Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Go Trump America's president

Unsealed court records just revealed whole Trump family ...
A New York state or federal prosecutor could use the confirmed facts above and the leaked emails to build a case for RICO bank fraud by concealment against the Trump family, Sater and his colleagues in the Bayrock Company. The statute of limitations for federal RICO bank fraud charges is 10 years, and Bayrock refinanced its last mortgage in 2010.

List emerges of the criminal charges SDNY is bringing ...
For one thing, it’s the first time in which we’ve seen a detailed list of criminal charges surface from federal prosecutors against Donald Trump and his family. This also hints at Robert Mueller’s endgame against Donald Trump: he’s going to have his allies at SDNY bring criminal charges against Trump’s ******* as a way of forsing Trump ...

New York State Has Strong Criminal Case Against Trump ...
Jun 18, 2018 · There is a way to have Donald Trump and his children face criminal charges for well-documented financial crimes. ... New York State Has Strong Criminal Case Against Trump Family! Urge Cuomo To ...
don't think it just a little odd that in one day.....p.utin praises trump...uses republican talking points against impeachment

Putin Says Trump Impeachment Was ‘Far-Fetched’
11 hours ago · Putin Says Trump Impeachment Was ‘Far-Fetched’ December 19, 2019 at 8:02 am EST By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment Russian President Vladimir Putin called the U.S. impeachment process “far-fetched” Thursday, making a seemingly obvious prediction that Donald Trump will be acquitted in the Senate, CBS News reports.

and then Trump pushes back more sanctions on Russian meddling......

Report: Trump Pushes Back Against Republican Senators on ...
Sep 12, 2019 · – US President Donald Trump pushed back against enacting sanctions on Turkey for purchasing the Russian S-400 missile-defense system, reported The Washington Post on Tuesday, citing...

Trump Again Pushes For Russia's Readmittance To G-7, Says ...
Aug 26, 2019 · Trump Again Pushes For Russia's Readmittance To G-7, Says It Would Be 'Appropriate' ... but we have a world to run. . . . They should let Russia come back in,” he said ahead of the group’s 2018 meeting in Quebec. As The New York Times noted, ... Today is National Voter Registration Day!
don't think it just a little odd that in one day.....p.utin praises trump...uses republican talking points against impeachment

Poroshenko Says Trump Impeachment Was ‘Far-Fetched’
11 hours ago · Poroshenko Says Trump Impeachment Was ‘Far-Fetched’ December 19, 2019 at 8:02 am EST By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko called the U.S. impeachment process “far-fetched” Thursday, making a seemingly obvious prediction that Donald Trump will be acquitted in the Senate, CBS News reports.

and then Trump pushes back more sanctions on Russian meddling......

Report: Trump Pushes Back Against Republican Senators on ...
Sep 12, 2019 · – US President Donald Trump pushed back against enacting sanctions on Turkey for purchasing the Russian S-400 missile-defense system, reported The Washington Post on Tuesday, citing...

Trump Again Pushes For Russia's Readmittance To G-7, Says ...
Aug 26, 2019 · Trump Again Pushes For Russia's Readmittance To G-7, Says It Would Be 'Appropriate' ... but we have a world to run. . . . They should let Russia come back in,” he said ahead of the group’s 2018 meeting in Quebec. As The New York Times noted, ... Today is National Voter Registration Day!

Not sure who said this quote, but I once heard if a friend and an enemy tells you the same thing there must be some truth to it.

I know you think of MrPutin as the enemy @subhub174014 so all we need to do is to find ANYONE that you respect that says the same thing MrPutin is saying about Trump outside of the Republican party who you appear to be largely deaf towards. If such a person can be found maybe you will reflect on my words and temporarily consider the possibility that Trump should not have been impeached?

Even Pelosi is delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate as seen here:

Perhaps she realized she made a catastrophic mistake that will cost the Dems a massive loss in November 2020 once the American electorate awakens from their ******* about how much a waste of time it was to impeach Trump only where the Senate will reinstate him, and where the irate American voters en masse present themselves to re-elect President Trump 🇺🇸 in November 2020?

Under 11 months to see if I am correct? :unsure:
Not sure who said this quote, but I once heard if a friend and an enemy tells you the same thing there must be some truth to it.

I know you think of MrPutin as the enemy so all we need to do is to find ANYONE that you respect that says the same thing MrPutin is saying about Trump outside of the Republican party who you are deaf towards. If such a person can be found maybe you will reflect on my words and temporarily consider the possibility that Trump should not have been impeached?

Even Pelosi is delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate as seen here:

Perhaps she realized she made a catastrophic mistake that will cost the Dems a massive loss in November 2020 once the American electorate awakens from their ******* about how much a waste of time it was to impeach Trump only where the Senate will reinstate him, and where the irate American voters en masse present themselves to re-elect President Trump 🇺🇸 in November 2020?

Under 11 months to see if I am correct? :unsure:

or maybe they are being fed the information through Moscow Mitch...….or shady deal Graham 's Russian contacts

smart move on her part....TRUMP IS IMPEACHED...he is not going to push through some little hush hush deal....especially since 70% on the people want to know that facts
Not sure who said this quote, but I once heard if a friend and an enemy tells you the same thing there must be some truth to it.

I know you think of MrPutin as the enemy @subhub174014 so all we need to do is to find ANYONE that you respect that says the same thing MrPutin is saying about Trump outside of the Republican party who you appear to be largely deaf towards. If such a person can be found maybe you will reflect on my words and temporarily consider the possibility that Trump should not have been impeached?

Even Pelosi is delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate as seen here:

Perhaps she realized she made a catastrophic mistake that will cost the Dems a massive loss in November 2020 once the American electorate awakens from their ******* about how much a waste of time it was to impeach Trump only where the Senate will reinstate him, and where the irate American voters en masse present themselves to re-elect President Trump 🇺🇸 in November 2020?

Under 11 months to see if I am correct? :unsure:

and there you go trying to push a right wing talk show host....who makes his money telling people what they want to hear....and has been found more than once to have pushed false facts..(fake news)…..and you expect us to believe it.....sure those with weak minds...and those that WANT to believe will buy right into it.....most will see it for what it is....a black Sean Hannity....who has been caught in a couple lies in the past
It is just special how you throw all this accusations around about President Trump, you are such a little insecure man. Thump has not done all that, if any of the crimes all your junk propaganda accuse him for.You lost in 2016, The impeachment sham is another loss and President Trump will give you another loss in 2020.
and there you go trying to push a right wing talk show host....who makes his money telling people what they want to hear....and has been found more than once to have pushed false facts..(fake news)…..and you expect us to believe it.....sure those with weak minds...and those that WANT to believe will buy right into it.....most will see it for what it is....a black Sean Hannity....who has been caught in a couple lies in the past
Just to show that David Harris Jr is not biased here are other articles saying the same thing @subhub174014 :

Enough for you?
Just to show that David Harris Jr is not biased here are other articles saying the same thing @subhub174014 :

Enough for you?

can you point out the one that is NOT a right wing paper?....3 out of 4 are
It is just special how you throw all this accusations around about President Trump, you are such a little insecure man. Thump has not done all that, if any of the crimes all your junk propaganda accuse him for.You lost in 2016, The impeachment sham is another loss and President Trump will give you another loss in 2020.

I just post articles from other sources about the man you claim to be your god......and you don't like it>…..what is the old saying about not killing the messanger… your Christian paper today...….calling for impeachment and removal from office...….Graham not supporting him anymore