Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Okay, that's very good to see FINALLY a Republican Judge (appointed by President Bush) who has some balls unlike the weak lapdogs in the Republican Senate! Such an EXCELLENT article!

It seems that Trump has added about $3 trillion dollars to the national debt though I keep hearing others say that President Obama added plenty more than Trump, which is TRUE! But, think about this though, when President Clinton was in office, the country had a SURPLUS! Now, you want to know what happened to that surplus? Well, when President Clinton left office, that surplus of money that the country had, WHICH meant the country wasn't in DEBT at that time, WHEN the Bush family came into office, that SURPLUS of money was SPENT quickly by the Republicans, of course! Now, when President George W. Bush leaves office, the country is in a very BAD Recession, which President Obama has to get the country OUT OF because of BAD CHOICES by the Republican Party, period! So, therefore, President Obama has to add a Bailout to the banks and companies that were irresponsible in THEIR finances as well as the GOVERNMENT! Now, if President Obama had not done what he did, the ECONOMY would NOT be where it is TODAY, period! It was ALOT of work that President Obama had to do because of the Republican Party's HORRIBLE knowledge about FINANCES! It never fails that whenever the Republican Party FUCKS UP, then the Democratic Party has to come behind them to clean up THEIR mess like a Parent cleaning up after a TODDLER! So, truthfully, this country WOULDN'T be in debt IF the Republican Party were WISE and weren't DUMBASSES when it comes to MONEY! Real talk though, and I know the Republicans wouldn't be a FAN of this, BUT if the Presidential race was DICTATED STRICTLY through the POPULAR VOTE, the Republican Party would NEVER WIN! *******, I would be COOL with that because AT LEAST, for a FACT, the country wouldn't be IN DEBT right NOW if it wasn't for the RIGHT making BAD CHOICES!

Clinton decimated the military to make surplus that why national guard and reserves play such a role in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he didn't pay of any debt with surplus our GDP was just
Clinton decimated the military to make surplus that why national guard and reserves play such a role in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he didn't pay of any debt with surplus our GDP was just
Let me get this straight, so you're more concerned about the military rather than making sure the country's debt is intact? I think I would rather take a country that is in the green monetarily versus being in the red! Hmmm, Clinton was more in the 90s, so ******* I was trying to survive back then like most of the Brothas in my neighborhood, so NO TIME for politics! Some DEFINITE fun times back then, but VERY RISKY at the same time especially FOR ME thankfully my Cousin kept CLOSE tabs on a brotha!
Let me get this straight, so you're more concerned about the military rather than making sure the country's debt is intact? I think I would rather take a country that is in the green monetarily versus being in the red! Hmmm, Clinton was more in the 90s, so ******* I was trying to survive back then like most of the Brothas in my neighborhood, so NO TIME for politics! Some DEFINITE fun times back then, but VERY RISKY at the same time especially FOR ME thankfully my Cousin kept CLOSE tabs on a brotha!

I do put american lives over dollars. And like I said had surplus paid no debt
when President Clinton left office, that surplus of money that the country had, WHICH meant the country wasn't in DEBT at that time
The only one that paid of debt was Jackson. Everyone else added even with surplus
BlkCums clearly doesn't understand the difference between the debt and the deficit. Clinton didn't even come close to eliminating the debt....hell ole Bubba Blow Jobs From Interns didn't even eliminate the deficit. He was close, thanks to riding the dot com bubble....close enough that with accounting doublespeak, they were able to convince the useful idiots they had eliminated the deficit.....but the actual numbers say otherwise:

Here's the federal debt for all of Clinton's years....straight from Obozo's white house site:

1994 4,643,307
1995 4,920,586
1996 5,181,465
1997 5,369,206
1998 5,478,189
1999 5,605,523
2000 5,628,700
2001 5,769,881

Doesn't take a math wiz to see the debt went up each and every year under Bubba.
BlkCums clearly doesn't understand the difference between the debt and the deficit. Clinton didn't even come close to eliminating the debt....hell ole Bubba Blow Jobs From Interns didn't even eliminate the deficit. He was close, thanks to riding the dot com bubble....close enough that with accounting doublespeak, they were able to convince the useful idiots they had eliminated the deficit.....but the actual numbers say otherwise:

Here's the federal debt for all of Clinton's years....straight from Obozo's white house site:

1994 4,643,307
1995 4,920,586
1996 5,181,465
1997 5,369,206
1998 5,478,189
1999 5,605,523
2000 5,628,700
2001 5,769,881

Doesn't take a math wiz to see the debt went up each and every year under Bubba.
I didn't say that I was an expert on the country's debt! By the way, it doesn't take a MATH WIZ to know that Republicans have ALWAYS fucked the country up when it comes to putting the country into more debt! And, I noticed that you didn't EVEN click the link on my post, which is #10219! Most Republicans ALWAYS state that the Democrats have increased in the debt, whereas DON'T say the same about the Republican Presidents! A known FACT that Republicans FUCK the DEBT up for the country more than a Democrat does! I also see that, @hoping hubby likes his Racist MENTOR, Trump, whom he WORSHIPS a lot! You do that picking and choosing of what you PREFER to voice your REDNECK opinion on! Respond to the ENTIRE post NEXT TIME though if that isn't too HARD for you to do!
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I didn't say that I was an expert on the country's debt!
And you certainly demostrated that fact in fine fashion
And, I noticed that you didn't EVEN click the link on my post, which is #10219!
No you don't know that. You have no way to know assume. When you assume, you make an ass out of you and mac.
Most Republicans ALWAYS state that the Democrats have increased in the debt, whereas DON'T say the same about the Republican Presidents!
Every president both Republican and Democrap have raised the debt over their terms going back longer than any of us have been alive. I've stated this before multiple times on this site.

I gave you a link to the Obozo's government archive budget which lists the debt going back to 1940. Put on your thinking cap and go see when the last time the debt went down from year to year was. It's simple subtraction. Here's a hint: The president at the time had a last name that started with N and ends with ixon.