Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

corruption....just a way of life for this fucker

Possible pay-to-play scheme for Trump ambassador post uncovered

A CBS News investigation has uncovered a possible pay-for-play scheme involving the Republican National Committee and President Donald Trump's nominee for ambassador to the Bahamas. Emails obtained by CBS News show the nominee, San Diego billionaire Doug Manchester, was asked by the RNC to donate half a million dollars as his confirmation in the Senate hung in the balance, chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod reports.

When Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas in September, Manchester wanted to help. So the San Diego real estate developer, who prefers the nickname "Papa Doug," loaded up his private jet with supplies and headed for the hard-hit Caribbean country where he owned a home – and hoped to soon be serving as U.S. ambassador.

A Trump supporter, Manchester donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration fund. He was offered the Bahamas post the day after Mr. Trump was sworn in. Manchester said Trump told him, "I should probably be the ambassador to the Bahamas and you should be president."

Then, for two and a half years, Manchester's nomination stalled in the Senate.

His Bahamas relief trip caught the attention of the President. Trump tweeted, "I would also like to thank 'Papa' Doug Manchester, hopefully the next Ambassador to the Bahamas, for the incredible amount of time, money and passion he has spent on helping to bring safety to the Bahamas."

Three days after the tweet, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel hit up Manchester for a donation. It was no small sum. In an email, obtained exclusively by CBS News, she asked Manchester, "Would you consider putting together $500,000 worth of contributions from your family to ensure we hit our ambitious fundraising goal?"

"Did you feel like they were putting the arm on you?" Axelrod asked.

"No, I didn't. That's part of politics. It's unbelievable. You give and you give and you give and you give some more and more and more," Manchester said.

Hard to say - lots of them are partisans as illustrated by the CIA operative that was probably pre-placed by Brennan to initiate the so-called whistleblower Ukraine story - so in the deep state lots are loyal to a particular party - in this case the Dems.

you and your deep state and fake news....I swear......the only one buy into that are the trump do know that for years before trump was pres he bought into all of those conspiracy Obamas birth certificate for one...…...years ago he attended some seminar in Pa on voter fraud and a bunch of other *******....the guy was proven fake....but people like trump still bought into it.....remember when trump took office he appointed some asshole from Kansas to investigate voter fraud because trump was sure he won the popular vote...…..guy never found a is something the right likes to bring up a lot....and still never for trump....the guy is a headcase and always has been

58 Donald Trump Conspiracy Theories (and Counting!): The ...
    1. Birtherism. For years, Trump has suggested that President Obama fabricated his birth certificate in …
    2. Bill Ayers Wrote ‘Dreams From My *******’ Trump has embraced the far-right conspiracy theory — …
    3. Hawaii Official Was Murdered In Birth Certificate Cover-up. Detective Trump is on the case. …
    4. Obama Was ‘Born Barry Soetero’ On different occasions, Trump has referred to the president as …
  • See all full list on

  • 8 of the biggest conspiracy theories that Trump has shared ...
    • Author: Greg Evans
      • Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. In September 2017 the US Justice Department found that …
      • Barack Obama's place of birth. Sticking with Barack Obama, Donald Trump has long promoted the …
      • Ted Cruz's ******* was involved in the JFK assassination. Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty …
      • Disputing the legitimacy of the Access Hollywood tape. At the height of his 2016 Presidential …
    • See all full list on

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Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
  • Dead People
  • Noncitizens
  • Is Voter Fraud ‘Common’?
One of Trump’s principle claims of voter fraud is that “dead people” are voting in large numbers.“People that have died 10 years ago are still voting,” Trump said in his Wisconsin speech. Later, Trump cited a Pew Charitable Trust report as evidence of “dead people” voting in large numbers. But that’s not what the report says. “The following information comes straight from Pew Research, quote, ‘Approximately 24 million peopl…
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Trump vows 'major investigation' into alleged voter fraud
Jan 25, 2017 · WASHINGTON — President Trump vowed an "investigation" Wednesday into alleged voter fraud — despite a lack of evidence behind his claim that 3 …

Whatever happened to Trump's fraudulent voter fraud ...
Dec 20, 2017 · FILE - In this July 8, 2017 file photo, Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap speaks during a voter registration meeting at the National Association of Secretaries of State conference in Indianapolis. A voter fraud commission established by President Donald Trump could make it …

Trump Panel Finds No Voter Fraud -
Court filings show that in spite of the president’s claim that millions of people voted illegally, his recently disbanded commission found no evidence of voter fraud.
things that make you go Mmmmmmm

Man who worked on Trump's Michigan campaign convicted of ...
Man who worked on Trump's Michigan campaign convicted of 10 counts of voter fraud ... The 27-year-old Trump supporter was convicted ... both the defense and the Attorney General’s Office

The guy Trump cited as voter fraud 'expert' registered in ...
Jan 31, 2017 · Trump has cited Gregg Phillips as an expert on voter fraud. ... The guy Trump cited as voter fraud 'expert' registered in 3 states. ... Almost 3 billion years ago, Venus may have actually been

Trump supporter admits to voter fraudThinkProgress
Oct 29, 2016 · Trump supporter admits to voter fraud ... that this was the first time he had to report potential voter fraud in 12 years. ... is the first Trump supporter to cast a double vote and get caught ...

Donald Trump’s ******* Found To Registered In Two States ...*******-found-to-registered-in-two...
Jan 26, 2017 · President Donald Trump’s youngest ******* is reported to be registered to vote in two different states, an occurrence her newly-elected ******* has branded as a surefire sign of the rampant voter fraud he insists caused him to lose the popular vote to Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s ludicrous ‘deep state’ conspiracy theory has ...
Oct 10, 2019 · Trump’s attacks turned the conversation upside down as only he can do, by claiming the existence of a “deep stateconspiracy in which the entire intelligence community was part of a ...

