Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Well lets make a bet. You sub and Mac leave this site if Trump wins. I'll do the same if he doesn't!
I won't speak for subhub, but, I'd prefer rubbing your face in the dirt for the next 4 years, should Trump get beat by a landslide. You do KNOW that Trump has the advantage, right? Biden (or whoever runs as a Democrat) will play fairly ... Trump's already proven he's willing to ******* his first born to WIN ... win at all cost ... win anyway you can win ... LIE, CHEAT, DECEIVE, BRIBE, whatever helps HIM win! So, Trump holds the advantage; he controls the rules he plays by ... and no one does anything about it. Interesting ...
I won't speak for subhub, but, I'd prefer rubbing your face in the dirt for the next 4 years, should Trump get beat by a landslide. You do KNOW that Trump has the advantage, right? Biden (or whoever runs as a Democrat) will play fairly ... Trump's already proven he's willing to ******* his first born to WIN ... win at all cost ... win anyway you can win ... LIE, CHEAT, DECEIVE, BRIBE, whatever helps HIM win! So, Trump holds the advantage; he controls the rules he plays by ... and no one does anything about it. Interesting ...
Oh so if Hillary would have won then it would have been on the up and up? Hillary won the popular vote by California. Tells me that 51 other states thought otherwise
Gotta run, Latina ... ******* are fighting and the wife's eyeing me on the computer, mentally saying "Get your ASS off that computer and HELP!" ... so, guess I best run for now.
You guys have more excuses why your party sucks. It's not that Trump is strong but rather your party is weak. Is that what you're saying?
Trump is strong? Lmao, as THIN SKINNED as Trump is? His ass is so damn WEAK because he can't take ANY criticism, so he has to resort to NAME CALLING! NAME CALLING, especially from the President, is a GOOD SIGN of his WEAKNESS!
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Ok. Straight up I don't claim to be a political master (no comments because I don't think there are any here) What I do know is ever since I could vote I voted for the person IMO was the best for our country. For the hundredth time I voted for Obama in 08. I didn't in 12 because I didn't think he was that great of a president. Not the worse but not great. When I told friends I was voting for Romney they said well I guess you don't want any more raises and a good contract. Obama actually came to our union convention to speak. My response was I care more about the country than I do myself. In 2016 I sure as hell was not going to vote for Hillary nor Jeb Bush for that matter if he was the nominee. But what I do know is this current Democratic regime is the most disgusting I have seen in my voting life. They have tried and tried to kick Trump out on TRUMPED up charges (pun intended). They are hypocrites. Democrat after Democrat has said border security is huge, Harry Reid said "a country would be crazy to allow illegals to freely enter our country. But when Trump wants to build a wall he's a racist (the typical liberal go to word), he wants to reform Obama care which you know was a joke. Good intentions but not good. And to have Pelosi say " we have to pass the bill so we know what's in it." Seriously. Trump wants to work on healthcare reform but God forbid if he comes up with a good plan. He brings troops home and the liberals who supposedly don't like war bitch about that. No matter what he does they find fault. I can't believe it is not obvious to more what the Dems have done and continue to try to do. But I'm here to tell you enough people get it and that's why he will win 2020!
I was talking to a Black female, last week actually, who stated that she was a Republican and she voted for Trump, which shocked the hell out of me! To my surprise, she told me she made a BIG mistake voting for him! I replied back to her that back when I was a young, I felt that Trump was a very nice man until my ******* told me that I may want to research him, which I did! That's when she responded back, that she did her research after voting for Trump NOT realizing some of the awful things that he has done to Black people! I asked her what did she find out, which I already knew what he did! And, she told me exactly what those points were, which was what I researched as well! I laughed telling her that you know that most would say that Trump isn't a Racist! Which she then responded back, "Of course they would when they are AFRAID to talk about it! They would prefer to sweep it under the rug! Call it "that's what liberals say!" I told her that is what Republicans do especially when it doesn't FIT their AGENDA! Then she responded back, "Have you ever heard of the phrase, They're on the OUTSIDE looking in?" I replied to her back, "Yes, I have" and she said, "They CAN'T talk about it because they haven't been in OUR SHOES before! Of course, they wouldn't understand like you or me!" I asked her then if she was still a Republican and she responded back that, "Lets just say I am re-evaluating!", which I knew exactly what that meant! Though, she did also state that when she told her friends that she had voted for Trump a lot of her friends started to avoid her and she felt that her own community had ostracized her! I could tell that she felt kind of down about it, but she then told me that she and her family are very close, which was very good to know! Then, she asked me what political party I was with and I told her that I do not IDENTIFY with ANY political party and that I am in Independent, which she responded back, "Okay, that's very wise!" So, then she said that she may consider being an Independent as well! I responded back to her that she had made a very good decision! She had to go pick up her cousin from the airport though we exchanged some contact information! Then, upon seeing her information on Facebook, I see that her cousin is connected to LaFace, which was VERY NICE!
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