Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy Will Make America’s Debt ...
Jan 29, 2020 · Debt and Deficits. Republican Deficit Hypocrisy Will Make America's Debt Problems Much Harder To Solve A new report shows federal budget deficits pushing past $1 trillion for the next decade.

Why Don't Republicans Fret About the Debt Anymore? - The ...
Jan 31, 2018 · Both swore to balance the budget or to bring down the debt. Both signed legislation that increased deficits instead, primarily through tax cuts and increased military spending.

National Debt: Republican Politicians Borrow from the ...
The Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl notes that this year, as the national debt, which was $10 trillion in 2008, heads toward $38 trillion in 2029, the federal government will spend $35,148 per ...

Yes, Democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility. But ...
Apr 20, 2018 · But they will also want to extend some of the cuts for middle-income taxpayers that are scheduled to expire. Reversing some tax cuts while extending others will make a dent in the projected deficit of $1.1 trillion, or almost 5 percent of GDP, in 2021,...

Democrats vs. Republicans: Which Is Better for the Economy?
A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democratic presidents since World War II have performed much better than Republicans. On average, Democratic presidents grew the economy 4.4% each year versus 2.5% for Republicans.
And you certainly demostrated that fact in fine fashion

No you don't know that. You have no way to know assume. When you assume, you make an ass out of you and mac.

Every president both Republican and Democrap have raised the debt over their terms going back longer than any of us have been alive. I've stated this before multiple times on this site.

I gave you a link to the Obozo's government archive budget which lists the debt going back to 1940. Put on your thinking cap and go see when the last time the debt went down from year to year was. It's simple subtraction. Here's a hint: The president at the time had a last name that started with N and ends with ixon.

it has come DOWN under every dem.…….and went up under every republicunt

remember when Reagan was pres...used to have billboards up showing every second how much it had increased
In a word - - - deflection.
National Debt was the topic of discussion.
And how do you figure THAT, blkdlaur? That IS the Nat'l Debt. Reagan put it there ... as did both Bushes, as did Obama, as is Trump. You brought up Obama, my question to you was WHAT would you have done differently under the circumstances Obama faced the FIRST DAY in office.
You brought it up. I responded.. I agree on recession. I like having all my bills paid . there's a mark wahlburg movie the gambler I like being in the fuck you position.
Mark Wahlberg isn't EVEN a GOOD actor! Are you kidding me, @Allforthewifey? Only thing I know about when Clinton was President was that it sure was VERY EASY to get a J.O.B. when I was younger! Now, though, I'm not a fan of the J.O.B. mentality anymore!
Mark Wahlberg isn't EVEN a GOOD actor! Are you kidding me, @Allforthewifey? Only thing I know about when Clinton was President was that it sure was VERY EASY to get a J.O.B.! Now, though, I'm not a fan of the J.O.B. mentality anymore!

John Goodman is also in that movie. I was still in high school when Clinton was president. I haven't had a job applicant in a few month , used get 3 a day.
National debt hasn't gone down since Jackson
You're talking Michael Jackson, right? Why would you say such a foolish thing, Allfor? It had been going down with practically every President since World War Two and went up a bit with Carter, and took off under Reagan and his "trickle down" "tax cuts pay for themselves" idiotic BS.
And you certainly demostrated that fact in fine fashion

No you don't know that. You have no way to know assume. When you assume, you make an ass out of you and mac.

Every president both Republican and Democrap have raised the debt over their terms going back longer than any of us have been alive. I've stated this before multiple times on this site.

I gave you a link to the Obozo's government archive budget which lists the debt going back to 1940. Put on your thinking cap and go see when the last time the debt went down from year to year was. It's simple subtraction. Here's a hint: The president at the time had a last name that started with N and ends with ixon.
There you go again with that picking out certain parts of a post that YOU prefer to talk about! You assume ******* too, @hoping hubby, so I guess that makes you an ASS too! Muthafucka, I HAVEN'T been on this BITCH ASS site that long! Talking about "I've stated this before multiple times on this site" as if I been on here THAT long!
Yep, I think SD may be correct! I am NOW SEEING what most Black guys are TALKING about on this WEBSITE! I agree NOW though that most is IN the OPEN, not even hidden AT ALL! I don't even understand WHY stuff like that IS OUT in the open! I thought they had taken that stuff down, but it's there for the SECOND time! The 1st time seeing that crap wasn't GOOD, but DEFINITELY not COOL seeing that a second time!
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