Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

more trouble for the Russian plant?

AP sources: Former Trump adviser John Bolton has a book deal
Nov 09, 2019 · NEW YORK (AP) — Former national security adviser John Bolton has a book deal, The Associated Press has learned. The hawkish Bolton departed in September because of numerous foreign policy disagreements with President Donald Trump.

John Bolton Has a Book Deal - Political Wire
14 hours ago · Former national security adviser John Bolton has a book deal, the Associated Press reports. “The hawkish Bolton departed in September because of numerous foreign policy disagreements with President Trump. He reached a deal over the past few weeks with Simon & Schuster.”

John Bolton Just Signed a Multi-Million Dollar Book Deal ...
13 hours ago · Bolton has said that if a judge rules he can ignore a White House order to keep quiet, he would appear before Congress. But the Associated Press reported on Saturday that Bolton has signed
Donald Trump is a serious threat to American national security

Today we are facing the very real possibility that the president of the United States poses a clear and present danger to American national security.

That’s the inescapable conclusion from the Washington Post’s bombshell report that Trump shared highly sensitive, highly classified information about the ISIS fight with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak when the men met with Trump in the Oval Office

The White House went into crisis mode after the story broke Monday night, trotting out surrogates to argue that Trump’s move was no big deal because Russia is an ally in the ISIS fight (it isn’t), because Hillary Clinton did something worse (she didn’t), and because Trump was legally free to share whatever he wants with whomever he wants (true, but utterly irrelevant). Breitbart, unsurprisingly, blamed it all on a supposed “deep state” of US national security officials committed to harming the Trump presidency.

The spin is meant to distract attention from the enormity of the new scandal — and from the likely repercussions of Trump’s actions. The White House has good reason for desperately hoping it can change the topic: The president’s gaffe will make US allies less likely to share vital intelligence and add new fuel to the administration’s ongoing war with the American intelligence community just when US spies can least afford the distraction.

The spin is meant to distract attention from the enormity of the new scandal — and from the likely repercussions of Trump’s actions. The White House has good reason for desperately hoping it can change the topic: The president’s gaffe will make US allies less likely to share vital intelligence and add new fuel to the administration’s ongoing war with the American intelligence community just when US spies can least afford the distraction.

That’s because Trump’s disclosures represent a direct threat to US counterterrorism efforts, which rely less on the skills of individual operatives and more on the web of intelligence-sharing agreements that Washington has with allies around the globe.

The best known is the decades-old Five Eyes agreement between the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia that calls for the nations to share information and not carry out espionage missions against one another.

But the US also maintains formal and informal intelligence-sharing arrangements with countries closer to the main battlefields of the war against ISIS and al-Qaeda. Those include deals with Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and other Middle Eastern nations that have worked hard to develop granular knowledge of the terror groups that threaten them at least as much as they threaten the West.

Those are also precisely the kinds of agreements that could fall apart because of Trump’s cavalier decision to give Russia information Washington had received from one of its allies in the terror fight. As the Washington Post’s Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe write:

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State

How the Trump Organization's Foreign Business Ties Could Upend U.S. National Security

Throughout this campaign, the Trump Organization, which pumps potentially hundreds of millions of dollars into the Trump family's bank accounts each year, has been largely ignored. As a private enterprise, its businesses, partners and investors are hidden from public view, even though they are the very people who could be enriched by—or will further enrich—Trump and his family if he wins the presidency.
A close examination by Newsweek of the Trump Organization, including confidential interviews with business executives and some of its international partners, reveals an enterprise with deep ties to global financiers, foreign politicians and even criminals, although there is no evidence the Trump Organization has engaged in any illegal activities. It also reveals a web of contractual entanglements that could not be just canceled. If Trump and his family continues to receive any benefit from the company, during or even after his presidency, almost every foreign policy decision he makes will raise serious conflicts of interest and ethical quagmires.

The Trump Organization is not like the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation
, the charitable enterprise that has been the subject of intense scrutiny about possible conflicts for the Democratic presidential nominee. There are allegations that Hillary Clinton bestowed benefits on contributors to the foundation in some sort of "pay to play" scandal when she was secretary of state, but that makes no sense because there was no "pay." Money contributed to the foundation was publicly disclosed and went to charitable efforts, such as fighting neglected tropical diseases that infect as many as a billion people. The financials audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the global independent accounting company, and the foundation's tax filings show that about 90 percent of the money it raised went to its charitable programs. (Trump surrogates have falsely claimed that it was only 10 percent and that the rest was used as a Clinton "slush fund.") No member of the Clinton family received any cash from the foundation, nor did it finance any political campaigns. In fact, like the Clintons, almost the entire board of directors works for free.

