Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I am not racist yet those leftist on here keep hang their garbage on me. Why? That is so simple just like all democrats that someone doesn't agree with at all, we are racists, no we are not, we have more than enough common sense NOT to BUY the total Rubbish that you are attempting to sell. If Joe Biden should win the election by some unseen phenomenon or fraud, my real question is who will run the country, Biden or Karmala Harris will not be in control. Joe is old and ill, Karmala is hated more then Hillary was. Go Trump, America needs you. Two weeks ago I received my application for my absentee ballot, so I filled it out, signed it and sent it back in. Saturday I got another one in the mail, if that simple task can't even be accomplished correctly, I can see the possibility of much fraud, or at least confusion happening.

do I have to post all the ties trump and the gop has with Russia AGAIN....I will cut it short this time

How Poroshenko's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
May 09, 2018 · Oleg Deripaska is said to be one of Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko's favorite oligarchs, and he is founder and majority shareholder of Russia's Rusal, the second-largest aluminum company in …

How the GOP Became the Party of Poroshenko - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · To be sure, the Republican Congress, at least on paper, remains hawkish on the Kremlin, as evidenced by the recent 98-2 Senate vote to increase sanctions against Russia for its election meddling ...

Opinion | The GOP has become the Soviet party - The ...
Jan 21, 2019 · arrow-right The Grand Old Party has quietly become the pro-Russia party — and not only because the party’s standard-bearer seems peculiarly enamored of Russian

GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to ...
Aug 03, 2017 · Oleg Deripaska is the founder and majority owner of RUSAL, the world's second largest aluminum company, based in Russia. Len Blavatnik owns a …


Dems are the party of cry baby commies - ruining our election process - I can see a freaking civil war on the horizon now - you people just never quit whining - now you’re running an obviously defective candidate and trying to delegitimize the next election with this mail in horseshite so we have ta listen to ya for another 4 years - pretty sure things gonna pop - Real Americans getting sick o your shite.
Dems are the party of cry baby commies - ruining our election process - I can see a freaking civil war on the horizon now - you people just never quit whining - now you’re running an obviously defective candidate and trying to delegitimize the next election with this mail in horseshite so we have ta listen to ya for another 4 years - pretty sure things gonna pop - Real Americans getting sick o your shite.

see post #15970
What are you Dems offering people - besides higher taxes - the ability to ******* unborn babies - getting rid of our energy independence ????

The Republicans offer eternal subservience to corporate overlords, and degeneration of the nation into corporate oligarchy.

The Democrats offer the status quo.

Democratic socialists offer health care, education, and a curtailment of the state ceding its democratic authority to the highest bidder.

Just sayin'
What are you Dems offering people - besides higher taxes - the ability to ******* unborn babies - getting rid of our energy independence ????
You speak like a fool, Ability to ******* unborn babies. The supreme court made that ruling, It was decided by 7 to 2 only five were democrats. Cases have been brought twice to attempt to go around or bypass Roe VS Wade once with a clear Republican majority. It's still law so you do you blame now. Why because our constitution gives people the right to choose what happens to their own body's. Think that's wrong, consider this What if some group decided the population was too large, Two in five men are to have their balls removed to slow down growth of population and you got selected. Insane you think, why once you give government the right to make decisions for your body who knows what they might decide. Remember that decision is not a women only thing it means every citizen. The decision was made based on the constitution not weather or not to ******* a fetus. Then there's the fact that Republicans in their quest to keep taxes down have always cut programs for children. School lunch programs, education at all levels until college. So they campaign to abolish abortion to get votes from weak minded people who just think it's just about a fetus. They care nothing for thousands of children who will be borne into a country that refuses to feed or educate them. That's insane , but not quite as delusional as those who bought the great wall BS. Billions of dollars to build a wall that Mexico will pay for. How , they have been in financial trouble forever, Trump said he'd stop them from selling their produce and products to us until they agreed. China offered to buy all their produce within a week along with other nations. Much of our auto parts come from Mexico stop those i suspect millions will soon be upset. In my market nearly all the fresh produce comes from Mexico or further down in those other places he hates. Imagine your Big Mac, Whopper or Whataburger without the veggies. I was a Republican until i went to a Trump rally in Tucson. If that's what the party calls the best they have to offer I'm out. Too much hate and BS with no real ideas, you know ones that could get done. I thought i was alone when i changed to independent but Trumps on thin ice in Arizona he bragged he'd take it by a landslide. But now almost all my republican friends one by one have declared they are voting democrat, many for the first time in their lives.
You speak like a fool, Ability to ******* unborn babies. The supreme court made that ruling, It was decided by 7 to 2 only five were democrats. Cases have been brought twice to attempt to go around or bypass Roe VS Wade once with a clear Republican majority. It's still law so you do you blame now. Why because our constitution gives people the right to choose what happens to their own body's. Think that's wrong, consider this What if some group decided the population was too large, Two in five men are to have their balls removed to slow down growth of population and you got selected. Insane you think, why once you give government the right to make decisions for your body who knows what they might decide. Remember that decision is not a women only thing it means every citizen. The decision was made based on the constitution not weather or not to ******* a fetus. Then there's the fact that Republicans in their quest to keep taxes down have always cut programs for children. School lunch programs, education at all levels until college. So they campaign to abolish abortion to get votes from weak minded people who just think it's just about a fetus. They care nothing for thousands of children who will be borne into a country that refuses to feed or educate them. That's insane , but not quite as delusional as those who bought the great wall BS. Billions of dollars to build a wall that Mexico will pay for. How , they have been in financial trouble forever, Trump said he'd stop them from selling their produce and products to us until they agreed. China offered to buy all their produce within a week along with other nations. Much of our auto parts come from Mexico stop those i suspect millions will soon be upset. In my market nearly all the fresh produce comes from Mexico or further down in those other places he hates. Imagine your Big Mac, Whopper or Whataburger without the veggies. I was a Republican until i went to a Trump rally in Tucson. If that's what the party calls the best they have to offer I'm out. Too much hate and BS with no real ideas, you know ones that could get done. I thought i was alone when i changed to independent but Trumps on thin ice in Arizona he bragged he'd take it by a landslide. But now almost all my republican friends one by one have declared they are voting democrat, many for the first time in their lives.
These rabid Pro lifers aren't Christians most of them. They vote for a liar and a womaniser. A man who has cheated in life and abused women all along the route through his woeful existence.

There is nothing 'good' about these 'religious' people who vote for trump. They go to church and prey to the dollar. Christ would not stand with the majority of the Christian right. He'd be comforting the poor and homeless. Tending to the addicts and afflicted.

I fear for America, I really do. And I fear for the rest of the free world now that the American leader has been compromised.