Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I just stepped on the beach. I live on an island in Florida and this type of stuff is typical. I talk to people from all over the world and the support for Trump is overwhelming. This cooler was surrounded by several 20 somethings. I asked if I could take a pic.
The under 25 generation - Gen Z - to which I belong -- grew up watching the incredibly self-centered Millennials whine and refuse to work -- with a mixture of shock and revulsion. Many Gen Zs are already managing Millennials 10 years older than us, because we are focused and pitch in. As a result, Gen Z is becoming predominantly conservative. Half of us will be voting red by 2024.
Trump's 2020 position is improving
CNN Digital Expansion 2018 Harry Enten
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN

Updated 8:12 AM ET, Sun February 23, 2020

US President Donald Trump gestures as he addresses a Keep America Great rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on February 20, 2020.

US President Donald Trump gestures as he addresses a "Keep America Great" rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on February 20, 2020.
(CNN)First things first: The theme song of the week is Will & Grace.
Poll of the week: A new Gallup national poll finds that President Donald Trump has a 49% approval rating and a disapproval rating of 48%. That's very similar to its previous poll and marks the first time since January 2017 that Trump has a net (approval - disapproval) positive approval rating in the Gallup poll.
The average poll also shows that Trump is gaining ground nationally. He's up to a 45% approval rating among voters, and his net approval rating has climbed to -6 points from -12 points on Election Day 2019.
What's the point: The Democratic presidential primary is holding most of the attention in the electoral world right now. Democratic primary voters desperately want to beat Trump. The latest data shows, however, that defeating the President won't be easy.

you are the one in fantasy land....I see things for what they are....

In your own words and not some biased news outlet. What things do you speak of?

that has nothing to do with what I posted....I posted all of the other presidents have a friendship...even with Melania....that trump will never be a part of.....and like the article said...…..first time ever seen trumps wife out in public with a smile on her face...even laughing with Obama...…..

instead you want to bring up fiction...…… trump might win!...…..he will never win the popular vote...never...he might get back in with Russia and etc help....but not on his own
I just stepped on the beach. I live on an island in Florida and this type of stuff is typical. I talk to people from all over the world and the support for Trump is overwhelming. This cooler was surrounded by several 20 somethings. I asked if I could take a pic. live on an island and talk to people all over the world?....well that brings up another point.....

The world trusts Putin more than Trump, says poll - Rediff
The world trusts Putin more than Trump, says poll United States President Donald Trump inspires less trust around the world than many other international leaders, including Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping, according to a new global survey.

Most countries, including US allies, trust Putin more than ...
Close US allies Australia, Canada, and the UK trust Trump more than Putin, but the differences are strikingly small at 2-3 points. Putin scored higher than Trump in 23 countries in the Pew poll. The US president has greater support in 13 countries, including Israel, Poland, the Philippines, and India.

The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
The rest of the world has more confidence in his man-crush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, than in the U.S. leader. A median of 22 percent have confidence in Trump and 74 percent lack it, while the comparable numbers are better for Putin (27-59) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (28-53).

now....want to talk out your ass again with your imaginary facts and friends around the world
BTW Even if what you say is true about hot as fuck Candace you have to admit there is some truth to what she said. That wasn't the first time I heard the issue about fatherless homes being a huge problem in the black community.
The fatherless homes isn't ACTUALLY the problem in the black community, if she had her stats correctly! She lies so much her OWN people have DISOWNED her! If she was so truthful, you would have had Killer Mike and others from Atlanta supporting her, which none were!
I just stepped on the beach. I live on an island in Florida and this type of stuff is typical. I talk to people from all over the world and the support for Trump is overwhelming. This cooler was surrounded by several 20 somethings. I asked if I could take a pic.
I live in Maine, fantastic to hear about.
just because you post a few movies...that have been made to suit a republican purpose......and there are 2 or 3 fools on here that buy into it....does not mean they are facts

Admit it. Republicans have broken politics. - YouTube

Oct 29, 2018 · Neither party is perfect, but Republicans in Congress have been drifting towards political extremism since long before Trump, and they’re making it impossible for Congress to work the way it’s ...
I live in Maine, fantastic to hear about.

Fake news website created to test Donald Trump supporters ...
Mar 10, 2017 · Despite aiming to write stories no-one would believe, James McDaniel found Trump supporters who believed that Barack Obama had been plotting a coup from a secret bunker near the White House, and that the British singer Adele had demanded he be jailed for such treachery.

Trump supporters portrayed as the stupidest, most gullible ...
Mar 08, 2019 · Trump supporters portrayed as the stupidest, most gullible people on earth in merciless column. Despite the seemingly never-ending controversies that have bedeviled the Trump administration, Republican voters continue to support the President at high levels.

Trump Supporters Are Not Deplorable, They're Gullible
Sep 20, 2016 · Trump supporters could simply be ignorant, misled by their candidate's braggadocio and overconfidence. Perhaps most of Trump’s supporters are not able to spot his falsehoods, because, just like Trump, they lack the perspective needed to empathize with the millions of people Trump has offended and disgusted and aren't knowledgeable about world affairs.
Donald Trump Believes His Supporters Are Morons. He's Right.
Donald Trump is not a thinker. Donald Trump is not a theorist, or a moral leader, or a man who possesses philosophical convictions other than egoism. Donald Trump is a cartoon clown whose immutable role is “Grossly Exaggerated Rich Guy Stereotype” in the drama of American pop culture.
that has nothing to do with what I posted....I posted all of the other presidents have a friendship...even with Melania....that trump will never be a part of.....and like the article said...…..first time ever seen trumps wife out in public with a smile on her face...even laughing with Obama...…..

instead you want to bring up fiction...…… trump might win!...…..he will never win the popular vote...never...he might get back in with Russia and etc help....but not on his own
A broken record. It was Bush who inherited a good economy from Clinton, it was Obama who inherited a bad economy from Bush, it was Obamas uprising economy Trump inherited...blah blah blah. So when Trump continues the economic growth that was actually on a downward trend when he’s re-elected who will you blind liberals say deserves credit.Trumps economy improved 40% more in his first two years than Obamas last teo when the recovery began. I dont know about you but I’ve never received a call from Putin telling me who I should vote for. The only ones who try to tell how I should vote are asshole celebrities who think they are politicians!
I’ve actually made money on both. Its a beautiful thing!
I could have made more back when crypto first came out back in 2008! They had people actually giving Bitcoin away at that time because they felt that it didn't have any value! I had some, and felt the same way that crypto was just a bunch of hype! But, my business partner friend, he decided that he would get 800 bitcoins, almost close to a thousand! Smh, his crypto is now worth millions of dollars now! Last time I spoke to him, he's sitting on a good $10 to $12 million dollars worth right now and crypto is STILL in its infancy!
From a so called stupid man's friend, real truth !

I find disappointment in how little Americans are aware of the true history of events in there country. Also, there devotion in the media, to tell them the truth. I do feel your open to seek truth, but many are not, I am very disturbed by the amount of people I encounter that believe in what the press and media present as fact. I am the wife of a banker who also never understood what the truth of the events of 2008. I am by know means the most brilliant amongst my pears. But I research everything, I base action on what I research, I understand what I do when as the past week, what effect I have when I execute an order to sell millions in stock, Or when a down market opens the effect of what an order to buy 300 million of shares cause in the world markets. My actions are at times based on personal interest of my Family. However, I am acutely aware of my responsibility to the great amount of employees, that depend on us to provide security for their families. I sleep at night knowing every day of my life I did my best to protect and live up to the faith and trust, My family, my Employees and their families, and the Almighty place upon me to secure there future.
It sickens me to hear and witness those in Government who to take an oath to serve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic who then sell out, and try to undermine and overturn an election, spend three years on a lie to evict a President. And a media and press that enables the lie.
It is my hope Americans will wake up and see this Government for what it really is.
that has nothing to do with what I posted....I posted all of the other presidents have a friendship...even with Melania....that trump will never be a part of.....and like the article said...…..first time ever seen trumps wife out in public with a smile on her face...even laughing with Obama...…..

instead you want to bring up fiction...…… trump might win!...…..he will never win the popular vote...never...he might get back in with Russia and etc help....but not on his own

Fer the umpteenth umpteenth time - popular vote don’t mean shite !!!!

And you Dems call your opposition dumb :|
Fer the umpteenth umpteenth time - popular vote don’t mean shite !!!!

And you Dems call your opposition dumb :|

as usual your short attention span...…..try reading all the post...……………..".like trump might win!...…..he will never win the popular vote...never...he might get back in with Russia and etc help....but not on his own"
we are not the crying all the time....and full of nothing but one liners...….but to answer your sillyassed statement....which you seem to have got twisted in your head to mean something else.....but not uncommon for a trumptard…..they are known for not being able to carry a full load...….but....point is....they were NOT elected by the people....they got in by hook or by's the republican way...….that should tell you that the republicans are not highly thought of and can not win an election....unless they have some kind of outside bush did with Florida...trump did with Russia...and etc...….probably way over your head anyway

The Republican Party’s Corruption Will Bring Them Down ...
Jan 04, 2017 · The Republican Party’s Corruption Will Bring Them Down—Again ... show that something similar is true of the party’s attitude toward public corruption. ... Republicans have been
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From a so called stupid man's friend, real truth !

I find disappointment in how little Americans are aware of the true history of events in there country. Also, there devotion in the media, to tell them the truth. I do feel your open to seek truth, but many are not, I am very disturbed by the amount of people I encounter that believe in what the press and media present as fact. I am the wife of a banker who also never understood what the truth of the events of 2008. I am by know means the most brilliant amongst my pears. But I research everything, I base action on what I research, I understand what I do when as the past week, what effect I have when I execute an order to sell millions in stock, Or when a down market opens the effect of what an order to buy 300 million of shares cause in the world markets. My actions are at times based on personal interest of my Family. However, I am acutely aware of my responsibility to the great amount of employees, that depend on us to provide security for their families. I sleep at night knowing every day of my life I did my best to protect and live up to the faith and trust, My family, my Employees and their families, and the Almighty place upon me to secure there future.
It sickens me to hear and witness those in Government who to take an oath to serve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic who then sell out, and try to undermine and overturn an election, spend three years on a lie to evict a President. And a media and press that enables the lie.
It is my hope Americans will wake up and see this Government for what it really is.

that is so true...I am amazed each day of just how little you know of what is going on around you....and just when I think you have hit rock amze me with even more you don't know