Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I just heard on the news ...the reason the right made no statements after the hearing today...…….while the gal was testifying in front of congress.....trump was sending her threatening tweets.....just digging him self a deeper hole....that could be witness tampering....even if they don't charge him with sure swayed a lot of public opinion
Audience applauds, GOP microphone turned off at end of Yovanovitch hearing

Audience members at Friday's impeachment inquiry broke into applause after former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch concluded her testimony.

Even as Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) repeatedly asked to be recognized, audience members applauded Yovanovitch and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gaveled the second public impeachment hearing closed.

Did Trump just commit witness tampering? I asked 7 legal experts.

When Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine, testified on Capitol Hill Friday morning during the second day of impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump, it didn’t take the president long to send a tweet attacking her.

“Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad,” Trump wrote. “She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. it is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.”

Yovanovitch was ousted from her ambassadorship back in April after she apparently got in the way of Trump’s efforts to persuade the government of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

Her testimony on Friday was clear, calm, and mostly unflattering to the Trump administration. “As Foreign Service professionals are being denigrated and undermined,” she told members of Congress, “the institution is also being degraded. This will soon cause real harm, if it hasn’t already.”

Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch testifies before the House Select Intelligence Committee on Friday, November 15, 2019.

Trump has a habit of blasting critics on Twitter. But some observers including some loyal to the president — said this tweet was, at best, a very bad idea.

But did this tweet really cross a legal line into witness tampering?

I put this question to seven legal experts. Their responses, edited for clarity and length, are below.

There wasn’t a perfect consensus, but most experts agreed that Trump’s tweet falls pretty clearly within our understanding of an impeachable offense. As to whether or not it constitutes a crime, the question is almost irrelevant since prosecution is all but impossible

and just why was trump so down on guessed it...Russia

Russia-tied Manafort, Flynn fed Trump Ukraine conspiracy ...
11 days ago · The three of them appear to have played a role in convincing Trump that Russia did not actually interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite what both Mueller and the U.S ...

Putin, Hungarian leader pushed Trump on Ukraine corruption ...
Putin, Hungarian leader pushed Trump on Ukraine corruption narrative: reports ... Tags Hungary Russia Donald Trump Vladimir Putin Viktor Orban Mick Mulvaney Rudy Giuliani John Bolton Kurt Volker

Report: Trump soured on Ukraine after Putin, Orban influence
Report: Trump soured on Ukraine after Putin, Orban influence Washington Post: The two leaders characterized Ukraine as corrupt and reinforced Trump’s views of the country.
Speak for yourself - plenty of people love our President more than you lefties hate him - I know that’s hard for you to believe blinded by such unmitigated hate for him as you so obviously are.
I doesn't make a ******* what these nuts think. Here's a fact for you. President Donald J. Trump will be re-elected by a much larger margin than in 2016. He has done more for America than any President in history.
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Audience applauds, GOP microphone turned off at end of Yovanovitch hearing

Audience members at Friday's impeachment inquiry broke into applause after former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch concluded her testimony.

Even as Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) repeatedly asked to be recognized, audience members applauded Yovanovitch and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gaveled the second public impeachment hearing closed.

What comes of a Kangaroo Court packed with Dem supporters. No surprise there.
All of this is crap. I watched the whole thing right up to the end, The I sure didn't hear the Audience Applaud. All Schiff ( what a worthless excuse for representative) and his cult members are accomplishing is a total eye opening performance, showing how petty, vengeful and disgusting the Democratic Party has become. Barry Obama, Sleepy Joe and that practicing witch Hillary Clinton, have destroyed any hope for that party. I voted for that that terrible excuse for a President the first time, I should have gone with my gut feeling when the democrat party celebrated his primary win over Billary by him being on stage surrounded by Greek Pillars like he was some kind of god. I lost all respect for him the first year of his presidency. He beat a weak candidate, John McCain with 365 to 173 Electoral Votes in 2008, and he beat another very weak candidate, Mitt Romney in 2012 with 332 to 206 and has been called the worse president ever.
I doesn't make a ******* what these nuts think. Here's a fact for you. President Donald J. Trump will be re-elected by a much larger margin than in 2016. He has done more for America than any President in history.
tell me.…….just what has he done for something....IF you can I will name at least 10 he has done to benefit himself and Russia
like I said the other day....the world is full of crazies and believers...….look at Nixon boarding the chopper to leave after resigning......still had a 29% approval rating......similar to what trump has now.....just shows no matter what there is a certain amount of the country out of touch with reality...……...cult members

