Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

they know they can't win it on their own

Republicans Refusing to Stop Russian Election Interference
Aug 18, 2019 · Putin Jokes About Russia Interfering In 2020 Election. Russian President Vladimir Putin joked on Russian TV that Russia would interfere in America’s 2020 election. Republicans are refusing to Protect Against Russian Hacking & Interference because it helped Trump win in 2016 and may help Republicans win again in 2020

Why is Mitch McConnell blocking election security bills ...
Jul 30, 2019 · Election security experts say that while there’s still time to strengthen states’ election systems before 2020, the political momentum may never be as strong as it is right now, after Mueller ...

Reed: Trump Administration Still Refusing to Respond to ...
Reed: Trump Administration Still Refusing to Respond to Russian Election Interference As bipartisan Russia sanctions bill ignored, Reed notes: Americans are right to wonder why Trump acts tough on everybody but Putin

McConnell is refusing to protect America from election ...
Jul 27, 2019 · McConnell is refusing to protect America from election interference MSNBC. ... World Series fans ‘un-American’ over anti-Trump ‘lock him up’ chants ... fans get indefinite ban for flashing ...

How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. ... Vladimir Putin’s Russia. My message for today’s GOP is to paraphrase Barack Obama when he mocked Romney for …

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
May 08, 2018 · opinion Commentary. How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns Campaign finance reports show troubling connections between a group of wealthy donors with ties to Russia and their

The GOP has become the Soviet party - The Washington Post
Jan 21, 2019 · The GOP has become the Soviet party. ... red-baiting Republicans denounced Soviet Russia as an evil superpower intent on destroying the American way of life. ... Trump owns this shutdown debacle

Republicans are becoming Russia’s accomplices - The ...
Mar 06, 2017 · Republicans are becoming Russia’s accomplices. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, answers questions during a news conference March 2 ...
So you think our national intelligence agencies got it wrong with Russia then?

sometimes they just make opinions...that's ok to talk about...we all have them....although a couple try to push them as facts and yet post nothing to base their opinion on

but most of the time they make crazy statements and you show several different sources that they are wrong....and they don't believe....

just like with trump...he was told by his own people that the Biden deal was fake...he still insisted....

he was told by P.utin Ukraine no good...even though in the past Obama gave 4 times more money and his intelligence told him other wise he hated the country...…..

Trump was told prior to the election that Russia was meddling in the election and trump still pushed it wasn't......

trump listens to people he shouldn't because he likes what he hears......

same with these people ….they listen to whomever and believe because it is what they want to believe…….and the facts don't matter.....they can only be described as cult like
sometimes they just make opinions...that's ok to talk about...we all have them....although a couple try to push them as facts and yet post nothing to base their opinion on

but most of the time they make crazy statements and you show several different sources that they are wrong....and they don't believe....

just like with trump...he was told by his own people that the Biden deal was fake...he still insisted....

he was told by P.utin Ukraine no good...even though in the past Obama gave 4 times more money and his intelligence told him other wise he hated the country...…..

Trump was told prior to the election that Russia was meddling in the election and trump still pushed it wasn't......

trump listens to people he shouldn't because he likes what he hears......

same with these people ….they listen to whomever and believe because it is what they want to believe…….and the facts don't matter.....they can only be described as cult like

The question still remains - if RUSSIA was such a big deal during the 2016 election - why did the Obama administration that knew about what was going on - DO NOTHING?????
It happened under the Dems noses - yet you somehow try to blame President Trump!!!!!
The question still remains - if RUSSIA was such a big deal during the 2016 election - why did the Obama administration that knew about what was going on - DO NOTHING?????
It happened under the Dems noses - yet you somehow try to blame President Trump!!!!!
You know that isn't true.

And if I recall correctly, Trump did invite Russia into the election. Something about finding HRC's emails as I recall.
I put it pretty simple need less government

I didn't take it that way.....thought you was talking that old welfare myth about people not working and owning a Cadillac……...but even so your party is the WORST on handling the gov.....and you can go back over 50 years and see that....just like Ryan saying during the Obama pres that they were the party of physcal responsibility....and yet trump's first year they gave him everything he wanted....bloating the deficit.....your party is famous for writing checks when there is no money in the bank

as for less gov...…..good idea....except again it is your party that forces the need for it.....if it was up to your party we would have no education standards....the money would go to tax cuts...……...if it was up to your party pollution would be everywhere.....oh wait under trump it is emission standards...allowing coal to pollute the water......oil and timber work in national parks.....there would be no clean air or water or education if your party had it's way...….so we need gov to keep big biz in check...….if biz could be responsible....wouldn't need it


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So who are the national intelligence agencies loyal to if not the United States?

that is the whole issue under trump and why we are losing highly qualified people...….they are loyal to the they should be...….trump fires anyone who is not loyal to him....the pres...ANY pres is temporary......those that take care of the gov biz are loyal to the country