Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you think that the ******* companies spending millions on lobbyist and you think they are not buying votes also.....anytime someone in politics takes outside money....those people expect something for that money...… can't be that stupid to think they just give the money being nice
what are they going to do sue saying you didn't do what i bribed you to do
what are they going to do sue saying you didn't do what i bribed you to do

being just a little more stupid now...….Russia just cuts off the funds they give to that I said the GOP is for sale....

I suppose in your way of thinking it would be OK for them to buy land here and build a base as long as they paid taxes on it...….hell they came close to it until Obama stopped it once...but trump put it back in...…..they have 2 embassys in this country with over 60 people in each many does an embassy need unless it is up to no good....we already know they had one close to our naval base here and had high-tech listening and monitoring equip....what was that for......just a nice toy to have right?
all of your stupidity means nothing....your Russian leader is going down!

btw never said what army you served in and what country you served....kind of confusing
Breaking news from RT although @subhub174014 will dismiss this bit of news too. Plus substitute MrPutin (without the Mr) wherever you see Putin given the site's bug for substituting Putin for MrPutin...

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Trump deserves credit for cooling tensions with North Korea & starting historic talks with Kim – Putin
Published time: 3 Oct, 2019 15:16Edited time: 3 Oct, 2019 15:17
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Trump deserves credit for cooling tensions with North Korea & starting historic talks with Kim – Putin

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Donald Trump’s decision to engage in direct talks with North Korea was a historic step that helped reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
“As soon as the US chose to engage in a direct conversation with North Korea… abandoning their usual, sometimes very harsh and even insulting rhetoric, the hope for a peaceful settlement immediately appeared,” Putin said.

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so....what's your point?....and your source of news again.....not the best!.....but then you follow all of those news sources that support your man...…………….

Grassley breaks with Trump over protecting whistleblower
1 day ago · Sen. Chuck Grassley moved to stave off attacks and the unmasking of a federal whistleblower who first divulged President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president, a

Schiff Got Early Account of Accusations as Whistle-Blower ...
Oct 02, 2019 · Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, knew some details of the allegations against President Trump before the C.I.A. officer filed a whistle-blower

yours is just a little twisted....but nothing new on what you post
Not true unlike all of the sources that you utilize @subhub174014 the common denominator is either to vilify or to disqualify Donald Trump ?? as POTUS. David Harris Jr can be objective at times such as today...

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Democratic Rep. Unveils When Impeachment Vote Will Likely Be Held
Lawrence Richard
October 3, 2019

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House Democrats will hold a vote to impeach President Trump by the year’s end according to Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna.

The California congressman unveiled the prediction of when the impeachment vote would likely be held during an appearance on an ABC News podcast on Wednesday.

ABC News reports Khanna said he “would be surprised if the impeachment inquiry didn’t end with a vote on articles, opening the door for a formal vote to impeach President Donald Trump.”

Khanna, who is a member of the House Oversight Committee, continued: “We want to get it done, and then the Judiciary Committee will refer the articles to the House (for a vote).”
ABC News continues:
The inquiry, launched Sept. 24 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, began after reports that a whistleblower had filed a complaint expressing national security concerns regarding a July phone call Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. The White House released a transcript of the call on Sept. 25, corroborating information found in the whistleblower’s complaint.
Since the process began, the transcript, whistleblower complaint and Intelligence Community inspector general’s report have all been made public.

Echoing other lawmakers’ push for an inquiry that is expeditious and focused, Khanna said lawmakers can’t continue “throwing the kitchen sink” at the president if they want the American people to respect the process.
The information in the call was “an abuse of office and we can’t tolerate a compromise of our national security, and if we get the facts and we wrap it up before this year, then I think people will say the ‘Democrats are standing up for the Constitution, they’re standing up for our values and we’ll respect that’,” Khanna said. “But I do think the way we conduct ourselves is going to matter.”
According to the report, Khanna left the door open on bringing charges against Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani for their involvement in the call and subsequent controversy.
“We don’t — we’re very reluctant to prosecute presidents of the United States. The same doesn’t apply to Cabinet secretaries,” he said. “So I think they have to be very careful.”

