Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You're talking about Hillary right?

Clinton-Bashing As the Last Gasp of the Republican Party

What is it about Hillary Clinton that bothers Republicans so much? Even more than her husband or President Obama -- indeed, more than any politician within anyone's memory -- Clinton evokes a seething, blind hatred from those on the opposite side of the aisle.

This is especially difficult to understand in light of Clinton's notably successful efforts at bipartisanship while she was in the Senate, as well as her history of center-right policy views that positioned her very much on the right end of Bill Clinton's triangulating administration. That she has more recently adopted some center-left views is, I am sure, an unpleasant development from the standpoint of Republicans, but their hatred of Hillary Clinton long predates any of that.

Last week, I wrote about Clinton's "high negatives" in polls with voters and how those poll results are erroneously likened to people's much more negative views of Donald Trump. It has become an established trope of in-the-know political commentary that the two presumptive nominees are both widely reviled. As I pointed out, however, people can use words like "dislike," "untrustworthy," and similar negative terms in quite different ways: "People can say that they 'hate' getting food poisoning at a restaurant, and they can also say that they 'hate' when the chef uses too much cumin in the curried potatoes." Both statements are honest, but they are also not at all comparable.

Still, many Republicans will tell you that Hillary Clinton is like food poisoning, not merely an unpalatably spiced dish. To a large degree, this is the result of Republicans having spent years sitting around campfires telling stories to each other about the Clintons, seeing who can spin the most scary yarn. She has come to embody the Blair Witch, a succubus, and every frightening villain that Republicans can conjure.

I understand, therefore, that Clinton hatred is somehow both precognitive and post-cognitive; but because I am always most interested in issues, I am fascinated by the mismatch between Clinton's actual not-at-all-extreme policy views and Republicans' visceral revulsion toward her.

One of the ways that Republican elected officials have tried to deflect attention away from the outrages of Donald Trump is by painting Clinton as an unthinkable alternative. For example, an unknown Republican back-bencher in the House recently said of Trump's series of outrageous statements: "Am I offended sometimes at the comments? Yes I am. However, what offends me more are Hillary Clinton’s actions."

In a way, trying to analyze that statement is pointless. After all, many members of Congress have dreams of leadership positions, cabinet posts, and so on. (Is there anything that indicts political careerism more completely than the idea that some politicians with no interest in, say, labor issues would surely crawl through broken glass to become Trump's Secretary of Labor?) But watching political animals in their natural environment can be very revealing, and it is notable that this particular congressman thinks that it is somehow meaningful to distinguish Trump's mere words from Clinton's supposed actions.

Unless this guy actually thinks that Clinton killed Vince Foster, what "actions" could he possibly be talking about? Trump has been telling us in no uncertain terms what actions he will take if he becomes President, and Clinton has been doing the same. Clinton's policy views are different from most (but not all) Republicans', but Trump is raising serious doubts about whether electing him would be the turning point toward a post-constitutional autocracy in the United States.

It is one thing for the increasingly ridiculous
Paul Ryan to say that "the last thing we want is a Democrat in the White House like Hillary Clinton." (Seriously? The "last thing"? She is really worse than a person whom even Ryan describes as obviously racist? Electing her would be worse than a political coup? Worse than a presidency that would destroy Ryan's political party?) Ryan is in over his head on both policy and politics, a career politician trying to figure out how to pretend to be a serious adult, and he cannot stop himself from reverting to over-the-top partisanship.

Today, the New York Times Magazine published a fascinating long-form article by Mark Leibovich, in which he discusses the various forms of denial currently at work in the Republican Party. Discussing the sad post-primary life of Marco Rubio, Liebovich writes: "Rubio also holds the astonishing position of saying he’ll vote for someone he has previously declared unfit to hold the American nuclear codes. You envision him under a mushroom cloud, assuring his ******* that it could be even worse — at least he didn’t vote for Clinton."

This level of anti-Clinton derangement has certainly trickled down to the party's grassroots. Leibovich describes the never-Trump senator from Nebraska, Ben Sasse, who told Leibovich that people in his state "say: 'I’m distraught. I’m opposed to everything Hillary Clinton stands for, and yet I think I have to vote for her. How do you make sense of this? What should I do?' These are young evangelical women, teary sometimes. They say, 'I can never tell my ******* I voted for that man.'"

Even allowing for rhetorical excess, can it really be true that a young woman in Nebraska is opposed to everything that Clinton stands for? Other than abortion, which is obviously a high-salience issue for many such voters, what has Clinton ever said or done that would make it possible to say that she is on the bad side of every (or nearly every) issue?

