Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Wow! I am continually amazed at the ignorance of people. Please explain how Trump is a racist? By that give I mean give specific examples and references so I can maybe understand why you feel that way. Maybe you should look up on YouTube when the interviewer asked about comments Cory Booker made about “kicking them low.” Her response: “ Oh that was Eric Holder.” “ You know they all look alike.” But she’s a liberal so I guess that’s OK with you?
No need to respond to that because post #10,280 summed it up perfectly!
Oh my goodness, you posted a YouTube video showing Candace Owens? She is considered to be the biggest FRAUD in the Black community! I wonder if she KEPT that money from the lawsuit that she had the NAACP to help her WIN!

Why because she speaking the truth. What do you have to say about Hillary’s comment?
Why because she speaking the truth. What do you have to say about Hillary’s comment?
How can she, as a Black Woman, state that she NEVER experienced Racism growing up when she had a lawsuit filed that was STRICTLY about Racism? She has always LIED and then up there tapdancing for the Redneck political Republican party! Some Black folks will sell their SOUL for money though! Some could care less about having PRIDE!
Again typical liberal. Deflect. Forget references then. Why do you think Trump is a racist?
Lmao, now you're ASSUMING that I am a liberal? Yea, I have learned that deflection ******* pretty good from the Republicans! I don't AFFILIATE myself with a political party ANYMORE! As Killer Mike said, "Black folks need to stop ARGUING on who has the BEST Master!" He told the TRUTH about that! Went over so many folks head!
How can she, as a Black Woman, state that she NEVER experienced Racism growing up when she had a lawsuit filed that was STRICTLY about Racism? She has always LIED and then up there tapdancing for the Redneck political Republican party! Some Black folks will sell their SOUL for money though! Some could care less about having PRIDE!
I’ll try once more. Why do you think Trump is a racist?
Lmao, now you're ASSUMING that I am a liberal? Yea, I have learned that deflection ******* pretty good from the Republicans! I don't AFFILIATE myself with a political party ANYMORE! As Killer Mike said, "Black folks need to stop ARGUING on who has the BEST Master!" He told the TRUTH about that! Went over so many folks head!
My bad. I did assume since you seem anti republican.
Honestly, I used to like the Republican party until I started to see their TRUE ways, so then I had to re-evaluate! I do know one thing though, they sure AREN'T the party I knew back in the day! They have made a 360 degree turnaround!
Same here. I voted for Obama in 08. I certainly didn’t in 12. I cannot believe that you can’t see the true ways of the Democratic Party today. If they keep it up I will never vote for a Democratic president again. They are an absolute disgrace!
C’mon you seem more intelligent than that. I’m asking you? Your personal opinion why he’s a racist. What makes BlkCumsHeavy believe he’s a racist?
Playing MIND GAMES, huh, with that "seem more intelligent" phrase, huh? Intelligence means having the BALLS to accept the TRUTH in anything whether it's good or bad! Why is it a belief when it's the Truth? That's like saying Trump didn't take any of the investors money who TRUSTED him when he was running the Taj Mahal, only to lose that which meant each investor lost EVERY dime of their money! So many retired folks were PISSED off at him for that!
Same here. I voted for Obama in 08. I certainly didn’t in 12. I cannot believe that you can’t see the true ways of the Democratic Party today. If they keep it up I will never vote for a Democratic president again. They are an absolute disgrace!
Disgrace because they believe in COUNTRY over Party? What's wrong with that? The Republican Party only believes in Party over EVERYTHING, fuck the COUNTRY! All about that MONEY for them!
Playing MIND GAMES, huh, with that "seem more intelligent" phrase, huh? Intelligence means having the BALLS to accept the TRUTH in anything whether it's good or bad! Why is it a belief when it's the Truth! That's like saying Trump didn't take any of the investors money who TRUSTED him when he was running the Taj Mahal, only to lose that which meant each investor lost EVERY dime of their money! So many retired folks were PISSED off at him for that!
Wow. Why cant you just say you can’t think of anything or you heard it on CNN or MSNBC or read it in the NYT?
Wow. Why cant you just say you can’t think of anything or you heard it on CNN or MSNBC or read it in the NYT?
What in the world? Trump has you brainwashed too, huh? Amazing how he can CON so many people in TRUSTING him! Knowing you, you probably believe that he is doing SUCH an awesome job with the coronavirus fiasco! Well, I certainly DIDN'T hear it from the right-wing network of Fox News! They sure won't tell the TRUTH like Agent Orange!
Disgrace because they believe in COUNTRY over Party? What's wrong with that? The Republican Party only believes in Party over EVERYTHING, fuck the COUNTRY! All about that MONEY for them!
I think you might be mistaken. In other words you’re saying they give free ******* or at least thats what they’ll tell you to get elected. So TV
What in the world? Trump has you brainwashed too, huh? Amazing how he can CON so many people in TRUSTING him! Knowing you, you probably believe that he is doing SUCH an awesome job with the coronavirus fiasco!
OK since you wont answer the racist question which is typical. Give me examples of how the Democrats put country first? They damn sure as hell have done nothing over the past 3 plus years.
What in the world? Trump has you brainwashed too, huh? Amazing how he can CON so many people in TRUSTING him! Knowing you, you probably believe that he is doing SUCH an awesome job with the coronavirus fiasco! Well, I certainly DIDN'T hear it from the right-wing network of Fox News! They sure won't tell the TRUTH like Agent Orange!
Oh about the Coronavirus. I honestly don’t pay much attention to the subject. I haven’t listened to anything Trump has said about it.