Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Again How is it possible that Hunter Biden landed a job in the Ukraine with a corrupt Energy Company making more money per month then most people earn in a whole year???? We keep getting called Stupid, A Cult and Trumptards to name a few. Us Trump followers on this thread are none of those wonderful compliments. We really can't call the super wise, highly educated Democrats, on here at least, Ignorant because they are aware of the truth and stubbornly reject it, but we can call them hypocrites because they are not practicing what they preach.
Again How is it possible that Hunter Biden landed a job in the Ukraine with a corrupt Energy Company making more money per month then most people earn in a whole year???? We keep getting called Stupid, A Cult and Trumptards to name a few. Us Trump followers on this thread are none of those wonderful compliments. We really can't call the super wise, highly educated Democrats, on here at least, Ignorant because they are aware of the truth and stubbornly reject it, but we can call them hypocrites because they are not practicing what they preach.

already posted that on two different threads......if you couldn't read or could read and couldn't understand....anything I type will just go right over your head

and yes you are a cult member....even posted something on that.....

and we might be highly educated...but we are aware of the facts...….just facts you don't want to hear....

Support for Trump's impeachment is rising, with nowhere to ...
Support for Trump's impeachment is rising, with nowhere to go but up. Kerry Eleveld. ... The rapid gain in public support for the impeachment of Donald Trump is already pretty stunning.

Republican Support for Trump's Impeachment Rises to 18 ...
Nov 01, 2019 · Republican voters' support for removing President Donald Trump from office is rising amid the impeachment inquiry that has escalated in recent …
yup....he's a Russian plant

Marie Yovanovitch, former ambassador to Ukraine, testifies ...
Oct 11, 2019 · Yovanovitch arrived on Capitol Hill with a swagger uncommon for many witnesses who have testified before the panels investigating Trump, appearing for …

The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine whose abrupt ouster in May has become a focus of House impeachment investigators said Friday in remarks before Congress that her departure came as a direct result of pressure President Trump placed on the State Department to remove her.

The account by Marie Yovanovitch depicts a career Foreign Service officer caught in a storm of unsubstantiated allegations pushed by the president’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani and a cast of former Ukrainian officials who viewed her as a threat to their financial and political interests.

She told lawmakers that she was ****** to leave Kiev on “the next plane” this spring and subsequently removed from her post, with the State Department’s No. 2 official telling her that, although she had done nothing wrong, the president had lost confidence in her and the agency had been under significant pressure to remove her since the summer of 2018.

In explaining her departure, she acknowledged months of criticisms from Giuliani, who had accused her of privately badmouthing the president and seeking to protect the interests of former vice president Joe Biden and his ******* who served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

Yovanovitch denied those allegations and said she was “incredulous” that her superiors decided to remove her based on “unfounded and false claims by people with clearly questionable motives.” She also took direct aim at Giuliani’s associates, whom she said could have been financially threatened by her anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine.

The remarkable statements by a diplomat with more than 30 years in the Foreign Service came amid rising dissatisfaction inside the State Department at what is seen as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s failure to defend his subordinates who have become targets in the Ukraine controversy. Michael McKinley, a career diplomat and senior adviser to Pompeo, resigned from his post this week as resentment in the building has grown.

Trump told reporters Friday that Yovanovitch may be a nice person but that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “didn’t speak favorably” about her during a July 25 phone call between the two leaders. In a rough transcript of the call released by the White House last month, it was Trump who broached the subject of Yovanovitch, telling his counterpart that she was “bad news.” Zelensky responded, “I agree with you 100%.”

Trump also seemed to distance himself from Giuliani when asked Friday if the former New York mayor was still his attorney. “I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to Rudy. . . . He has been my attorney,” the president said.

Giuliani told The Washington Post that he was still Trump’s lawyer, and he stood by his allegations against Yovanovitch, saying Ukrainians told him that she was “running around the streets saying not to listen to Trump.” He declined to say precisely who told him that.

Pompeo dismissed criticisms that he failed to protect vulnerable U.S. diplomats, telling a journalist in Nashville on Friday that “I have their backs.”

Yovanovitch’s testimony could increase calls for the president’s impeachment as she detailed her belief that under Trump’s leadership, U.S. foreign policy has been compromised by self-interested actors who have badly demoralized and depleted America’s diplomatic corps.

