Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dems wanna be able to terminate life up to 9 months - I’d say that makes you a party of baby killers. Never got involved in the abortion issue before - but late term abortion seems like ******* to me.
Dems wanna be able to terminate life up to 9 months - I’d say that makes you a party of baby killers. Never got involved in the abortion issue before - but late term abortion seems like ******* to me.

There are plenty of pro-life democrats. And even among the pro-choice democrats, a third trimester abortion is not something anyone wants. Only 1.3% of abortions occur in the third trimester, and when they do it's because there's something catastrophically wrong, like the life of the mom is at serious risk.
Dems wanna be able to terminate life up to 9 months - I’d say that makes you a party of baby killers. Never got involved in the abortion issue before - but late term abortion seems like ******* to me.

We back our statements up with FACTS .... what YOU GOT?

What the real fallacy of pro-lifers is, is that Trump & Republicans protect the life of "innocent babies" and that pro-life is the same as pro-mandatory birth, Trump's real belief. Its a false statement that Republicans and Trump are pro-lifers. The life of babies extend beyond just being born, and if anyone has failed miserably at supporting unwanted babies beyond birth, its Republicans and Trump, and is really no better than terminating life in the fourth trimester of life. Republicans and Trump bail out of protecting the baby's life after it is born by using their traditional "its personal responsibility" arguments. If you're really PRO-life, you don't strip away planned parenthood support by charging the organization as being an abortion clinic, OR dismantling "Housing & Urban Development" by using coded racism to undermine affordable housing, forsing the poor to live in tents & cars. Being PRO-life doesn't terrorize immigrants by separating breastfeeding infants from their mothers who are seeking asylum. In fact, PRO-life fails in a lot of ways after the baby is BORN ... from discouraging police *******, to supporting the big corporations but not the small business laborers during crisis like the current pandemic, or supporting a "living wage" or affordable "healthcare". And being a PRO-lifer doesn't try to hijack the BLM movement or simply pretend they have a sincere concern for minorities.
Let's face it, blkdlaur, the faith-leading support for the President is actually faith in tax cuts, whiteness, (not Jesus) and not for a cause that would forbid caging and separating biological families to the corners of the earth with their fake "pro-life" movement. You know this is true, and after four years of it under Trump & Republicans, already, you know it will continue if Trump is re-elected. The real question should be "will YOU stop yourself in two more months" in helping sustain Trump's fake pro-life stance?
You see, blkdlaur, you have NO PROOF ... all you have are WORDS/conjectures, and lies which are often spoken by one of the biggest liars ever to be born and live on this earth. Why you keep believing in him is one of the new MYSTERIES of the WORLD.
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Dems wanna be able to terminate life up to 9 months - I’d say that makes you a party of baby killers. Never got involved in the abortion issue before - but late term abortion seems like ******* to me.

you mean anything like letting a virus go wild and doing nothing while it kills thousands of people everyday?...….don't quite think that is the same...… are listening to killer trump who has NO religion.....that is what makes your religion so phoney…..Biden is a devout Christian...never misses a week of church no matter where he is at

Dems are the party of cry baby commies - ruining our election process - I can see a freaking civil war on the horizon now - you people just never quit whining - now you’re running an obviously defective candidate and trying to delegitimize the next election with this mail in horseshite so we have ta listen to ya for another 4 years - pretty sure things gonna pop - Real Americans getting sick o your shite.

I’d say that was you - head stuffed with propaganda - gonna vote for a mentally deficient shill - socialist controlled.

you might want to consider being a part of the solution instead of part of the problem

but what do I know...I support America and decency...…….you support corruption and the destruction of America through feeding the well to do while others do without.....tell us just how you justify that...without admitting to being stupid
From a party member whose candidate - just FINALLY - condemned the burning of American cities - you Dems are SO fulla horseshite - all ya can really do is laugh at ya!!!!! :LOL:
The Republicans offer eternal subservience to corporate overlords, and degeneration of the nation into corporate oligarchy.

The Democrats offer the status quo.

Democratic socialists offer health care, education, and a curtailment of the state ceding its democratic authority to the highest bidder.

Just sayin'

I have news for you, here in America, Corporate Overlords have been created by the governments failure to keep it's greed out of the public's pocket. Trump is president because many of us understand how corrupt and self serving the government has become at the expense of the middle class all the way up to the one percent. The wealthy are the only ones in the position to be able to tell the government that they have had enough and they won't pay. There is no such thing as Democratic Socialism.

His ass is done . . . .

Not to worry a fake news CNN article. Go Trump 4 more years.
you might want to consider being a part of the solution instead of part of the problem

but what do I know...I support America and decency...…….you support corruption and the destruction of America through feeding the well to do while others do without.....tell us just how you justify that...without admitting to being stupid
The Robin Hood story will never work in America. You support America and Decency ! Sure you do as long as You don't have to pay for it.
They have the ******* of a bitch ON TAPE!!! It’s not “fake news” . . . it’s the fucking TRUTH!!! Oh yeah, you Trumptards don’t give a damn about that :rolleyes:
Excuse me, it is truth mixed with Fake news prejudice from the most bias network against President Trump as they along with all other left wing networks have put him under a microscope searching for anything they could distort to present him in a negative fashion. Bad Language is evidence of the classless country we live in today and is unimpressive. But continue, we do have freedom of speak. Proud to be a Trumpster the tard belongs to Liberals.
Excuse me, it is truth mixed with Fake news prejudice from the most bias network against President Trump as they along with all other left wing networks have put him under a microscope searching for anything they could distort to present him in a negative fashion. Bad Language is evidence of the classless country we live in today and is unimpressive. But continue, we do have freedom of speak. Proud to be a Trumpster the tard belongs to Liberals.

So, then even his own words are "fake news"??? This is why it's a fucking waste of life to deal with you people. Trump + retard = TRUMPTARD!!!
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