Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

that's pretty low for all the ******* he has/is doing and done....that 4% would be the cult members?

although most of the negative coverage is just trump changing from one lie to another....americans getting tired of it....the man has no idea just what the truth is

America is getting tired of Schiffty and his band o moron Dems like Swalwell - one lies and the other one swears to it. Dems have NO conception of truth. You’re a prime example - believe everything the left wing media feeds ya.
I watched to whole stupid coverage. Every time a republican went on the offence Schiffty would shut them down. All the Democrats showed yesterday was HEARSAY and OPINION not FACTS . Why was this corrupt energy company paying thousands of dollars each month. I know he was the most qualified for the position ! The people in the USA really messed up giving the house Majority over to the Demon-crats during the midterm elections because they refuse to do their job. ( Not My Words Here But Actual Truth ) It is now becoming a very negative view, by a noticeable amount of people in the Mid west farming community, who are mad the Democratic s will not bring NAFTA to the floor for a vote. The relief this new agreement would bring to the farmers, and a plus of an additional 100,000 jobs is starting them to turn against the Democratic party. I only hope many more Americans will notice just how useless this party has become.
America is getting tired of Schiffty and his band o moron Dems like Swalwell - one lies and the other one swears to it. Dems have NO conception of truth. You’re a prime example - believe everything the left wing media feeds ya.

want some cheese with that wine?

America getting tired...… still talking that 38%?….not quite America....lets see what the impeachment polling is in a couple of weeks.....not looking good for your "Crook n Thief"

and again...only believe what he tells you....forget what you see and are a prime example
the more the facts come out.....exposing him for what he is....and don't forget during the stone trial more came out linking trump to Russia/wiki leaks....his taxes...his WILL all be out before the election....and as all that comes out the impeachment odds go up......and right now the right has NO DEFENSE...…….and the cult just goes stir crazy...…..knowing the shoe is about to drop on one larger cockroach…..

and then the crying will really is all the Dems fault...…….like we pushed him do that *******
just trying to keep the cult informed...…...or for tears

Corruption - Need to Impeach
The rampant corruption of Donald Trump, his family, and his administration surpasses anything in our nation’s history. Since taking office, Trump has violated the Constitution by profiting off the presidency and allowing the open influence of foreign governments.

Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S ...
Donald Trump vowed to end the cronyism and corruption in D.C., but ethics experts say he is running the sleaziest administration in history.

For Trump It’s About Corruption, Not Politics
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States…have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems.

Donald Trump’s Enduring Corruption of the Presidency | New …
Worst of all, Trump’s corruption of the presidency isn’t confined to just his actions, but envelopes the entire Republican Party. Trump has a powerful ally in the GOP Congress, which has thwarted challenges to Trump’s emerging kleptocracy—by, for instance, blocking efforts to make him disclose his finances and any potential conflicts of interest.

Trump’s corruption keeps getting more obvious - The ...
Jan 21, 2019 · President Trump was involved in discussions to build a skyscraper in Moscow throughout the entire 2016 presidential campaign, his personal lawyer said …

Acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire ...
Sep 26, 2019 · The acting director of national intelligence just showed how corrupt the Trump administration is. By . ... Maguire was swallowed by Trump’s corruption. AD. In the end, ..

Tracking Corruption and Conflicts in the Trump ...
Tracking Corruption and Conflicts in the Trump Administration [Original version May 2, 2017; updated November 4, 2019] The Trump Administration has been dogged by accusations that President Trump, as well as his family members and close associates, are seeking to use the presidency to advance their personal financial interests.

Trump Has Lost More Members Of His Cabinet To Ethics ...
Trump is so corrupt and devoid of values that he has had more members resign due to ethics concerns than any other president in history. HuffPost noted, “President Donald Trump has lost more of ...

Trump is the most corrupt and incompetent President we ...
Feb 20, 2019 · Lets face it. Trump is the most corrupt and incompetent president that we have ever had. His entire life has been about corruption. His ties to the U.S. mafia goes back to 1979 when Trump Tower got built and his ties to the Russian mafia goes back 30 years. In his administration, he has hired a litany of corrupt people, including Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Gates, Pruitt, Price, Ross, Mnuchin ...

How many people in the Trump administration have been ...
From Criminal Convictions to Ethical Lapses: The Range of Misconduct in Trump’s Orbit The ones which have been charged with a crime have not been in the administration. The ones who have been jailed or arrested are Cohen and Manafort and Gates and...

Opinion | Trump administration corruption shouldn't ...
Sep 26, 2019 · Congratulations, America, the Trump administration has done it! In less than one presidential term, Trump and his assorted band of goons, drifters, conmen and carnival barkers have managed to turn the United States of America into a larger version of Alabama. Now all of you can get a little taste of the incompetency, corruption, ignorance, […]

and the cult just seems to be oblivious to it all...…………..
The can of worms is open and the Democrats don't even grasp the truth that what they are presenting in their completely false attempt to crucify President Donald Trump is leading to the corruption of the Obama, Biden, Hillary administration. If the details of the Ex-Vise President Joe Biden and his worthless ******* Hunter Biden gets investigated the way it should , it will be found out that the corruption in the Ukraine was being supported by the Obama Administration having Hunter Biden to be an absentee board member of the the corrupt energy company Naftogaz. it is not a case of President Trump seeking to dig up dirt on candidate Biden it is Trump wanting details of how deep the United States though the Obama administration was involved with the corruption of the Ukraine. Answer the question, why was the Vice Presidents ******* who has no qualifications being paid a huge amount of money by a corrupt company?
The can of worms is open and the Democrats don't even grasp the truth that what they are presenting in their completely false attempt to crucify President Donald Trump is leading to the corruption of the Obama, Biden, Hillary administration. If the details of the Ex-Vise President Joe Biden and his worthless ******* Hunter Biden gets investigated the way it should , it will be found out that the corruption in the Ukraine was being supported by the Obama Administration having Hunter Biden to be an absentee board member of the the corrupt energy company Naftogaz. it is not a case of President Trump seeking to dig up dirt on candidate Biden it is Trump wanting details of how deep the United States though the Obama administration was involved with the corruption of the Ukraine. Answer the question, why was the Vice Presidents ******* who has no qualifications being paid a huge amount of money by a corrupt company?

yes the can of worms is open....and the dems are trying to show what you support...….even the right can not defend the ******* he has pulled and more to indicated in the above post....but you cult members just want to live in trump world and ignore his corruption
Pelosi ups the ante on impeachment, accuses Trump of 'bribery'
Nov 14, 2019 · Pelosi also compared the impeachment case against Trump to the case against President Richard Nixon, who ultimately resigned before the House could vote on the articles of impeachment. “What President Trump has done on the record in terms of asking a foreign power to help him in his own election and the obstruction of information about that ...

Pelosi accuses Trump of 'bribery' in one of her strongest ...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Donald Trump committed “bribery,” an impeachable offense, by trying to ******* Ukraine into tarnishing a political rival to help him in the 2020 election. The speaker’s remark is one of her strongest statements yet on the scandal engulfing Trump that is threatening his presidency.

Pelosi says Trump has admitted to bribery |
39 minutes ago · U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that President Donald Trump had admitted to bribery in the Ukraine scandal, accusing the Republican leader of an impeachable offense under the U.S....
Pelosi ups the ante on impeachment, accuses Trump of 'bribery'
Nov 14, 2019 · Pelosi also compared the impeachment case against Trump to the case against President Richard Nixon, who ultimately resigned before the House could vote on the articles of impeachment. “What President Trump has done on the record in terms of asking a foreign power to help him in his own election and the obstruction of information about that ...

Pelosi accuses Trump of 'bribery' in one of her strongest ...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Donald Trump committed “bribery,” an impeachable offense, by trying to ******* Ukraine into tarnishing a political rival to help him in the 2020 election. The speaker’s remark is one of her strongest statements yet on the scandal engulfing Trump that is threatening his presidency.

Pelosi says Trump has admitted to bribery |
39 minutes ago · U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that President Donald Trump had admitted to bribery in the Ukraine scandal, accusing the Republican leader of an impeachable offense under the U.S....
just the next ploy
Pelosi: Impeachment Inquiry Has Yielded Evidence That Trump Engaged In Bribery

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes that the impeachment inquiry currently underway has uncovered evidence that President Trump's actions amounted to bribery.

Multiple witnesses have alleged that the president leveraged U.S. foreign policy — a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart and security assistance funds appropriated by Congress — for investigations that could benefit him politically.

Her comments come the day after U.S. diplomats William Taylor and George Kent testified in the first public impeachment hearing conducted by the House Intelligence Committee. Pelosi argued that their "devastating testimony corroborated evidence of bribery."

Pressed by reporters on her use of that term, Pelosi cited the Constitution.

"Bribery, and that is in the Constitution, attached to the impeachment proceedings. The bribe is to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of a fake investigation into the elections. That's bribery."

The Constitution says that the president can be impeached or removed for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Earlier this week, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told NPR that bribery was among the possible articles of impeachment that the House may consider.

"Bribery, first of all, as the founders understood bribery, it was not as we understand it in law today. It was much broader," Schiff said. "It connoted the breach of the public trust in a way where you're offering official acts for some personal or political reason, not in the nation's interest."

Pelosi asserted that Democrats had not yet committed to moving forward with articles of impeachment.

"We haven't even made a decision to impeach. That's what the inquiry is about. ... What I am saying [is] that what the president has admitted to, and says is perfect — I say it's perfectly wrong. It's bribery."

And she also said that the process allows for the president to make a case in his defense.

"If the president has anything that is exculpatory — Mr. President, that means you have anything that shows you are innocent — then he should make that known. And that's part of the inquiry. So far we haven't seen that. But that's what an inquiry is all about," Pelosi told reporters Thursday morning.
