Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I am looking forward to celebrating another Trump presidency in 2020. The partying shall be loud and long.

Trump is the best candidate, but he'd win even if he wasn't. I have never witnessed such political ineptitude as i have seen from the Dems and their supporters over the last 3 years.

Returning to this thread after a long absence, i now notice that subhub has changed his avatar to one that casually condones violence against an incumbent president. He need not look any further than himself as to why he and his party will get their asses kicked, again, in 2020.

As an Australian, I suggest that Americans vote Trump.
This seems politically loaded, lol Im from Canada so my vote doesn’t count but from where I stand Trump shouldn’t tweet but is otherwise definitely your best option. You don’t want to live in the socialism the Democratic Party is offering. Take it from a Canadian socialism sucks. All for eroding your rights until you have none left, vote democrat!
Amen sister! Preach on! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Day 8 and still no impeachment. LOL
Technically incorrect as I do like the theme of your comment @syscom3 . Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives but the Senate has yet to receive it officially. So he had no chance to be removed from the office of the POTUS as of yet. But as I understand it if after an uncertain period of time the Senate has not received the official documents for impeachment the impeachment itself created by Pelosi could be nullified.

Similarly it might be something just as if you drive somewhere and a cop pulls you over and charges you for missing a stop light for example. That charge is like an impeachment. You feel as if you were unjustly charged so you go to the court, the Senate, to appeal that charge or impeachment. In the case of Trump it is the only court where these charges can be filed as there are none higher than the Senate. Should they rule against you you would pay a fine and/or go to jail where your driving privileges could be in jeopardy if you went to jail of course.

On the other hand, if you happen to be as innocent like Trump then you would be acquitted and not removed, but you were once charged or impeached for your behavior. And if the cop (being Pelosi) fouled up the paperwork for the court being the Senate under the rules of the US Constitution and/or did not show up in court those charges or impeachment itself could be reversed which is the present scenario thus far.

For more details I recommend checking out @hoping hubby's posts as he went much further in depth on this here in a number of different scenarios:

If @hoping hubby believes there is a better argument than the ones I have observed, or if he decides to post a very long post about it feel free to do so, or correct me if he feels I have any inaccuracies about the impeachment process as he appears to be an authority on this topic who happens to agree with me that President Donald Trump is a good if not great president 🇺🇸.

Undoubtedly our good pal @subhub174014 has entertaining arguments to counter @hoping hubby 's arguments where he as well as anyone else are free to do so as we debate topics like this on these political threads @syscom3 . :)
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What difference does it make, we have 11 million living in the USA illegally that can vote if your party has it's way, So suggest all you want.
Not true, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince someone that's been brainwashed. If you can't see the violations by Trump, you're brain dead. The ONLY major infractions of illegal voting have occurred by the Republican party in 2016 ... one a candidate and the other hired by the Republican party in NC; both confessed and in prison now.
Republican and Trump declarations of major Democrat voting violations still unproven; most for voting 'outside' their precinct.
Day 8 and still no impeachment. LOL
Obviously you took last week OFF , huh? House impeached the president ... up to the Senate to do their job now ... will they? Probably not. House isn't going to send their impeachment to the Senate who have already made their decision. House wants Senate to question 4 witnesses relevant to the Trump phone call ... Senate says no, just as Republicans have refused responses to subpoenas & Wht Hse documents. Seems to me, if Trump is so innocent they wouldn't have the problem of breaking the laws. Trump is making the Constitution of the US illegitimate ... and you people approve his process. Don't talk crap with me ... no time for your BS.
Obviously you took last week OFF , huh? House impeached the president ... up to the Senate to do their job now ... will they? Probably not. House isn't going to send their impeachment to the Senate who have already made their decision. House wants Senate to question 4 witnesses relevant to the Trump phone call ... Senate says no, just as Republicans have refused responses to subpoenas & Wht Hse documents. Seems to me, if Trump is so innocent they wouldn't have the problem of breaking the laws. Trump is making the Constitution of the US illegitimate ... and you people approve his process. Don't talk crap with me ... no time for your BS.
Again thanks for the recent like @MacNfries . Unless there are any Ebenezer Scrooges working right now nothing is going to get done on Christmas or New Year's. Most likely the fun continues after that. Belated Merry Christmas and New Year's by the way to you and all.
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Obviously you took last week OFF , huh? House impeached the president ... up to the Senate to do their job now ... will they? Probably not. House isn't going to send their impeachment to the Senate who have already made their decision. House wants Senate to question 4 witnesses relevant to the Trump phone call ... Senate says no, just as Republicans have refused responses to subpoenas & Wht Hse documents. Seems to me, if Trump is so innocent they wouldn't have the problem of breaking the laws. Trump is making the Constitution of the US illegitimate ... and you people approve his process. Don't talk crap with me ... no time for your BS.
Oh poor baby. You cant handle failure can you? Until the paperwork is delivered to the senate, nothing happened. Just like if the DA indicted you but forgot to sign the warrant.

LOL. You got owned mac!
Not true, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince someone that's been brainwashed. If you can't see the violations by Trump, you're brain dead. The ONLY major infractions of illegal voting have occurred by the Republican party in 2016 ... one a candidate and the other hired by the Republican party in NC; both confessed and in prison now.
Republican and Trump declarations of major Democrat voting violations still unproven; most for voting 'outside' their precinct.
You know what Mac, you have no argument to stand on in the least. It is you that is blind, BRAINWASHED and BRAIN DEAD not me. You are a fool because you come off as a total know it all, What you are proving is that you are an educated idiot. The Democrats are totally a corrupt worthless group. Trump will win again and if I didn't have children and grand children, I would enjoy seeing you get what you want, a larger Socialistic government because of one complete nut job like Bernie Sanders and his supporter AOC, talk about Brain dead or Elizabeth Warren. There are 11 million illegals in this country and it is your beloved Godless Democrats who want them here.
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