Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

If you are deceived by the democratic party after 8 years of Obama, Biden and secretary state witch Hillary, you are beyond help. If we are so stupid as we are called, how did we stop the Witch? It wasn't the Russians it was God.

show me where god supports just half of what your man has done....I don't recall any verse in the bible that makes exceptions for perverts
The question still remains - if RUSSIA was such a big deal during the 2016 election - why did the Obama administration that knew about what was going on - DO NOTHING?????
It happened under the Dems noses - yet you somehow try to blame President Trump!!!!!

sometimes you really are a dumbfuck…….even as I post this for at least the 10th won't read it nor just like making the same stupid fucking comment over and over

Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not ...
Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not Barack Obama. ... threatened President Obama against publicizing Russian meddling before the 2016 election.

Obama Warning on Russia Meddling Was 'Watered Down' By ...
Barack Obama's former chief of staff has commented the former president's warning about Russia's alleged meddling was "dramatically watered down" by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ...

Bombshell Report Reveals Mitch McConnell Allowed Russia To ...
In a tone that would become familiar in the following months, Republicans and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) allowed Russia to interfere in the election to help Trump by expressing ...

It was McConnell who blocked Obama from Alerting Americans ...
Mar 06, 2018 · Obama not to go public with it. ... mcconnel ryan blocked obama from alerting america about russian meddeling, turtle man blocked obama from stopping russian meddling 2016. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum. Forums > US Discussion > Politics > …

Treasonous Mitch McConnell Refused To Oppose Russia ...
Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was informed about Russia interfering in the election to help Trump before election day, but he refused to stand with President Obama

BREAKING: Mitch McConnell Implicated In Coverup Of Russia ...
Dec 14, 2016 · With many high-ranking congressional Republicans calling for a full investigation into the CIA’s report of interference by the Russians into the 2016 presidential election, it has been revealed that one, Senate Majority Leader, Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, knew about the hacks long before the election. During a preliminary secret briefing for congressional leaders in September, …

Mitch McConnell prevented stronger action against Russian ...
Dec 10, 2016 · McConnell has refused to comment on the reports about the CIA conclusions on Russia’s meddling in the election. McConnell’s office told BuzzFeed News that it …

McConnell owes the country a fuller explanation on Russian ...
Feb 20, 2018 · McConnell needs to be pressed further on whether he turned down a request to issue a specific warning about Russia. (As Politico reported last month, “But a former Obama
  • Author: Jennifer Rubin
Clapper: Ryan and McConnell didn't care about election interference as long as Trump won

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper accuses Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a new book of not caring about foreign interference in the 2016 election as long as President Trump won.
In his new book, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence,” released Tuesday, Clapper hammers the GOP leaders for not taking a harder stance on Russian meddling in the presidential race.

Clapper, who was former President Obama’s senior intelligence adviser for more than six years, writes that Ryan and McConnell were approached by the Obama administration in 2016 to sign a joint statement condemning foreign interference, according to an excerpt published by National Public Radio.

But the Republican leaders rejected the offer, saying they would not endorse a “bipartisan statement that might hurt their nominee for president."

"I was disappointed but not surprised. It seemed they had decided by then that they didn't care who their nominee was, how he got elected or what effects having a foreign power influence our election would have on the nation, as long as they won,” Clapper wrote.
Clapper notes that he and then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson did eventually release a joint statement about Russian interference — but it was quickly overshadowed by the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape, in which Trump is heard speaking crudely about grabbing women without their consent.

"I saw that our efforts ended up having all the impact of another raindrop in a storm at sea,” Clapper wrote.

Trump has called special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election a “witch hunt,” and he called on Sunday for the Department of Justice to investigate whether the FBI surveilled his campaign.

Clapper said Monday that Trump’s demand was a “disturbing assault” on the department's independence.

"I think when the president — this president or any president — tries to use the Department of Justice as a kind of private investigatory body, that’s not good for the country," Clapper said on CNN's "New Day."

A spokesperson speaking for Ryan and McConnell denied Clapper’s claims, contending that the 2016 White House meeting involved discussion about “a letter to the states warning against attacks during the election.”

“Mr. Clapper has his facts wrong,” the spokesperson said. “What was discussed with the White House staff in September was a letter to the states warning against attacks during the election, which was quickly drafted and sent on September 28th."

but several facts point otherwise
70% of Americans say Trump’s actions tied to Ukraine were wrong:

An overwhelming 70% of Americans think President Donald Trump’s request to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival, which sits at the heart of the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry, was wrong, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds.

A slim majority of Americans, 51%, believe Trump’s actions were both wrong and he should be impeached and removed from office. But only 21% of Americans say they are following the hearings very closely.

In addition to the 51%, another 19% think that Trump's actions were wrong, but that he should either be impeached by the House but not removed from office, or be neither impeached by the House nor convicted by the Senate. The survey also finds that 1 in 4 Americans, 25%, think that Trump did nothing wrong.

Still, nearly 1 in 3, 32%, say they made up their minds about impeaching the president before the news broke about Trump’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in which Trump urged his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his *******, Hunter.

The poll conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News, using Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel, asked Americans how closely they were following the first week of public impeachment hearings in the House, their assessments of Trump’s actions and whether those actions warranted impeachment and removal from office. The survey also asked Americans when they decided on the matter.

read more:

Romans 13:1

New American Standard Bible
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

New King James Version
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

King James Bible
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Christian Standard Bible
Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God.
So who are the national intelligence agencies loyal to if not the United States?

Hard to say - lots of them are partisans as illustrated by the CIA operative that was probably pre-placed by Brennan to initiate the so-called whistleblower Ukraine story - so in the deep state lots are loyal to a particular party - in this case the Dems.
sometimes you really are a dumbfuck…….even as I post this for at least the 10th won't read it nor just like making the same stupid fucking comment over and over

Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not ...
Russian Election Meddling Is All On Mitch McConnell, Not Barack Obama. ... threatened President Obama against publicizing Russian meddling before the 2016 election.

Obama Warning on Russia Meddling Was 'Watered Down' By ...
Barack Obama's former chief of staff has commented the former president's warning about Russia's alleged meddling was "dramatically watered down" by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ...

Bombshell Report Reveals Mitch McConnell Allowed Russia To ...
In a tone that would become familiar in the following months, Republicans and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) allowed Russia to interfere in the election to help Trump by expressing ...

It was McConnell who blocked Obama from Alerting Americans ...
Mar 06, 2018 · Obama not to go public with it. ... mcconnel ryan blocked obama from alerting america about russian meddeling, turtle man blocked obama from stopping russian meddling 2016. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum. Forums > US Discussion > Politics > …

Treasonous Mitch McConnell Refused To Oppose Russia ...
Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was informed about Russia interfering in the election to help Trump before election day, but he refused to stand with President Obama

BREAKING: Mitch McConnell Implicated In Coverup Of Russia ...
Dec 14, 2016 · With many high-ranking congressional Republicans calling for a full investigation into the CIA’s report of interference by the Russians into the 2016 presidential election, it has been revealed that one, Senate Majority Leader, Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, knew about the hacks long before the election. During a preliminary secret briefing for congressional leaders in September, …

Mitch McConnell prevented stronger action against Russian ...
Dec 10, 2016 · McConnell has refused to comment on the reports about the CIA conclusions on Russia’s meddling in the election. McConnell’s office told BuzzFeed News that it …

McConnell owes the country a fuller explanation on Russian ...
Feb 20, 2018 · McConnell needs to be pressed further on whether he turned down a request to issue a specific warning about Russia. (As Politico reported last month, “But a former Obama
  • Author: Jennifer Rubin

The buck stops at the President - Obama knew - did nothing.
hell you know he did....con not tell the truth...he would go to jail...and can not keep his lies straight....and I'm sure Stones testimony is going to really throw a wrench in trumps pipe dreams

House Democrats probe whether Trump lied to Mueller ...
3 hours ago · House Democrats are investigating whether President Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller, according to CNN. The House chamber’s general …

House investigating if Trump lied during Mueller's Russia ...
1 hour ago · The House of Representatives is investigating whether President Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller in written answers he provided in the Russia probe, the House

House Tells Court Impeachment Probe Is Looking At Whether ...
2 hours ago · Letter said that the House impeachment probe is “in part” about Ukraine, but that it is also looking at whether Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation and the question of, “What did he ...
The buck stops at the President - Obama knew - did nothing.

you are right ...he should never have listened to 2 republicans...but how did he know they were on russias payroll
funny you should say that.....why doesn't it apply to trump?
double standard?....he blames everything on someone else
It's just all down hill and bad news for the crook n thief

Trump's impeachment ire turns on Pompeo amid diplomats' starring roles

WASHINGTON — The impeachment inquiry has created the first rift between President Donald Trump and the Cabinet member who has been his closest ally, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to four current and former senior administration officials.

Trump has fumed for weeks that Pompeo is responsible for hiring State Department officials whose congressional testimony threatens to bring down his presidency, the officials said. The president confronted Pompeo about the officials — and what he believed was a lackluster effort by the secretary of state to block their testimony — during lunch at the White House on Oct. 29, those familiar with the matter said.

it's always somebody else...….the buck doesn't stop there unless it slides into his pocket!
Sides when Obama was in office - he blamed anything and everything on George Bush - how soon Dems conveniently forget.

wrong again...just the economy he inherited when the right blocked everything he tried to do to fix it....they wanted him to fail...….remember Moscow Mitch"s famous last words....he is doing everything he can to make Obama a one term president