Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

would that be another trump diversion?...…..what you are saying are ok with whatever trump does you don't care...….talk about Clinton….someone the right has always hated because he straightened up their mess and put America back in good shape

Can Trump Be Stopped?

Trump voters are voting out of fear and anger. This is why you can’t really reason with them
. When you give them facts that prove Trump to be a liar they don’t care. Why? Because he makes them feel safe from the bogey men he has grown in their minds
I knew I would get this reaction, it wasn't about Trump. I really didn't expect anyone on here to watch it, Trump voters have the right to be scared, there is no one else to be President, I really always did vote for the best candidate, I will never vote Democrat again unless there is drastic change.
I knew I would get this reaction, it wasn't about Trump. I really didn't expect anyone on here to watch it, Trump voters have the right to be scared, there is no one else to be President, I really always did vote for the best candidate, I will never vote Democrat again unless there is drastic change.

sorry.....I quit watching the posted vids on here a long time ago......nothing personal I just think we are talking our own preferences for whatever......not a paid actor for one...….anyway I just don't watch them.....reacted to a headline
Stiffbbc that video is right on point. I have never been looked upon as being stupid ( name calling ) until I found these political threads. I forgive them, but but I can't agree with them as a whole.
I noticed your video too but it is in excess of an hour in length. I'll try to view it later.
By the way speaking of name calling did you notice what I said last night?

sorry.....I quit watching the posted vids on here a long time ago......nothing personal I just think we are talking our own preferences for whatever......not a paid actor for one...….anyway I just don't watch them.....reacted to a headline
Like I said, I didn't really expect many if any to watch it because it is about real corruption and horrible murders. And it is a full documentary movie over an hour long.
If you want me to read the long stuff, you gotta put some PORN in it. Otherwise my attention span is that of a good ejaculation ... 10 seconds.
talk to The Billy Graham Paper

Christianity Today: Trump should be impeached and removed, 'morally lost and confused'

The leading evangelical Christian publication Christianity Today, which was founded by the media figure and former presidential advisor Billy Graham, endorses the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, calling him “a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.”

Here's an excerpt from the Christianity Today editorial calling for the impeachment and removal of Trump:

Trump’s evangelical supporters have pointed to his Supreme Court nominees, his defense of religious liberty, and his stewardship of the economy, among other things, as achievements that justify their support of the president. We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see. This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country, and damages both the spirit and the future of our people. None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.

Billy Graham's magazine calls for Trump's ouster
11 minutes ago · Billy Graham’s magazine calls for Trump’s ouster ... “We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has …

Billy Graham's evangelical magazine calls for Trump's ...
USA-TRUMP/IMPEACHMENT-EVANGELICALS:Billy Graham's evangelical magazine calls for Trump's removal. ... Billy Graham's evangelical magazine calls for Trump's removal.



just like anything else...… have those that support him and NOTHING will change their mind....he could shoot someone...(hopefully there would be a willing trumptard step up to take the bullet)…...and the rest that see him for what he is

Can Trump Be Stopped?

Trump voters are voting out of fear and anger. This is why you can’t really reason with them. When you give them facts that prove Trump to be a liar they don’t care. Why? Because he makes them feel safe from the bogey men he has grown in their minds
Whatever happens, these people will follow Trump like the children who followed the Pied Piper. Those ******* walked away from the safety of their families and into the jaws of death. I am not angry with these people. I pity them. I also pity the nation they are unwittingly destroying with their cowardice.

and just because they have religion...…..doesn't make them right or smart...…….hell look at what you post.....supposedly smart......and seemingly religious...….and yet wrong a lot of the time.....good example heh?
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they are sticking with the story and questioning those that do support him.....Trump worried? holding a little Christian ralley!

Christianity Today again slams Trump, raises issue of 'unconditional loyalty'

By Heather Timmons
© Reuters/MARCO BELLO U.S. President Trump delivers remarks at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Christianity Today, the magazine founded by the late Reverend Billy Graham, renewed its criticism of President Donald Trump in a new editorial that cited his "misuses of power" and asked fellow Christians to examine their loyalty to him, days after a controversial editorial that called for his impeachment.