On the other hand, the Trump family rakes in untold millions of dollars from the Trump Organization every y
ear. Much of that comes from deals with international financiers and developers, many of whom have been tied to controversial and even illegal activities. None of Trump's overseas contractual business relationships examined by Newsweek were revealed in his campaign's financial filings with the Federal Election Commission, nor was the amount paid to him by his foreign partners. (The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for the names of all foreign entities in partnership or contractually tied to the Trump Organization.) Trump's financial filings also indicate he is a shareholder or beneficiary of several overseas entities, including Excel Venture LLC in the French West Indies and Caribusiness Investments SRL, based in the Dominican Republic, one of the world's tax havens.

Trump's business conflicts with America's national security interests cannot be resolved so long as he or any member of his family maintains a financial interest in the Trump Organization during a Trump administration, or even if they leave open the possibility of returning to the company later. The Trump Organization cannot be placed into a blind trust, an arrangement used by many politicians to prevent them from knowing their financial interests; the Trump family is already aware of who their overseas partners are and could easily learn about any new ones.

Many foreign governments retain close ties to and even control of companies in their country, including several that already are partnered with the Trump Organization. Any government wanting to seek future influence with President Trump could do so by arranging for a partnership with the Trump Organization, feeding money directly to the family or simply stashing it away inside the company for their use once Trump is out of the White House. This is why, without a permanent departure of the entire Trump family from their company, the prospect of legal bribery by overseas powers seeking to influence American foreign policy, either through existing or future partnerships, will remain a reality throughout a Trump presidency.

(guess now we know why he will NEVER release his taxes)

Moreover, the identity of every partner cannot be discovered if Trump reverses course and decided to release his taxes. The partnerships are struck with some of the more than 500 entities disclosed in Trump's financial disclosure forms; each of those entities has its own records that would have to be revealed for a full accounting of all of Trump's foreign entanglements to be made public.

The problem of overseas conflicts emerges from the nature of Trump's business in recent years. Much of the public believes Trump is a hugely successful developer, a television personality and a failed casino operator. But his primary business deals for almost a decade have been a quite different endeavor. The GOP nominee is essentially a licensor who leverages his celebrity into streams of cash from partners from all over the world. The business model for Trump's company started to change around 2007, after he became the star of NBC's The Apprentice, which boosted his national and international fame. Rather than constructing Trump's own hotels, office towers and other buildings, much of his business involved striking deals with overseas developers who pay his company for the right to slap his name on their buildings. (The last building constructed by Trump with his name on it is the Trump-SoHo hotel and condominium project, completed in 2007.)

In public statements, Trump and his ******* Donald Trump Jr. have celebrated their company's international branding business and announced their intentions to expand it. "The opportunities for growth are endless, and I look forward to building upon the tremendous success we have enjoyed," Donald Trump Jr. said in 2013. Trump Jr. has cited prospects in Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Thailand, Argentina and other countries.

This relationship puts Trump's foreign policies in conflict with his financial interests. Earlier this year, he said South Korea should plan to shoulder its own military defense rather than relying on the United States, including the development of nuclear weapons. (He later denied making that statement, which was video-recorded.) One of the primary South Korean companies involved in nuclear energy, a key component in weapons development, is Trump's partner—Daewoo Engineering and Construction. It would potentially get an economic windfall if the United States adopted policies advocated by Trump.

In India, the conflicts between the interests of the Trump Organization and American foreign policy are starker. Trump signed an agreement in 2011 with an Indian property developer called Rohan Lifescapes that wanted to construct a 65-story building with his name on it. Leading the talks for Rohan was Kalpesh Mehta, a director of the company who would later become the exclusive representative of Trump's businesses in India. However, government regulatory hurdles soon impeded the project. According to a former Trump official who spoke on condition of anonymity, Donald Trump Jr. flew to India to plead with Prithviraj Chavan, chief minister of Maharashtra, a state in Western India, asking that he remove the hurdles, but the powerful politician refused to make an exception for the Trump Organization. It would be extremely difficult for a foreign politician to make that call if he were speaking to the ******* of the president of the United States.

