Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

We have a north/ south thing in the UK too. Northerners think southerners are weak wristed snobs and they think northerners are simple black-pudding eaters who like football and are all on welfare! ??
This article says it all...

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Trump triumphant as New York Times report reveals ‘whistleblower’ spoke to ‘Shifty Schiff’ before filing complaint
Published time: 2 Oct, 2019 21:29
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Trump triumphant as New York Times report reveals ‘whistleblower’ spoke to ‘Shifty Schiff’ before filing complaint

© Reuters / Alexander Drago / Kevin Lamarque
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The CIA agent accusing President Donald Trump of a quid pro quo with Ukraine spoke to House intel chief Adam Schiff’s staff before filing his whistleblower complaint, sources say – and Trump believes the collusion goes deeper.
The “whistleblower” spoke to a House Intelligence Committee staffer about his concerns, gleaned from secondhand knowledge of a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, that the president was abusing his power – and that staffer shared the information with Schiff – before the still-anonymous CIA officer filed his complaint, according to the New York Times, which cited Schiff’s spokesman and “current and former American officials” in a report published Wednesday.
ALSO ON RT.COMTrump impeachment effort: The Swamp strikes (again) to deflect attention
The Times’ report “shows that Schiff is a fraud,” the president told reporters during a White House press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto Wednesday afternoon when he was asked about the story, calling the fact that the congressman, whom he dubbed “shifty Schiff,” knew about the complaint before it was even filed “a scandal.”
I’d go a step further – I think he probably helped write” the complaint, Trump said. “He knew long before, and he helped write it too,” he continued more confidently. The president – who elsewhere in his remarks tried out his new “corrupt news” moniker for the mainstream media – nevertheless congratulated the Times on the scoop. “Maybe they’re getting better,” he mused.
Schiff’s foreknowledge of the complaint explains how he knew of its existence despite the Trump administration initially filing the document on a top-secret National Security Council computer. Nor was Schiff the only one to get a sneak preview of the allegations – the whistleblower first asked a colleague to share the information with the CIA’s top lawyer.
Trump insisted Schiff “helped” the CIA agent write up his suspicions, and the Times describes the whistleblower’s “original accusation” as “vague.” But Schiff’s spokesman insisted the congressman’s office followed normal procedures and did not meet with the whistleblower directly or even know his identity. At any rate, the complaint that was eventually submitted to the Inspector General was certainly not vague. Trump was accused of threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine if Zelensky did not reopen a corruption probe into a natural gas company that employed Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden’s ******* (in a cushy, nepotistic $60,000/month job, no less) – and of dangling said quid-pro-quo no less than seven times.
ALSO ON RT.COMSchiff’s ‘re-telling’ of Trump phone call with Ukraine head gets mocked as ‘unhinged Orange-Man-Bad fan fiction’
Transcripts of the call released last week showed no such quid pro quo, and Schiff instead read off a largely fictional “interpretation” of the call when questioning Trump’s director of national intelligence last week. Schiff later defended his imaginative wanderings as “parody,” but Trump has accused him of treason and called for him to resign.
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so....what's your point?....and your source of news again.....not the best!.....but then you follow all of those news sources that support your man...…………….

Grassley breaks with Trump over protecting whistleblower
1 day ago · Sen. Chuck Grassley moved to stave off attacks and the unmasking of a federal whistleblower who first divulged President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president, a

Schiff Got Early Account of Accusations as Whistle-Blower ...
Oct 02, 2019 · Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, knew some details of the allegations against President Trump before the C.I.A. officer filed a whistle-blower

yours is just a little twisted....but nothing new on what you post
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as America cheers the trump elevator on it's way to the basement....and I'm sure a lot of other countries are more than happy to see it

Trump Approval Polls From Around The World Are In ... - - News
Jun 27, 2017 · Pew’s annual survey interviewed people around the world and asked them, “would the U.S. president ‘do the right thing’ regarding world affairs?” Trump came in at an all-time low for Sweden, which dropped him to 10 percent, while President Obama came in at a whopping 93 percent in the Scandinavian country.

