Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Kneeling is a posture of weakness and submission (trust me, I'm an expert at kneeling). ;)

So you're going to demonstrate submission until you get respect. Let's see how that works for you. :rolleyes: Here's hint: no one cares about respecting you.

Specifically, kneeling during the anthem -- like Kap -- will turn public opinion against you, as they will rightly recognize that you live in the freest country on Earth, but are a slave in your own mind. No one can fix that but you. Unfortunately, you are heavily invested your emotional weakness and social impotence. Becoming mentally tough would require giving up your identity as a helpless victim.
No, Kneeling is a 1st amendment right that Kap has and as a matter of fact, the gentleman who Kap spoke with even said that it wasn't a sign of disrespect to kneel before the flag! You do that ******* ALL the time putting your two cents in again "dipping" like you ALWAYS do! Better yet, do you even know WHY Kap was kneeling, since you LOVE to dip in my conversations? You talk that weakness BULLSHIT, but time and time again you have IT WRONG! Not one time either, that's EVERY TIME! Nancy, why don't you do yourself a favor and STOP responding to my posts, period, because you ALWAYS come on the BACK END and don't know what the FUCK you're talking about! I mean NONE! You LACK that RIGHT anyway to respond to anything that relates to a Black matter, period! As I keep stating so many times, you are on "the OUTSIDE looking in"! Anyway, I thought you said that you were going to stop HARASSING me or was that a LIE? By the way, Kap stated why he did what he did and plenty of Black people understood where he is coming from, which I am sure he didn't care less what most WHITE folks thought about it though you had some who agreed with Kap 100%! One gentleman, who is in the Air *******, saw what Kap was doing and said, "I like that! That's what I call a "Call to Action"! Sure enough, it sparked a lot of conversation between a lot of Black folks voicing their SUPPORT of Kap as well as the NFL football players!

The gentleman, in the article, explains what the kneeling to the flag means and what he said to Kaepernick! I appreciate the Retired Army Green Beret being interviewed and stating that kneeling IS NOT at all disrespectful in any way! Excellent article! By the way, according to the gentleman, Kneeling is a SIGN of RESPECT! I think I'll take a military veteran's version OVER yours!

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If true, it should be very easy for you to provide proof of let's see your proof

Fox News CEO Admits That The Network Is Not In The News ...
And always there is sex. Fox’s roster of hosts has more former beauty pageant contestants that journalists. And they aren’t shy about putting their ‘talent’ in revealing clothes and camera angles. In fact, Fox CEO Roger Ailes demands it. As for news, Fox’s concentration on tabloid thrill-fiction like Benghazi and Obama’s birth certificate is the news equivalent of porn.”

Fox News accidentally shows graphic stating it is least ...
Apr 09, 2018 · Fox News accidentally shows graphic stating it is least trusted news network. The graphic was used later in the segment as well. Fox News accidentally aired a graphic on air earlier than planned which showed data that the cable news network is the least trusted in the US.

Fox News Classified Satire by FCC -
Article headline: Fox News classified satire by FCC written by Sarah Wood. States that Fox News will now have to run a disclaimer across the bottom of the screen stating “This is not a valid new ...

Fox Admits to CNN That It Traffics in Opinion Not News ...
Oct 12, 2009 · Elderly Fox viewers came up in the era when the three broadcast networks dominated the news, and are arguably more likely to be taken in. Fox calls itself a “news channel” and the sets and graphics look like a news broadcast, so what they are broadcasting must be news. The Fox exec’s final assertion is particularly rich.

After a brief but concerted challenge by the White House to the credibility of Fox News Channel as a legitimate news organization — including a detailed takedown by Communications Director Anita Dunn on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” on Sunday — a spokesman for Fox responded with a de facto admission that the channel is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.

CNN described Fox’s statement this way: “In a written statement given to CNN, Fox News said its programming was comparable to the editorial page of a newspaper.”

The fact that Fox says its programming is based on opinions not facts would likely come as a shock to Fox viewers — but, of course, they’ll never know about it. Fox will protect them from this harsh reality the same way it deals with all news that makes conservatives look badly: by not covering it.
Here’s the statement by Fox to CNN:

“An increasing number of viewers are relying on Fox News for both news and opinion,” Fox News Senior VP Michael Clemente said in the statement, “and the average news consumer can certainly distinguish between the A-section of the newspaper and the editorial page, which is what our programming represents.
“So with all due respect to anyone who might still be confused about the difference between news reporting and vibrant opinion, my suggestion would be to talk about the stories and the facts rather than the [sic] attack the messenger . . . which over time has never worked.”
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Geez Ailes has been outta Fox and dead for quite a while now - is that the best ya can do????

changes nothing....they admit what they do......and even showed a graph by accident of where they stand

Fox News accidentally shows graphic stating it is least ...
Apr 09, 2018 · Fox News accidentally shows graphic stating it is least trusted news network. The graphic was used later in the segment as well. Fox News accidentally aired a graphic on air earlier than planned which showed data that the cable news network is the least trusted in the US.
So, what do you say, Trumptards? Has this little virus BLOWN OVER enough for you folks?
No Details ... No Plan ... No Leadership ... the Republican way ... President Orange Man doesn't address specifics, lets a public health crisis become an economic issue. All the ORANGE MAN can do "now" is call it a Foreign Virus to aim the blame away from HIM ... so typical of the LOSER!
And we haven't seen the WORST of this by far. Its now out of containment.
Yeah it’s all President Trump’s fault - sooooooooooooooooooo lame.

Dems salivating over the market tanking - panic - pandemic - their hope to finally get him - what a bunch of unpatriotic pathetic sore LOSERS !!!!
That is an extremely true verdict, they are a bunch of unpatriotic pathetic sore LOSERS !!!! Large Government Welfare Program pushing thieves, jealous of the wealthy. Socialist Idiots