“Today, we see the State Department attacked and hollowed out from within,” she said in prepared remarks obtained by The Post, warning that U.S. adversaries such as Russia stand to benefit “when bad actors in countries beyond Ukraine see how easy it is to use fiction and innuendo to manipulate our system.”

Her opening testimony did not, however, reveal new details about Trump’s pressure campaign to persuade Zelensky to investigate his political opponents. Nine hours of questioning didn’t, either, because of her limited visibility of the actions Trump and Giuliani were taking behind the scenes, some Democrats said after leaving the secure room where her deposition occurred. “She wasn’t on that July 25th call,” said Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).

At one point in her testimony, Yovanovitch grew visibly upset as she offered a “gripping and emotional account of abuse of power by the president,” Rep. Sean Maloney (D-N.Y.) said after walking out of the meeting. After describing the attacks and conspiracy theories raised against her, she asked for a break to compose herself, Maloney said.

According to two people familiar with her testimony, Yovanovitch’s understanding of efforts to plot her ouster did not come from direct conversations with Giuliani and his close associates. Yovanovitch also did not supply the panel with any documents Friday, two people familiar said — unlike former special U.S. envoy Kurt Volker, who during his testimony last week supplied the panels with copies of text messages detailing his conversations with Giuliani, a top aide to the Ukrainian president, and other diplomatic officials.

Several lawmakers stressed that Yovanovitch’s testimony was significant because her attendance — under subpoena but in defiance of a State Department order not to show — represents a victory in House Democrats long-running struggle against the Trump administration to comply with summons and requests for information and testimony.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) praised her for being a “champion” of the rule of law abroad and at home, and for “her willingness, when served with compulsory process, to follow the law and testify.”

Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) said Yovanovitch could be important if she becomes an example for other career officials to come forward and disclose wrongdoing. “I think she has set a very powerful and courageous example,” he said.
Dems hope rises - as Kangaroo Court proceeds - media gives preferential treatment and Republicans are given short shrift by Schiffty - shades of waiting for the Mueller Report - in the end - much to do about NOTHING.

your hopes and prayers may not come to pass....after all it is just your hopes and prayers......coming from a cult member

IF that were the case why is trump so worried about Biden?.....blackmailing another country to get them involved in our politics.....simply IMPEACHABLE!
IF that were the case why is trump so worried about Biden?.....blackmailing another country to get them involved in our politics.....simply IMPEACHABLE!
We'll just have to stay tuned with this high stakes poker game with impeachment. Justin Trudeau was as guilty as sin yet he was re-elected. Considering the huge following Trump has he might win another term? I know you will disagree with me there @subhub174014 , but one thing where you can't is it's winner takes all. If Trump falls the Democrats would take the White House, further victories in Congress, and the Senate. Otherwise everything would go to the Republicans if Trump remains as POTUS and he is re-elected. The American public would side with whichever side is victorious. And if the Democrats don't remove Trump before November 2020, there should be a considerable number of grumpy voters angry with the Democrats for wasting their time with a process that went nowhere, kind of like McCarthy?
We'll just have to stay tuned with this high stakes poker game with impeachment. Justin Trudeau was as guilty as sin yet he was re-elected. Considering the huge following Trump has he might win another term? I know you will disagree with me there @subhub174014 , but one thing where you can't is it's winner takes all. If Trump falls the Democrats would take the White House, further victories in Congress, and the Senate. Otherwise everything would go to the Republicans if Trump remains as POTUS and he is re-elected. The American public would side with whichever side is victorious. And if the Democrats don't remove Trump before November 2020, there should be a considerable number of grumpy voters angry with the Democrats for wasting their time with a process that went nowhere, kind of like McCarthy?

he admitted his mistakes....something trump will never do......and your man doesn't hold a candle to the corruption of trump

it could very well end up with the dems having control of everything....a lot unhappy with trumps "games" his lies and how he treats people from here and abroad
One of the defenses of Trump is — literally — a TV-cartoon joke

Convicted of a crime I didn’t even commit. Hah! Attempted *******? Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry? Do they?”
— Sideshow Bob, “The Simpsons,” Season Six, Episode Five, 1994

I know the right has put a lot in trumps war chest....but...….suppose he doesn't like trump?

Michael Bloomberg pours $100 million into anti-Trump ...
Michael Bloomberg pours $100 million into anti-Trump online ad campaign Associated Press. 1 hr ago.

