Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

careful there....your stupidity is showing again

I remember being overseas in a ******* hole country...…..the country offered me more money than I had ever seen to stay and work there....turned them down...…( the money is tax free also)… least you are smart enough to see Biden was not there and hadn't started yet when all the ******* trump was talking about was going on

you mean something like the right did when Obama won?...if that's the case we are just getting started....we owe you people a lot more......Obama was squeaky clean ...….trump is not...….hang on to your are going down

The Obama Administration is the source of all this nonsense going on with our current president - no doubt at some point this will be exposed.
The Obama Administration is the source of all this nonsense going on with our current president - no doubt at some point this will be exposed.

tell you the same thing I told hotobe……..your stupidity is showing......with trump anything that goes wrong is someone else's fault and usually it is guys beat on Obama like he was a Rented Mule!
I only hope people really understand what Trump has done, with a party and many government flunkies against him. Every part of this economy is rising, every American in every class has opportunity, The Lowest employment ever and the average wage rose at 3% last year and is on track to avg 4% this year. The markets are breaking records weekly, and America is rising from the ashes of thirty years of Democratic economics.
I only hope people really understand what Trump has done, with a party and many government flunkies against him. Every part of this economy is rising, every American in every class has opportunity, The Lowest employment ever and the average wage rose at 3% last year and is on track to avg 4% this year. The markets are breaking records weekly, and America is rising from the ashes of thirty years of Democratic economics.

we know what all he has done.....that's just PART of the reason they are impeaching him.....this gov had a good foreign policy and was respected around the world.BEFORE he got involved and weakened our security and made us the laughing stock of the world
I know.….according to you tumpies they are all liars.....all of them ?

Second staffer says Trump, Sondland discussed need for ...
Nov 14, 2019 · A second staffer for the U.S. Embassy in Kiev overheard a phone call between President Donald Trump and the U.S. envoy to the European Union, in …

Second US official heard Trump call with Sondland - The ...
10 hours ago · A second US embassy staffer in Kyiv overheard a key cellphone call between President Trump and his ambassador to the European Union discussing the need for Ukrainian officials to pursue ...

AP Source: 2nd US Official Heard Trump Call With Sondland ...
10 hours ago · AP Source: 2nd US Official Heard Trump Call With Sondland A second U.S. embassy staffer in Kyiv overheard a key cellphone call between President Donald Trump and …
we know what all he has done.....that's just PART of the reason they are impeaching him.....this gov had a good foreign policy and was respected around the world.BEFORE he got involved and weakened our security and made us the laughing stock of the world

They are ATTEMPTING to impeach him because the Dems know their bozo candidates don’t have a snowball’s prayer in hell of beating him in a debate or the election and because Dems are such sore LOSERS!!!!!!
They are ATTEMPTING to impeach him because the Dems know their bozo candidates don’t have a snowball’s prayer in hell of beating him in a debate or the election and because Dems are such sore LOSERS!!!!!! cult members just get so confused and can not remember anything that is factual......only what your leader tells you....take another ******* of the Kool-Aid while I explain it to you

the polls show the top 5 dems beating trump in a head to head
almost 80% of the country does NOT want trump in for a second term....and
it was trump blackmailing another country to help him win this election that has him in trouble....he must have been worried about Biden just a little wouldn't you think?

yes and save himself the humiliation of's going to happen in the house....and if the public opinion should hit 60% you could see it in the senate....right now sticking to their guns on supporting him.....but if they think it could cost them their job......they will vote for it in a heartbeat

well what would you expect...…..he has shown he does not care for democracy and supports if the north moves in and takes over the south he won't have a concern in the world!.....just like with Ukraine......willing to cut aid unless they did what he wanted....if in the meantime Russia came in and took over....what would he care....

Donald Trump's 9 Shout-Outs to Notorious Dictators - The ...
Mar 04, 2018 · Nine Notorious Dictators, Nine Shout-Outs From Donald Trump. ... We have a great friendship and the countries—I think we’re right now as close …

Donald Trump's History of Praising Dictators - NBC News
Jul 06, 2016 · Donald Trump has offered praise to a number of authoritarian leaders since announcing his run for president. Donald Trump's History of Praising Dictators - NBC News Sections


'Fox & Friends' Host Slips, Calls Trump 'Dictator'
Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman said Sunday that President Donald Trump's historic summit with North Korean despot Kim Jong Un in Singapore would be a meeting between "two dictators."

he would like nothing more to take over this country and is already taking away or working on taking away a lot of the freedoms that have been in the constitution.....and is showing the country he IS above the law.....the right in their blind loyalty are letting him cult members just get so confused and can not remember anything that is factual......only what your leader tells you....take another ******* of the Kool-Aid while I explain it to you

the polls show the top 5 dems beating trump in a head to head
almost 80% of the country does NOT want trump in for a second term....and
it was trump blackmailing another country to help him win this election that has him in trouble....he must have been worried about Biden just a little wouldn't you think?

Keep believing your polls like in 2016 - how’d that work out for ya ???? :}

Maybe just maybe our President wanted to get to the bottom of Dems using Ukraine in 2016 to get dirt on him and bring corruption to light regarding an ex VP running for president.
What it looks like to me.
Keep believing your polls like in 2016 - how’d that work out for ya ???? :}

Maybe just maybe our President wanted to get to the bottom of Dems using Ukraine in 2016 to get dirt on him and bring corruption to light regarding an ex VP running for president.
What it looks like to me.

kind of hard to measure Russian input......all the polls covered were americans preference

as for the pres wanting to get to the bottom.....just like with him being informed on Russian influence on the election...he was told there was nothing there....but he wanted to black mail them into helping him...if they didn't he didn't care the Russians would move in without our aid….so for him it was a win win...they make false statements to help his election....or Russia moves in and takes control

on top of that a pres does not ******* another country to investigate another American is his job to protect the citizens of this country……..if there had been some kind of issue that is between that country and our FBI......not his job anyway

face the facts....this guy is as corrupt as they come......his only concern is gaining more wealth....and he needs Russia to do that and he knows it...…..there may come a time where he does get charged with treason....after he leaves office and can no longer block all the info and prevent all from will all come out...always does