Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

By the way, what should the Obama administration regarding the Russian election interference seeing as you claim they did nothing?
You seem to enjoy your self by laughing every time I post. Well I can assure you that I continue to smile because Donald J. Trump won the Presidency in 2016 and democrats heads exploded. I laughed for days because I had never seen a more disgusting performance from grown people ever. They all had loser branded into their foreheads. When Trump wins again there will be riots in the streets.
You seem to enjoy your self by laughing every time I post. Well I can assure you that I continue to smile because Donald J. Trump won the Presidency in 2016 and democrats heads exploded. I laughed for days because I had never seen a more disgusting performance from grown people ever. They all had loser branded into their foreheads. When Trump wins again there will be riots in the streets.

trump won nothing.....check the vote count...….Russia gave it to him....and yes there will be riots in the streets....he promotes that....already mentioned that if he lost there should be some rioting....besides with 70% of the country not wanting him back again.....there would definitely be something fishy should he win...…….Moscow mitch and others have blocked any bill the would block any voter interference….so they know he can't win without help
You call me stupid because I don’t agree with your cavalcade of lefty incessant horseshite propaganda??? If so I’ll take that as a compliment - agreeing with it would be the consummate stupidity in reality :}

I didn't say you were just have bad luck at making decisions

ok...just checked and I did......if the shoe fits...…... There is no vaccine against stupidity.

you still don't understand....I don't post lefty propaganda.....I post facts.....something you seem to be allergic to

pissed you off yet?
trump won nothing.....check the vote count...….Russia gave it to him....and yes there will be riots in the streets....he promotes that....already mentioned that if he lost there should be some rioting....besides with 70% of the country not wanting him back again.....there would definitely be something fishy should he win...…….Moscow mitch and others have blocked any bill the would block any voter interference….so they know he can't win without help

Demented delusional Dem drivel !!!!
I didn't say you were just have bad luck at making decisions

ok...just checked and I did......if the shoe fits...…... There is no vaccine against stupidity.

you still don't understand....I don't post lefty propaganda.....I post facts.....something you seem to be allergic to

pissed you off yet?

Facts - the media seems incapable of any facts that don’t support the Dem talking points - have ye no noticed that - I have.
So What he wants is us to go on the net, find every article that supports our point of view. Post them all on here and call them facts. Sub calls us names and posts Propaganda because he has no ground to stand on . Trump Won 2016 and that is a fact. Chances are he shall win again and crush his opponents.
Facts - the media seems incapable of any facts that don’t support the Dem talking points - have ye no noticed that - I have.

wrong....same media we have had for years.....ever wonder why all of a sudden they ALL got together to pick on doesn't do collusion...….just the news...….and with the mouth on that pumpkin....he is always in the news
So What he wants is us to go on the net, find every article that supports our point of view. Post them all on here and call them facts. Sub calls us names and posts Propaganda because he has no ground to stand on . Trump Won 2016 and that is a fact. Chances are he shall win again and crush his opponents.


that WOULD be hard because there is NOT that much that supports anything he says or does

you can keep up on the impeachment facts on CNN....they advertise it might learn something....especially on corruption and abuse of power and so much more
wrong....same media we have had for years.....ever wonder why all of a sudden they ALL got together to pick on doesn't do collusion...….just the news...….and with the mouth on that pumpkin....he is always in the news

The media lied through their arses for over 2 years about Russian collusion 24 / 7 - to a reasonable person not brainwashed by their total horseshite twas enough to destroy any vestige of credibility they had. Dems have shown themselves to be unreasonable people blinded by hate for our president - freaking sore LOSERS!!!!!!!

that WOULD be hard because there is NOT that much that supports anything he says or does

you can keep up on the impeachment facts on CNN....they advertise it might learn something....especially on corruption and abuse of power and so much more

The only source that might outdo you for constant flow o lefty horseshite might just be CNN - it be a close one though ;}
The media lied through their arses for over 2 years about Russian collusion 24 / 7 - to a reasonable person not brainwashed by their total horseshite twas enough to destroy any vestige of credibility they had. Dems have shown themselves to be unreasonable people blinded by hate for our president - freaking sore LOSERS!!!!!!!

you are stating that the media had collusion to pick on trump?

have I mentioned stupid before?

trump created his own mess with his lies and corruption
you are stating that the media had collusion to pick on trump?

have I mentioned stupid before?

trump created his own mess with his lies and corruption

The media is not in any way objective - they are COMPLETELY biased - their hatred for our president is palpable - they have tried to subvert Donald Trump since he announced he was running - the media and Dems are the very definition of collusion.
Dems strategy - if ya can call it that - watching the impeachment hearings:

If ya can’t get President Trump on collusion - obstruction of justice - quid pro quo - extortion - then ya take a poll - see what sells best - come up with bribery - yeah that’s the one - today - moving target - whatever they can try to best sell - what a bunch o disgusting dipshites - pathetic!!!!!!