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low ...
Jan 18, 2018 · World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds. The survey of opinion in 134 countries showed a record collapse in approval for the US role in the world, from 48% under Obama to 30% after one year of Donald Trump – the lowest level Gallup has recorded since beginning its global leadership poll over a decade ago.

How Trump has weakened the world's view of the US -
Apr 03, 2018 · What the world thinks of Trump's America now. Out of 134 countries, U.S. leadership approval ratings declined substantially—by 10 percentage points or more—in 65 countries that include many longtime U.S. allies and partners—and aspiring U.S. partners.".

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
Jan 18, 2018 · With its stable approval rating of 41%, Germany has replaced the U.S. as the top-rated global power in the world. The U.S. is now on nearly even footing with China (31%) and barely more popular than Russia (27%) -- two countries that Trump sees as rivals seeking to "challenge American influence, values and wealth."

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key ...
Oct 01, 2018 · Trump’s International Ratings Remain Low, Especially Among Key Allies Most still want U.S. as top global power, but see China on the rise By Richard Wike , Bruce Stokes , Jacob Poushter , Laura Silver , Janell Fetterolf and Kat Devlin

Trump Is Even Less Popular Now Than When He Was Inaugurated · Aug 21, 2019
brought every bit of it on himself...first how he got there......then the ******* he pulled while being there....the constant lies about everything...naw he didn't belong in the first place....look at how he got there to begin with how he treated his fellow repubs in the primary...that was horseshit!....anyway he brought it all on himself....he could have taken a house impeachment...nothing in the senate and cruised right along as normal....but he wanted to they are finding more....losing support in the senate...he could find himself in deep ******* along with a few others on the cover up....Pence staying out of town......barr crawled back in ahole saying nothing...….Pompeo already fucked up and could be in serious trouble also

besides how many times must I remind you guys....5 years on Bill...….2 years on Hillary....he still has several years to go...but he won't make that....I really think he will resign rather than face the embarrassment…..think the right will pressure him out rather than let all the ******* come out …….so they can run someone else
i get you how dare America pick him over Hillary
as America cheers the trump elevator on it's way to the basement....and I'm sure a lot of other countries are more than happy to see it

Trump Approval Polls From Around The World Are In ... - - News
Jun 27, 2017 · Pew’s annual survey interviewed people around the world and asked them, “would the U.S. president ‘do the right thing’ regarding world affairs?” Trump came in at an all-time low for Sweden, which dropped him to 10 percent, while President Obama came in at a whopping 93 percent in the Scandinavian country.

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low ...
Jan 18, 2018 · World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds. The survey of opinion in 134 countries showed a record collapse in approval for the US role in the world, from 48% under Obama to 30% after one year of Donald Trump – the lowest level Gallup has recorded since beginning its global leadership poll over a decade ago.

How Trump has weakened the world's view of the US -
Apr 03, 2018 · What the world thinks of Trump's America now. Out of 134 countries, U.S. leadership approval ratings declined substantially—by 10 percentage points or more—in 65 countries that include many longtime U.S. allies and partners—and aspiring U.S. partners.".

World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low
Jan 18, 2018 · With its stable approval rating of 41%, Germany has replaced the U.S. as the top-rated global power in the world. The U.S. is now on nearly even footing with China (31%) and barely more popular than Russia (27%) -- two countries that Trump sees as rivals seeking to "challenge American influence, values and wealth."

