Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

She can hold them as long as she wants....or until she's no longer the Speaker of the House. Of course holding on to them means she might as well use them to wipe her ass. Until they are officially given to the Senate, the articles are as useless as tits on a boar hog. In an impeachment process, the House fundamentally plays the role of prosecutor and the articles of impeachment are analogous to a prosecutor's indictment. If a prosecutor writes out an indictment but doesn't file it with the court, the accused really isn't functionally indicted and is in no legal jeopardy.

The Senate plays the role of the court who tries the case. Per the constitution, the Senate has the sole power to try the impeachment. Nancy and the House have zero authority to dictate any terms of the trial to the Senate just as a prosecutor in a criminal case doesn't get to dictate terms to the court. They can make motions to the court to request something be done such as calling witnesses. The defense also gets to make motions of their own and make counter arguments to the oppositions motions. These motions will get adjudicated by the court. Don't like the court's decision....tough *******. In a criminal court you could try to appeal and convince the appellate court of the merits of your motion. In an impeachment, the Senate is functionally the Supreme (and only) court. There's precedent to this....the whole witness issue played out in the Clinton impeachment. The House filed motions to call witnesses. Clinton's defense filed counter motions. The Senate ruled they would hear no live witness testimony.

If Nancy grows the balls to actually file her impeachment with the Senate, the same thing will happen. If she doesn't grow those balls, then Trump has a plausible argument that he really hasn't been impeached.
I would argue that it isn't useless. The president has been impeached. One of three in our history. A permanent stain on his legacy. And "growing balls" has nothing to do with Pelosi submitting the articles. She is obviously working for what she would consider a favorable outcome. And seeing as how two of the jurors, read conservative senators, have already stated publicly that they will lie when they take the oath of impartiality, submitting them right this moment will not deliver the outcome she seeks.
She can hold them as long as she wants....or until she's no longer the Speaker of the House. Of course holding on to them means she might as well use them to wipe her ass. Until they are officially given to the Senate, the articles are as useless as tits on a boar hog. In an impeachment process, the House fundamentally plays the role of prosecutor and the articles of impeachment are analogous to a prosecutor's indictment. If a prosecutor writes out an indictment but doesn't file it with the court, the accused really isn't functionally indicted and is in no legal jeopardy.

The Senate plays the role of the court who tries the case. Per the constitution, the Senate has the sole power to try the impeachment. Nancy and the House have zero authority to dictate any terms of the trial to the Senate just as a prosecutor in a criminal case doesn't get to dictate terms to the court. They can make motions to the court to request something be done such as calling witnesses. The defense also gets to make motions of their own and make counter arguments to the oppositions motions. These motions will get adjudicated by the court. Don't like the court's decision....tough *******. In a criminal court you could try to appeal and convince the appellate court of the merits of your motion. In an impeachment, the Senate is functionally the Supreme (and only) court. There's precedent to this....the whole witness issue played out in the Clinton impeachment. The House filed motions to call witnesses. Clinton's defense filed counter motions. The Senate ruled they would hear no live witness testimony.

If Nancy grows the balls to actually file her impeachment with the Senate, the same thing will happen. If she doesn't grow those balls, then Trump has a plausible argument that he really hasn't been impeached.

Stop making sense!

I would argue that it isn't useless. The president has been impeached. One of three in our history. A permanent stain on his legacy. And "growing balls" has nothing to do with Pelosi submitting the articles. She is obviously working for what she would consider a favorable outcome.
You can argue all you like. Historians 100 years from now will still argue as to how much of a stain this impeachment is on Trump versus a stain on the House Democraps. Pelosi on multiple occasions said she wasn't going to pursue impeachment unless it was bipartisan. Then in a purely partisan vote Nancy and the Democraps approved impeachment articles. Pelosi also stated if they did impeach, it must be an ironclad case. House Democrap leadership also ramrodded this through asap because as McGovern said, "Congress has no other choice but to act with urgency." Well if its truly so urgent and your case is ironclad, why can't you proceed with it now?