Trump already has financial conflicts in much of the Islamic world, a problem made worse by his anti-Muslim rhetoric and his impulsive decisions during this campaign. One of his most troubling entanglements is in Turkey. In 2008, the Trump Organization struck a branding deal with the Dogan Group, named for its owners, one of the most politically influential families in Turkey. Trump and Dogan first agreed that the Turkish company would pay a fee to put the Trump name on two towers in Istanbul.

(now you know why the Kurds were expendable)

Another conundrum: Turkey is at war with the Kurds, America's allies in the fight against ISIS in Syria. Kurdish insurgent groups are in armed conflict with Turkey, demanding an independent Kurdistan. If Turkey cuts off the Trump Organization's cash flow from Istanbul, will Trump, who has shown many times how petty and impulsive he can be, allow that to influence how the U.S. juggles the interests of these two critical allies?

and a lot more in each much to post and print

The flow of your propaganda stream is strong - you guys do TRY hard - I’ll give ya that - now it’s just pissing people off - other than the roughly 22% of the population that are radical Dems like you.
now it’s just pissing people off -

that would be that 38% trumptards the rest of the country is worrying about what he is doing to the country...… the usual cult followers you people don,t care...…… have your hero worship....besides I really doubt you read any of the abpve post much bad abo0ut your hero
I read this article:

Although I don't like Trump at all, I agree with the arguments. There is a lot of talk of impeachment, but Trump's actions are not quite high crimes and misdemeanors. There isn't even crime involved since it wasn't for him to decide foreign aid and Ukraine never acted. It's just Trump being his usual sleazy self talking sleazy things.

I wish the Democrats would spend more time coming up with a New Deal II (with a few moderate Republicans) that would actually work. The vast majority of Americans have never traveled abroad and have NO CLUE that US infrastructure is on par with the ex-USSR.
just so the trumptard cult members know what they compare to

Trump's tactics are taken from playbook of cult leaders ...
Oct 09, 2019 · Hassan maintains the president sounds like cult leader Jim Jones, who directed a mass suicide and *******

The Legacy of Jim Jones and the Cult of Donald Trump
Nov 19, 2018 · But according to Stephan, Jim Jones’s “number one ******* was adulation.” Perhaps Trump is like any other President, with enemies, resistors, and over-the-top supporters.

‘Drinking the Orange Kool-Aid’: Cult expert says Trump is ...
Ross replied with a number of emails and voice messages mounting up similarities between Trump and notorious cult leaders like Jim Jones and David Koresh. Nelson dug deep into the material and …

Jim Jones and Donald Trump: Same Kool-Aid, Different Vat

I have met neither Jim Jones nor Donald Trump. I have, however, listened to hours upon hours of each of them droning on about their ideology (or lack thereof), their interpretations of world events, and their perceived slights by outsiders. Before 2015, I was much more familiar with Jim Jones than I was with Donald Trump: I’ve been researching Peoples Temple for about 10 years and used to contribute tape transcriptions to the Jonestown Institute website. My recent familiarity with Donald Trump is like that of anyone who follows national news which naturally has been focused on the presidential race this year. Trump was unavoidable during the primary season; since he was formally nominated and, as Election Day draws near, he seems omnipresent. It makes me wonder if this is how Jonestown residents felt with the incessant blaring of Jones’ voice over the loudspeakers – sometimes live, sometimes on tape, but always inescapable.

And here’s the scary part: the more I hear Trump talk, the more he reminds me of Jim Jones. It is for this reason that I feel compelled to demonstrate how I came to this conclusion. Trump is not our country’s leader, and we should take steps to make certain he does not assume the reins of power. In my view, the last thing the United States needs is someone like Jim Jones as commander-in-chief.

My comparison between these two men may be surprising to many who would point out the marked dissimilarity in their ideologies. Jones the communist would be appalled by Trump the capitalist. Yet if one ignores fundamental philosophical approaches, parallels abound: disturbing personality traits, despicable behaviors, negative messages, and the use of persuasive speech. I address each of these below.

