Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden


Random aside -- I heard that the the FBI investigated Kubrick because his set design for the B-52 cockpit and crew areas were so close to the real thing (which was classified at the time). That guy was a master of detail.
Should he yell fire in the theater instead. People panic and do stupid *******.
This guy lives on the panic and irrationality of other people. He creates it.
He owes the truth to the American people. Not wanting panic is one thing, straight up LYING and endangering the lives of Americans is another.
Did he go to work secretly on a vaccine in February? No.
Did they try to plan a way to slow the spread? No. They argued it wasn't as deadly as he knew it was.
Did he take precautions, or set an example of precautions to protect people immediately? No. He did the opposite, refused to acknowledge social distancing and face masks. Often ridiculing those who do- even as late as this week.
He tried to hide the true numbers of this and knew it was many times more deadly than the flu---while several on here tried to downplay it as the flu.
You Trumptards have been had and used by him, don't make me throw your own comments back at you, and now you're scrambling.

So your excuse is, he lied and allows people to die because he didn't want us to panic. Makes sense.
Imagine Trump as British PM during WW2 instead of Churchill.

"Things are great. We have the best air defense. I talked to Hitler the other day, very smart guy, you know I have lots of respect for the German people. We've got nothing to worry about here, this war is just another lie from the evil Labor party"
Oh, thank goodness. We are at a Depression level unemployment but you have a job. Well fuck, let's just cancel the election. Mission Accomplished.
You're a special kind, you know that?

The kind of person who screams about masks and counter-protests because his wife couldn't get her nails done
Can't scare the sheep

Lol I run my own construction company
Construction? Or, specific service?
Construction seem to be an inflated term for what you do.
Plus you must be constructing your ass off, being on here all day.
I work from home, on my computer most of the time anyway. But, if I remember correctly, construction requires a bit more hands on.
Nothing Trump gets accused of bothers me anymore. As far as all the propaganda you Trump Haters continue to post over and over the only value it has is to prop up your hopes and to encourage each other. Donald Trump is exactly the man he appears to be, it matters very little what comes out of his mouth when he is taking to reporters. Most of what he says gets grabbed onto by Bias Media or corrupt democrats then they twist his words in hopes of destroying him. It is comical watching him feed them deceptive information as he plays them like a fiddle. He may appear crude, but he could care about how he is perceived by those who dislike him, that man is not stupid. It is pathetic watching and listening to all the puffed up garbage that democrats spew out of mouths. Will he win or loss ? If he loses than all of you liberals can enjoy the spoils of your victory and you will receive what you wished for, more Socialism less freedom.
Ummm, people want more socialism. healthcare, unemployment, stimulus checks, farm subsidies, corporate covid checks...
Still talking about *******, you have nano clue about? Still too dumb to figure out, we got your number.
This guy lives on the panic and irrationality of other people. He creates it.
He owes the truth to the American people. Not wanting panic is one thing, straight up LYING and endangering the lives of Americans is another.
Did he go to work secretly on a vaccine in February? No.
Did they try to plan a way to slow the spread? No. They argued it wasn't as deadly as he knew it was.
Did he take precautions, or set an example of precautions to protect people immediately? No. He did the opposite, refused to acknowledge social distancing and face masks. Often ridiculing those who do- even as late as this week.
He tried to hide the true numbers of this and knew it was many times more deadly than the flu---while several on here tried to downplay it as the flu.
You Trumptards have been had and used by him, don't make me throw your own comments back at you, and now you're scrambling.

So your excuse is, he lied and allows people to die because he didn't want us to panic. Makes sense.

How ya get it, how ya get it??? YA BEEN BAMBOOZLED!!!
