Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The media is not in any way objective - they are COMPLETELY biased - their hatred for our president is palpable - they have tried to subvert Donald Trump since he announced he was running - the media and Dems are the very definition of collusion.

the media is not supposed to be objective.....they just report the news.....not their fault if it is news you don't like....bias would be someone who doesn't like what is reported and just that persons opinion....facts are facts...….they can't alter or change them to please a group pf people.….trump creates his own mess with his lies and his actions.....people who are blind to all that suffer from some kind of worship that has nothing to do with reality.....even your famous fox news reports the facts sometimes and trump doesn't like that....I know there are a lot of right wing leaning papers....that still report the facts because you don't like the facts or lack the ability to understand or just don't want to understand because it goes against your perception.....would be some kind of hero worship.....trying to ******* the news like Hitler did or like P.utin does would go against our freedom of the press.....but most cult members have no need for facts or news

Why do TrumpCult members ignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?
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Dems strategy - if ya can call it that - watching the impeachment hearings:

If ya can’t get President Trump on collusion - obstruction of justice - quid pro quo - extortion - then ya take a poll - see what sells best - come up with bribery - yeah that’s the one - today - moving target - whatever they can try to best sell - what a bunch o disgusting dipshites - pathetic!!!!!!

right now this is just on Ukraine....they haven't put out the rest yet for public viewing...…..they have so much more on Atilla the None. that they haven't brought out yet.....his corruption will be what really brings him down....this is just open and shut on his breaking the law.....something the right is willing to over look

Trump is moving the polls: His are down, and Pelosi’s are ...
Jan 18, 2019 · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has President Trump to thank for a remarkable shift in public opinion in her favor. “Pelosi’s favorability rating

Giant waste off tax payers time

kind of like the years the right spent on Hillary and bengahzi….or the 5 years they spent on bills impeachment...….fine when the right does it...but when the left does it ...its a waste of money

talk about bias!
Pay Us Back! Republicans Have Spent $20.5 Million Of Your ...
  • Aftermath
  • Investigation
  • Criticism
  • Quotes
  • The House Republican investigation into the Benghazi attacks has passed its 700th day and spent $6.5 million in taxpayer money to uncover no new evidence. It is time for Republicans to pay us back every cent that they have wasted.

The Real Costs of the Benghazi Witch Hunts
The House of Representatives’ never-ending dishonest, partisan hearings on the attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 have long since been exposed as a waste of time. Now, thanks to the Pentagon, we know that they have also been a waste of money. “The Department has devoted ...

Republicans who held 33 hearings on Benghazi complain that ...
Republicans who held 33 hearings on Benghazi complain that Cohen’s testimony was a waste of time Republicans spent much of Wednesday's Oversight Committee hearing wishing they were talking about

GOP Benghazi hearings a partisan disgrace | TheHill
The latest Issa public relations event, under the guise of a congressional hearing about the assault on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, is the latest attack in the hyperpartisan and obsessive GOP ...

The Republicans spent years investigating Hillary Clinton ...
In 2012, there is a terrorist attack on a US government facility in post-civil war Libya. Congressional Republicans respond by spending $7m on 33 separate hearings over four years. They hope to find evidence that the Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton, was in some way guilty of wrongdoing.


Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
The impeachment of Bill Clinton was initiated on October 8, 1998, when the United States House of Representatives voted to commence impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton, 42nd president of the United States, for "high crimes and misdemeanors", which were subsequently detailed in two articles of impeachment.

How much money was spent on the Impeachment of Bill Clinton?
Nov 13, 2006 · Republicans spent $65,000,000.00 on the investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual dalliance with a consensual adult, and finally impeached him because he LIED to CONGRESS. Republicans only spent $15,000,000.00 on the investigation into the 'terrorist attacks' on the World Trade Center and the U.S. Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Kenneth Starr's $70 million bag of garbage | Salon
Mar 13, 2002 · Kenneth Starr's $70 million bag of garbage ... the Clinton land deal that launched the Starr investigation in the first place. ... the money spent on the Starr-Ray investigation
  • Author: Joshua Micah Marshall

Ken Starr - Wikipedia
After several years of investigation, Starr filed the Starr Report, which alleged that Bill Clinton lied about the existence of the affair during a sworn deposition. The allegation led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the five-year suspension of Clinton's law license.

Clinton investigator Ken Starr admits Trump did the same ...
Apr 19, 2019 · Ken Starr, the former independent counsel who spent four years investigating President Bill Clinton, went on Fox News Friday to defend President Donald Trump and accidentally admitted that the ...

How long did the Ken Starr investigation last as compared ...
Jul 08, 2018 · The Clinton investigations lasted from January, 1994 when Special Prosecutor, Robert Fiske was hired until March, 2002 when Independent Counsel, Robert Ray concluded his work. In between Fiske and Ray was Ken Starr who was Independent Counsel from...
you reap what you sow...…….the right is just a bunch of cry b.abies that like to dish it out....but when it comes back they whine and whine..

you spent 8 years degrading, harassing, insulting and obstructing president obama twitler now you want us to “come together" and support trump for the sake of the country go fuck yourself. from facebook tagged as obama meme

Reid Congratulates GOP For Eight Years Obstructing The ...
WASHINGTON — With Congress set to flee town until after the November elections, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took to the Senate floor Thursday to mark a milestone of sorts: eight years of obstructing and insulting the nation’s first black president.

Senate Republicans Were Wrong To Block Obama, But Senate ...
Dec 21, 2017 · From President Barack Obama's first day in office, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell made blocking the President his raison d'etre. He spent the entire two terms of President Obama's term obstructing everything he could, going as far as proclaiming in 2010 that making Obama "a one-term President" was his principal objective.

Mitch McConnell Brags About Obstructing Obama At Trump's ...
Mitch McConnell Brags About Obstructing Obama At Trump’s Republican Convention ... That honor will go to Donald Trump next year. ... Jason spent four years as a political columnist and the ...
The only thing I did wrong to Obama was to make a huge mistake in supporting him the first time. Facts!! Give us a break !! Fact, at least half the people in America could care less about politics in the least. Why? Because in the land of the Free most people have never suffered persecution and as long as their comport zone is not invaded they have no need to get involved and many never even vote. A number of people simply stay blindly on their side of set party lines. Then we have people that get involved somewhat but are sheep willing to follow because of personality of a certain candidate and they act upon emotions instead of common sense. In today's America we have a great added hurdle to sift through to find truth and avoid false paraphernalia, this being the availability of all this deceptive information on the world wide web and a vast number of of social media channels and publications that are completely Bias. We are in a battle to save our country from a total socialist government and complete destruction in a short time. Not all but most of the Democratic Party is corrupt beyond fixing, Many in the Republican Party are corrupt and if it wasn't for us the people electing Donald J Trump at least in the name of the Republican Party they would continue to be equally evil. But President Trump has injected positive change and now has a few solid people working with him. We are not stupid or a cult and when we are called these names, ignorant democrats are confusing themselves because they are referring to themselves. The only accomplishment the Democrats can lay claim to in these last three years, They elected the squad, and democrats claim Trump is evil, four female traitors to America.
We are in a battle to save our country from a total socialist government and complete destruction in a short time

that's true and the guy doing it is in the white house...he is in it for himself and would like to do away with free speech and freedom of the press to help him get away it

Not all but most of the Democratic Party is corrupt beyond fixing,

looked at how many republicans are serving time right now....most for c.hild abuse...but some for corruption....a lot more of the right than there is of the left

us the people electing Donald J Trump at least in the name of the Republican Party they would continue to be equally evil.

what happened to going to drain the swamp...instead he restocked it....every member of his cabinet has had to resign or leave....look at his campaign people 7 served time

But President Trump has injected positive change and now has a few solid people working with him

the only thing positive is the amount he is putting in his pocket....he has fired all the qualified people that have been doing the job and know the job and replaced them with yes men and people willing to help him with his corruption
four female traitors to America

that's trumps opinion....while a lot of the country feels the same about trump
the media is not supposed to be objective.....they just report the news.....not their fault if it is news you don't like....bias would be someone who doesn't like what is reported and just that persons opinion....facts are facts...….they can't alter or change them to please a group pf people.….trump creates his own mess with his lies and his actions.....people who are blind to all that suffer from some kind of worship that has nothing to do with reality.....even your famous fox news reports the facts sometimes and trump doesn't like that....I know there are a lot of right wing leaning papers....that still report the facts because you don't like the facts or lack the ability to understand or just don't want to understand because it goes against your perception.....would be some kind of hero worship.....trying to ******* the news like Hitler did or like P.utin does would go against our freedom of the press.....but most cult members have no need for facts or news

Why do TrumpCult members ignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?

WRONG - the media IS supposed to be objective!!!!!

The definition of objective is : Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

The media is anything but objective today - they only really represent the left’s position and talking points - it is painfully obvious - unless you’re a Dem drone - as you no doubt are.
WRONG - the media IS supposed to be objective!!!!!

The definition of objective is : Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

The media is anything but objective today - they only really represent the left’s position and talking points - it is painfully obvious - unless you’re a Dem drone - as you no doubt are.

wrong........for what you want you need to tune into an opinion site....which you do anyway.....the media just tells the facts......the rest is all your opinion...… I told you before.....they don't put the facts can call the Fcc and complain or sue them if you like......anything else you have is just your want something NICE printed about your man...he would have to do something nice.....right now all he has done is make himself rich and a bunch of his fat cat friends....and use every dirty trick he can to stay in letting Russia in on the elections....blackmailing other countries to get involved helping him win.....there is NOT an honest bone in his body and the media reports on that!

President Trump has accused the press of covering him unfairly during the campaign, and says it's only gotten worse since his election: "I used to get great press. I get the worst press." His defenders say no other politician has received such unjust coverage. But others argue the press has actually stepped up their game and finally doing some real investigative journalism. If Trump is unhappy, that's good—it means reporters are asking tough questions and doing their jobs.
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And you think Fox doesn't cater to trumps whim's

Trump impeachment inquiry sparks 'bedlam' at Fox News

Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry is causing chaos at Fox News, with reports of “management bedlam” as hosts battle over how to approach a political drama that threatens its ratings as well as its valuable presidential TV star.

Fractures in coverage of the Ukraine whistleblower report were publicly exposed in on-air dispute between afternoon anchor Shepard Smith and prime-time host Tucker Carlson.

On Tuesday, the semi-moderate Smith invited Judge Andrew Napolitano, a legal analyst, on to his show. Napolitano suggested Trump had committed a “crime” by pressuring Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, to consider investigating former vice-president and current Democratic 2020 hopeful Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter.

“It is a crime for the president to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government,” Napolitano said. “This is the same crime for which the Trump Organization was investigated by Bob Mueller.”

That evening, the vociferous conservative Carlson called on his own judicial analyst, former prosecutor Joseph diGenova, who duly called Napolitano a “fool”.

“I think Judge Napolitano is a fool and I think what he said today is foolish,” DiGenova said. “No, it is not a crime. Let me underscore emphatically that nothing that the president said on that call or what we think he said on that call constitutes a crime.”

A day later, Smith was on air calling Carlson “repugnant” for not backing Napolitano.

According to reports, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and Jay Wallace, the channel’s president, stepped in the quell the discord, directing Smith to cease his attacks on Carlson.

They said if he does it again, he’s off the air,” a source told Vanity Fair, though the development was denied by a Fox spokesperson.

and where is Smith now?....not at Fox news...… don't report anything bad about Adolph Shitler
Just for you Blkdlaur...

The press vs. the President: Are the media biased against Trump?

"There are so many reporters completely against Trump it's absurd," says Megyn Kelly of NBC. Chris Wallace of Fox News says Donald Trump has a point in claiming the media give him unfair treatment. A Harvard study showed the tone of Trump coverage has been twice as negative in the early going as that accorded his predecessor, Barack Obama. CNN panels, overly stacked with progressive analysts, rail against the President on a daily basis.

For the notion that the media are out to get him, the outlier President can find some backing. In response he tries, as Mr. Wallace puts it, to delegitimize the fourth estate more than any other president. He rails at the press, "the enemy of the people," on almost a daily basis. He has made "fake news" part of the vernacular. Last month he went so far as to tweet that the Senate Intelligence Committee should investigate why "so much news is made up."

The media did much to make Donald Trump. Recall in the Republican primaries how he got so much coverage, so many exploding headlines compared to other candidates, that he hardly had to spend money on advertising. Now he fears the media are so hostile they are unmaking him.

There is no doubting the power of the press. I've long held to the theory that a major reason the federal NDP has never made it and never will in Canada is because it has no institutional media support. Conservatives have the giant Postmedia/Sun chain to carry their banner, Liberals have Torstar and others to sing their song. The Dippers have squat.

But what of the Trump claim? Are he and his aggrieved right-side legions correct in their media lament? From the perspective of the volume of criticism, yes. In my four decades of covering politics, I've never seen anything comparable.

But what of it? Is media bias to be measured by the number of negative verdicts? Isn't the germane question whether or not the condemnation is justified? In sports, if the team fielded is woefully managed, performs shoddily, posts loss after loss, bad media reviews are the logical consequence. The Cleveland Browns, perennial flounderers in the National Football League, are a prime example. Their barrage of bad press isn't because of media bias.

In sport it is easier to render objective judgments, but not by much. In politics the people rate performance, and their verdict on Mr. Trump to date is like the media's. It's dismal. He's a mega-flop. For his first year they give him the worst approval ratings by far of any president, rankings reflected in woeful election results for the Republicans earlier this month.

Mr. Trump boasts of a bubbling economy. But is that because of any major reforms he has initiated, or is it the continuation of the trend in place before he took office? He takes credit for downgrading the Islamic State threat. But while he has given, perhaps wisely, more leeway to generals in the field, the success similarly flows from a military strategy already in place.

Much of the ******* press accorded to this President stems from his unprecedented torrent of falsehoods, lies and deliberate deceptions. They number, staggeringly, in the hundreds. While some are based on subjective measurements and can be disputed, the vast majority are demonstrably verifiable.

It is also difficult, you might say, for any president to garner favorable media coverage when he practises bigotry-laced politics that stoke the nation's racial divide; when he turns the Oval Office into an insult-peddling machine; when he starts a war with his own party establishment; when in the face of continual mass killings he supports the existing gun culture; when he claims climate change is a hoax.

Mr. Trump's blaming of the media for his woes is a smart political strategy. For one thing, it is one of the few defences he has. For another, there is always (Fox News, CNN) some media bias. For another, he has a gullible population to prey on.

As stated by Richard Gingras, the vice-president of news at Google and a creator of The Trust Project to build confidence in journalism, the root problem is that people look to the media for support of their biases, for "affirmation rather than information."

Mr. Trump wants affirmation. His record to date, as not only the press but also the people tell him, suggests he doesn't deserve i
t. Not while he's fielding a team like the one in Cleveland.
