Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I do a drive by this forum every now and again. When I do return it reminds me of a soap opera. You could miss many many episodes and still have not missed anything! Sub you really should take a break from posting your biased liberal articles. They, like all of the dumb ass celebrities, who think they can convince people to vote a certain way. You know since their opinion matters. You see, even the brainwashed/uneducated are seeing through your party's absolute arrogance and disgrace How about step back for a minute and really think about it. No matter the bullshit you post, no matter how eloquent Mac posts his mostly one sided very close minded opinions, TRUMP WILL take 2020 by storm! . Admittedly I can't stand to listen to Trump when he speaks. I try but a few minutes is all I can take. The difference though is he gets ******* done unlike Bidens 40 years in office where he hasn't done ******* or when he did it was so wrong. C'mon just deal with four more years of economic prosperity and safety. Then the likes of Gavin Newsome or some other ******* bag can come in and fuck everything up. I think I have a great idea. California has previously proposed splitting the state. How about California becomes it's own country then we send the clowns who are running to the new country so they can continue to run it into the ground like their liberal peers have for years. You know the Dems would win as big there as Trump is going to here.
I do a drive by this forum every now and again. When I do return it reminds me of a soap opera. You could miss many many episodes and still have not missed anything! Sub you really should take a break from posting your biased liberal articles. They, like all of the dumb ass celebrities, who think they can convince people to vote a certain way. You know since their opinion matters. You see, even the brainwashed/uneducated are seeing through your party's absolute arrogance and disgrace How about step back for a minute and really think about it. No matter the bullshit you post, no matter how eloquent Mac posts his mostly one sided very close minded opinions, TRUMP WILL take 2020 by storm! . Admittedly I can't stand to listen to Trump when he speaks. I try but a few minutes is all I can take. The difference though is he gets ******* done unlike Bidens 40 years in office where he hasn't done ******* or when he did it was so wrong. C'mon just deal with four more years of economic prosperity and safety. Then the likes of Gavin Newsome or some other ******* bag can come in and fuck everything up. I think I have a great idea. California has previously proposed splitting the state. How about California becomes it's own country then we send the clowns who are running to the new country so they can continue to run it into the ground like their liberal peers have for years. You know the Dems would win as big there as Trump is going to here.
Real Words of Wisdom. Trump can be irritating when he speaks, he is not a politically correct speaker, he chooses not to be, stubborn and in his seventies, he is set in his ways. President Trump has done remarkable considering all the hatred he has had to deal with in the last 3 plus years from the lying media and jealous Democrats.
I do a drive by this forum every now and again. When I do return it reminds me of a soap opera. You could miss many many episodes and still have not missed anything! Sub you really should take a break from posting your biased liberal articles. They, like all of the dumb ass celebrities, who think they can convince people to vote a certain way. You know since their opinion matters. You see, even the brainwashed/uneducated are seeing through your party's absolute arrogance and disgrace How about step back for a minute and really think about it. No matter the bullshit you post, no matter how eloquent Mac posts his mostly one sided very close minded opinions, TRUMP WILL take 2020 by storm! . Admittedly I can't stand to listen to Trump when he speaks. I try but a few minutes is all I can take. The difference though is he gets ******* done unlike Bidens 40 years in office where he hasn't done ******* or when he did it was so wrong. C'mon just deal with four more years of economic prosperity and safety. Then the likes of Gavin Newsome or some other ******* bag can come in and fuck everything up. I think I have a great idea. California has previously proposed splitting the state. How about California becomes it's own country then we send the clowns who are running to the new country so they can continue to run it into the ground like their liberal peers have for years. You know the Dems would win as big there as Trump is going to here.
I see this a lot on this site, but what is so crazy to me is the ones that vote for Trump have this likeness for Black folks! That is like a Ku Klux Klan member LETTING a Black man fuck his wife! Enabling a Racist isn't good especially when you CLAIM to like Black people! So much disrespect on here and those that "liked" your post CONDONE or LOVE his Racist ways! The WHOLE ENTIRE site is Racist actually!
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Yeah you’ve made it clear EVERYBODY is a racist - ya know crying RACIST RACIST RACIST - really makes it lose it’s effect.
Well, there are PLENTY of examples on this WEBSITE that reflect what I am saying! Of course, it will ALWAYS be different from your perspective! Doesn't lose its effect when you're a Black Man like me, that's for sure!
Whoa, word of advice honey. You need to slow down on those estrogen pills. You're making sissies look tough.
It's all a RESPECT factor and that ISN'T shown on this website! Black folks have been WAY TOO nice as it is LETTING things go! You can call it what you want, but all of what I have seen is SO OBVIOUS on this site! Tell me about toughness when you have experienced being called the "N-word", and then get back to me! By the way, I saw your post, @nanci whiteboy, on the other thread! It was a nice post, but cringing at the same time, if you get what I am saying!
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Tell me about toughness when you have experienced being called the "N-word", and then get back to me! By the way, I saw your post, @nanci whiteboy, on the other thread! It was a nice post, but cringing at the same time, if you get what I am saying!

What are you, like a century old? My generation is harsh. I've been called the n-word many times, along with about 50 other denigrating slurs related to my pale skin and femininity. And you do realize that you're posturing as a big tough Black man and complaining to a girly white sissy that people are being mean to you, right? Talk about cringe.

I transitioned from white femboi to trans-girl in a dominantly Black junior high. The boys called me names and made me do things that would make you faint. It was only after I was adopted as a Black squad girl that I had protection. At work in the islands (family travel business), I'm still a Black squad girl and they still watch out for me (even though we live in a much more civilized world than junior high).