Bloomberg to Spend $100 Million on Anti-Trump Ad Blitz
10 hours ago · / Bloomberg to Spend $100 Million on Anti-Trump Ad Blitz. ... “Michael Bloomberg still has not declared whether he is running for president in 2020. He is about to become the single biggest spender in the presidential race anyway,” the New York Times reports.
Roger Stone guilty on all counts: lying to Congress ...
Nov 15, 2019 · A federal jury has convicted longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone of lying to Congress and tampering with a witness about his efforts to learn about the …

Roger Stone: The Stone Zone
Roger Stone is no-holds-barred. To some, he is the ruthless tactician and patriot who helped his longtime friend Donald Trump become President. To others, he is the Satan reincarnate who broke the political system and launched President Cheetoh into the Oval Office. No Collusion, No 'Game Changer' - Just Lies 3/26/18

Roger Stone | Fox News
Roger Stone
, a former adviser for President Trump, is a political consultant with decades of experience. Aside from Trump, the self-proclaimed "dirty trickster" has worked for Richard Nixon ...

Roger Stone Reportedly Pleads to Trump Through Alex Jones ...
21 hours ago · Longtime Trump associate Roger Stone on Thursday reportedly begged the president to pardon him through a message sent to InfoWars far-right …

suppose now that he sees a lot of jail time in his future he might want to talk?

look at what all Manafort did for trump....and look where he is now

working for trump could land you in jail.....when the damn does break it could take Pompeo...Barr...and several others involved in the cover up

Nixon I think had 22 go to jail....trump already has 7....he could break another record for "friends" and supporters going to jail

Sonderfucker has been caught twice already lying to congress and had to change his story.....I think this next time he might be a lot more honest
with the thought of maybe trump going to jail and at the very least impeached....I am just higher than a Georgia Pine

once no longer pres he can't block anything....opens a lot of doors trump wants closed....also he has several charges elsewhere that will have his ass

don't you just love it when a plan comes together.....pardon me if I seem to be full of holiday cheer....but Christmas could come early

this is better than sex
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We'll just have to stay tuned with this high stakes poker game with impeachment. Justin Trudeau was as guilty as sin yet he was re-elected. Considering the huge following Trump has he might win another term? I know you will disagree with me there @subhub174014 , but one thing where you can't is it's winner takes all. If Trump falls the Democrats would take the White House, further victories in Congress, and the Senate. Otherwise everything would go to the Republicans if Trump remains as POTUS and he is re-elected. The American public would side with whichever side is victorious. And if the Democrats don't remove Trump before November 2020, there should be a considerable number of grumpy voters angry with the Democrats for wasting their time with a process that went nowhere, kind of like McCarthy?
he admitted his mistakes....something trump will never do......and your man doesn't hold a candle to the corruption of trump

it could very well end up with the dems having control of everything....a lot unhappy with trumps "games" his lies and how he treats people from here and abroad
Justin had no choice as he was caught. His best way out was to do what he did on top of the SNC Lavalin scandal too. Ironic the self-declared feminist and the champion of women screwed over 2 of his female MP's, Jody Wilson Raybould who was re-elected as an independant MP and formerly a Liberal MP (, and Jane Philpott who was not re-elected (, who were trying to watch his back and doing their jobs to the best of their ability.

The Canadian public spoke so I will live with the result of more Justin. Could you do the same if Trump is re-elected?
with the thought of maybe trump going to jail and at the very least impeached....I am just higher than a Georgia Pine

once no longer pres he can't block anything....opens a lot of doors trump wants closed....also he has several charges elsewhere that will have his ass

don't you just love it when a plan comes together.....pardon me if I seem to be full of holiday cheer....but Christmas could come early

this is better than sex
your definitely doing it wrong
Justin had no choice as he was caught. His best way out was to do what he did on top of the SNC Lavalin scandal too. Ironic the self-declared feminist and the champion of women screwed over 2 of his female MP's, Jody Wilson Raybould who was re-elected as an independant MP and formerly a Liberal MP (, and Jane Philpott who was not re-elected (, who were trying to watch his back and doing their jobs to the best of their ability.

The Canadian public spoke so I will live with the result of more Justin. Could you do the same if Trump is re-elected?

trump has been more than caught on several impeachable offenses......but the right will do nothing and trump blocks everything he can....but it will only last so long
as for me.....Russia has spoke and I won't live with the results....trump didn't even win the popular he started off on a bad note right from the start....had he not lied and attempted so many cover ups....doubt we would be here now.....but for someone so honest and open......and yet hides everything...must be something there