The 130,000-circulation magazine, which has 4.3 million monthly website viewers, in its editorial last week cited Trump's "profoundly immoral" conduct in office, drawing immediate criticism from Trump and dozens of evangelical leaders

Evangelicals have been a bedrock of support for the Republican president, and the magazine noted in its new editorial, published Sunday, that Trump "has done a lot of good for causes we all care about."

But the magazine's president, Timothy Dalrymple, wrote in the editorial, headlined "The Flag in the Whirlwind," that evangelicals' embrace of Trump means being tied to his "rampant immorality, greed, and corruption; his divisiveness and race-baiting; his cruelty and hostility to immigrants and refugees

"With profound love and respect," Dalrymple said, "we ask our brothers and sisters in Christ to consider whether they have given to Caesar what belongs only to God: their unconditional loyalty."

The editorial praised the Trump administration's judicial appointment, "advocacy of life, family, and religious liberty." But it said, "It is one thing to praise his accomplishments; it is another to excuse and deny his obvious misuses of power.

Dalrymple pledged to open up a "serious discussion about how our activity as Christians shapes our activity as citizens" in 2020. He declined to be interviewed until after the Christmas holiday.

Evangelical Christians make up about 25% of the U.S. population. According to a Pew Research poll from last January, 69% of white evangelicals approved of the job Trump is doing, compared with 48% of white mainline Protestants and 12% of black Protestants.

On Jan. 3, Trump will hold an "Evangelicals for Trump coalition launch" in Miami.

Graham's ******* Franklin had slammed the original Christianity Today editorial and said his ******* knew, believed in and voted for Trump, an endorsement that other family members dispute

Dozens of evangelical leaders signed a letter criticizing the magazine's impeachment call, and Trump said on Twitter he would stop reading the publication.

Christianity Today was founded in 1956, and its current impact in the evangelical community is limited, said Greg Carey, a New Testament professor at Lancaster Seminary in Pennsylvania. “Like other traditional media, their platform has fragmented, so I’m skeptical that they have the real punch to change a movement.”

Still, the way Trump and others have pushed back showed the outlet is being heard. “There are those who feel that a crack in that foundation (of evangelical support of Trump) is a threat” that needs to be patched, Carey said.
For evangelicals who have doubts about Trump's conduct in office and the church's embrace of the president, "having an institutional voice that has some respect gives them cover to voice their opinion," Carey said.

trump going to quit reading the publication now...…...really doubt he even knew it ever existed
FBI's probe of Trump campaign faced problems from the start

WASHINGTON — When Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s internal watchdog, released a report that criticized the secret FBI surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser in 2016 and 2017, initial reports suggested the FBI had been too aggressive.

But a close reading of the 434-page report, and interviews with current and former agents, suggest the FBI may have been too cautious, especially in the early stages of the investigation.

The reason? The FBI was trying to stay out of politics.

Worried about leaks, the bureau kept the investigative team small. It barred the use of subpoenas and other aggressive tools. And it ran the inquiry from Washington, not one of its 56 field offices.

Partly as a result, it took more than two months for a former British spy’s report to reach the right FBI investigators. And a constant reshuffling of agents and staff led to communication lapses and loss of institutional knowledge.

“The investigation was unprecedented, and the bureau was trying to do what it could to stay out of the election,” said a former FBI official. “The investigation got handcuffed by some of that. There was turnover. There was some confusion. But I’m not sure how it could have been handled differently.”

James B. Comey, who headed the FBI at the time, told the inspector general that he advised agents and analysts to tread carefully in Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI code name for the probe.

“It’s smoke we see,” Comey said, according to the report. “We don’t know whether there’s fire there.”

But Comey had undergone withering criticism for his decision, announced on July 5, 2016, not to charge Hillary Clinton, the expected Democratic presidential nominee, for using a private computer server when she was secretary of State. The FBI would reopen that probe in October, and again decide not to charge her.

As far as is known, the FBI had never investigated a major-party candidate during a presidential campaign. In 2016, it launched investigations that had serious implications for both candidates, an extraordinary development that required unusual care.

Most FBI investigations are conducted out of field offices, where agents have access to support staff, surveillance teams and other assets.

