Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden



All Dems do is whine whine whine - if it isn’t one thing - it’s another

If whining could win an election - I’d be worried !!!!!
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
How dumb are you? You're the one who is actually 'Liking' or 'Thumb Up' every post on here by a legit Commie.
Well, you and @Hottobe cucked

Not a commie. A totalitarian dictator fangirl. She's not in here espousing the greatness of Stalin, she's here espousing the greatness of the guy who made his money feeding on the rotting corpse of a failed centrally-planned state.
His ass is done . . . .
I wish & hope you're right, but Trump's like a Teflon pan. He's not done by a long shot. As his corner of the world shrinks, he's gonna do some real damage. Already, he announces that the US has some secret nuclear arsenals that no one knows about ... ain't that great, now he wants to start another nuclear arms race. This guy just can't keep his big mouth shut on anything. Talk about sharing confidential information. But, wait, hell he lies every time his lips move ... how can other countries depend on what he says about secret nuclear arsenals?
Nope, unless Republicans take charge of taking this Bozo out of office soon, he's not DONE by a long shot. His biggest fuckup is YET TO COME.
Another whistleblower - thank goodness for brave people like Brian Murphy, risking his own career and welfare to out this kind of devastatingly damaging behaviour.

'In mid-May 2020, he was instructed by Mr Wolf to "cease providing intelligence assessments on the threat of Russian interference... and instead start reporting on interference activities by China and Iran". These instructions came directly from White House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, the complaint says. Mr Murphy refused to comply "as doing so would put the country in substantial and specific danger" but, in July, he was told the intelligence report should be "held" because it "made the president look bad".

Blkdlaur is right, the world can see a civil war brewing in America, instigated by p. Utin and executed by his imbecilic puppet in chief. SORT THIS OUT AMERICA!

Dem shite eater - spew your horseshite - only traitors round these here parts are lefties - your party is so far left these days - lookin more commie by the second.

I beg your pardon; we're supposed to be Americans first, before choice or party or leanings. Labeling someone as a traitor is anti American, wrong, and leads further toward American vs. American. Patriotism use to be, and should ALL Americans, even if you don't like their ass at all.

From a Democrat about to end my service-46 years.
No worries I'll post it when he gets it
If he gets it its because he's paid for it. With money.
Like he's done with his exam grades and everything else he's 'accomplished'.

I implore you, don't vote for this man. There will be ******* on the streets, the end of the American dream and p. Utin, ISIS and China laughing their heads off.

You will be beaten.
so many people in the white house...people who have worked for trump....generals all republican...on and on.....recordings of trump saying ******* and lying repeatedly....comments against the military...against blacks...against women.....and yet to the dumb fucking trumptards they are ALL lying and out to get trump...… is that?...…...somewhere down the line doesn't a bell go off and say....something is not right

just more evidence of how dumb these trumptards are...….or else they are on the "bot" payroll
I literally don't get it. He could shoot a baby on camera and they'd still fawn over him.
Unbelievable. Like a form of mass brainwashing.

Gotta tell ya.....on B2W, you're gonna need someone of higher stature than Ace Frehley to support a political argument.... your musical preferences, your right, your business....I'm just saying...
Gotta tell ya.....on B2W, you're gonna need someone of higher stature than Ace Frehley to support a political argument.... your musical preferences, your right, your business....I'm just saying...
Maybe he's hoping that Trump will play his music at his rallies and increase his income from the royalties.
Maybe he's hoping that Trump will play his music at his rallies and increase his income from the royalties.

Before Covid Trump would do all his rallies in sports arenas that already had the licenses to play dad rock in the venue. Since no major dad rock bands wanted to be associated with him, and would sue the campaign when he played their stuff without permission.

Probably one of the reasons he killed Herman Cain in that last rally