Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The power of Pelosi...…….just put a fucking to all of them......shouldn't have underestimated will impeach....done deal...…...but she decides when it leaves the house for the senate.....and she has decided it isn't going to be anytime now with him being impeached in the house...he can still be investigated for "other issues"......and with McConnell wanting to do his thing....Pelosi just sits on where McConell can do nothing!

Just another Dem dirty trick - what you Dem dipshites don’t see cause you own the media - is PEOPLE see it - we see the dirty tricks - the PEOPLE are getting pissed - I’m telling ya
Isn't that how Dorothy got back to Kansas also...……….but are clicking your little red heels together? to make that dream come true.....

or is this just more of your right wing sewer spilling's… seem to be full of those...….

but that's understandable.....someone who is so full of ******* would have to have some kind of release...…….but I would think it should be more of a private moment so as not to get any on the rest of us

Yeah right - like you release in here daily with out regard for splattering the crap everyfuckinwhere :}
Just another Dem dirty trick - what you Dem dipshites don’t see cause you own the media - is PEOPLE see it - we see the dirty tricks - the PEOPLE are getting pissed - I’m telling ya

how do you see that.....Pelosi just wants to ensure a fair trial.....mcconnell just wanting to let trumps lawyers run things...…..never have I ever heard of nor seen.....someone charged with a crime...….dictate to the police who they can talk to and who they can't......and then when it comes to trial the defendant gets to have his lawyer pronounce the verdict......

but in trump world....and in the cult cave all of this is just another day in the cave
how do you see that.....Pelosi just wants to ensure a fair trial.....mcconnell just wanting to let trumps lawyers run things...…..never have I ever heard of nor seen.....someone charged with a crime...….dictate to the police who they can talk to and who they can't......and then when it comes to trial the defendant gets to have his lawyer pronounce the verdict......

but in trump world....and in the cult cave all of this is just another day in the cave
This is a complete waste of time it goes no where get ready 4 more years
Just another Dem dirty trick - what you Dem dipshites don’t see cause you own the media - is PEOPLE see it - we see the dirty tricks - the PEOPLE are getting pissed - I’m telling ya

BY the word "people" are you referring to the cultcave zombies...…...I really thought they had no vision …..just followed the leader

funny how you can see the supposedly dirty tricks going on.....while missing the obvious ones your man is doing...…...there is a word for that.....I wanted to say biased.....but I think mindfucked would be more appropriate
how do you see that.....Pelosi just wants to ensure a fair trial.....mcconnell just wanting to let trumps lawyers run things...…..never have I ever heard of nor seen.....someone charged with a crime...….dictate to the police who they can talk to and who they can't......and then when it comes to trial the defendant gets to have his lawyer pronounce the verdict......

but in trump world....and in the cult cave all of this is just another day in the cave

Watching the Pelosi news conference - she should win the PHONY of the Year Award !!!
BY the word "people" are you referring to the cultcave zombies...…...I really thought they had no vision …..just followed the leader

funny how you can see the supposedly dirty tricks going on.....while missing the obvious ones your man is doing...…...there is a word for that.....I wanted to say biased.....but I think mindfucked would be more appropriate

“Cast the beam from your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from your neighbors”. You are the very definition of “mindfucked”.

By people - I mean people I talk to - and I live in Massachusetts - even the Dems here don’t like what’s going on - there is anger - people have had ENOUGH of sore LOSERS like you!!!
Just another Dem dirty trick - what you Dem dipshites don’t see cause you own the media - is PEOPLE see it - we see the dirty tricks
Gee, blkdlaur, we LEARNED all these dirty tricks from Republicans.
l recall a movie about a serial killer who gets caught by the star cop of the movie (Bruce Willis), and the killer laughs saying "but you can't do anything 'cause you are a cop. You have to arrest me, don't you?" And Bruce Willis says "nope" and shoots the dude dead ... lol.
Republicans are just starting to get BACK what they've been DISHING OUT the past 10 or so years.
When Mitch McConnell decides to make it a fair Senate hearing, Nancy will submit the Impeachment to Mitch. The thing is, the Republicans have become so BOLD by openingly saying what they're gonna do, just like Trump does ... thinking NO ONE can stop them ....
I imagine the only person getting a kick out of all this is MrPutin ... maybe Trump should call him and find out what he should do NEXT?????
“Cast the beam from your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from your neighbors”. You are the very definition of “mindfucked”.

By people - I mean people I talk to - and I live in Massachusetts - even the Dems here don’t like what’s going on - there is anger - people have had ENOUGH of sore LOSERS like you!!!

yeah ...but look at who you run around with...…...people from the cult can't expect a lot there.....most even have self esteem problems them need to get out more.....educate yourself

I was nine years old in 1956 when I read that Russia’s Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within....” I distinctly remember thinking at my tender age, “That will never happen.”
Letters: Nikita Khrushchev's chilling prediction: 'We will ...

and to complete their mission...…...they put trump in office......and it seems to be working out well for them
Gee, blkdlaur, we LEARNED all these dirty tricks from Republicans.
l recall a movie about a serial killer who gets caught by the star cop of the movie (Bruce Willis), and the killer laughs saying "but you can't do anything 'cause you are a cop. You have to arrest me, don't you?" And Bruce Willis says "nope" and shoots the dude dead ... lol.
Republicans are just starting to get BACK what they've been DISHING OUT the past 10 or so years.
When Mitch McConnell decides to make it a fair Senate hearing, Nancy will submit the Impeachment to Mitch. The thing is, the Republicans have become so BOLD by openingly saying what they're gonna do, just like Trump does ... thinking NO ONE can stop them ....
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I imagine the only person getting a kick out of all this is MrPutin ... maybe Trump should call him and find out what he should do NEXT?????

Don’t see that you Dems are dancing to P.utins tune - do ya - he must be laughing his arse off - you’re delegitimizing elections and impeaching the president - boy did he get some bang for his buck!!!!!

O yeah - you guys know all about fair - like how fair things were in the House ????

You guys are ridiculous - want everything you’re way - you had your Kangaroo Court in the House - isn’t gonna happen in the Senate.
yeah ...but look at who you run around with...…...people from the cult can't expect a lot there.....most even have self esteem problems them need to get out more.....educate yourself

I’d have to leave this state to find a cult cave - nice try
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you’re delegitimizing elections and impeaching the president
You keep leaving OUT the most important word ... UNFAIR elections and alt-president.
I won't speak for the other states, but here in NC the ONLY ONES that have gone to jail for stuffing the ballot boxes were two Republicans for 2016. In NC the "absentee ballot" is public record so one Republican was going around to the homes receiving the ballots, helping people complete the ballots THEN agreeing to submit the ballots for the recipients of the ballots.
The other Republican was on the local election board and going directly to the paper ballots and withdrawing the Democrat paper ballots.
For the past two voting cycles (2015 mid-terms and 2016 general) Republicans voiceously said that illegals were voting for Democrats here ... over those two voting periods I think they found a dozen or so, and mostly just people who had moved and were voting out of precinct. But the Republicans kept yelling "voter fraud" here ... only voter fraud was those two Republican imbeciles. And just so you know, Republicans held the governorship AND the full general assembly back then.
You know, Republicans are becoming like the old saying about a "fart" in a crowed elevator ... "first smeller is the very fellow" ... never fails with ReThuglicans.
