Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

America is Bankrupt and Republicans Couldn't Care Less ...
Once evangelists of fiscal responsibility and scourges of deficit spending, Republicans today glory in spilling red ink. The national debt is now $20.6 trillion, greater than the annual GDP of about $19.5 trillion. Alas, with Republicans at the helm, deficits are set to continue racing upwards, apparently without end.

Republicans' hypocrisy on the US deficit is stunning ...
Oct 17, 2018 · Who'd have thought 10 years ago that Paul Ryan, the young and energetic warrior wonk proselytizing about the danger of budget deficits and national debt, …

Opinion | The Republicans Have Become the Party of Debt ...
Feb 10, 2018 · After embracing $1.5 trillion in debt by slashing taxes on corporations and wealthy families in December, the Republican leaders in Congress pushed through a two-year budget deal on Friday that will increase spending by nearly $400 billion.

CBO: Republicans Have Blown Up the National Debt Again ...
Jun 27, 2018 · The Congressional Budget Office published its latest forecast of the national debt yesterday. For the past 40 years, the Republican playbook has been straightforward: they take office, cut taxes on the rich, and run up the national debt.

Why Don't Republicans Fret About the Debt Anymore?
Jan 31, 2018 · During the 2016 GOP debates, the fiscal situation came up far less often than it did in 2012, and with far less urgency too. The Senate Budget Committee held no dedicated hearings on the debt, the deficit, fiscal stability, or balanced budgets in 2017, unlike in many years past.

The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud
Oct 08, 2017 · The budget resolution passed last week by the GOP-controlled Senate Budget Committee provides for a $1.5 trillion increase in the deficit and debt. That will very likely become more than $2 trillion when the final version of the fiscal 2018 budget is developed jointly with the Republican majority in the House.

Forget about small government. Republicans support big ...
Feb 09, 2018 · “Given the long-run budgetary pressures due to the aging of the population, rising health care costs, and other factors, tax reform ought to raise revenues to help reduce projected federal deficits and debt. At an absolute minimum, policymakers should draw …

Republicans Suck
republicans giving tax breaks to the rich, running up the debt and wanting to cut medicare, medicaid & social security I’m fed up with Republicans exploding the debt by giving 2 Trillion in tax breaks to the RICH, spending TRILLIONS on the military and unnecessary wars, then claiming they need to cut “entitlements” such as Social Security ...

reliable sources...…..not russian bot postings

Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Debt - Forbes
Jan 15, 2018 · Republicans use a sound bite that the federal debt doubled under Obama. In looking at the numbers that is close to being numerically correct but falls short of being 100%. However when you take into account the Great Recession, making W. Bush’s temporary tax cuts permanent,...
America is Bankrupt and Republicans Couldn't Care Less ...
Once evangelists of fiscal responsibility and scourges of deficit spending, Republicans today glory in spilling red ink. The national debt is now $20.6 trillion, greater than the annual GDP of about $19.5 trillion. Alas, with Republicans at the helm, deficits are set to continue racing upwards, apparently without end.

Republicans' hypocrisy on the US deficit is stunning ...
Oct 17, 2018 · Who'd have thought 10 years ago that Paul Ryan, the young and energetic warrior wonk proselytizing about the danger of budget deficits and national debt, …

Opinion | The Republicans Have Become the Party of Debt ...
Feb 10, 2018 · After embracing $1.5 trillion in debt by slashing taxes on corporations and wealthy families in December, the Republican leaders in Congress pushed through a two-year budget deal on Friday that will increase spending by nearly $400 billion.

CBO: Republicans Have Blown Up the National Debt Again ...
Jun 27, 2018 · The Congressional Budget Office published its latest forecast of the national debt yesterday. For the past 40 years, the Republican playbook has been straightforward: they take office, cut taxes on the rich, and run up the national debt.

Why Don't Republicans Fret About the Debt Anymore?
Jan 31, 2018 · During the 2016 GOP debates, the fiscal situation came up far less often than it did in 2012, and with far less urgency too. The Senate Budget Committee held no dedicated hearings on the debt, the deficit, fiscal stability, or balanced budgets in 2017, unlike in many years past.

The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud
Oct 08, 2017 · The budget resolution passed last week by the GOP-controlled Senate Budget Committee provides for a $1.5 trillion increase in the deficit and debt. That will very likely become more than $2 trillion when the final version of the fiscal 2018 budget is developed jointly with the Republican majority in the House.

Forget about small government. Republicans support big ...
Feb 09, 2018 · “Given the long-run budgetary pressures due to the aging of the population, rising health care costs, and other factors, tax reform ought to raise revenues to help reduce projected federal deficits and debt. At an absolute minimum, policymakers should draw …

Republicans Suck
republicans giving tax breaks to the rich, running up the debt and wanting to cut medicare, medicaid & social security I’m fed up with Republicans exploding the debt by giving 2 Trillion in tax breaks to the RICH, spending TRILLIONS on the military and unnecessary wars, then claiming they need to cut “entitlements” such as Social Security ...
So 9 trillion under Obama doesnt count.
So 9 trillion under Obama doesnt count.

point the finger all you want...facts are...EVERY ONE of your fucking republicans increased the debit......every one of dems brought it down.....even after the recession the right handed Obama..he still cut it in half....check the facts I posted them ….but then you ate only interested in what mom Russia tells you to post and have no real clue as to what the facts are
Don’t remember them saying ******* about the National Debt when Obama went hog wild on it !
Ok, Einstein, go back and look at what was going on when Obama took the Presidency. Admit, if you can possibly do that, that the nation was just one small step from crashing into its second Great Depression ... and try, if you can manage, to understand the difference between a Great Depression and a Great Recession ... I know this MIGHT require you to go READ something. Then, toss your MAGA cap, and put on your "sensitivity" cap ... I know it probably won't fit your enormous attitude & ego, but detach the size band on the back of the cap and put it on anyway, ok?
Now, lets propose you are the great, incredible, knows everything, can-do-anything TRUMP, and tell us exactly what YOU would have done differently with the US economy if you took office? Try to imagine, if possible, that EVERYTHING happening to others would also impact YOU as well ... your pensions, your stocks, savings, your health care, your pay, loans & debts, even cuts to your service staff. Also realize that almost 800,000 workers were losing their jobs EVERY MONTH as you scramble to make decisions.
Remember when the party TOOK OFFICE from Clinton and how there was no "deficit spending", how ******* didn't stink at that time, how everyone seemed to have a chicken in a pot ... then your party came up with the great idea that "tax cuts pay for themselves, etc etc etc" ... and in eight short years the entire country was collapsing all around you, and they HANDED the responsibility of FIXING IT to YOU ... please, please share your Monday morning quarterbacking and tell us how YOU would have fixed everything and not increase the Nat'l Debt and still give yourself a big TAX CUT to you and your friends.
Then let's suppose YOU made it through the first term and deficit spending went to a TRILLION a year as YOU and every one of your RICH FRIENDS continued to get BIG BONUSES, and think of the POOR PEOPLE you intend to FUCK and cut survival benefits so YOU and your RICH FRIENDS can continue enjoying your HUGE BONUES and checks from investments and tax cuts that continue "paying for themselves".
Please tell us, ohhhhh Great blkdlaur, how you would run everything, ok?
We're anxiously waiting for your "full of crap", incomplete, and not thought out response to Obama's efforts to save the country from Depression while the other party continued trying to MAKE HIM FAIL.
We're ALL EARS ....
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It seems that Trump has added about $3 trillion dollars to the national debt though I keep hearing others say that President Obama added plenty more than Trump, which is TRUE! But, think about this though, when President Clinton was in office, the country had a SURPLUS! Now, you want to know what happened to that surplus? Well, when President Clinton left office, that surplus of money that the country had, WHICH meant the country wasn't in DEBT at that time, WHEN the Bush family came into office, that SURPLUS of money was SPENT quickly by the Republicans, of course! Now, when President George W. Bush leaves office, the country is in a very BAD Recession, which President Obama has to get the country OUT OF because of BAD CHOICES by the Republican Party, period! So, therefore, President Obama has to add a Bailout to the banks and companies that were irresponsible in THEIR finances as well as the GOVERNMENT! Now, if President Obama had not done what he did, the ECONOMY would NOT be where it is TODAY, period! It was ALOT of work that President Obama had to do because of the Republican Party's HORRIBLE knowledge about FINANCES! It never fails that whenever the Republican Party FUCKS UP, then the Democratic Party has to come behind them to clean up THEIR mess like a Parent cleaning up after a TODDLER! So, truthfully, this country WOULDN'T be in debt IF the Republican Party were WISE and weren't DUMBASSES when it comes to MONEY! Real talk though, and I know the Republicans wouldn't be a FAN of this, BUT if the Presidential race was DICTATED STRICTLY through the POPULAR VOTE, the Republican Party would NEVER WIN! *******, I would be COOL with that because AT LEAST, for a FACT, the country wouldn't be IN DEBT right NOW if it wasn't for the RIGHT making BAD CHOICES!

