Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I believe the President and his followers have the market covered on doing "stupid *******".
Knowing what he knew in February that the virus was 5X more toxic than a flu bug, and was airborne ... and he's been telling people to go BACK to work and for schools to open up for all the *******? By the way, you might should know that Baron Trump's "private school" isn't expected to open back up until AFTER the first of October at the earliest.
I didn't miss a day
I'm now just wondering what you Trumptards think of Trump withholding the Truth about covid-19 since February?
Particularly with his wanting businesses to go back to work and to open up Public Schools again for our *******!
Do you even accept the fact that Trump is liable for any sicknesses & deaths related to covid-19?
Do you even ADMIT that the Woodard voice recordings of Trump are REAL?

Yeah, so it all hasn't been a HOAX after all . . . has it :unsure:??? He didn't want the truth to get out because he knew what the implications were for the economy, upon which he rested his hopes for re-election. So, his lying ass was like let's go back to normal by Easter :LOL: Things would have turned out better for the nation and him had he been honest and done the things that needed to be done to control the spread of the virus. Then maybe we could have been substantially back by now, like other forward leaning nations. But nooooooooooo . . . this dictatorial dickhead fucked our response up . . . and he fucked it up badly. This stupid, shifty, somnibitch of a rat bastard does not deserve to be re-elected! The only ones worse than him are the shitheads who put him in office, and who would do so again, even voting against their own direct interests . . . because it just makes them "feel good" . . . political "sadomasochism" if I ever saw it. Trump fucks them over, and they just keep coming back for more! It hurts a Trumptard so good! Thank you "the Donald", may I please have another! SMDH :rolleyes:
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Withholding the truth to prevent panic, Odd that's just what Trump and his puppet in the state department accused China of. Trump wanted to sue them over it. One big difference China started masks and distance restrictions right off. Over a billion and a half people and they have had less than five thousand deaths. We went the Trump route over 900,000 dead and climbing at over 1,000 per day. How can anyone justify that difference.
Withholding the truth to prevent panic, Odd that's just what Trump and his puppet in the state department accused China of. Trump wanted to sue them over it. One big difference China started masks and distance restrictions right off. Over a billion and a half people and they have had less than five thousand deaths. We went the Trump route over 900,000 dead and climbing at over 1,000 per day. How can anyone justify that difference.

I would not be so quick to trust what kind of stats the Chinese are giving us. The Chinese aren't exactly known for being open, honest, and transparent. In fact, if they had acted sooner and been more forthright, a lot of what happened could have been averted. But, I get what you're saying overall.
Withholding the truth to prevent panic, Odd that's just what Trump and his puppet in the state department accused China of. Trump wanted to sue them over it. One big difference China started masks and distance restrictions right off. Over a billion and a half people and they have had less than five thousand deaths. We went the Trump route over 900,000 dead and climbing at over 1,000 per day. How can anyone justify that difference.

This one believes China. :LOL:

And thinks we have 900,000 dead - how do you people survive ????

I guess in your delusional Dem minds if it’s bad about President Trump - it’s just GOTTA be true 😆
Nothing Trump gets accused of bothers me anymore. As far as all the propaganda you Trump Haters continue to post over and over the only value it has is to prop up your hopes and to encourage each other. Donald Trump is exactly the man he appears to be, it matters very little what comes out of his mouth when he is taking to reporters. Most of what he says gets grabbed onto by Bias Media or corrupt democrats then they twist his words in hopes of destroying him. It is comical watching him feed them deceptive information as he plays them like a fiddle. He may appear crude, but he could care about how he is perceived by those who dislike him, that man is not stupid. It is pathetic watching and listening to all the puffed up garbage that democrats spew out of mouths. Will he win or loss ? If he loses than all of you liberals can enjoy the spoils of your victory and you will receive what you wished for, more Socialism less freedom.
Yeah - it’s sad watching whining lefties blame EVERYFUCKINGTHING on the President - tell ya a lil secret though - they’re all fulla the maximum amount of horseshite a human being is capable of holding - prolly why so much pours outta their mouths and constantly.