Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

This reminds me of Donald Trump so much ....

The Greatest Poker Game Ever Played .... Paul Newman & Robert Shaw in "The STING"

So Paul Newman & Robert Redford set up a poker game against Robert Shaw a millionaire who's known well for his crooked card games.

After Paul Newman cheats at poker to take Shaw for $20 grand, Shaw wants to put the hit on Newman and says "What do you expect me to do, say he cheats at poker better than me?"
If you've never seen this movie, you owe it to yourself to see one AWESOME movie this week.
Why am I NOT surprised that a Dem would disparage a GREAT speech given by the President on 9/11.

Whenever I think you can’t be THAT bad - you prove you can be worse than I can even imagine. God save us from Democrats !!!!
Fuck him and his fake empathy.
Didn't he lie about having losing dozens of close friends but never went to a funeral or memorial? Got press for it.
Hasn't his lie on Coronavirus killed more Americans and damaged our economy much worse than 9/11?
Applauding that as a great speech is like applauding you for being sober. It wasn't, and you're not.
Typical WHINING Dem - totally NEGATIVE - NEVER a good thing to say - so SICK of you pissy arsed crybabies - even on a hallowed day as 9/11 you cretins can’t STFU.
Construction? Or, specific service?
Construction seem to be an inflated term for what you do.
Plus you must be constructing your ass off, being on here all day.
I work from home, on my computer most of the time anyway. But, if I remember correctly, construction requires a bit more hands on.
Smart phone
Have any of you Democrats or some Republicans ever heard even a rumor concerning THE NEW WORLD ORDER. In order for it to succeed it must destroy capitalism by convincing America to accept Socialism, if this is your goal you will have to accept the results. President Trump is not responsible for the huge Socialist movement that has invade America, Democrats have totally welcomed to change from Capitalism to a non-existing Democratic Socialist that is in reality the same old Socialism. This plot has been in play for many decades, once it is complete here in America all our Freedoms will be at the mercy the government. The Republican party has corruption mixed in its ranks but the Democrats are 100% corrupt. That is why I voted for and now support President Trump, at this stage he is our only hope to hold back Socialism. Loud big mouth, never wrong egotistical, Billionaire Businessman Donald Trump, he runs this country like a business and if someone in his administration don't measure up, he fires them. He always says I DID THIS at first but his words also include the American people. Go Trump!
Just think of how great it would have been if the Democrats would have worked with Trump on things of mutual support. And negotiated with him on things he wanted. Instead it was a total TDS meltdown.

Hmmm :unsure: I said the same thing for 8 years . . . but substitute Republicans with Democrats and Trump with Obama . . . what goes around comes around. Fuck Trump, the Repukeians who support him, and his "agenda" :mad: