Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Would be nice if the Republicans cared more for the Country more than just STRICTLY for the party! A bad sign when you have folks in office who care more for MONEY than the Country! Like my Asian friend told me the other day: "Americans are TOO money hungry, too spoiled, selfish, and DO not care AT ALL for their country!" He ain't lying! I told him that Asians sure care ALOT for their country! It was a good conversation!

How many cars you have hypocrite

a bunch....but I am not and will not go out and buy a new suv ….because gas is going down....and most of the cars I have don't get driven very much……….you have no point to this his post again

YES...there are a bunch that sees gas going down and will go out and buy a big new suv….not smart enough to know gas will go back up...….so get out of that dealership!

btw trying to impress others has never been my cup of truck is 12 years fine to and tow long as it does what I want and is efficient at doing it I don't care the year

go back to your Russian bot postings you don't do debates very well
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President Trump exhibits classic signs of mental illness, including '……
President Trump exhibits classic signs of mental illness, including 'malignant narcissism,' shrinks say. There is something psychologically wrong with the President. Fortunately, some mental health pros are finally speaking out.

Harvard Psychologist: Trump Has ‘Serious’ Mental Health ...
Oct 10, 2019 · American mental health professionals have long warned us Trump exhibits signs of clinical insanity and we haven't listened. In September 2017, a mere eight months after Trump took the office of president of the United States, 60,000 mental health professionals decided to rebel against convention to sign a petition crafted by Dr. John Gartner, Ph.D., stating that:
a bunch....but I am not and will not go out and buy a new suv ….because gas is going down....and most of the cars I have don't get driven very much……….you have no point to this his post again

YES...there are a bunch that sees gas going down and will go out and buy a big new suv….not smart enough to know gas will go back up...….so get out of that dealership!

btw trying to impress others has never been my cup of truck is 12 years fine to and tow long as it does what I want and is efficient at doing it I don't care the year

go back to your Russian bot postings you don't do debates very well
It's not a debate you go where wind blows
Would be nice if the Republicans cared more for the Country more than just STRICTLY for the party! A bad sign when you have folks in office who care more for MONEY than the Country! Like my Asian friend told me the other day: "Americans are TOO money hungry, too spoiled, selfish, and DO not care AT ALL for their country!" He ain't lying! I told him that Asians sure care ALOT for their country! It was a good conversation!

I’m sorry, other than subs non stop left wing propaganda bullshit that is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read. The Democratic party is by far the least of Patriots. All they want is power to continue to call control our lives and take away our rights!
Prolly won’t happen - that’s Dem standard operating procedure - I got SO sick of Obama blaming Bush for everything wrong in the world for 8 freaking years. Dems take credit for everything going well and blame their opposition for anything going wrong.

In reference to The Arranger post
anything like trump blaming Obama......little biased in your bullshit as always.....and blind to the facts
NICE - disparaging Americans - ya tool !!!!

facts are what they are...…..a politician can flat fuck the country... year later they have forgot all about it and believe his latest line of bullshit......good example being King from Iowa....most only see and go by what is happening today....I could give a lot more examples....but just go over your trumptards have a funny sense of loyalty
Least I‘m loyal to Americans and don’t disparage them to foreigners.

loyal to America....and supporting trump are not the same thing.....far from it

Jimmy Carter just called Trump an illegitimate president who was elected only because of Russian interference · Jun 28, 2019

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA · May 31, 2019
Trump's behavior is treasonous -- wringing our hands about legal definitions misses the point After months of reporting showing the many, many ties between the Russians and President Trump’s associates, the social and political norms that once governed the boundaries of public discourse have corroded or entirely disappeared.

Trump’s behavior is treasonous — wringing our hands about ...

tell me again how you support trump and others are unamerican