Personality traits:

I’ll begin with the diagnostic term thrown out on nearly a daily basis regarding Trump: narcissism. In a 2011 article for the jonestown report, Gary Maynard, Ph.D. made a strong case that Jim Jones fit the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I will not repeat all of his points here. As for Trump, several people have asserted that he is a narcissist, including Dan P. McAdams, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Psychology at Northwestern University, who wrote a treatment of Trump’s personality in the June 2016 edition of The Atlantic. In the article, “The Mind of Donald Trump,” McAdams wrote:
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Requests/Demands for Loyalty:

Towards the end of one Trump rally in early 2016, the candidate asked that attendees raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him. His statement about being able to shoot someone and not lose any voters is as much a demand for loyalty from his followers as it is a demonstration that he has it. Compare these to Jones’ behaviors: he periodically had people pledge – verbally and/or in writing – that they were willing to die for the Cause. Jones also collected signed papers – sometimes blank sheets, sometimes written statements confessing to past or planned criminal activities – that he kept on file just in case someone thought about defecting. It gave him something to discourage them from leaving or – if they did – from speaking out.

Threats, Degradation, and Retaliation for Slights or Disloyalty:

Trump engages in very public tantrums in which he berates and derides his opponents or people who have betrayed him. Because these tirades are frequently done in front of a camera (say, at a campaign rally) or via Twitter, the attacks are available for anyone to see. A recent, notable attack was lodged at Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe, whom Trump had “fat shamed” in the year after she was crowned when she gained considerable weight. After Hillary Clinton mentioned Ms. Machado in the first presidential debate on September 26, Trump spent several days tweeting degrading comments about Machado, including some posts tweeted in the wee hours of the morning. In a more recent scandal from early October, Trump was exposed engaging in what he described as “locker room talk” and which many other people have publicly called descriptions of sexual assault. Trump retaliated by holding a press conference shortly before the second presidential debate, in which he joined three women who had previously accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment or assault. Finally, in an action more reminiscent of a banana republic dictator, Trump threatened his political opponent Hillary Clinton by saying she should “be in jail.” And when he raises the subject of Clinton’s emails during his rallies, the crowd cries out, “Lock her up.”
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Money: Acquiring Other People’s, Bribing One’s Way Out of Trouble:

Over the years, the Peoples Temple’s coffers ballooned to millions of dollars in assets, the result of its members donating much of their income and property to the Cause. Insiders could argue that this was an investment for the members: the Temple fed, clothed, and housed the members who lived communally. Outsiders might say that Jones had exploited his followers, essentially bilking many lower income people out of whatever they had. If one considers Jones as a con man who stole people’s money based on false promises, though, one can also view Trump as an expert in the art of the con. We need look no further than the defunct Trump University, which was technically not a university at all. Numerous lawsuits have been filed by individuals who were sold courses in real estate investing with the lure that these people would become sharp real estate moguls like Trump himself. Some individuals were relieved of $35,000 for the premiere courses, spending either the bulk of their savings or actually accruing this cost as debt, yet never actually acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for success in real estate.
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Denigration of Women, Sexual Improprieties, Assault Accusations and the Size of His Penis:

People are often alarmed at Jim Jones’ sexual indiscretions and crass talk about sexual conduct. It is well known, for example, that Jones had numerous extramarital affairs, and as some came to light, he or his defenders had ready-made excuses for the indiscretions. In public meetings, he would simultaneously brag and complain about having to “service” people – both men and women – within the congregation. Some of this conduct would be deemed non-consensual: consider former member Deborah Layton’s account of Jones’s pursuit of her, including ******* her in a bathroom at the Temple; or a Temple leader’s admission and justification for Jones’ relations with a reluctant young woman. Jones is known to have called women out “on the floor” – that is, in front of the group at a Planning Commission meeting or even before the entire congregation – and publicly humiliate them. In one particular case, described by numerous people including Hue Fortson in Stanley Nelson’s documentary Jonestown: Life and Death of the Peoples Temple, a woman was ordered to strip in front of other Temple members, and then stand naked while Jones and others verbally denigrated the woman’s physical appearance. Jones also seized on many opportunities to describe his sexual prowess and stamina.
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Using the Bible

Peoples Temple began as a Christian church, and even as Jim Jones turned away from Christian beliefs and tenets, he retained his knowledge of the Bible. Jones knew it inside and out, including its contradictions and its descriptions of crimes such as ******* and *******. The Bible was his to tailor his message at any given moment. While his knowledge likely appealed to many of the more traditional-minded (and older) members of his group, and helped to recruit others when Jones spoke in out-of-town churches during the Temple’s cross-country bus trips, a recurring image used by Jones’ critics is of the Temple leader throwing the Christian Holy Book to the floor, or suggesting that its pages should be used as toilet paper.

On the other hand, there is Donald Trump, known for bringing two books to some of his rallies: The Art of the Deal and the Bible itself. The problem is, one he didn’t write and the other he didn’t read, even if he uses the Bible to pander to the Religious Right. What should be problematic for Christian values voters in supporting Trump – yet astonishingly does not seem to be – is that he is remarkably ignorant of its contents. When asked about favorite Bible verses, Trump declined to give any. It was “too personal” for him, he said, and he didn’t want to discuss it. He wouldn’t even state whether he preferred the Old or New Testament. Eventually, after a number of days, Trump came up with “Never bend to envy” as his favorite Bible quote, one which doesn’t actually exist. Months later, Trump offered “an eye for an eye” as a favorite verse, an Old Testament passage which Jesus repudiated.

Links to Russia

One of the big controversies in Trump’s candidacy is his murky ties to Russia. He has given contradictory statements about whether or not he knows Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin. Russia’s leader is a “strong” leader, Trump says, a surprising compliment coming from a man painting himself as a conservative capitalist. Some suggest that Trump has financial ties to Russia and that the Russians may be involved in hacks of both the Republican and Democratic national committees. Trump denies these claims.

Jones’ links to Russia were relatively transparent. He was sympathetic to communism and an admirer of Josef Stalin. During Jonestown’s final year, Jones often spoke of relocating his movement to Russia as a way of getting away from the U.S. government’s persecution, an option which Christine Miller raised as an alternative to death on November 18, 1978. What is less evident is the degree to which Jones and his inner circle seriously considered this as a viable option for the community and how extensively this had been discussed with the Russian government. Like Trump, Jones’ connections to Russia are both mysterious and mystifying.

Playing the Savior, Bringing the Revolution:

Both Jones and Trump depict themselves as leaders of revolutionary movements, miracle workers who alone can save the people. For Jones, Peoples Temple was no mere church, it was a social and political movement that would fight against governmental oppression, racism, sexism, and poverty. Jones used faith healings to attract many of his followers, even though multiple accounts have revealed how many of these were faked. The Temple leader also promised his followers that he would deliver them to a utopia on Earth. Jonestown was to be the Promised Land, and its destruction – in Jones’ worldview – was due to the inability of the US to allow him and his followers to create a better world.

Messages: Fear, Lies, Paranoia, and Violence:

Current political commentators are aware that a large part of Trump’s message to his supporters falls under the purview of fear-mongering. According to Trump’s view of the world; among other things, there’s plenty to fear: America is under attack from outsiders; Mexican ******* dealers and rapists pour across the border as if it’s Swiss cheese, he argues, necessitating the construction of a wall along the entire border between the two countries; radical Islamists are also to be feared, and he may need to either completely ban all Muslims from coming into the US or merely impose “extreme vetting.” Trump also likes to tell blacks just how bad conditions are for them in terms of employment rates, poverty, crime, and violence. The employment and crime rates Trump quotes are hyperbolic, but that doesn’t mean his followers ever question the figures. Of course, when Trump refers to these numbers, he is usually in front of a predominantly white audience. When he speaks before blacks and Hispanics, he simply offers the pitch, “What the hell have you got to lose?”

Jones himself had fear to sell, and although conditions were bad for African-Americans, Jones told blatant, horrifying lies to portray a situation far worse than reality. His most famous is the claim of concentration camps being constructed for blacks in America. Prior to the mass emigration from the U.S., Jones often warned his flock that the American government was poised to start imprisoning blacks in concentration camps, but after the move to Jonestown, he filled his news reports with stories that concentration camps were already in existence. The message was clear: stick with Jones because you can’t go back to that hellhole.

Trump is a master of “Us vs. Them” thinking: you are either with him, or you are against him. People need Trump to save them from the danger brought by evil others, be they illegal immigrants, non-Christians, or Democrats. Anyone who speaks against Trump or withdraws support is an enemy, and he encourages persecution of them. Simply protesting at a Trump rally can result in being beaten up. There is simply no room for dissenting opinions. Jones, too, exploited divisions between groups. Although Jones described the government and its agencies as enemies and conspirators against them, he reserved his greatest contempt for defectors and members of the Concerned Relatives. On more than one occasion, Jones encouraged Jonestown residents to describe what they would like to do to defectors. Some of these involved graphic depictions of violence, and all of it was justifiable in Jones’ mind.