Women are programmed to test men for toughness, because we need protection. Are you aware women do that? All your whining might indicate otherwise.
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What are you, like a century old? My generation is harsh. I've been called the n-word many times, along with about 50 other denigrating slurs. And you do realize that you're posturing as a big tough Black man and complaining to a feminine white sissy that people are being mean to you, right? Talk about cringe-worthy.

I transitioned from white femboi to trans-girl in a dominantly Black junior high. The boys called me names and made me do things that would make you faint. It was only after I was adopted as a Black squad girl that I had protection. At work in the islands (family travel business), I'm still a Black squad girl and they still watch out for me (even though we live in a much more civilized world than junior high).

Women are programmed to test men for toughness, because we need protection. Are you aware women do that? All your whining might indicate otherwise.
What do you call a harsh generation? I lived in a neighborhood predominantly Black where NOT many Black males like me lived PAST the age of 17! I saw SHOOTINGS and died bodies at a young age! How many times have you been shot at? I haven't KILLED any body back then, BUT I sure came close to it! I WISH I had gone THROUGH with KILLING HIM though since the guy TRIED to ******* ME! Keep in mind now, you responded to me first! *******, I DIDN'T respond to you! Every single time, you ALWAYS put your two cents in like it matters and you aren't EVEN Black! I wish I could understand why you KEEP responding to my post! If you noticed, I DON'T even respond to you, but for some reason you prefer to IRRITATE me! See, you call it "whining" because TRUTHFULLY you DON'T RESPECT Black people AT ALL, putting on that FALSE FACADE like you "get it", when YOU DON'T! I assume you are going to PICK and CHOOSE what you want to talk about again LIKE you ALWAYS do! Can't respond to the ENTIRE post!

What do you know about women? A trans-girl is VERY different from a REAL woman, so I'll take what you say about women with a grain of salt! My girlfriend knows about my life, so she knows how difficult it was!
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I lived in a neighborhood predominantly Black where NOT many Black males like me lived PAST the age of 17! I saw SHOOTINGS and died bodies at a young age!

Since you are so finely tuned to the Black experience, perhaps you can offer your insight on why your neighborhood functioned this way.

I DON'T even respond to you

Actually you just did again.

but for some reason you prefer to IRRITATE me!

Well don't let it irritate you. There, see how easy.

See, you call it "whining" because TRUTHFULLY you DON'T RESPECT Black people AT ALL

Actually, it's your behavior I don't respect, because you whine about everything. Not respecting you as an individual does not mean I don't respect Black people, but you will infer that anyway, because racism is your default complaint for anything you don't like. You don't seem to be aware that thoughtful people don't take your vague grievances seriously. But then that's probably due to........oh you know!

A trans-girl is VERY different from a REAL woman

Yes we are. Hotter, thinner. Less emotional. Way more rational. Traditionally feminine and always ready to ummmm......fry the bacon.
Since you are so finely tuned to the Black experience, perhaps you can offer your insight on why your neighborhood functioned this way.

Actually you just did again.

Well don't let it irritate you. There, see how easy.

Actually, it's your behavior I don't respect, because you whine about everything. Not respecting you as an individual does not mean I don't respect Black people, but you will infer that anyway, because racism is your default complaint for anything you don't like. You don't seem to be aware that thoughtful people don't take your vague grievances seriously. But then that's probably due to........oh you know!

Yes we are. Hotter, thinner. Less emotional. Way more rational. Traditionally feminine and always ready to ummmm......fry the bacon.
I only responded because you keep putting your two cents in, for some reason! I don't state what I say to appease you, okay? And, as I stated previously, you calling it "whining" is ACTUALLY saying that you DON'T respect Black people, period! Doesn't have anything to do with my behavior because if it did, you WOULDN'T have voted for a Racist President who time and time again has shown VERY bad behavior, just like he did responding to the Washington governor! Oh, I get it though, Trump is different because you approve of his narcissistic ways, which I'm NOT very surprised! After all, a lot of Black people say that Trump is Racist, which is a very HIGH percentage!

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I see this a lot on this site, but what is so crazy to me is the ones that vote for Trump have this likeness for Black folks! That is like a Ku Klux Klan member LETTING a Black man fuck his wife! Enabling a Racist isn't good especially when you CLAIM to like Black people! So much disrespect on here and those that "liked" your post CONDONE or LOVE his Racist ways! The WHOLE ENTIRE site is Racist actually!
Wow! I am continually amazed at the ignorance of people. Please explain how Trump is a racist? By that give I mean give specific examples and references so I can maybe understand why you feel that way. Maybe you should look up on YouTube when the interviewer asked about comments Cory Booker made about “kicking them low.” Her response: “ Oh that was Eric Holder.” “ You know they all look alike.” But she’s a liberal so I guess that’s OK with you?
Wow! I am continually amazed at the ignorance of people. Please explain how Trump is a racist? By that give I mean give specific examples and references so I can maybe understand why you feel that way. Maybe you should look up on YouTube when the interviewer asked about comments Cory Booker made about “kicking them low.” Her response: “ Oh that was Eric Holder.” “ You know they all look alike.” But she’s a liberal so I guess that’s OK with you?

and still full of ******* and making your own facts up as you go.....nothing changes...….but just chalk it up to your lack of education and that broken record you keep reciting from
I see this a lot on this site, but what is so crazy to me is the ones that vote for Trump have this likeness for Black folks! That is like a Ku Klux Klan member LETTING a Black man fuck his wife! Enabling a Racist isn't good especially when you CLAIM to like Black people! So much disrespect on here and those that "liked" your post CONDONE or LOVE his Racist ways! The WHOLE ENTIRE site is Racist actually!