But senior FBI officials worried that Crossfire Hurricane was too sensitive, so they ran it out of headquarters. They brought field agents to Washington on 90-day temporary duty shifts, causing management headaches.

Then, in January 2017, the FBI transferred day-to-day operations to the New York, Chicago and Washington field offices. But it reversed course four months later and brought the probe back to headquarters.

A top analyst believed the “shifting makeup of the teams and the changing leadership created a divide between the analysts and the agents, which resulted in less interaction between the two groups,” the inspector general reported.

In the early months of the investigation, the FBI didn’t seem to make much progress in the probe. A Justice Department prosecutor who attended regular briefings on the inquiry said it “seemed pretty slow-moving.” The acting deputy attorney general, Dana Boente, told the inspector general that the investigation seemed to lack a sense of urgency.

Crossfire Hurricane was officially launched on July 31, 2016, five days after an Australian diplomat in London told the State Department that the Trump campaign might be colluding with the Russian government

The diplomat told U.S. officials that George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, had informed him in May that the Trump team “had received some kind of suggestion from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging” to Clinton, according to the inspector general.

WikiLeaks already had begun publishing emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee, and the FBI suspected Russian operatives were responsible.

The counterintelligence investigation focused on Papadopoulos and three other people associated with Trump’s campaign. All three were already on the FBI’s radar.

Paul Manafort, then the Trump campaign chairman, had extensive ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine and was already the target of an FBI money laundering and tax evasion inquiry. Manafort quit the campaign in August, and was sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison in mid-2018 after he was convicted of multiple financial crimes.

Retired Gen. Michael Flynn, a Trump campaign adviser, had traveled to Russia and had ties to Russian-affiliated organizations. Flynn was ousted in 2017 after less than a month as Trump’s national security adviser and later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. He has not been sentenced.

Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in jail for lying to the FBI. Carter Page, a Trump foreign policy adviser until September 2016, was linked to Russia-owned entities and had visited Russia that July. He was not charged with a crime.

In July 2016, the FBI suspected Page, an energy consultant, was working for Russian intelligence. That October, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court agreed to let the FBI secretly gather Page’s emails, phone calls and other communications. The court would renew the warrant three times, until mid-2017.

But the FBI made 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in the four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, court applications, and did not provide satisfactory explanations for the mistakes, the inspector general found.

On Tuesday, the presiding judge of the FISA court, Rosemary M. Collyer, ordered the bureau to explain how it would improve its applications. She added a rare public criticism, saying the inspector general’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

In mid-September 2016, the FBI sent informants to talk to Papadopoulos and Page, as well as an unidentified high-ranking campaign official, and secretly record them. They did not put any undercover agents or informants in the Trump campaign.

But the informants didn’t find proof of cooperation with Russia. Instead, the inspector general said, Page and Papadopoulos offered information that cut against the FBI’s theories.

There was another problem.

On July 5, a former British spy and longtime FBI informant, Christopher Steele, gave an FBI agent in Europe the first of what would become a series of intelligence reports about Trump’s alleged dealings with Russia and potential collusion between his associates and Moscow.

A political research firm in Washington had hired Steele, originally for a Republican campaign. The work ultimately was funded by Democrats.

The agent contacted counterintelligence agents in New York to ask where to send the material. A month later, he emailed the New York office again, asking what he should do.

“The stuff is burning a hole,” the agent wrote.

The Steele reports did not reach the Crossfire Hurricane team for two more weeks, on Sept. 19. An agent called the delay excessive and said it hampered the FBI’s ability to vet Steele’s information and assess its value.

The dossier would tip the scales in favor of obtaining the first warrant on Page from the FISA court. The FBI’s reliance on Steele’s material would become a controversial part of the investigation.

Former FBI officials said the long delay likely resulted from the Crossfire Hurricane team’s low profile — nobody outside a select circle knew what they were doing or how important the work was.

That was by design. The inspector general found that Andrew McCabe, then the FBI deputy director, had told the team to “get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible, but with a light footprint.”

all because the FBI did not want involved in politics and was hesitant to get into it...….look what happened....we have a commie in the white house...….and commies controlling the gop and other weak minded people