Thankfully, some Republicans are willing to admit that this has gotten out of hand. Leibovich offered two insightful comments from Republican insiders. Ed Rogers, a Reagan/Bush I alum who now is a Republican lobbyist, said: "The Clintons have never been the demons ideologically that we’ve made them out to be. From a character standpoint, they’re pretty bad, but Hillary isn’t the frightening offensive character that Trump is."

Whether one thinks that her character is "pretty bad" depends on how willing one is to ignore the fact that all of the investigations of the Clintons have turned up nothing but a lot of innuendos and unsubstantiated suspicions. Hillary Clinton has a tendency to become insular when attacked, but I cannot imagine anyone enduring the lifelong character assassination that Clinton has faced without becoming highly defensive.

Perhaps the "character" point was best summed up by John McCain's chief of staff Mark Salter, who told Leibovich that Trump is "just unfit for office," whereas, "I mean, the worst thing you can say about her is, she’s kind of a hack."

And that is exactly right. About the worst thing that you can say about Hillary Clinton is that she has sometimes been kind of a hack. The negative things that I have written about Clinton over the years, in fact, have been based on the idea that she sometimes tends toward hackishness, such that one could reasonably suspect that she will allow short-term political calculations to color her views of, say, a financial regulation bill or a question of military strategy. That is hardly comforting, but how does that make her different from Mitch McConnell, or Ryan, or McCain, or holier-than-Trump Mitt Romney? How does it make her the second coming of the Wicked Witch of the East?

By contrast, the best things that you can say about Clinton are that she is extremely well informed on issues, that she has actually done a lot of good things both inside and outside of public office in working for change (especially in fighting for the rights of women and girls in the U.S. and around the world), that she is incredibly tough, and that she actually takes into account new evidence and logic to adjust her views. There are good reasons for a 1990's center-right Democrat to have seen the light and moved to the center-left, after all, and she has been willing to learn and change.

If all the Republicans can do now is continue to hope that saying "Hillary Clinton!!" enough times will scare people, then that tells us more about their lack of anything useful to say than it does about Clinton or the Democrats.
11 Things Hillary Clinton Has Accomplished That Have ...

Apr 14, 2015 · 11 Things Hillary Clinton Has Accomplished That Have Nothing to Do With Bill. ... In all, she visited a record 112 countries over four years as America's chief diplomat. 11. She set into motion ..

She has spent parts of three decades in the public eye and more than a dozen years as a public servant. Opponents say Clinton is part of a dynasty — which, by the strict definition, she is not — but even if she has clearly shared in former President Clinton's political success, that is hardly the measure of her considerable personal achievements.

She was one of 27 women who graduated from Yale Law School in 1973, out of a class of 235.

She spent the next year doing postgrad work at the Yale baby Study Center, before heading back to Washington, D.C., where she had spent a summer on Capitol Hill working for Sen. Walter Mondale (D-Minn.), to join a select group of attorneys charged with deciding whether to impeach President Richard Nixon over the Watergate scandal.

She was the lone female counsel on the congressional team investigating Nixon's role in an attempted burglary at the Democratic National Committee's offices and the subsequent cover-up.

She cofounded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families advocacy group.

She joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, then helped create the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families organization, which is still up and running today. Clinton helped author its original mission, which, according to the group's website, calls for it to serve as an "independent ******* to provide information and education to parents and citizens about our state's policies toward children and families."

She worked with Ted Kennedy to expand the Children's Health Insurance Program. The late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D.-Mass) credited Clinton, then the first lady, with applying the necessary pressure to get her husband's White House to support the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or S-CHIP.

She set the stage for Obamacare by pushing health care reform in the '90s and during the 2008 campaign.
Though the 1993 plan often referred to as "Hillarycare" turned into a political mess for Bill Clinton's White House, it did set into motion a chain of events that led to the writing and passage of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. In an ironic twist, Senate Republicans responded to the Clintons' initial plan with one of their own, one that Politifact says looked "strikingly similar" to what we now call Obamacare.

Additionally, it was Clinton who, during her 2008 debates with Obama, insisted that an individual mandate would be necessary to fund a health care overhaul. Though Obama denied it then, it became an important and controversial part of his signature domestic policy achievement.

She set into motion the first American talks with Iran since the 1979 revolution.

Clinton also managed to do a few things during all that time on the move. Most notably, she dispatched a young aide named Jake Sullivan on a mission many Americans believed impossible — to begin what the Associated Press describes as "secret talks with Iran that led to the start of the international negotiations over the country's nuclear ambitions." The jury's still out even as those initial efforts have now yielded the framework for a potentially historic deal. But if the sides can come to a formal, multilateral agreement by the June 30 deadline, this might go down as Clinton's most remarkable achievement, whether she wins the presidency or not.

Fought for children and families for 40 years and counting.

After law school, Hillary could have gone to work for a prestigious law firm, but took a job at the Children’s Defense Fund. She worked with teenagers incarcerated in adult prisons in South Carolina and families with disabled children in Massachusetts. It sparked a lifelong passion for helping children live up to their potential.

Hillary Clinton has supported and donated to the following charities

Causes supported

Abuse, AIDS & HIV, Animals, Bullying, Children, Civil Rights, Conservation, Creative Arts, Depression and Suicide, Diabetes, Disaster Relief, Economic/Business Support, Education, Environment, Family/Parent Support, Gender Equality, Health, Homelessness, Human Rights, Hunger, LGBT Support, Literacy, Miscellaneous, Oceans, Peace, Poverty, *******/Sexual Abuse, Slavery & Human Trafficking, Water, Women

What Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Controversial Foundation Actually Does

“It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins,” Republican nominee Donald Trump said at a rally. Yet his foundation, currently disbanded for using the money for personal use. And charges currently being filed

It has several separate entities through which it deploys its health programs, including the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Established as part of the Foundation in 2005, CGI essentially acts as a launching pad for programs by bringing together a variety of stakeholders, including NGOs, executives, entrepreneurs, politicians, and others, who then commit to various ambitious projects. CGI doesn’t actually implement those projects itself—rather, it says it serves as a “catalyst for action.” For instance, in 2015, as a participant in CGI’s events, the ******* and maternal health group Embrace Innovations pledged to bring its innovative Embrace ******* warmer (which doesn’t require a fixed electricity source) to 100,000 babies in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Since 2005, according to CGI, it has spawned initiatives that:
  • Raised $313 million for R&D into new vaccines and medicines;​
  • Helped provide better maternal and baby survival care to more than 110 million people, and;​
  • Provided treatment for more than 36 million people with tropical diseases.​

Private firms are also in the mix. Biotech giant Gilead (GILD) and the NAACP joined forces to recruit religious leaders in the African American community to help fight HIV/AIDS, which disproportionately affects blacks in the U.S. Medical tech company Becton Dickinson(BD), which ranked among the 50 companies in Fortune‘s Change the World list this year, has committed to dramatically cutting the price of CD4 immune cell tests for HIV-positive people across 55 countries.

And in 2015, the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) and a host of other partners pledged to build up a world-class cancer diagnostic and treatment system in sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti, including boosting telemedicine and cloud-based electronic health records systems. The project is currently ongoing.

The Foundation says that another one of its arms, a collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA) called the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, has helped provide access to healthier meals across more than 31,000 American schools and boosted physical education, the availability of nutritious meals, and extracurricular exercise in poor communities with high obesity rates.

But the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which is an independent entity of the Clinton Foundation, may have had the most wide-ranging impact on global public health to date. It has helped negotiate HIV/AIDS therapy price cuts as high as 90%, ensuring access to these treatments for more than 11.5 million people across more than 70 countries, the Foundation says.

As for the Foundation’s specific claims about the number of people that it has reached through its programs? Those are a bit harder to verify. For instance, the price of HIV/AIDS ******* in Africa has, indeed, dropped significantly since CHAI was launched in 2002, and the World Health Organization (WHO) points out that CHAI and a consortium of other partners helped make sure there was consistent access to these medications.

The watchdog groups that oversee foundations like the Clintons’ charity don’t necessarily have the resources to audit every individual program they run. But the available data indicates that the Clinton Foundation is a top-tier institution in the philanthropic world, according to CharityWatch president Daniel Borochoff, who also says the foreign fundraising criticisms made about the organization could be applied to any number of international charities.
11 Things Hillary Clinton Has Accomplished That Have ...

Apr 14, 2015 · 11 Things Hillary Clinton Has Accomplished That Have Nothing to Do With Bill. ... In all, she visited a record 112 countries over four years as America's chief diplomat. 11. She set into motion ..

