitous now, and their lying asses are getting busted all over the place! If Bangor, Maine looked like Minneapolis, Minnesota, then the fight would be there. We take the fight to wherever it needs to be. I say again (and again and again and again) . . . NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!

All this bullshit about Biden wanting to destroy the suburbs! I live in the fucking suburbs! And unlike these Trumptards, I'm smart enough not to vote against my own self-interests. Obama/Biden didn't wreck the suburbs. No, we prospered. And so too shall we under a Biden/Harris administration. So people can take that malarkey and get out of town! Get out of the suburbs with that ******* :mad: Cuz nobody is buying it but that "basket of deplorable TRUMPTARDS" :LOL:

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Of all people to label a “basket of deplorables” - The freakin Cleavers ?????

Holy shite you got it BAD :|
Of all people to label a “basket of deplorables” - The freakin Cleavers ?????

Holy shite you got it BAD :|

That's not what I said, and you know it. Trump wasn't even around then :rolleyes: But that seems to be what he thinks America is. No . . . the deplorable Trumptard is the likes of you ;)
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These are AMERICAN cities . . . that makes them your cities too . . . it's your obligation as an American to live by "all men are created equal" and to see to it that all of our fellow citizenry lives by the same (including the police) . . . not by "all men are created equal . . . so long as the white man is on top"! If you don't really care, then no the joke isn't on me. It's on the whole of this country that we present to the world as "American exceptionalism". The joke is on you and on every American who purports to stand by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. If nobody gives a damn, then the great American experiment of democracy is just one big joke . . . only . . . it ain't so funny . . . 😑

It’s certainly no joke the Dem politicians in charge of those cities did next to nothing to stop the violence and burning because they thought it might make President Trump look bad. Now that the polls show America is fed up with this shite they’re finally doing something. Polls seem to run the Democrat Party not what’s right :|
That's not what I said, and you know it . . . no . . . the deplorable Trumptard is the likes of you ;)

Why the pic of the Cleavers then ????

Proud to be as Driller says a “Trumpeteer”

Don’t see any viable candidate on your side - Hell Biden can’t even take scripted questions without a teleprompter - only Dems think he’s viable - reasonable Americans think differently.
Why the pic of the Cleavers then ????

Proud to be as Driller says a “Trumpeteer”

Don’t see any viable candidate on your side - Hell Biden can’t even take scripted questions without a teleprompter - only Dems think he’s viable - reasonable Americans think differently.

If you would read and could comprehend what I said, then you would know and understand why . . . the "Cleavers" aren't the Trumptards (although if they were around today they probably would be LOL!) . . . no, it's those who would attempt to re-create that fantasy land of the 1950's that never actually really existed who are the ignorant Trumptards.
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I grew up in the 50s and 60s - what a GREAT time to live it was.
Can tell ya twasn’t a fantasy land and it DID exist.
Was a time when there was patriotism and love of this country.
We felt like we could do ANYFUCKINGTHING.
I feel bad for the young today having to deal with the shite they’re being dealt now - that including you.