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz expressed concern that Democrats were bending the legal system to their political interest in accepting less-than-adequate evidence, calling the impeachment effort “an attack on the voters.”

Washington Examiner


"You would not be able to get the so-called evidence from this whistleblower admitted into a court of law, so how are we suppose to use it as a basis to impeach a president?" @RepMattGaetz said.

"And really that is an attack on the voters."

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2:00 AM - Oct 3, 2019
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Donald Trump denies he is under Russian influence after ...
Jan 14, 2019 · Both mocking and denouncing news reports that the FBI has investigated him for being under Russian influence, President Donald Trump found himself denying Monday that …

Russia: Influencing Trump & His Team | Congressman Eric ...
: Influencing Trump & His Team. It's not just about Russia’s 2016 election meddling, intervention in foreign countries, or past ties between them and President Trump’s Administration. It's also about the future of our country, and making sure it is free from Russian interference. However, with President Trump in the White House, that ...

Top Russian Officials Discussed How to Influence Trump ...
May 24, 2017 · WASHINGTON — American spies collected information last summer revealing that senior Russian intelligence and political officials were discussing how to exert influence over Donald J. Trump ...

Trump Campaign Was Deeply Co-opted By Russian Influence ...
Apr 18, 2019 · Trump Campaign Was Deeply Co-opted By Russian Influence Operation. ... While special counsel Robert Mueller was unable to establish a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian ...

Russia gaining more influence in world as Trump’s chaos ...
Jun 30, 2019 · According to an internal report created by the Pentagon, Russia has seen its worldwide influence grow since Donald Trump became president, reports Politico. Noting that …

Russia beating U.S. in race for global influence, Pentagon ...
Russia beating U.S. in race for global influence, Pentagon study says ... criticism of President Donald Trump's approach to Moscow. ... his attempted "reset" with Russia failed, and that "Trump ...

Russian officials bragged they could use Michael Flynn to ...
May 19, 2017 · Russian officials bragged in conversations during the presidential campaign that they had cultivated a strong relationship with former Trump adviser …

at one time we had a spy in the Kremlin....but had to pull him because they feared Trump would turn him in
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‘VICTORY’: Trump Runs Victory Lap After Federal Judge Overturns California’s Attempt To Leave Him Off Ballot
DHJ Staff
October 2, 2019

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President Trump is running a victory lap on social media after a federal judge overturned a California state law preventing him from being a presidential candidate on voter ballots.

The president called the decision a “VICTORY” and criticized those pushing the bill, including California Governor Gavin Newson, as “radical.”

“I won the right to be a presidential candidate in California, in a major Court decision handed down yesterday,” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. “It was filed against me by the Radical Left Governor of that State to tremendous Media hoopla. The VICTORY, however, was barely covered by the Fake News. No surprise!”

Donald J. Trump


I won the right to be a presidential candidate in California, in a major Court decision handed down yesterday. It was filed against me by the Radical Left Governor of that State to tremendous Media hoopla. The VICTORY, however, was barely covered by the Fake News. No surprise!


8:51 AM - Oct 2, 2019
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According to a report from Daily Wire, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla is seeking to challenge and overturn the ruling.
“California will appeal this ruling and we will continue to make our thorough, thoughtful argument for stronger financial disclosure requirements for presidential and gubernatorial candidates,” Padilla reportedly said. “Our elected leaders have a legal and moral obligation to be transparent with voters about potential conflicts of interest. This law is fundamental to preserving and protecting American democracy.”
The Daily Wire adds:
Newsom signed Senate Bill 27, the so-called “Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act,” into law in July. The law would have required all primary candidates to turn over their most recent five years of tax returns by the November deadline in order to appear on the primary ballot. The law did not apply to the general election. The bill reads in part:
This bill would enact the Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act, which would require a candidate for President, in order to have the candidate’s name placed upon a primary election ballot, to file the candidate’s income tax returns for the 5 most recent taxable years with the Secretary of State, as specified. The act would require the Secretary of State, within 5 days of receiving the returns, to make redacted versions of the returns available to the public on the Secretary of State’s internet website. This bill would impose the same requirements on candidates for Governor.
Trump’s legal team filed a lawsuit against the bill in August, maintaining that the law unconstitutionally added additional requirements for presidential candidates and potentially violated voters’ First Amendment rights.
I love that black guys will fuck my wife harder knowing I voted for the most racist president ever and I act like a redneck around my redneck friends and secretly enjoy superior black dick to fuck my wife hard
Don't you just love it when the Democrats are so frustrated they take it out on each other?