A Notable, Important Difference between Jones and Trump: Their Followers

The followers of Donald Trump and Jim Jones share another similarity: they could not be more different from each other, or to a great degree, from the American society from which they emerge. People of color are rare at Trump rallies, and when they do show up, event organizers appear to go out of their way to position them behind the candidate so that news coverage of the event will capture them. Male Trump supporters outnumber female supporters. It’s difficult to know how many of them actually fit within the “Basket of Deplorables” to which Hillary Clinton has relegated them, but some have publicly made unabashed racist and sexist statements. Despite declaring themselves disenfranchised by the current conditions in the U.S., a recent survey indicates that the median income of Trump’s supporters is $72,000, notably higher than the median income of the entire U.S.

Compare these folks to Jones’ supporters. The Temple included people of all ethnic backgrounds, and by some estimates, blacks made up 85% to 90% of the Los Angeles and San Francisco congregations. Many, though not all, of the members came from lower-income households in inner city areas. These people felt disenfranchised, too, but it was arguably justified. Many had been on the receiving end of racism, injustice, and financial hardship.

The Scariest Thing of All:

As this article has shown, Donald Trump and Jim Jones share many characteristics, but perhaps the most important, the most fundamental – certainly the scariest – aspect of their message is the manner in which they deliver it. They often speak in animated, staccato sentences that border on ranting, but carry the fervor of passion. Trump, like Jones, tells his followers that he loves them. They repeat their messages frequently, a well-known persuasion technique. Both men see themselves as straight-talking, down-to-earth saviors: the kind that use profanities and vulgarities as a way of making them “relatable”. Even if many outside their respective movements wonder, “how can anyone fall for that?” others are willing to follow. Unfortunately, following such a toxic individual has ramifications for many people, and not just for their followers. Conspiratorial talk of a rigged election by a Trump fearful of losing to Clinton has his supporters vowing to retaliate on his behalf, in the form of riots or assassinations as needed.

I can think of nothing more frightening than the ability of each of these men to do great harm by holding the fate of a large number of people in his hands. Jones inflicted the ultimate harm by taking over 900 people to their deaths; the pain reverberates today among Temple survivors, family members and friends, as well as others who have been touched by the tragedy. As horrific as Jonestown was, Trump has the
potential to inflict much greater damage: if elected, he will have the nuclear codes and lot of potential targets among the 7.4 billion people on the Earth.
I am not convinced that Donald Trump has any better ability to control his destructive impulses than Jim Jones did. Certainly, his verbal and Twitter tirades strongly suggest otherwise.

Time will tell if this guy will laugh again after November 2020?.....

The Latest: Pelosi says 'all roads seem to lead to Putin'
Oct 16, 2019 · Trump has said that without a vote, the ongoing impeachment inquiry is “illegitimate.” But Pelosi says “we’re not here to call bluffs” and “this is not a game to us.” She adds that when it comes to Trump, “all roads seem to lead to” Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Marco Rubio Suggests Democrats Shouldn't Try to Impeach ...
Apr 24, 2019 · Senator Marco Rubio of Florida reiterated that Democrats should not try to impeach President Donald Trump, suggesting on Wednesday that impeachment would make Russian President Vladimir Putin "very...

Putin Refuses to Comment on Possibility of Trump's Impeachment
XIAMEN (China), (Sputnik) — It is improper to comment on the possible impeachment of US President Donald Trump as it relates to the internal political situation in the United States and is not the business of other countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters Tuesday.

and the numbers just keep growing....not good for Atilla the None....after televised proceedings this week....that number will get bigger....turn down the fire...his ass is already toast!
oh wow you found 2 more....what is that now 6?

far cry from the majority of the country....or have you STILL not figured that out yet

There must be thousands if not millions of others @subhub174014 |(so it could be the majority, but November 2020 will decide that) you forget that once ANYONE thinks Trump is a good POTUS, let alone consider him a human being, whether if they are Black like me or especially if you are Caucasian, you are criticized for either being a sell-out or you are a racist respectfully? Always decent Republicans get hate and Larry Elder and David Harris Jr mentioned the kinds of criticism they get for supporting Trump. Even that other Black guy's interview from the Rubin Report that I credit @Hottobe cucked found which details his path from his youth where: he ironically became a cop, he addresses racism, he also supports Trump, and he is a Republican. So if the atmosphere was not so toxic attacking those who support Trump there would be a lot of other people who would agree with me and the others who I cite. The common denominator is that all these vocal Black Republicans expressing support for POTUS Donald Trump ?? have to be OUTRAGEOUSLY thick skinned as there will be loads of critics like yourself where you are fair and we disagree, and sadly there are several others who are not so fair and very malevolent with how they express their disagreement. Fortunately here on this site I get to be anonymous while I get to express my support for Trump.