you guys may out number me on this site....and enjoy yourselves trying to sway me into buying into your evil cult...……..but you are still only around 30% nationwide
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like I said the other day....the world is full of crazies and believers...….look at Nixon boarding the chopper to leave after resigning......still had a 29% approval rating......similar to what trump has now.....just shows no matter what there is a certain amount of the country out of touch with reality...……...cult members

you guys may out number me on this site....and enjoy yourselves trying to sway me into buying into your evil cult...……..but you are still only around 30% nationwide

Maybe you should ask yourself why you are outnumbered in here - don’t you think that is odd??? I would think this site is populated by mostly liberals. Many of your opposition in here have told you they formerly voted for Obama and WERE Democrats. Look at Stiff’s poll - maybe you should go by what you observe instead of by what you read. The media is so left skewed you only believe their drivel because you SO want to. Pretty evident in HERE how people REALLY feel.
Maybe you should ask yourself why you are outnumbered in here - don’t you think that is odd??? I would think this site is populated by mostly liberals. Many of your opposition in here have told you they formerly voted for Obama and WERE Democrats. Look at Stiff’s poll - maybe you should go by what you observe instead of by what you read. The media is so left skewed you only believe their drivel because you SO want to. Pretty evident in HERE how people REALLY feel.

wrong seems most on here are republicans ...go figure......or else the dems just are not interested in the BS you guys put notice one will stop by...say something and never hear from him again?
people don't come to a porn site to discuss politics......except a few thinking they have statements to make

and with so many of you on here being trumptards…..and yet his popularity WAAAAAAy below the 50% mark...….doesn't that tell YOU something

2019 opinion polling on the Donald Trump administration ...
This is a list of opinion polls taken on the presidency of Donald Trump in 2019. Polls throughout the year consistently show that more adults and registered voters disapprove of Trump than approve of him, generally by a margin of between five and fifteen percentage points.

Trump’s Popularity Hits Record Low as Support for ...
Apr 22, 2019 · Trump’s Popularity Hits Record Low as Support for Impeachment Wanes President’s net approval is 18 points underwater in weekly tracking poll President Donald Trump posted his worst net ...

Trump is more popular than ever before - CNNPolitics
May 06, 2019 · Donald Trump is the only president in modern history to never crack 50% job approval in Gallup's weekly tracking poll of how Americans perceive the job that the president is doing.

Poll: Trump Approval Rating Is Down, Has Slipped With His ...
Jan 17, 2019 · Poll: Trump Approval Rating Is Down, Has Slipped With His Base During the longest shutdown in history, key parts of Trump's base — from suburban men to …

Trump Approval Rating Worldwide Plummets, Canada Snags ...
Jul 02, 2017 · Newsweek reports on a Pew Research Center poll that has the worldwide Trump approval rating today at 22 percent. But worse, Forbes reports that a survey by the Reputation Institute of almost 40 thousand respondents worldwide has the United States dropping 10 spots in the world to number 38 on a global reputation scale, while Canada snags the number one spot.