Ex-Trump strategist admits ‘Deep State’ conspiracy is ...
Oct 04, 2019 · President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Steve Bannon has essentially debunked the Deep Stateconspiracy theory he helped popularize. Bannon, who served as Trump

Trump’s ‘deep state’ theory was debunked by his own ...
Jul 12, 2019 · Trump's own secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, already debunked this theory — two years ago, in a thorough inquiry he led when he was the head of the CIA. The inquiry, which Politico noted was conducted at the CIA's "highest levels," verified that the CIA did nothing improper in its investigation.
  • Author: Oliver Willis
I know there is some question there - somewhere

over your involves facts...…..something you people avoid...hint hint....posted the answer a couple of times

let me know if i'm pissing you off....if not I can try harder

I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights". I'm just very wise.
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By the way, what should the Obama administration regarding the Russian election interference seeing as you claim they did nothing?

you know another part of the reason P.utin had to go all out on supporting trump.....Obama told him to cut the ******* or he would trash their economy.....had Hillary got in she would have followed through on Obama's threat.....but then P.utin hated Hillary anyway for saying the Russian election was a fake....a little info the trump cult would know nothing about
aren't you trump supporters tired of winning yet?....or haven't you seen any of it?
country will win and America be great again once all these investigations get rid of the mad pumpkin

saw where the right would like to make Rudy G the scape goat since he is already near jail anyway....but they were afraid he knew to the best they can do is sit back and watch

Lord, Give me patience and give it to me NOW.
Trump cult - your nifty new Dem talking point

Nope not tired of winning at all - just really tired of all the Dem whining - pissing and moaning and trying against all reason to undo the 2016 election

You Dems are just sore LOSERS !!!
Trump cult - your nifty new Dem talking point

Nope not tired of winning at all - just really tired of all the Dem whining - pissing and moaning and trying against all reason to undo the 2016 election

You Dems are just sore LOSERS !!!

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.

that's the problem with being in a cult....they only look towards their leader and everything else is forgotten.....ever hear of the party of NO? people created it when Obama won...…..your party even took a pledge to not help him in anyway.....your party talked impeachment...but couldn't get anything on him.........…….....… people gave it to Obama for 8 years.........we are just getting started...…...although you may not like the ending....I'm hoping I will just love it.....well more of just like it...….hanging is probably to much to ask for

and then hell even if we could get lucky and trump gets jail time......what do we do with his cult?......send them in for some kind of re-programing....have them all nuetered… stop the spread.....send them to Johannesburg for kool aid?

decisions decisions...…...we just can't have that much illiteracy running loose in lowers the nations IQ....the rest of the world would see our intelligence level is slipping
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to bad the rest of the world doesn't get to vote

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump | Pew ...
  • Author: Richard Wike
    1. Globally, Trump is much less popular than his predecessor. Across 37 countries we surveyed in …
    2. Only a few countries have positive views of Trump. In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, …
    3. Trump’s ratings in Western Europe look a lot like Bush’s at the end of his tenure. While Obama …
    4. Europeans who favor right-wing parties are generally more likely to have confidence in Trump. …
    See all full list on
Damn the luck ...….if he doesn't get re-elected we won't be able to impeach him

McConnell predicts impeachment will drag into 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that impeachment proceedings will likely last into 2020 should the House impeach President Trump.
McConnell made the prediction while speaking to reporters in Kentucky on Monday. The GOP leader also said that he "can't imagine a scenario under which President Trump would be removed from office with 67 votes in the Senate."

"It looks to me like the House is going to be on this until Christmas, then it comes over to the Senate. It displaces all other business," McConnell said. "I don't know how long senators will want to continue the trial, but I’m pretty confident that in the end impeachment will not lead to ouster."

McConnell's comments echo those he gave to journalists several weeks ago concerning impeachment.

"I will say I'm pretty sure how it’s likely to end. If it were today, I don’t think there’s any question it would not lead to a removal," McConnell said on Nov. 5.

If impeached in the House, Trump must stand trial in the Senate. The trial could drag on for weeks or months into 2020 and pose a serious problem for several Democratic senators that are currently campaigning to challenge Trump for office. (Funny....he must be confident trump will be re-elected...but then they don't call him Moscow Mitch for nothing)

Damn the luck ...….if he doesn't get re-elected we won't be able to impeach him

McConnell predicts impeachment will drag into 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that impeachment proceedings will likely last into 2020 should the House impeach President Trump.
McConnell made the prediction while speaking to reporters in Kentucky on Monday. The GOP leader also said that he "can't imagine a scenario under which President Trump would be removed from office with 67 votes in the Senate."

"It looks to me like the House is going to be on this until Christmas, then it comes over to the Senate. It displaces all other business," McConnell said. "I don't know how long senators will want to continue the trial, but I’m pretty confident that in the end impeachment will not lead to ouster."

McConnell's comments echo those he gave to journalists several weeks ago concerning impeachment.

"I will say I'm pretty sure how it’s likely to end. If it were today, I don’t think there’s any question it would not lead to a removal," McConnell said on Nov. 5.

If impeached in the House, Trump must stand trial in the Senate. The trial could drag on for weeks or months into 2020 and pose a serious problem for several Democratic senators that are currently campaigning to challenge Trump for office. (Funny....he must be confident trump will be re-elected...but then they don't call him Moscow Mitch for nothing)

Impeachment could drag into 2021? If Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, ... Plan ZZZ all fail, see if there are any outstanding jaywalking tickets Trump must have got in NYC? :unsure: