Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Two Weeks In, Impeachment Is Becoming More Popular ...
Oct 09, 2019 · According to our average, 48.8 percent of people support impeachment, while only 43.6 percent don’t support it. 1 That’s an increase even from last week, when the share of people

Support for Trump impeachment growing, Reuters polls finds
Oct 01, 2019 · Support for Trump impeachment growing, Reuters polls finds ... Trump should be impeached rose by eight percentage points in ... driver’s license facilities are facing a crush of people wanting ...

Poll: Support for Trump impeachment rises - POLITICO
Of those who want Congress to move toward impeachment, a 54-percent majority of those believe Trump “has proven he is unfit to serve and should be removed from office, regardless of whether he ...
Never happens

I wouldn't bet on that....although I don't think he will get impeached...….a lot don't want that....but they also don't want him back I don't see him getting re-elected...…

Most Americans don’t want to re-elect Trump in latest poll ...
Mar 12, 2019 · Most Americans don’t want to re-elect Trump in latest poll. ... almost six in 10 U.S. voters do not want to see President Donald Trump re ... said they opposed giving Trump a second term

Majority of Americans Don't Want Trump to Run for Re ...
A majority of Americans don't want President Donald Trump to run for re-election in 2020, a new poll from YouGov found this week. Fifty-four percent of respondents told the polling firm they didn ...
Imagine all they could have accomplished if they did there Fucking jobs election is already one dems handed it to him Go TRUMP

imagine all Obama could have done....except for the party of NO....they signed a pledge before he even took office to block ANYTHING he wanted to do to help the I have no sympathy for trump
I think he will survive impeachment....unless a lot of other stuff comes out and they are working on that......and now the Russia thing back....but I'm sure trump will squash that....if the other doesn't come out before election he will make it....and not get re-elected without some kind of "skullduggery"
Democrats Should Block Everything Trump Attempts, Like GOP ...
The Republicans made it their policy to block everything that President Obama attempted to accomplish. Now it’s payback time – The Democrats need to do the same thing to Donald Trump. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: A lot of people in the United States today, not very […]

Senate Republicans Were Wrong To Block Obama, But Senate ...
Dec 21, 2017 · From President Barack Obama's first day in office, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell made blocking the President his raison d'etre. He spent the entire two terms of President Obama's term obstructing everything he could, going as far as proclaiming in 2010 that making Obama "a one-term President" was his principal objective.
The GOP's no-compromise pledge - POLITICO
Oct 28, 2010 · Right now, the tone is a lot different — with Republicans pledging to embrace an agenda for the next two years that sounds a lot like their agenda for the past two: Block Obama at all costs.

What Failed Obama Policies? All of his Proposals have Been ...
Apr 07, 2016 · The GOP loves to shout and carry on about Obama's failed policies. Then they turn around and brag about the fact that they've managed to block everything Obama has proposed. Well, which one is it? Because you can't have it both ways. The only real policy that Obama
has hunter been called to testify yet

no need......that theory also has been debunked several months ago......and I posted it once on here for you.....and once on the wakeup thread for blkdlaur…...keep your head in your ass and remain is the republican way...….he was hired several months AFTER the corrupt prosecutor was fired...…just like your republican friends....nothing factual just trying to divert...

Fact check: GOP presses empty Ukraine theory in impeachment hearing

Washington — Congressional Republicans pressed the discredited theory that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 U.S. election in defending President Donald Trump in Wednesday’s impeachment hearings.
A look at some of the remarks in the House Intelligence Committee proceeding:

REP. DEVIN NUNES, top Republican on the panel: “The Democrats cooperated in Ukrainian election meddling. … Officials showed a surprising lack of interest in the indications of Ukrainian election meddling that deeply concerned the president at whose pleasure they serve.”

THE FACTS: The theory that Ukrainians interfered in the U.S. election and that Democrats cooperated in that effort is unsubstantiated. If U.S. officials showed a lack of interest in pursuing the matter, it’s because they considered it “fiction,” as one put it.
Trump himself was told by his officials that the theory was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine to investigate it anyway, according to Tom Bossert, Trump’s first homeland security adviser. And in testimony at the closed-door hearings that preceded Wednesday’s public session, Fiona Hill, former special assistant to Trump on the National Security Council, said it was bogus.
“It is a fiction that the Ukrainian government was launching an effort to upend our election,” Hill testified. “I’m extremely concerned that this is a rabbit hole that we’re all going to go down in between now and the 2020 election, and it will be to all of our detriment.”
Broadly, the theory contends that a hack of the Democratic National Committee in 2016 was a setup designed to cast blame on Russia but actually cooked up by or with the help of Ukrainians. But the evidence points conclusively to Russia, not Ukraine.
Based on a security firm’s findings that Russian agents had broken into the Democrats’ network and stolen emails
, special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence agency and concluded that their operation sought to help Trump’s candidacy, not Hillary Clinton’s, as the conspiracy theorists and Trump have it.

, Ohio Republican, on why the hold on military aid to Ukraine doesn’t amount to a quid pro quo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr “Zelenskiy had to commit to an investigation of the Bidens before the aid got released. And the aid got released, and he didn’t commit to an investigation.”

THE FACTS: It’s true that the aid was released without Trump’s demand for a Ukrainian probe of former Vice President Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter being met. But Jordan and other Republicans who made this point ignored a key detail about the failure of the this-for-that deal to be consummated: The administration got caught holding up the aid to Ukraine.
According to the hearing, the aid that Congress had approved months earlier and Trump had frozen was finally freed Sept. 11.
That was days after congressional committees had begun looking into the matter
, aware that the assistance had been sidelined and that a whistleblower had a complaint in motion.
The fact that this episode was coming to light also got Zelenskiy off the hook from having to decide between announcing the investigation Trump wanted or defying the U.S. president.
According to testimony to the committee, Zelenskiy was planning to go on CNN to announce the probe – satisfying Trump’s wish to have him commit to one publicly – when the disclosure of the pressure campaign by Trump and his underlings relieved him of that need.

NUNES: The whistleblower was acknowledged to have a bias against President Trump.”

That may or may not be so. Whatever the whistleblower’s political beliefs, though, that official’s complaint was deemed credible by the inspector general who received it.
Moreover, the July 25 phone conversation described by the whistleblower closely tracked the account later released by the White House.
It was during that call that Trump pressed Zelenskiy to investigate Democrats, along with Biden and his *******, as a “favor.”

NUNES, on the Trump administration’s military aid to Ukraine: “This was a very strong message that Americans are willing to provide more than blankets. This was the Obama administration’s approach.”

He’s exaggerating.
While the Obama administration refused to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons in 2014 to fight Russian-backed separatists, it offered a range of other military and security aid – not just “blankets.”
By March 2015, the Obama administration had provided more than $120 million in security aid for Ukraine and promised $75 million worth of equipment, including counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Defense Department. The U.S. also pledged 230 Humvee vehicles.
The U.S. aid offer came after Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014 annexed Crimea and provided support for separatists in eastern cities near Russia’s border.
Ultimately between 2014 and 2016, the Obama administration committed more than $600 million in security aid to Ukraine.
In the last year of the Obama administration, the U.S. established the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which provided U.S. military equipment and training to help defend Ukraine against Russian aggression. From 2016 to 2019, Congress appropriated $850 million for this initiative.
The Trump administration in 2017 agreed to provide lethal aid to Ukraine, later committing to sell $47 million in Javelin anti-tank missiles.
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