Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Wow, that coronavirus is kicking Trump's ass! Does Trump still think that was a WISE decision to cut funds from the CDC as well as HHS (Health and Human Services)? How come most Trump supporters won't comment on that? I guess Trump has them under his CON-MAN spell!

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True or False: Did Trump fire the US Pandemic response team to cut costs?
Answer or drumroll, please, from FACT CHECK: Yes, Trump did, hence why the coronavirus has spread like it has in the U.S.
Stop trying to PROTECT Trump! Call his ass OUT when he is WRONG, period!

True or False: Did Trump fire the US Pandemic response team to cut costs?
Answer or drumroll, please, from FACT CHECK: Yes, Trump did, hence why the coronavirus has spread like it has in the U.S.
Stop trying to PROTECT Trump! Call his ass OUT when he is WRONG, period!

Quit and not replaced

Quit and not replaced
When you fire or cut funds from Pandemic Response Team, why else would you stay on the job when you have an unqualified narcissistic buffoon in the White House? Then, on top of that, Congress has to form a package for money for the coronavirus fiasco because Trump, believe it or not, slashed funds!
Doctors take an oath
Like Harold Bornstein who lied regarding Trump's physical? LOL
You've forgotten the POWER of money, Allfor ... hell, if Trump would cross my palms for a couple million, I might just turn coat on the Democrats, too. Trump doesn't have FRIENDS, he has those who want what he has ... money & power.
Like Harold Bornstein who lied regarding Trump's physical? LOL
You've forgotten the POWER of money, Allfor ... hell, if Trump would cross my palms for a couple million, I might just turn coat on the Democrats, too. Trump doesn't have FRIENDS, he has those who want what he has ... money & power.
Of course you would never thought any different
Of course you would never thought any different

Please point to the economy tanking under Obama. Over 170 consecutive months of job growth doesn't sound like a tanking economy. Stock market growing from 7,000+ under Bush to 17,000 under Obama, and that's with the obstructionist Republicans who conspired (documented) against him starting the first day of his Presidency. Possibly you are confused; Obama taking over the tanking economy from Bush on January 20, 2009? You do know EVERYTHING was tanking on January 19th, 2009 ... all those great, unbudgeted "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich that were suppose to "pay for themselves", 2 wars, an unbudgeted medicaid Pt D system which the Democrats helped Bush save. So, I'm confused ... Latina ... please set me straight.
So you're saying Trump isn't responsible for the economy
the right just can NOT find any redeeming qualities in any of their presidents......after all most caused a recession...… they have to try and tarnish those that are highly thought of in the country

Most Popular Presidents in U.S. History

1 Barack Obama

2 Abraham Lincoln

3 John F. Kennedy

4 George Washington

5 Ronald Reagan

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt

7 Theodore Roosevelt

8 Thomas Jefferson

9 Bill Clinton

Trump: The Most Corrupt President in US History
Nov 13, 2019 · BILL BLACK: Trump’s corruption is, I think, in many ways the heart of the issue. He is the most corrupt president in the history of the United States and it’s not even close.

Donald Trump is the third worst president in U.S. history ...
Feb 13, 2019 · In its sixth presidential ranking since 1982, 157 scholars surveyed by the institute ranked Trump the third worst president of all time after Andrew Johnson (who was impeached) and James Buchanan (whose presidency was followed by the Civil War). The Siena survey,...

he Trump presidency: On track to becoming the most ...
Jan 16, 2018 · Actions can be corrupt even if they’re legal, and we also talk about corruption in a broader sense that encompasses non-financial wrongdoing as well. Many would consider Richard Nixon the most corrupt president in history, but his most serious crimes didn’t involve lining his pockets. He twisted the apparatus of government to his own personal ends,...

Real News Network -These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Again sub you bitch about us using Fox as our source> so why is your left winged biased news outlets the gospel?
So you're saying Trump isn't responsible for the economy

Real News Network -These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Again sub you bitch about us using Fox as our source> so why is your left winged biased news outlets the gospel?
Hell nah, Trump isn't responsible for the economy! When did he HAVE to overcome a Recession during his Presidency? He sure isn't doing good now, is he?