Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Seems to be the case - too bad the percentages are so close - does seem to be an almost 50 / 50 split. I do believe since this impeachment fiasco the President is gaining support though. is now up to over 60% of republicans want to hear the facts.....not the ones in congress ...the ones in general population

and now they find a bunch of trump emails where he is discussing not giving the money and a few other things......even with what is out doesn't look good for trump.....and then you have what is pretty obviously "altered" for public viewing.....the more he hides the more people want to know the truth

he is and always has been his own worst enemy
with how the country feels right now you will have to consider your self lucky just to hang onto what you have...…..and that is very slim odds

Hate to tell you but all your precious polls are going in President Trump’s direction :}

I believe the most recent USA Today poll has him beating ALL of the Dem bozo candidates handily : ]
Is there a thread on this site anymore where we are on topic?

oh well ...WTF!

Emails Show the White House Knew Trump Was Extorting Ukraine
Nov 25, 2019 · Wildly Incriminating Emails Show the White House Knew Trump Was Extorting Ukraine Staff, including Mick Mulvaney, scrambled to justify the hold on nearly $400 million in aid

Emails Show White House Moved To Halt Ukraine Aid Right ...
18 hours ago · A trove of documents released late Friday evening show that the White House moved to halt nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine directly after President Donald Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Congress was not to be told, according to the email

Emails Show Trump Admin Made Major Attempt To Justify Ukraine Aid Delay: Report
Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney was among those who tried to defend the president’s actions, The Washington Post reported.

A trove of documents has revealed that members of President Donald Trump’s administration engaged in an extensive effort to justify his holdup of American military aid to Ukraine over the summer, The Washington Post reported Sunday.
A confidential White House review of the decision found hundreds of documents showing that officials searched for ways to defend the president’s delay of the funds ― a central focus of the House impeachment probe ― according to three people with knowledge of the records.

The Post reported that email exchanges from early August indicate acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, along with members of the Office of Management and Budget, sought to explain why Trump ordered in mid-July that almost $400 million be withheld, just days before his now-infamous call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During that call, Trump pressed Zelensky repeatedly for assistance with a corruption probe of former Vice President Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter, based on unfounded corruption accusations.

At the time of the call, Trump had already hit pause on the aid, raising concerns that there may have been a quid pro quo with Zelensky. The money was released on Sept. 11.

People familiar with OMB’s handling of the matter told the Post that the conversations were “calm, routine and focused on the legal question of how to comply with the congressional Budget and Impoundment Act, which requires the executive branch to spend congressionally appropriated funds unless Congress agrees they can be rescinded,” the outlet reported.

As the documents included in the White House’s review were not published, it remains unclear exactly what was communicated by Mulvaney and OMB officials.

In October, Mulvaney acknowledged during a press conference that there was, in fact, a quid pro quo with Ukraine, telling reporters “we do that all the time with foreign policy” and that they should “get over it.”

Hours later, Mulvaney made a total reversal, releasing a statement slamming the media for attempting “to misconstrue my comments to advance a biased and political witch hunt against” the president, and claiming that “there was absolutely no quid pro quo.”

Earlier this month, Mark Sandy, a longtime OMB official, appeared before the House Intelligence Committee for closed-door testimony, making him the only member of the agency to participate in the impeachment inquiry so far.
Sandy told lawmakers that the delay in funds was very unusual and that senior OMB political appointees wanted to review the aid package, the Post reported.

I guess what is driving me and about a million other dems crazy....everyone knows ..HE broke the law...….but it's trump and it's not that bad...… we just let it go?

what happens a few years down the road another president holds up aid in trade for ???/something else...….now all of sudden because it was ok for trump it will be ok for another to do it for another personal reason.....the same law doesn't apply to one and not another...…..and if we don't enforce do we just do away with them? and which ones...we let trump pick?

the next pres decides to hold up aid to Ven in exchange for free college education for his nephews and a few hundred thou in his campaign funds...… we have all agreed now that it is ok

and the emolument clause....pres not supposed to use the office to make money......and another that trump has shattered and nothing being said

subpoenas…. and so much more....he is flat destroying our constitution and making a mockery of our laws......we are a nation of laws......but to many he is doing what they would all like to they love it

what they fail to see from this snakeoil salesman...…..he is dividing us far more than ever before....maybe even civil war and has called for unrest if he is not re-elected......destroying a lot of it is ok to ignore a subpoenas can't make me go to court....precident set now

we as a nation are getting more and more into guns and gun violence......little or no laws there.....we are literally allowing this man to destroy this country right before our eyes....promote hate and discontent.....and people fine with it

the outcome can not be good and we are just watching and letting it happen while others think it funny and encouraging more
hate to tell you this....but your precious polls are all off!