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
Jan 18, 2018 · -- One year into Donald Trump's presidency, the image of U.S. leadership is weaker worldwide than it was under his two predecessors. Median approval of U.S. leadership across 134 countries and areas stands at a new low of 30%, according to a new Gallup report .
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Who are the people that are suppose to be voting in these polls? The Democrats are the ones with the problems, for one thing black America is really starting to wake out of their long stupor because they have the modern world of social media. If by chance, the traitors to this country manage to railroad President Trump out of office, he has already changed not only our country but the world, and he has pulled back the curtain on real corruption, and believe me you democrats, our country has so many good, intelligent black activists screaming out to the people with real facts that President Trump will receive the highest minority vote in the history of the United States of America. Talk about a cult, the leaders of your life long democratic party have such a long and evil list it is not worth the time to attempt to name them all, Just a sample the Clinton's, Obama, Al Gore who just will not disappear after their administration has ended, and the lifelong corrupt members of Congress are to many to name. Here is a gift for you democrats, enjoy.
Funny, you keep talking about how corrupt Dems are, yet, the ones going to jail are mostly Republicans ... the ones deciding to leave Congress are mostly Republicans. When Newt Gingrich was no longer Speaker Of The House, he was demeaning President Clinton of his affair with an intern, while at the same time, having his own marital affair with another woman. He was the leader and initiator of the "Just Say No" polarization in politics that we have today. He got voted out of Republican politics, yet continued meddling in Obama's affairs throughout his 8 years administration.
So, your biased BS simply doesn't hold water whatsoever. Your Donald Trump has the mentality of a 5-6 year old kid, yet you keep protecting him and putting up with his childish actions. That popping sound you're hearing are some of the "diehard" Trumptards who are pulling their heads out of their asses and finally admitting Trump is a mentally disturbed individual not fitting to serve as the President.
Funny, you keep talking about how corrupt Dems are, yet, the ones going to jail are mostly Republicans ... the ones deciding to leave Congress are mostly Republicans. When Newt Gingrich was no longer Speaker Of The House, he was demeaning President Clinton of his affair with an intern, while at the same time, having his own marital affair with another woman. He was the leader and initiator of the "Just Say No" polarization in politics that we have today. He got voted out of Republican politics, yet continued meddling in Obama's affairs throughout his 8 years administration.
So, your biased BS simply doesn't hold water whatsoever. Your Donald Trump has the mentality of a 5-6 year old kid, yet you keep protecting him and putting up with his childish actions. That popping sound you're hearing are some of the "diehard" Trumptards who are pulling their heads out of their asses and finally admitting Trump is a mentally disturbed individual not fitting to serve as the President.
Of course many republicans have turned into corrupt politicians, this is why this country needs to change a the whole mentality of huge government. I never said I am a republican so your argument there falls flat. I am a conservative and support our forefathers in their understanding and wisdom to create the Constitution of The United States Of America. Of course many of the republican politicians are leaving, the gravy train is running out because of Donald Trump. He has the mentality of a 5-6 year old you state, maybe that is the way he appears on the surface, but in reality he is very intelligent and is two steps ahead of his enemies, 10 steps ahead of die hard democratic followers that are wearing blinders and continue to follow the party line. Don't talk to me about Newt Gingrich I never liked the man. So your so intelligent that you can my truth biased opinion huh. If you were one tenth as intelligent as you falsely think you are, you would be a stinking genius, almost all your posts reek of an exaggerated sense of self-importance, not a great look for you.
Don’t you comprehend that your polls are shite - complete horseshite - remember the 2016 polls !!!!! You think these polls have miraculously got accurate - ya dreaming!!!!

yes I do remember...Hillary had it in the bag...….and then we find out Russia played a big hand.....and the gov has admitted to 3 different counties they changed votes in,,,if they admit to 3 ….how many more are they not admitting to.....he got in under...unusual circumstances to say the least.....

the trump cult is no where near big enough to do it again....Russia might..... but not the cult...….

on top of that voter apathy last election higher than any pres election one liked either candidate...or else they was just sure Hillary had it......whatever...a very small percentage of people voted.....trump has pissed off enough people that will not happen this time