Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

More devision. You don't want to help . could we refinance?

more facts showing how the right can NOT handle a check book....and you want to say division?

not much in the way of help I could give except to say don't vote republican

Budget Deficits Are Only Getting Bigger under Trump ...
The Trump tax cuts are estimated to have reduced federal revenues by roughly $230 billion already, and by $2.3 trillion over ten years. That would be perfectly fine if we simultaneously reduced ...
more facts showing how the right can NOT handle a check book....and you want to say division?

not much in the way of help I could give except to say don't vote republican

Budget Deficits Are Only Getting Bigger under Trump ...
The Trump tax cuts are estimated to have reduced federal revenues by roughly $230 billion already, and by $2.3 trillion over ten years. That would be perfectly fine if we simultaneously reduced ...
I should have drank coffee before posting

I agree with what schumer said....should have stated it a little better....but he is far from the last politician to put his foot in his mouth...……...and Roberts has shown in the past he will defend any scj!

See how he does
yes.....would love to see a bunch of trump puppets out on their ass!.....McConnell having trouble at home....even though his wife got him a lot of ******* for his state...his last run was one of the most expensive in history..(a lot of Russian money)...will it help him again? especially with people knowing now where it came from...….same for Graham...he is not a shoe in!....would love to see those 2 go if nothing else......both just party over country...….

look at all the bills......close to 500 just sitting on McConnells desk and won't ever bring up....some of the bi-partisan from congress.....prescription bill for much as I dislike trump would rather see a bunch of those people go....all of those fucking hardliners!

somewhere somehow....they have to get back to working for the country...….McConnell has not been doing it clear back to Obama....blocking anything a dem..or even bi-partisan just because it might make a dem look good.....doesn't matter if the country could benefit!
Graham….he is just worried trump will let it out he is gay! he does trump's bidding...….Cruz is still trying to suck up after he and Rubio were the 2 that started the steel report on trump to begin with.....although the right likes to skip over that and go for Hillary.....I think Iowa and Texas stand a good chance of going blue....hope for more!

again a far right publication......and even if it is what......after trump became pres china gave Ivanka several trade marks she had been refused before.....donJr...using daddy name to get into real estate in India...daddy even had to make a trip there....mmmm for what reason?