Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

So you're saying Trump isn't responsible for the economy
If you're referencing the stock market, Trump, as any President, is capable of affecting the Stock Market with some of his decisions. But, as far as the Stock Market growth & decline is concerned, NOPE ... lots of reasons for the stock market going UP or Down, and Trump like other Presidents does NOT control that. What I do see is Trump borrowing more money off future generations with his Trillion Dollars of deficit spending. He's the one who bragged about paying OFF the Nat'l Debt in 10 years ... *******, we're hitting new records in Deficit Spending, forget the Nat'l Debt.
Rest assured, if the stock market dives to numbers of where it was when Trump took office, Trump WILL blame it on everything but Trump, and he might be correct for the largest part of it.
As a matter of FACT ... notice that word? FACT ... the economy was growing when President ORANGE MAN took over the presidency. Want to challenge that? And Obama did it without the aid or assistance of the "Our Mission Is To Make Obama A One Term President" Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and company ... remember THAT ONE? The same ones that challenged the ACA over 78 times while Obama was in office, and FAILED ... the same ones who bashed Hillary 9 separate investigations of Benghazi and ... here it comes .... FAILED AGAIN. In fact .... opps ... there's that word again, FACT ... Republicans didn't accomplish a damn thing for the tax payers while Obama was in office, did they? Not ONE THING!
Simple question. If your fucking garbage liberals are so great then why is Trump going to win again? You can spew all the left wing biased liberal news stats and all the other bullshit as much as you want. Trump is going to win BIG TIME!! Why? I can tell you. The Democratic party today is the biggest piece of ******* I have seen in my life. Oh between you and sub I can answer.. It's the Russians, it's because of the millions of people who support Trump are racists ( give me a fucking break), we want to destroy the planet, we want the rich to get richer. You guys are so full of *******!!
Simple question. If your fucking garbage liberals are so great then why is Trump going to win again? You can spew all the left wing biased liberal news stats and all the other bullshit as much as you want. Trump is going to win BIG TIME!! Why? I can tell you. The Democratic party today is the biggest piece of ******* I have seen in my life. Oh between you and sub I can answer.. It's the Russians, it's because of the millions of people who support Trump are racists ( give me a fucking break), we want to destroy the planet, we want the rich to get richer. You guys are so full of *******!!
Really, Trump is going to win again, for sure? Oh *******, we have someone on this thread who can predict the future! Got damn, you should earn some money for that being able to predict the future! Cleo claimed that she could predict the future until she got charged with lawsuits!
Really, Trump is going to win again, for sure? Oh *******, we have someone on this thread who can predict the future! Got damn, you should earn some money for that being able to predict the future! Cleo claimed that she could predict the future until she got charged with lawsuits!
An 2 year old would be able to predict the landslide thats coming! Just like Joe Namath guaranteed a Super bowl win I guarantee you Trump is going to win!!That why Sub and Mac keep posting the left wing biased BS. It makes them feel better. Because they know too!
Simple question. If your fucking garbage liberals are so great then why is Trump going to win again? You can spew all the left wing biased liberal news stats and all the other bullshit as much as you want. Trump is going to win BIG TIME!! Why? I can tell you. The Democratic party today is the biggest piece of ******* I have seen in my life. Oh between you and sub I can answer.. It's the Russians, it's because of the millions of people who support Trump are racists ( give me a fucking break), we want to destroy the planet, we want the rich to get richer. You guys are so full of *******!!
Lmao, you know, I see why Trump has a following now! With how many people are so IMPRESSIONABLE, *******, no wonder Trump was able to stay rich because he had so many GULLIBLE people believing his BULLSHIT!
If your fucking garbage liberals are so great then why is Trump going to win again?
That's YOUR OPINION, Latina ... its not FACT, as is often the case with YOUR POSTS. I think Trump is going to self-destruct before the elections take place ... just when you think you've seen the worst of Trump ... BINGO .... he reaches a new crest. So, "hang around and watch the clown".
That's YOUR OPINION, Latina ... its not FACT, as is often the case with YOUR POSTS. I think Trump is going to self-destruct before the elections take place ... just when you think you've seen the worst of Trump ... BINGO .... he reaches a new crest. So, "hang around and watch the clown".
That's what the assholes like Pelosi, Kamala, Schumer, and Schiff have been saying for three years. Not happening
That's what the assholes like Pelosi, Kamala, Schumer, and Schiff have been saying for three years. Not happening
Well, they believed, as many of us liberals believed, that the courts couldn't be "bought" ... Trump DID prove us wrong. But, I doubt he'll be able to buy the state courts once he leaves office ... guess we'll see. Just ONE YEAR in a Federal or STATE prison would make me very, very happy! I'd LOVE to see Trump in a light blue jumper, head shaved, hands & ankles cuffed, being walked into prison. Even if it was for just a year ... it'd be awesome seeing him humiliated. Even better ... seeing him treated like the chain gangs of the 50's & 60's ... slinging those weed cutters ... LOL Doubt he'd last an hour doing that? "Tak'n em off, here, BOSS!"
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Well, they believed, as many of us liberals believed, that the courts couldn't be "bought" ... Trump DID prove us wrong. But, I doubt he'll be able to buy the State courts once he leaves office ... guess we'll see. Just ONE YEAR in a Federal or STATE prison would make me very, very happy!
You guys fucking amaze me. The only person if anyone is in federal prison will be Hillary!