If I am correct within 12 months from now Trump will be reinstated as POTUS. Otherwise Trump will be removed and that will sadly create an awful precedent for any future POTUS. Once he/she is elected start those impeachment proceedings as there could be ANY form of interference with the election process from all sorts of secret clandestine organizations out there?

In the meantime enjoy your impeachment proceedings @subhub174014 on your comfy couch with your popcorn. I know you won't miss a second of it.

Again courtesy of @Hottobe cucked
There must be thousands if not millions of others @subhub174014 |(so it could be the majority, but November 2020 will decide that) you forget that once ANYONE thinks Trump is a good POTUS, let alone consider him a human being, whether if they are Black like me or especially if you are Caucasian, you are criticized for either being a sell-out or you are a racist respectfully? Always decent Republicans get hate and Larry Elder and David Harris Jr mentioned the kinds of criticism they get for supporting Trump. Even that other Black guy's interview from the Rubin Report that I credit @Hottobe cucked found which details his path from his youth where: he ironically became a cop, he addresses racism, he also supports Trump, and he is a Republican. So if the atmosphere was not so toxic attacking those who support Trump there would be a lot of other people who would agree with me and the others who I cite. The common denominator is that all these vocal Black Republicans expressing support for POTUS Donald Trump ?? have to be OUTRAGEOUSLY thick skinned as there will be loads of critics like yourself where you are fair and we disagree, and sadly there are several others who are not so fair and very malevolent with how they express their disagreement. Fortunately here on this site I get to be anonymous while I get to express my support for Trump.

If I am correct within 12 months from now Trump will be reinstated as POTUS. Otherwise Trump will be removed and that will sadly create an awful precedent for any future POTUS. Once he/she is elected start those impeachment proceedings as there could be ANY form of interference with the election process from all sorts of secret clandestine organizations out there?

In the meantime enjoy your impeachment proceedings @subhub174014 on your comfy couch with your popcorn. I know you won't miss a second of it.

Again courtesy of @Hottobe cucked
I'm sure you will find them one at a time

in the mean time you still use paid actors and people who are paid well to say what you want to hear...nothing to do with the facts

In the mean is some more facts for you

The pee tape | Trump/Russia
May 21, 2019 · The public first learned of the possible existence of what came to be known as the pee tape from the Steele dossier. Former British MI6 officer Christopher Steele reported that prostitutes had performed a “golden shower” urination show for Trump in the Moscow Ritz where he was staying during the 2013 Miss Universe pageant.

Donald Trump's 'pee tape' controversy, explained

  • Excuse Me? A Pee Tape and Donald Trump?
  • So What Was The Deal with That Dossier?
  • So What Did The Dossier Say?
  • Lol, So How Did Trump React?
  • Who's This Christopher Steele fella?
  • How Does This Fit in with The Whole Russia Investigation?
  • So ... What Exactly Are Golden Showers?

  • Yep, if you're somehow unfamiliar with this story, there has been reporting that suggests president Donald Trump once ordered prostitutes to perform a golden shower in front of him while at a hotel in Russia. And, you guessed it, there's also a suggestion that it was all captured on video. All of this stemmed from a dossier that was made public in 2017 that included numerous salacious claims about Donald Trump.
See more on

Here’s What the Mueller Report Says About the Pee Tape ...
Apr 18, 2019 · “Rtskhiladze said ‘tapes’ referred to compromising tapes of Trump rumored to be held by persons associated with the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group

Trump-Putin meeting: Putin doesn’t deny the “pee tape ...
Jul 16, 2018 · The reference is to a claim in the Steele dossier that Russian intelligence has a secretly recorded tape of Trump in a Moscow hotel with prostitutes whom he hired to pee
more trouble for the trumpkin...last year they passed a law that all presidential candidates must show tax returns...…..

Judge tosses a Trump lawsuit to keep his taxes secret ...
Judge tosses a Trump lawsuit to keep his taxes secret. The New York judge also rejected the notion that a sitting president can't be indicted.

Trump Taxes: President Ordered to Turn Over Returns to ...
Oct 07, 2019 · The judge dismissed a lawsuit that had been filed by Mr. Trump, who was seeking to block a subpoena for eight years of his personal and corporate tax

and naturally his personal attorney Barr will do what he can...……………………...

US to join Trump lawsuit over NY subpoena for tax returns ...
Oct 01, 2019 · The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York said on Monday that it would join a lawsuit filed by President Trump that aims to block a subpoena for his tax returns.
more trouble for the trumpkin...last year they passed a law that all presidential candidates must show tax returns...…..

Judge tosses a Trump lawsuit to keep his taxes secret ...
Judge tosses a Trump lawsuit to keep his taxes secret. The New York judge also rejected the notion that a sitting president can't be indicted.

Trump Taxes: President Ordered to Turn Over Returns to ...
Oct 07, 2019 · The judge dismissed a lawsuit that had been filed by Mr. Trump, who was seeking to block a subpoena for eight years of his personal and corporate tax

and naturally his personal attorney Barr will do what he can...……………………...

US to join Trump lawsuit over NY subpoena for tax returns ...
Oct 01, 2019 · The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York said on Monday that it would join a lawsuit filed by President Trump that aims to block a subpoena for his tax returns.
Funny how you mention that presidential candidates should release their tax returns @subhub174014 yet Pelosi did not release her tax returns too? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

I guess it is that double standard ALWAYS criticizing POTUS Donald Trump ??, however when Democrats do the same thing there is little if any criticism of it? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

Funny how you mention that presidential candidates should release their tax returns @subhub174014 yet Pelosi did not release her tax returns too? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

I guess it is that double standard ALWAYS criticizing POTUS Donald Trump ??, however when Democrats do the same thing there is little if any criticism of it? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

all you think about is how your poor Russian spy is being picked on......Pelosi is NOT running for pres...all of the past pres have released thiers until trump...he doesn't want people to know where he gets his money...and all the false tax returns he has NY just made it a want to run for pres in your tax returns!

Pelosi is in one in congress ever has as a requirement...most just make it available...but people not really that interested in congress

so when trying to protect the pervert it helps to know what is going on

just trying to keep you informed.....

which reminds me speaking of perverts...I guess birds of a feather huh?

one of trumps biggest supporters and pushing for the name of the whistleblower....a fellow pervert

Rep. Jim Jordan 'Enthusiastically' Supports Trump ...
May 26, 2016 · Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, leader of the House Freedom Caucus, said that he will "enthusiastically" support for Donald Trump in the presidential race. Jordan made the comment during an interview featured on the Washington Examiner's "Examining Politics" podcast.

Trump Defender Jim Jordan Gives His Worst Interview Ever ...
Rep. Jim Jordan joined George Stephanopolous on Sunday morning to talk about all things Trump and impeachment. "Do you think it is appropriate for President Trump to ask China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden?" Stephanopoulos began. Jordan tried to make light of it by saying "George, do you ...

Rep. Jim Jordan’s Sex Abuse Scandal Is Getting Much, Much ...
Right-wing Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan’s sexual abuse scandal is getting even worse for him and it could cost him a seat in Congress and his party control of the U.S. House of ...

Rep. Jim Jordan Is Named in New OSU Sexual Abuse Scandal ...
Jul 18, 2018 · Rep. Jim Jordan Is Named in New OSU Sexual Abuse Lawsuit A new class action lawsuit on behalf of former athletes has named the Ohio congressman for failing to prevent sexual abuse perpetrated by a ...

at the rate the right has been going this year...they could start their own little perverts club
GOP....Gross old perverts.....

Republican politician charged with possession of baby ...
Sep 18, 2019 · A Republican state politician has been arrested and charged with possession of baby sexual abuse images, police officers said. Mike Folmer was detained on …

Three Republicans deal with legal fallout of sex scandals ...
Mar 07, 2018 · A sex scandal involving Kentucky Republican State Representative Dan Johnson -- who committed suicide last year after he was accused of sexually assaulting a 17-year old female teen in 2013 -- resulted in an 80-point swing to a Democrat in last week's special election to fill his vacant seat.

20 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals
20 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals ... this year, when he became the Republican nominee for Arizona’s first congressional district, but was defeated in the general ...

Handy List of (American) Republican Party Sex Offenders ...
Aug 05, 2018 · Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy. Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.

Republicans Have List of Trump Scandals They’re Covering Up
Aug 27, 2018 · Axios has obtained a list of Trump administration scandals. Its argument is that republicans need to maintain control of Congress to block oversight of …
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