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Anti-Trump Michael Moore Swipes Joe Biden, Calls Him ‘This Year’s Hillary’
DHJ Staff
October 3, 2019

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Director Michael Moore is vehemently anti-Trump, but it appears his disdain for the president is also falling on Democratic presidential candidates who do not stand a chance to beat him.

This, according to Moore, includes Democrat frontrunner, Joe Biden.

The Daily Wire reports Moore, during a segment of “The Beat with Ari Melber” on MSNBC, called Joe Biden, “this year’s Hillary.”

“Joe Biden is not going to excite the base to get out there and vote on November 3, 2020,” Moore added.
According to the Hollywood director, Biden lacks enthusiasm for the spotlight, especially in light of the recently unearthed Ukraine controversy.
“The things that he said publicly are very strong,” Moore said per the Daily Wire. “But it looks like he’s not really wanting to deal with it. He’s afraid to be out there.”
Moore dispelled any wrongdoing by Biden.

“There’s some piece of this that he doesn’t want to deal with in terms of his ******* and the gas company and all that. And it’s OK,” Moore continued. “It’s been proven that nobody did anything wrong. If he’s embarrassed that the kid of a politician got some help, well, I don’t think anybody [is] sitting there at home right now with their TV dinner going, ‘What? Joe Biden’s ******* got a good job out of this?’”
Moore said the former vice president should “put the gloves on” and go after Trump.

“[Biden] said the right thing, but he’s got to come out fighting,” he said. “You don’t want a [Michael] Dukakis moment here when they attack your family and you’re trying to be all kumbaya about this. You’ve got to put the gloves on and you’ve got to go after him. And Biden should be out there every single day on this. Don’t be afraid. It’s OK, your ******* got a good job.”
And, per the Daily Wire:
“We need all the candidates right now — need to be unified and coming at this full *******,” he added. “No backing down and no trying to placate the other and none of this, ‘Well we have to wait and see.’”

“Too many people in the summer of 2016 were so sure Hillary [Clinton] was going to win, saying no one is going to vote for this idiot,” Moore told CNN in September 2018. “He could win again. I operate as if he is a two-term Trump. I have to. If you think any other way, you are guaranteeing that whoever is going to run against him will lose.”
“I think the man is an evil genius and he was able to outsmart the smartest person ever to run for president,” Moore said.
I love that black guys will fuck my wife harder knowing I voted for the most racist president ever and I act like a redneck around my redneck friends and secretly enjoy superior black dick to fuck my wife hard

@Pussycontrol President Donald Trump ?? is not a racist. If that is the case I guess Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as seen below are guilty of endorsing a racist. Moreover just because Joe Biden openly shakes hands with a known member of the KKK, Robert Byrd as seen below, I guess that does not associate himself with racism either?

Furthermore I guess the Black CEO of BET (Black Entertainment Television), Robert L. Johnson as seen below, is guilty of endorsing a racist for being friends with Donald Trump? Or a Reverend Darrell Scott, also seen below is guilty of not only being friends with Donald Trump ?? for years before he ran for the office of POTUS but also endorsed him personally during the RNC Convention in 2016? And David Harris Jr check out ( ).

So I guess even five notable Black men can also be guilty of racism (and there are several others too as this post limits how many I can place on a page)?

Just in case you are unaware of who Robert Byrd is, the man that Joe Biden openly shaked hands with as seen below, this is straight from his wikipedia page so you can verify it @Pussycontrol :

"Ku Klux Klan
In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.[10][11]

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, 'You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.' Byrd later recalled, 'Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did.'[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

'I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.'

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]"
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For some others in the Black community who support this perspective that Donald Trump ?? is not a racist check this out as well @Pussycontrol and maybe you might at least begin to question your beliefs:

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