Gee - that sounds familiar - like EXACTLY what I have been saying - however you seem to like the polls especially when they support your position - personally I pay NO real attention to them since 2016. Just thought you might find that one interesting ;}
Gee - that sounds familiar - like EXACTLY what I have been saying - however you seem to like the polls especially when they support your position - personally I pay NO real attention to them since 2016. Just thought you might find that one interesting ;}

Oh I think they are ….general to a point...…….but the problem with the accuracy......they call a random number of people where ever......what's to say what party those people belong to

so they are good to a point....but all of your politicians buy into them....when they are in their favor.....trump follows them when he likes the results....polls supposedly off plus or minus 3 either way....doesn't matter if a majority going a certain way got to be close
I feel everyone in America should watch this and make their own Judgement.

would that be another trump diversion?...…..what you are saying are ok with whatever trump does you don't care...….talk about Clinton….someone the right has always hated because he straightened up their mess and put America back in good shape

Can Trump Be Stopped?

Trump voters are voting out of fear and anger. This is why you can’t really reason with them
. When you give them facts that prove Trump to be a liar they don’t care. Why? Because he makes them feel safe from the bogey men he has grown in their minds
Whatever happens, these people will follow Trump like the children who followed the Pied Piper. Those ******* walked away from the safety of their families and into the jaws of death. I am not angry with these people. I pity them. I also pity the nation they are unwittingly destroying with their cowardice.
would that be another trump diversion?...…..what you are saying are ok with whatever trump does you don't care...….talk about Clinton….someone the right has always hated because he straightened up their mess and put America back in good shape

Can Trump Be Stopped?

Trump voters are voting out of fear and anger. This is why you can’t really reason with them
. When you give them facts that prove Trump to be a liar they don’t care. Why? Because he makes them feel safe from the bogey men he has grown in their minds

It is more like can the voices of Trump supporters be stopped? Democrats must be getting desperate trying to shut me down again by your other acolyte @Dananbbc11inch ? Not my first rodeo with haters and the mods will say hi to him soon. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:


Notice how he misspelled "either" and no offense taken as whoever he is he has no idea who the character I base my avatar upon too. So why try to base it on characters that have nothing to do with it like the Xmen? It's kind of calling Trump Aquaman? True they are probably both muscular but I am uncertain how well of a swimmer Trump is? :unsure: Sad that the democrats has to stoop so low but it is neither the first time in history such vile ad hominem attacks were perpetrated by them, nor was it the first time they tried to shut me down.

I do not accuse any noble democratic minded people that are regulars of this thread of this heinous act as if they disagree with what I say they tend to counter attack head on with evidence to prove their case instead of dumping this kind of trash on one's profile. At least Republicans do not have to resort to do anything this foolish. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

Thanks @Dananbbc11inch for showing how weak democrats are.
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Breaking news about my recent plight as I was informed that @Dananbbc11inch got banned after I provided them evidence of his harassment. I guess the democrats can try again with other abuser(s)? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Funniest part is that @Dananbbc11inch is banned for a year so he cannot retaliate until AFTER President Donald Trump 🇺🇸 is re-elected. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Just making another example of what your side seems to do these days @MacNfries . Again I do not accuse you personally of such kindergarten activities. But I am thrilled to publicly embarass such individuals when they choose to harrass me in this fashion once more. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
The hell you haven't ... you've told on me at least twice. Got kicked off a thread for a day AND had my posts removed. So don't tell me you're not establishing yourself as a forum tattle tale. Acting like a 5-6 year old. Maybe you should research WHEN its appropriate to report infractions to administration around here. I can tell you, if I call you a name, its because you deserve it. I'm way more apt to block a person for this behavior than having disagreeable chats. Grow the hell UP!
The hell you haven't ... you've told on me at least twice. Got kicked off a thread for a day AND had my posts removed. So don't tell me you're not establishing yourself as a forum tattle tale. Acting like a 5-6 year old. Maybe you should research WHEN its appropriate to report infractions to administration around here. I can tell you, if I call you a name, its because you deserve it. I'm way more apt to block a person for this behavior than having disagreeable chats. Grow the hell UP!
I know we have different slant on things most of the time but I never tried to get you banned personally @MacNfries ? Again I deem you far too noble an individual to resort to those foolish kindergarten-type tricks that @danan11bbcinch or @chiblkstud once did. If you did do that it would be another matter but I have no evidence of it. Seeing that you are as equally controversial as myself undoubtedly you have your own set of enemies that want you removed from this site. I do not number one of them. Despite that we mostly differ I judge you to be an intelligent guy. It's hard to be deeply offended with someone who prefers to see the glass half-empty as opposed to be half-full?