Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Too bad the articles of impeachment cannot expire but I imagine there are countless people on both sides reviewing those laws for any loopholes. 😭😭😭

The articles expire on Jan 2021 when the new Congress is sworn in. Or when the Senate tells Pelosi to move it or the Senate will break new ground and dismiss the charges outright.
Link to that.
yeah how about a link.....or is it just more hot air......actually Pelosi can hang onto it for however she wants...….even after the election when there are more dems in......she can trade it for some bills she wants......or she can trade it for a fair trial.....mcconnell…...trump..... and a few other better learn to eat some "antique pussy"
Heard on the radio this morning.

right let me guess rush Limbaugh.....or that black guy stiff pushes all the time ….talk show host....been caught putting out false info at least twice....just for ratings......that is if you actually heard and wasn't hearing things

see that is the difference between the right and the left...….the left turns on the news and listens to a newscaster...……….the right has to go to none news stations and get a storyteller