Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

nothing wrong with that.....same with these fucking movie stars and singers that make money off the public...…..they want to get involved in politics....there are 2 side is not going to like it...….would love to see more movies boycotted one way or the other.....the public gave them their fame....and then they want to ******* on half the public...…..same for a restaurant or anything else dealing with the want to take sides.....expect some won't like it and there could be a price to pay
hottobe ...…….you can hit me all the way back with as many dislikes as you on my profile and see what I have in the way of likes...…… are nothing more than a fart in a whirlwind...….but if you feel the need go ahead...….you and blklump like to do that for some reason.….childish I guess....but from you would not expect anything less
damn you were busy....all the way back to the first post.....well guess you have used them all up by now......and still nothing of any relevance to say

is that anything like the largest crowd to ever attend an inauguration ever....guess he can only afford to pay so many to attend at one time...….although the trump family still profited several million off donations for that anyway

Expert: Trump Is Using Hired “Fans” To Make His Rallies ...
Oct 06, 2018 · Silberberg notes several incidents previously reported that indicate the Trump campaign, or an individual or entity on its behalf, hired actors to attend rallies: In August 2017, AZCentral reported on a Craigslist ad that popped up ahead of Phoenix rally: > The ad,...

Did Donald Trump Hire Actors to Attend His Campaign Rally ...


Jun 18, 2015 · Donald Trump Paid Actors To Attend Rally - Duration: 5:03. The Young Turks 127,426 views
  • Author: Inside Edition
  • Views: 3.8K
is that anything like the largest crowd to ever attend an inauguration ever....guess he can only afford to pay so many to attend at one time...….although the trump family still profited several million off donations for that anyway

Expert: Trump Is Using Hired “Fans” To Make His Rallies ...
Oct 06, 2018 · Silberberg notes several incidents previously reported that indicate the Trump campaign, or an individual or entity on its behalf, hired actors to attend rallies: In August 2017, AZCentral reported on a Craigslist ad that popped up ahead of Phoenix rally: > The ad,...

Did Donald Trump Hire Actors to Attend His Campaign Rally ...
Jun 18, 2015 · Donald Trump Paid Actors To Attend Rally - Duration: 5:03. The Young Turks 127,426 views
  • Author: Inside Edition
  • Views: 3.8K
They are talking voting in primary
Sucks Boston calls the shots !!! :{

that is what these farmers complain about all the time....they want more voice and etc...…..they have a voice same as everyone else....called a democracy...…..majority rules......will admit there is something unjust about the situation....first farmers will never understand workers rights..unions and etc....they have no idea... and that is what city folks base their vote on...………… folks for the most part will never understand farmers always voting for the right.....farmer is basically a small biz man......and relies basically on the markets

city folks...unions and rights
farmers ...small biz and markets....

the two will never understand the other....but voting is one for one and majority rules...only fair way to have it.....if anything blame big farmers buying out all these family farms.....and killing some of their "votes" for greed...used to be a million 200acre farms...… to see a farm over 1000 acres and more....and a lot of those are foreign they are self imploding
Fox News' Donna Brazile To RNC's Chairwoman: 'Go To Hell'

Republicans need to stay the hell out of the Democratic nomination process and stop pushing Russian talking points, says the former DNC official.

By John Amato

Former DNC chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile laced into Ronna McDaniel, the head of the RNC, on America's Newsroom earlier today.

It's likely Fox didn't bargain for this kind of anger, not to mention language when they hired Donna Brazile. It couldn't happen to a nicer network.

McDaniel, as with most Republicans, tried to sow discontent in the Democratic primary by claiming the process will be "rigged" against Bernie Sanders if no one enters the convention with enough delegates to win on the first ballot.

Brazile listened to the ridiculous claptrap in a video clip from the RNC Chairwoman. Her response was direct and angry: "Stay the hell out of our race!"

Donna continued, "I get sick and tired, Ed and Sandra, of listening to Republicans tell me and the Democrats about our process."

Donna then really let loose.

"And for people to use Russian talking points to sow division among Americans, that is stupid---so, Ronna, go to hell.”

Off-camera Ed Henry said, “Whoa!”

"No, go to hell!” Brazile repeated. “I’m tired of it, Ed. We’re not trying to prevent anyone from becoming the nominee. If you have the delegates and win, you will win.”

And she didn't stop there.

"The idea that Democrats are trying to put hurdles or roadblocks to stop one candidate is stupid," Brazile said.

"Stop using Russian talking points, Madame chairwoman. Period. Stop using them!"

Sandra Smith tried to defend Ronna's opinion and Brazile said, "If there's any proof Madam Chairwoman -- any proof Mister President, that we are trying to change this process for one candidate, show the proof."


President Trump's Disgraceful Peace Deal with the Taliban
20 hours ago · There is a difference between peace and retreat. The Trump administration’s agreement with the Taliban represents a full retreat. It’s an agreement that most Republicans would deplore if a Democrat president made the deal, and they’d be right to be angry.

Cracks start to show in Taliban peace deal - POLITICO
1 day ago · Cracks start to show in Taliban peace deal. ... United States signed what was billed as a historic agreement with the Taliban. ... on the homefront from one of President Donald Trump