Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yea, those polls several persons are referencing... I bet all of you (like Mr. Subhub above) still believe all the polls that had Hillary winning in a landslide. You know every single news agency that said "according to the polls" the election was over before they even held it. The "majority" of this country is fed up with a small "minority" trying to tell every one what to think and do. Our school systems and courts especially are filled with liberal morons pushing an agenda. Children in this country are not being educated and the Court system totally ignores the law and our constitution. It is amazing to me that so many people are totally uneducated. Conservatives are called NAZI's, when in actuality the NAZI party were socialists (National Socialist German Workers Party). You know Socialists, like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the bartender Cortez. Republicans are labeled racist when, again in actuality it was the Democrat party that opposed the civil rights movement, and to this day want minorities living on welfare, food stamps and government assistance.
a small "minority" trying to tell every one what to think

we aren't telling anyone trumptards don't listen for a small minority......checked the numbers lately.....and why isn't our education any good anymore...….taking care of the big corps and the wealthy and not enough left over for the states to pay for schooling....they do cut police and fire wages to try and cover....but if you look it is all those redneck states that are in the worst shape....and who runs those red neck states.....republicans! spouted way to much opinion for me to even care to answer.....try learning the facts and what is going on around might help you not look so …."uneducated"!
There going to show the corruption in the Obama administration they have brought this onto themselves. There Fucking themselves.

Obama is no longer president...or haven't you been paying attention to that either....besides that is like the Biden thing...just more defelection…..AND if you had read what I posted above you would see just what more trump is doing for Russia...but you don't care to read anything that doesn't favor what you believe......Obama gave 600million to try and stop Russian aggression....your man...47 million...guess he doesn't care about Russian aggression wouldn't you think
It all comes down to just this - Dems are full of the maximum of shite a human being can possibly contain - Sub being the perfect example :}

Schiffty a close second ;}
It all comes down to just this - Dems are full of the maximum of shite a human being can possibly contain - Sub being the perfect example :}

Schiffty a close second ;}

I'm doing all I can to TRY an educate you guys and this is the thanks I get...….
well got me in good company...…….problem is....that maximum amount of ******* you mention is coming from the right....and we are trying to clean it up.....getting ready to use a giant pooper scooper in the white house

I'm sure when trump goes to the shitter he ties something around his if he falls in they know which turd to pull out!
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Yea, those polls several persons are referencing... I bet all of you (like Mr. Subhub above) still believe all the polls that had Hillary winning in a landslide. You know every single news agency that said "according to the polls" the election was over before they even held it. The "majority" of this country is fed up with a small "minority" trying to tell every one what to think and do. Our school systems and courts especially are filled with liberal morons pushing an agenda. Children in this country are not being educated and the Court system totally ignores the law and our constitution. It is amazing to me that so many people are totally uneducated. Conservatives are called NAZI's, when in actuality the NAZI party were socialists (National Socialist German Workers Party). You know Socialists, like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the bartender Cortez. Republicans are labeled racist when, again in actuality it was the Democrat party that opposed the civil rights movement, and to this day want minorities living on welfare, food stamps and government assistance.

get time...learn something you certainly need it

Study Finds the Majority Of The Worst States To Live In ...
According to a new study, seven of the ten worst states to live in are completely controlled by Republicans. Using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD ...

It's a Fact: Republican Run Red States Have America's ...
Many pundits assert the conditions in southern red states are the fault of Republican-dominated legislatures, but without voters electing Republicans and teabaggers to preserve the deplorable ...
Well I can see that little Subhub got his little feelings hurt. The medias polls and numbers mean "nothing". As I am able to prove with another simple fact, Trump won... He won when EVERY single poll, that you, in your amusing little way, think are accurate. And a definite YES, the education system in this country sucks. You are a prime example of it. Schools in this country are being turned into social experiments. Reading, math, science, NOT ANY MORE! If science were actually being taught in schools they might be able to figure out the difference between a boy and a girl and what damn restroom they should go into. And lets not even get into the stupidity of climate change and the illegal alien problem...
Well I can see that little Subhub got his little feelings hurt. The medias polls and numbers mean "nothing". As I am able to prove with another simple fact, Trump won... He won when EVERY single poll, that you, in your amusing little way, think are accurate. And a definite YES, the education system in this country sucks. You are a prime example of it. Schools in this country are being turned into social experiments. Reading, math, science, NOT ANY MORE! If science were actually being taught in schools they might be able to figure out the difference between a boy and a girl and what damn restroom they should go into. And lets not even get into the stupidity of climate change and the illegal alien problem...

fuck...not another one that posts facts....without posting facts......we just had one like you....maybe the same person...we have some shady fucks on this site
O contraire my sweet - Tis you I agree with :}

suck up to the fuck up?....oh my how low you do stoop at times....hottobe...…..just buys into anything the right says doesn't have to be factual.….but pretty sure you know better...besides you have been here long enough to know that same subject has been brought up on here several times.....I know didn't agree with your mindset so just ignored it
Fuck up - I think not.

No one stoops lower than Schiffty and company - ceptin maybe you ;}

there you go thinking again....I told you about just gives you a headache and then you get all grumpy...….keep tying me in with Shifty....not bad I least you are tying me in with a winner....not a whiner
I don't care what the democrats think because they are wrong about everything. Donald Trump won the biggest most surprising upset ever, Everything that BBCCountryGirl has just written is completely true facts! They can attempt to argue these truths but they will be wrong , period. Who has Guts enough to answer this question. How is it possible that Hunter Biden landed a job in the Ukraine with a corrupt Energy Company making more money per month then most people earn in a whole year?
I don't care what the democrats think because they are wrong about everything. Donald Trump won the biggest most surprising upset ever, Everything that BBCCountryGirl has just written is completely true facts! They can attempt to argue these truths but they will be wrong , period. Who has Guts enough to answer this question. How is it possible that Hunter Biden landed a job in the Ukraine with a corrupt Energy Company making more money per month then most people earn in a whole year?

careful there....your stupidity is showing again

I remember being overseas in a ******* hole country...…..the country offered me more money than I had ever seen to stay and work there....turned them down...…( the money is tax free also)… least you are smart enough to see Biden was not there and hadn't started yet when all the ******* trump was talking about was going on

OMG - Schiffty and company been whining since President Trump won. Only thing he does more than whine is lie !!!!!

you mean something like the right did when Obama won?...if that's the case we are just getting started....we owe you people a lot more......Obama was squeaky clean ...….trump is not...….hang on to your are going down
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