She has spent parts of three decades in the public eye and more than a dozen years as a public servant. Opponents say Clinton is part of a dynasty — which, by the strict definition, she is not — but even if she has clearly shared in former President Clinton's political success, that is hardly the measure of her considerable personal achievements.

She was one of 27 women who graduated from Yale Law School in 1973, out of a class of 235.

She spent the next year doing postgrad work at the Yale baby Study Center, before heading back to Washington, D.C., where she had spent a summer on Capitol Hill working for Sen. Walter Mondale (D-Minn.), to join a select group of attorneys charged with deciding whether to impeach President Richard Nixon over the Watergate scandal.

She was the lone female counsel on the congressional team investigating Nixon's role in an attempted burglary at the Democratic National Committee's offices and the subsequent cover-up.

She cofounded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families advocacy group.

She joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, then helped create the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families organization, which is still up and running today. Clinton helped author its original mission, which, according to the group's website, calls for it to serve as an "independent ******* to provide information and education to parents and citizens about our state's policies toward children and families."

She worked with Ted Kennedy to expand the Children's Health Insurance Program. The late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D.-Mass) credited Clinton, then the first lady, with applying the necessary pressure to get her husband's White House to support the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or S-CHIP.

She set the stage for Obamacare by pushing health care reform in the '90s and during the 2008 campaign.
Though the 1993 plan often referred to as "Hillarycare" turned into a political mess for Bill Clinton's White House, it did set into motion a chain of events that led to the writing and passage of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. In an ironic twist, Senate Republicans responded to the Clintons' initial plan with one of their own, one that Politifact says looked "strikingly similar" to what we now call Obamacare.

Additionally, it was Clinton who, during her 2008 debates with Obama, insisted that an individual mandate would be necessary to fund a health care overhaul. Though Obama denied it then, it became an important and controversial part of his signature domestic policy achievement.

She set into motion the first American talks with Iran since the 1979 revolution.

Clinton also managed to do a few things during all that time on the move. Most notably, she dispatched a young aide named Jake Sullivan on a mission many Americans believed impossible — to begin what the Associated Press describes as "secret talks with Iran that led to the start of the international negotiations over the country's nuclear ambitions." The jury's still out even as those initial efforts have now yielded the framework for a potentially historic deal. But if the sides can come to a formal, multilateral agreement by the June 30 deadline, this might go down as Clinton's most remarkable achievement, whether she wins the presidency or not.

Fought for children and families for 40 years and counting.

After law school, Hillary could have gone to work for a prestigious law firm, but took a job at the Children’s Defense Fund. She worked with teenagers incarcerated in adult prisons in South Carolina and families with disabled children in Massachusetts. It sparked a lifelong passion for helping children live up to their potential.

Hillary Clinton has supported and donated to the following charities

Causes supported

Abuse, AIDS & HIV, Animals, Bullying, Children, Civil Rights, Conservation, Creative Arts, Depression and Suicide, Diabetes, Disaster Relief, Economic/Business Support, Education, Environment, Family/Parent Support, Gender Equality, Health, Homelessness, Human Rights, Hunger, LGBT Support, Literacy, Miscellaneous, Oceans, Peace, Poverty, *******/Sexual Abuse, Slavery & Human Trafficking, Water, Women

What Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Controversial Foundation Actually Does

“It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins,” Republican nominee Donald Trump said at a rally. Yet his foundation, currently disbanded for using the money for personal use. And charges currently being filed

It has several separate entities through which it deploys its health programs, including the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Established as part of the Foundation in 2005, CGI essentially acts as a launching pad for programs by bringing together a variety of stakeholders, including NGOs, executives, entrepreneurs, politicians, and others, who then commit to various ambitious projects. CGI doesn’t actually implement those projects itself—rather, it says it serves as a “catalyst for action.” For instance, in 2015, as a participant in CGI’s events, the ******* and maternal health group Embrace Innovations pledged to bring its innovative Embrace ******* warmer (which doesn’t require a fixed electricity source) to 100,000 babies in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Since 2005, according to CGI, it has spawned initiatives that:
  • Raised $313 million for R&D into new vaccines and medicines;​
  • Helped provide better maternal and baby survival care to more than 110 million people, and;​
  • Provided treatment for more than 36 million people with tropical diseases.​

Private firms are also in the mix. Biotech giant Gilead (GILD) and the NAACP joined forces to recruit religious leaders in the African American community to help fight HIV/AIDS, which disproportionately affects blacks in the U.S. Medical tech company Becton Dickinson(BD), which ranked among the 50 companies in Fortune‘s Change the World list this year, has committed to dramatically cutting the price of CD4 immune cell tests for HIV-positive people across 55 countries.