And seeing as how two of the jurors, read conservative senators, have already stated publicly that they will lie when they take the oath of impartiality, submitting them right this moment will not deliver the outcome she seeks.
Newsflash: Despite constitutionally required oaths, none of the Senators are going to be impartial jurors. Impeachment is an inherently political process. There is no Voir Dire process to create an "impartial" jury from the pool. The voters selected the jury over the last three election cycles. Part of the impartial jury standard is a juror's willingness to decide the case based solely on the evidence presented at trial. However we've had statements from Senators like Democrap Klobuchar before the trial even started saying "I don't see" voting to acquit Trump. Such statements would get someone kicked out in Voir Dire. Interesting how you've ignored her stated bias and focused on Republican Senator's bias.

A permanent stain on his legacy.
As stated before, if Pelosi doesn't grow the balls to proceed, Trump has a plausible argument that he hasn't actually been impeached. If we turn back the clock a few years, I could type up an indictment saying Zwing has violated sodomy laws by having his head deep inside his rectum. Unless I file that indictment with a court, you aren't functionally indicted and the only stain on you is the brown one on your forehead.
You can argue all you like. Historians 100 years from now will still argue as to how much of a stain this impeachment is on Trump versus a stain on the House Democraps. Pelosi on multiple occasions said she wasn't going to pursue impeachment unless it was bipartisan. Then in a purely partisan vote Nancy and the Democraps approved impeachment articles. Pelosi also stated if they did impeach, it must be an ironclad case. House Democrap leadership also ramrodded this through asap because as McGovern said, "Congress has no other choice but to act with urgency." Well if its truly so urgent and your case is ironclad, why can't you proceed with it now?

Newsflash: Despite constitutionally required oaths, none of the Senators are going to be impartial jurors. Impeachment is an inherently political process. There is no Voir Dire process to create an "impartial" jury from the pool. The voters selected the jury over the last three election cycles. Part of the impartial jury standard is a juror's willingness to decide the case based solely on the evidence presented at trial. However we've had statements from Senators like Democrap Klobuchar before the trial even started saying "I don't see" voting to acquit Trump. Such statements would get someone kicked out in Voir Dire. Interesting how you've ignored her stated bias and focused on Republican Senator's bias.

As stated before, if Pelosi doesn't grow the balls to proceed, Trump has a plausible argument that he hasn't actually been impeached. If we turn back the clock a few years, I could type up an indictment saying Zwing has violated sodomy laws by having his head deep inside his rectum. Unless I file that indictment with a court, you aren't functionally indicted and the only stain on you is the brown one on your forehead.
There is so much wrong with your post, I don't have time to address it all. But the one glaring statement is that while Articles were voted on and adopted, they are not legitimized until being set up yo the Senate. It doesn't need to go to the Senate to be legitimized. Oh and make no mistake, it is a stain on Trump's presidency. You may not want it to be, but it is.

The respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the
adoption of the House of articles of impeachment. Only a majority vote
is necessary, whereas a two-thirds vote of Members present is required
in the Senate for conviction and removal.

Maybe you should shut your moronic pie hole and not talk about things you don't have a grasp on.
Typical of all elitist lefties this guy thinks he has ALL the answers.

I believe if the Republicans take back the House which I believe they will - they can then vote to expunge this horseshite impeachment - so could be a moot point if Pelosi - who REALLY needs to go - sits on it - O nasty word picture there :|
Typical of all elitist lefties this guy thinks he has ALL the answers.

I believe if the Republicans take back the House which I believe they will - they can then vote to expunge this horseshite impeachment - so could be a moot point if Pelosi - who REALLY needs to go - sits on it - O nasty word picture there :|
You can have the answers too, if you just take the time to look them up. But you don't.
Thanks for the knowledgeable post.
You're welcome....but oh how quickly the dolts will turn when confronted with facts they don't like
There is so much wrong with your post, I don't have time to address it all. But the one glaring statement is that while Articles were voted on and adopted, they are not legitimized until being set up yo the Senate. It doesn't need to go to the Senate to be legitimized. Oh and make no mistake, it is a stain on Trump's presidency. You may not want it to be, but it is.

