Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden



Dem think - say something enough - people start to believe it

Dilemma with this strategy - it’s STUPID :}

just like any other fact you choose to do know that is in trumps book....lie enough people will believe...…..but for you....gullible applys

Why do TrumpCult membersignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilizes emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?
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Dem think - say something enough - people start to believe it

Dilemma with this strategy - it’s STUPID :}

I even posted an article on why trump gets the bad press.....but guessing you never read it is over 3 lines long.....longer than your attention span
Cult - cult - cult - cult - you Dems are a hoot
with your identity politics - try labeling 63 million people as a cult - what twits!!!!!!!

I never felt the way about Dems that I do now - you guys just seem more disgusting every day. God help us if you commies ever manage to get back control of this country - you’re WAY too far left now and seemingly out of freaking control. Justify the “squad” - how those 4 beanbags ever got elected scares the crap outta me - you guys are a bunch o crazies.
as a progressive democrat, let me ask you a question, and i hope you will be just as honest about your feelings in your answer as you are about letting us all know how you feel about democrats. The question is this, would you feel just as strong about a democrat president doing the things Trump is accused of doing, would you be okay with that democrat president doing what Trump is doing?
What has Trump Done Wrong compared to what he has done to our countries economy, military, More Jobs for minorities, the list goes on. And there is something very fishy, even more then has come to the surface concerning The Obama administration connection with Joe Biden's backdoor deal with Hunter raking in large amounts of cash from Ukraine gas company Burisma . What did Burisma get for their money, they got a path to Obama.
I could explain it to you....but I can't understand it for you

I have posted several articles on the trump administration for more jobs....he has done nothing...just he didn't fuck with the progress been going on for several year.....

there is no list to go on...…..everything is his usual line of lies and self gratification....he has not done one good thing for the country.

As for Biden I have posted the facts on that several times...blkdlaur has brought it up several times on both threads and I posted it..once here and once on the wake up thread...……..

but just like the article I posted to answer blkdlaur….any sports team...any of them...….when they are not performing they get bad press...….and trump is not performing......cost of living going up...wages stagnet...did away with health care.....writing checks he can't cash making the deficit skyrocket....

the only ones to gain are the top percent and biz people....which is not being passed on to the workers....the general population is not seeing anything in their shows in the polls and in the press and will show in 2020
What has Trump Done Wrong compared to what he has done to our countries economy, military, More Jobs for minorities, the list goes on. And there is something very fishy, even more then has come to the surface concerning The Obama administration connection with Joe Biden's backdoor deal with Hunter raking in large amounts of cash from Ukraine gas company Burisma . What did Burisma get for their money, they got a path to Obama.
got to hand it to you republicans, you guys will ride a dead horse until its nothing but bones and dust. every single person who has testified and i mean every single one. even witnesses republicans called on have debunked that Barrissa Biden talking points. But hey you guys keep pushing that narrative and see how far it gets ya. as far as the job numbers, i am going to ask the same question i have asked every other republican who brings this up. If the unemployment the unemployment numbers were higher when Trump was running ( and he told us all that he heard the numbers wee 15 to 20% ) even though Obama took the unemployment rate at its highest in 2010 at 10.1% down to 4.6%. Which Trump told everyone in the last 2 months of the campaign that he heard they were 16 to 20% , not the reported 4.6%. Why should we believe Trump's numbers at 3.6 percent are the real numbers, so my question is this. Was Obama numbers correct or wrong and if they are wrong why should we believe Trump's numbers? I say this because Trump is taking credit and by extension you are giving Trump credit for something Obama has done. . If you need further clarification as to what i am getting at please dont be shy, ask and i will break it down further.
as a progressive democrat, let me ask you a question, and i hope you will be just as honest about your feelings in your answer as you are about letting us all know how you feel about democrats. The question is this, would you feel just as strong about a democrat president doing the things Trump is accused of doing, would you be okay with that democrat president doing what Trump is doing?

The only thing I see going on is rabid Dems that have been trying to subvert this President since they lost the 2016 election. Accusation after accusation with NO basis in fact - what I see as a registered Independent is a bunch of whining sore LOSERS and I’m sick of it.
The only thing I see going on is rabid Dems that have been trying to subvert this President since they lost the 2016 election. Accusation after accusation with NO basis in fact - what I see as a registered Independent is a bunch of whining sore LOSERS and I’m sick of it.
yet not a word when it was all going for Obama?.....double standard!.....we still owe him 5 more years of it.....but he won't be around that long.....can't keep his hands out of the cookie jar....and doesn't have a clue on how to make America great again....and after his 3 years we really need to make America great and around the world.....had no idea he was capable of fucking up a whole continent!

I don't recall the dems doing near the crying the trumptards are doing now....guess that would be another record trump has broken?
Jim Jordan Trips Over His Asshole Trying to Malign Lt. Colonel Vindman

Hello, and welcome to week two of the impeachment inquiry’s public hearings. Last week the House Intelligence Committee heard testimony from career officials concerning Donald Trump’s plot to extort Ukraine for personal gain, which Republicans rejected as hearsay because it came from people who were not on the infamous July 25 phone call. This morning the witnesses included Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman and Mike Pence aide Jennifer Williams, who were listening in as Trump asked Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to do him a “favor,” meaning the GOP has had to pivot in its sad, sad defense of the president. And here’s what it’s come up with: trying, and failing, to suggest Vindman, a decorated Army veteran who received a Purple Heart in 2004, can’t be trusted.
Not surprisingly, that honor went to resident angry man Jim Jordan, who read from the deposition of National Security Council adviser Tim Morrison, who, according to Jordan, expressed “concerns” about Vindman’s judgment. “So your boss had concerns about your judgment,” Jordan said. “Your former boss, Dr. [Fiona] Hill, had concerns about your judgment. Your colleagues had concerns about your judgment. And your colleagues felt that there were times when you leaked information. Any idea why they have those impressions, Colonel Vindman?” Jordan asked, clearly thinking he’d nailed the guy. To which Vindman, perhaps expecting the attempted smear, responded by reading a performance evaluation written by Hill earlier this year.
“Alex is a top 1% military officer and the best Army officer I have worked with in my 15 years of government service,” Vindman said, quoting Hill. “He is brilliant, unflappable, and exercises excellent judgment...Exemplary during numerous visits...I think you get the idea.” Turning to Morrison, Vindman added, “I can’t say why Mr. Morrison questioned my judgment. We had only recently started working together. He wasn’t there very long, and we were just trying to figure out our relationship. Maybe it was different cultures, military culture versus—”

Realizing that his initial questioning wasn’t panning out as he’d hoped, Jordan interjected, “And colonel, you never leaked information?” Vindman replied, “I never did, never would. That is preposterous that I would do that.” Vindman did not ask Jordan to read from any of his performance reviews, which was probably for the best given that the representative from Ohio has been accused by multiple individuals of ignoring sexual abuse on the Ohio State wrestling team, a charge he has denied.
leave it to the right to try and trash a veteran for testifying against Cpt Bonespurs…..a Russian operative as it is

Vindman’s Lawyer Asks Fox News to Retract Espionage ...
14 hours ago · A guest on the ‘Ingraham Angle,’ a Fox show, suggested that Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, a key figure in the impeachment hearings, was guilty of spying. Much of the right-wing criticism of Lt....

Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Accuses Alexander Vindman Of ...
Oct 31, 2019 · Several people, including MSNBC host Brian Williams, quickly condemned Fox News’ accusations against Vindman, who was injured from a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2004. SLIDESHOW: TOP DEMOCRATS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT IN 2020

Fox News Guest John Yoo Accuses Vindman of 'Espionage ...
Oct 29, 2019 · Fox News Guest John Yoo Accuses Vindman of 'Espionage' Ahead of Testimony to Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Investigators

The Appalling Attacks on Alexander Vindman - The Atlantic
Oct 29, 2019 · On CNN, the newly hired contributor and former Representative Sean Duffy baselessly accused Vindman of dual loyalty or treason. “It seems very clear that he is …
Who is Fiona Hill and what can we expect from her impeachment testimony?

Hill, a top expert on Russia, expected to testify about her concerns of ‘shadow’ foreign policy run by Giuliani, Sondland and others

A day after bombshell testimony from the EU ambassador Gordon Sondland dealt a serious blow to Donald Trump’s fight against impeachment, the embattled president faces another day of potentially damaging testimony from the National Security Council official Fiona Hill.

Sondland’s remarkable testimony in the House impeachment hearings appeared to directly implicate Trump and a coterie of top officials – from the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani – in ordering a scheme to withhold vital aid to Ukraine unless the country investigated Trump’s political opponent Joe Biden.

Hill – who was the White House’s top expert on Russia – is expected to testify about her concerns about a “shadow” foreign policy run by Giuliani, Sondland and others in which pressure was brought to bear on Ukraine to investigate Biden’s ******* Hunter and his business connections in the country.

Hill’s testimony will likely cover her own experiences and opinions about the activities of the Giuliani led effort, but also equally importantly those of her boss, then national security advisor John Bolton.

another excellent individual with years of knowledge chased off so trump could run his corruption worl wide.....while weakening the US security

the reason we have all these agencies is to protect us from foreign threats...….and with the help of the right a lot of good and knowledgeable people leaving......won't know how important they were until it is to late
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GOP defined by corruption, division | Edwin Lyngar
Everyone who defends Trump’s historic corruption will have to live with their broken reputations. None of this will age well. Trump has broken the law in public, and his defense is to deny what ...

The GOP defense of Trump is getting more corrupt. Here’s ...
Nov 01, 2019 · But as more corruption is documented, Republicans will find it harder and harder to explain away — even as Trump’s demands that they go all-in behind that worsening picture of corruption grow ...

By Becoming Trump’s Party, the GOP Will Be Destroyed in 2020
The Republican Party is now the party of Donald Trump, which will probably result in disaster for them in the 2020 elections.
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How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. He ran as the most pro-Russian candidate for president since Henry Wallace helmed the Soviet fellow-traveling Progressive Party ticket in 1948, extolling Vladimir Putin’s manly virtues at every opportunity while bringing Kremlin-style moral relativism to the campaign trail.

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
May 08, 2018 · Oleg Deripaska is said to be one of Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorite oligarchs, and he is founder and majority shareholder of Russia's Rusal, the second-largest aluminum company in the ...

Republicans' Russia Problems May Run Deeper Than Donald ...
May 18, 2017 · Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia. “House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) immediately interjected, stopping the conversation from further exploring McCarthy’s assertion, and swore the Republicans present to secrecy.”

Russia’s Plan to Buy Off the GOP Began Before the Rise of ...
THE BEAR AND THE ELEPHANT Russia’s Plan to Buy Off the GOP Began Before the Rise of Trump. Republicans placed an anti-patriot in the Oval Office—just as the Russians bet they would.
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Hey you like polls - I hear Trump is polling ahead of all Democrat candidates in Wisconsin now and his approval rating is going up. Also the polls regarding impeachment are now solidly on Trump’s side - guess your impeachment ploy is starting to bite you guys in the arse - I can tell ya this - I’ve never been so pissed and when I talk to people even in this blue state they’re pissed at the Dems for this endless horseshite too - so I think these polls just might be valid.
It must REALLY suck to be a Democrat - leastwise sure looks that way :}
The only thing I see going on is rabid Dems that have been trying to subvert this President since they lost the 2016 election. Accusation after accusation with NO basis in fact - what I see as a registered Independent is a bunch of whining sore LOSERS and I’m sick of it.
you know what I REALLY DONT CARE WHAT YOU ARE SICK OF, I REALLY DONT. You know what i am sick of, i am sick of the excuses people like you use to justify the blatant violation of the US constitution, i am sick of the hypocrisy coming from people like you. You claim there is no proof and yet how many Trump campaign workers are in prison, how many Trump associates are in prison for lying, for obstruction of justice? The only reason and i do mean the only reason Trump is not in prison now, and do mean NOW is not because of the constitution, the only reason he is not in prison is because of some DOJ memo saying you cannot prosecute a sitting president. So frankly I REALLY DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK, what you are sick of.
Hey you like polls - I hear Trump is polling ahead of all Democrat candidates in Wisconsin now and his approval rating is going up. Also the polls regarding impeachment are now solidly on Trump’s side - guess your impeachment ploy is starting to bite you guys in the arse - I can tell ya this - I’ve never been so pissed and when I talk to people even in this blue state they’re pissed at the Dems for this endless horseshite too - so I think these polls just might be valid.
It must REALLY suck to be a Democrat - leastwise sure looks that way :}

where do you get your info.....cult hotline?......true these hearings...just like the Mueller report have not had a smoking gun yet....all they have done is make the right dig in to support treasonous corruption.....and the left want to clean up the mess...…..but just like any other election… will be determined by the independents…..and a lot of those are turned off with trumps *******!