And in 2015, the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) and a host of other partners pledged to build up a world-class cancer diagnostic and treatment system in sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti, including boosting telemedicine and cloud-based electronic health records systems. The project is currently ongoing.

The Foundation says that another one of its arms, a collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA) called the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, has helped provide access to healthier meals across more than 31,000 American schools and boosted physical education, the availability of nutritious meals, and extracurricular exercise in poor communities with high obesity rates.

But the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which is an independent entity of the Clinton Foundation, may have had the most wide-ranging impact on global public health to date. It has helped negotiate HIV/AIDS therapy price cuts as high as 90%, ensuring access to these treatments for more than 11.5 million people across more than 70 countries, the Foundation says.

As for the Foundation’s specific claims about the number of people that it has reached through its programs? Those are a bit harder to verify. For instance, the price of HIV/AIDS ******* in Africa has, indeed, dropped significantly since CHAI was launched in 2002, and the World Health Organization (WHO) points out that CHAI and a consortium of other partners helped make sure there was consistent access to these medications.

The watchdog groups that oversee foundations like the Clintons’ charity don’t necessarily have the resources to audit every individual program they run. But the available data indicates that the Clinton Foundation is a top-tier institution in the philanthropic world, according to CharityWatch president Daniel Borochoff, who also says the foreign fundraising criticisms made about the organization could be applied to any number of international charities.
Blah Blah Blah!! Keep your keyboard warmed up. You'll need it to keep posting your biased left wing garbage come November. If you think Hillary isn't a disgrace then they have you more duped than what you claim Trump has his supporters!
Notes: Mic (formerly PolicyMic) is a media company that targets millennials. ... Mic has a left of center bias in reporting, but they are factual and source to other ...
You don't back up what you say. You post ******* from such left wing biased sources. So why is your garbage legit then and other conservative posts are false? Try thinking for your self. Oh yeah I forgot they done mind fucked you good. No lube!

I do think for myself....something you do not recite wha you are told on fox or some other bullshit network....before trump all of those sources were considered reliable....but after trump....he doesn't want the public to know the truth or what is going on so anything that posts something he doesn't considered fake news....and the fools that listen to and believe him buy into it like good little fools....part of the trump cult
I do think for myself....something you do not recite wha you are told on fox or some other bullshit network....before trump all of those sources were considered reliable....but after trump....he doesn't want the public to know the truth or what is going on so anything that posts something he doesn't considered fake news....and the fools that listen to and believe him buy into it like good little fools....part of the trump cult
So again you get your “reliable” news from where?
I do think for myself....something you do not recite wha you are told on fox or some other bullshit network....before trump all of those sources were considered reliable....but after trump....he doesn't want the public to know the truth or what is going on so anything that posts something he doesn't considered fake news....and the fools that listen to and believe him buy into it like good little fools....part of the trump cult
Didn’t CNN admit to fake news and a vendetta against the President or was that a right wing thing?
States don’t think. Individual citizens do.
I’ll break it down for you. The citizens of 51 states voted for Trump over Hillary. The majority of the citizens of the disgusting state of California (I lived there for most of my adult life) voted for Hillary. She would not have won the popular vote without the state with the largest population. Hence thank the founders for the electoral college!
I’ll break it down for you. The citizens of 51 states voted for Trump over Hillary. The majority of the citizens of the disgusting state of California (I lived there for most of my adult life) voted for Hillary. She would not have won the popular vote without the state with the largest population. Hence thank the founders for the electoral college!

wrong…..trump got the electoral vote....not the one by the the people DID NOT vote him in as president
You don't back up what you say. You post ******* from such left wing biased sources. So why is your garbage legit then and other conservative posts are false? Try thinking for your self. Oh yeah I forgot they done mind fucked you good. No lube!

Donald Trump asked the media not to publish unflattering ...
President-elect Donald Trump has a particularly fragile and easily bruised ego. He doesn't like it when you make fun of his teeny-weenie hands, and now The Donald wants the media to stop publishing unflattering photos of him. Well, we have some good news for the president-elect! The people are spreading the word about how much Trump hates those pics on social media!

Why Trump loves to hate the media - The Washington Post
Why Trump loves to hate the media. By . ... One is an effort to discredit media criticism, especially of Trump's own falsehoods, exaggerations and misleading statements. ... The Post's fact ...