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Ok, Einstein, go back and look at what was going on when Obama took the Presidency. Admit, if you can possibly do that, that the nation was just one small step from crashing into its second Great Depression ... and try, if you can manage, to understand the difference between a Great Depression and a Great Recession ... I know this MIGHT require you to go READ something. Then, toss your MAGA cap, and put on your "sensitivity" cap ... I know it probably won't fit your enormous attitude & ego, but detach the size band on the back of the cap and put it on anyway, ok?
Now, lets propose you are the great, incredible, knows everything, can-do-anything TRUMP, and tell us exactly what YOU would have done differently with the US economy if you took office? Try to imagine, if possible, that EVERYTHING happening to others would also impact YOU as well ... your pensions, your stocks, savings, your health care, your pay, loans & debts, even cuts to your service staff. Also realize that almost 800,000 workers were losing their jobs EVERY MONTH as you scramble to make decisions.
Remember when the party TOOK OFFICE from Clinton and how there was no "deficit spending", how ******* didn't stink at that time, how everyone seemed to have a chicken in a pot ... then your party came up with the great idea that "tax cuts pay for themselves, etc etc etc" ... and in eight short years the entire country was collapsing all around you, and they HANDED the responsibility of FIXING IT to YOU ... please, please share your Monday morning quarterbacking and tell us how YOU would have fixed everything and not increase the Nat'l Debt and still give yourself a big TAX CUT to you and your friends.
Then let's suppose YOU made it through the first term and deficit spending went to a TRILLION a year as YOU and every one of your RICH FRIENDS continued to get BIG BONUSES, and think of the POOR PEOPLE you intend to FUCK and cut survival benefits so YOU and your RICH FRIENDS can continue enjoying your HUGE BONUES and checks from investments and tax cuts that continue "paying for themselves".
Please tell us, ohhhhh Great blkdlaur, how you would run everything, ok?
We're anxiously waiting for your "full of crap", incomplete, and not thought out response to Obama's efforts to save the country from Depression while the other party continued trying to MAKE HIM FAIL.
We're ALL EARS ....

In a word - - - deflection.
National Debt was the topic of discussion.

I liked Bill Clinton as a president and his fiscal responsibility by the way.
The 5 US presidents who won the election but lost the popular vote

John Q. Adams – the election of 1824

Rutherford B. Hayes – the election of 1876

Benjamin Harrison – the election of 1888

George W. Bush – the election of 2000

Donald Trump – the election of 2016

This fact about the last 7 US elections will make you think

Last year’s presidential vote took Donald Trump to the White House. Compare this win to the six before him and you’ll notice something interesting.

If you pay attention to American politics, you will know that while Donald Trump won the presidency, thanks to winning a majority of electoral college votes, he failed to win the popular vote. Hillary Clinton won that. Sixteen years earlier, the same thing happened to George Bush. He too won the most electoral college votes, but lost out on the popular vote.

Looking at these two elections, as well as the five others since 1992 there is one striking fact.

While three of the last seven presidential elections were won by Republicans, on six out of the last seven votes, a Democrat won the popular vote share.

In 1992, Democrat Bill Clinton won the presidency with the highest number of electoral college votes, as well as the popular vote. In 1996, he did repeated the feat.

Four years after that in 2000, Republican George Bush won the presidency, but lost the popular vote to Al Gore. In 2004, Bush managed to win in both arenas, marking the only Republican win in terms of popular vote in the last two and a half decades.

Then, in 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama won both the popular votes and both electoral college contests. Four years later, Republican Trump won the electoral college vote, but not the popular vote.

In six out of the last seven elections, the Democrats have won the popular vote. This is a striking fact, but the popular vote counts for nothing in a presidential election.

In fact, when critics pointed out Trump’s popular vote loss in 2016
, he hit back by saying if it had been a popular vote election he would have campaigned differently. Much like if the UK had a more proportional voting system, campaigning in marginal seats would undoubtedly no longer be the focus.

There is no way of telling if Trump would have won had he done this, but different rules make players act differently so it is entirely possible.
Through the Presidents that have been Republican elected, I DON'T know why MOST of them were inept when it comes to controlling the money of the country! As what you posted regarding the debt of the country, @subhub174014, that was very informative! I have read several articles about how rising debt would hurt the country though, for some reason, NOTHING has been done about it! Everything sure was a lot better when we had that SURPLUS though, but as my friend told me, "You might as well KISS that surplus GOODBYE when a Republican gets in office!" This country has been in the RED for so many years and counting! You can tell that ******* is bad when the United States had their AAA credit rating DOWNGRADED! Smh!

Factual information:
Bush 43: Took it from zero to $1.2 trillion
Obama: Halved it to $600 billion
Trump: Has gotten it back to a trillion

Wow, look at those FACTS, my Republicans! Cannot whine about that, LOL!

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