The respondent in an impeachment proceeding is impeached by the
adoption of the House of articles of impeachment. Only a majority vote
is necessary, whereas a two-thirds vote of Members present is required
in the Senate for conviction and removal.

Maybe you should shut your moronic pie hole and not talk about things you don't have a grasp on.
Of course you don't want to address my points since you can't "legitimately". Note I never used the word legitimized anywhere in my post. Someone who has recently used a form of that word is one of the Democrap's star witnesses for impeachment. Harvard law professor Noah Feldman who stated “If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,”

You might want to actually read and comprehend those Congressional rules you cited. Among some other juicy tidbits you'd find are: "A resolution impeaching an officer is highly privileged under the Constitution and therefore supersedes other pending business, including an election contest." and " Following adoption of the articles of impeachment, the House adopts resolutions appointing managers to present the articles before the Senate, notifying the Senate of the adoption of articles and appointment of managers, and authorizing the managers to prepare for and to conduct the trial in the Senate"

If Nancy chooses to conduct other business and fails to notify the Senate of the impeachment, she's violating House rules. Of course liberal dolt's will turn blind eye to that.

You might want to grab a Kleenex and look in the mirror...think you've got a brown spot on your forehead ;)
You're welcome....but oh how quickly the dolts will turn when confronted with facts they don't like

Of course you don't want to address my points since you can't "legitimately". Note I never used the word legitimized anywhere in my post. Someone who has recently used a form of that word is one of the Democrap's star witnesses for impeachment. Harvard law professor Noah Feldman who stated “If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,”

You might want to actually read and comprehend those Congressional rules you cited. Among some other juicy tidbits you'd find are: "A resolution impeaching an officer is highly privileged under the Constitution and therefore supersedes other pending business, including an election contest." and " Following adoption of the articles of impeachment, the House adopts resolutions appointing managers to present the articles before the Senate, notifying the Senate of the adoption of articles and appointment of managers, and authorizing the managers to prepare for and to conduct the trial in the Senate"

If Nancy chooses to conduct other business and fails to notify the Senate of the impeachment, she's violating House rules. Of course liberal dolt's will turn blind eye to that.

You might want to grab a Kleenex and look in the mirror...think you've got a brown spot on your forehead ;)

Ok so you got a couple issues....that could be right.....and we will assume they are because your involvement with law...….maybe a fucking prisenor for all we know...…..but don't let it go to your head...….and start bringing on those fucking biased statements are still 0fer on most arguments!
Typical of all elitist lefties this guy thinks he has ALL the answers.

I believe if the Republicans take back the House which I believe they will - they can then vote to expunge this horseshite impeachment - so could be a moot point if Pelosi - who REALLY needs to go - sits on it - O nasty word picture there :|

being on the left makes us more knowledgeable…..thought I had proved that thousands of time this year alone
You can argue all you like. Historians 100 years from now will still argue as to how much of a stain this impeachment is on Trump versus a stain on the House Democraps. Pelosi on multiple occasions said she wasn't going to pursue impeachment unless it was bipartisan. Then in a purely partisan vote Nancy and the Democraps approved impeachment articles. Pelosi also stated if they did impeach, it must be an ironclad case. House Democrap leadership also ramrodded this through asap because as McGovern said, "Congress has no other choice but to act with urgency." Well if its truly so urgent and your case is ironclad, why can't you proceed with it now?

Newsflash: Despite constitutionally required oaths, none of the Senators are going to be impartial jurors. Impeachment is an inherently political process. There is no Voir Dire process to create an "impartial" jury from the pool. The voters selected the jury over the last three election cycles. Part of the impartial jury standard is a juror's willingness to decide the case based solely on the evidence presented at trial. However we've had statements from Senators like Democrap Klobuchar before the trial even started saying "I don't see" voting to acquit Trump. Such statements would get someone kicked out in Voir Dire. Interesting how you've ignored her stated bias and focused on Republican Senator's bias.

As stated before, if Pelosi doesn't grow the balls to proceed, Trump has a plausible argument that he hasn't actually been impeached. If we turn back the clock a few years, I could type up an indictment saying Zwing has violated sodomy laws by having his head deep inside his rectum. Unless I file that indictment with a court, you aren't functionally indicted and the only stain on you is the brown one on your forehead.

it is his attempt at wit......but he lacks that also...….thought he would probably know the answer on impeachment.....but now the problem with asking is we have to listen to all his other twisted ******* that is no more correct than what you would get from any 10 year old right winger
The Retro-patricians versus the Demo-craps.
One side would make me a Stepford Wife or cleaner/ maid.
The other side questions my race, my income, my education, my background, my ideological purity at every turn.
Why can't Americans break out of this unholy duality?
It's like choosing between Macdonald's and Starbucks all the time. I'll puke on both.
If we had proportional representation and true multiparty democracy, we would be a stronger country and stronger society for it.

That said, I don't see how impeaching Trump can do anything useful.
Remove Trump and Pence becomes President. Pence is dignified, cautious, steady, competent - and totally interested in advancing a true right wing religious agenda.
On his own, Pence could not have won an election. But if Pence becomes President and therefore the incumbent at the next election, he'd turn out 99% of the religious people to vote. Correspondingly, 10% of the current anti-Trumpers won't be offended enough by Pence to show up and vote against Pence. The democrats will wind up suppressing their own voters because Pence doesn't make people angry like Trump does.
Pence has a strong chance against Warren or Sanders. Which again is a lose lose proposition for the middle ground and third party voters like me.
The Retro-patricians versus the Demo-craps.
One side would make me a Stepford Wife or cleaner/ maid.
The other side questions my race, my income, my education, my background, my ideological purity at every turn.
Why can't Americans break out of this unholy duality?
It's like choosing between Macdonald's and Starbucks all the time. I'll puke on both.
If we had proportional representation and true multiparty democracy, we would be a stronger country and stronger society for it.

That said, I don't see how impeaching Trump can do anything useful.
Remove Trump and Pence becomes President. Pence is dignified, cautious, steady, competent - and totally interested in advancing a true right wing religious agenda.
On his own, Pence could not have won an election. But if Pence becomes President and therefore the incumbent at the next election, he'd turn out 99% of the religious people to vote. Correspondingly, 10% of the current anti-Trumpers won't be offended enough by Pence to show up and vote against Pence. The democrats will wind up suppressing their own voters because Pence doesn't make people angry like Trump does.
Pence has a strong chance against Warren or Sanders. Which again is a lose lose proposition for the middle ground and third party voters like me.

the only thing they hoped for and they should have known ahead of time was to put some kind of "check" on him......but the day after the Mueller report.....where he never got a clean bill of health just got off because he was Pres...….he started right in on Ukraine....they thought they could put some kid of fear in him......not happening...he really thinks he is above the law and with the support of the right...he is.....look at the impeachment.....yes he is very pissed about it....but still have an election coming up and the need to sends Rudy G back over there.....this guy is so corrupt and really believes right now he is above the law..l….and until he starts to see some cracks in that republican support he is above the law...….he is lucky he has McConnell covering a lot of his bullshit...( 2 Russian cronies after the same pie)…..Mcconnell wants no part of a right now and out the door.....trial could expose more and put some republicans at risk...…...

Pence will go no where...EVER....even the right knows that...….he fucked his state up so bad.....and everything he passed was in the name of god!….he really pushed trickle down took money away from police and firefighters for tax breaks for others....goes no where and the right knows it....they have hitched their wagon to trump and are ****** to stick with it......and in their real brilliance of at least not having some kind of back up plan......they listened to trump....and have did away with primaries for the right because trump is already the nominee.....the guy is taking the right all the way down that dead end road
Seems to be the case - too bad the percentages are so close - does seem to be an almost 50 / 50 split. I do believe since this impeachment fiasco the President is gaining support though.
Typical of all elitist lefties this guy thinks he has ALL the answers.

I believe if the Republicans take back the House which I believe they will - they can then vote to expunge this horseshite impeachment - so could be a moot point if Pelosi - who REALLY needs to go - sits on it - O nasty word picture there :|

with how the country feels right now you will have to consider your self lucky just to hang onto what you have...…..and that is very slim odds