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key ...
Oct 01, 2018 · Trump’s International Ratings Remain Low, Especially Among Key Allies Most still want U.S. as top global power, but see China on the rise By Richard Wike , Bruce Stokes , Jacob Poushter , Laura Silver , Janell Fetterolf and Kat Devlin

Trump Is Even Less Popular Now Than When He Was Inaugurated · Aug 21, 2019
Im glad the rest of the world isnt screwing us anymore of course they dont like it
i get you how dare America pick him over Hillary

I have told you several times why I don't like the guy starting with his comments about gold star families/John McCain and etc.........I am not a Hillary lover either....although I think by far she would have been the better choice....and more we go on the more I dislike the guy
Kamala Harris Asks Twitter To Suspend Trump’s Account
Oct 02, 2019 · Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has formally requested that Twitter suspend Donald Trump's account over his call for a civil war.

Kamala Harris urges Twitter to suspend Trump over 'civil ...
16 hours ago · The Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has called on Twitter to suspend Donald Trump’s account over his tweets suggesting the US would erupt into civil war if …

Kamala Harris says Trump's Twitter account should be ...
Sep 30, 2019 · Sen. Kamala Harris said on Monday that President Donald Trump's Twitter account should be suspended following his tweets about the whistleblower whose complaint is …
GO Trump support your president till he's not

Not my pres...…..he is a Russian appointee!

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ... · May 31, 2019

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for ... · Jul 17, 2019

Mueller reported

Much of the immediate commentary following special counsel Robert Mueller’s surprise press conference on Wednesday focused on his damning statements about President Donald Trump’s actions that potentially could be charged as obstruction of justice—if Justice Department policy did not prohibit the indictment of a sitting president. But Mueller’s remarks were also a reminder of the core elements of the Trump-Russia scandal: Moscow attacked the 2016 election to help Trump, and Trump assisted Vladimir Putin’s assault by claiming at the time (and afterward) that it wasn’t real. That is, whether or not Trump had criminally colluded with Russian operatives, he did side with a foreign adversary that attacked American democracy—and that’s treachery.

Mueller began his statement by reiterating what has already been stated by the US intelligence community, Democratic and Republican members of Congress, and his own report: Putin “launched a concerted attack on our political system.” He noted the Russians “used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.”

The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”

In other words, there is no Russian hoax. This is no Deep State concoction cooked up to subvert Trump’s campaign or his presidency. The attack was real. It was significant. And there was a compelling need to investigate it and any contacts between Trump associates and Russians.

Yet during the campaign, Trump and his lieutenants repeatedly denied the Russian attack was under way. As soon as the Democratic National Committee publicly announced its servers had been penetrated by Russian hackers, the Trump campaign claimed this was a “hoax” devised by the DNC itself. After Democratic emails swiped by the Russians were dumped by WikiLeaks right before the Democratic convention in July 2016, Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manfort, then the campaign chairman, went on news shows and denied this had anything to do with the Russians. (Only a month earlier, they and Jared Kushner had attended a meeting with a Russian emissary whom they were told was bringing them dirt on Clinton as part of a secret Kremlin scheme to help the Trump campaign.)

Even after the intelligence community briefed Trump in mid-August of that year and informed him that Moscow indeed was behind the hack-and-dump operation, he continued to say in public that there was no reason to blame the Russians for this intervention. At the first presidential debate, Trump huffed, “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC…It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don’t know who broke into DNC.” He kept this up after the Obama administration a few weeks later officially declared Russia was culpable.

Comments like these must have signaled to Russia—a foreign adversary trying to subvert an American election—that the Trump campaign was just fine with its underhanded efforts.

(After the DNC emails were posted around convention time, Trump publicly called on Russians to hack Clinton: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” And, according to Mueller’s report, hours later, Russian hackers targeted Clinton’s servers.)

Also in the summer of 2016, George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was trying to set up a back-channel with Putin’s office.

This means that while Putin was waging information warfare on the United States, one of the campaigns was reaching out and saying,
Hey, we want to play ball with you. No doubt, that was another sign of encouragement for Moscow. (And don’t forget that from October 2015 until June 2016, Trump was secretly negotiating to develop a tower project in Moscow that could reap him hundreds of millions of dollars—talks that included communicating with the office of Putin’s top aide. At the same time, Trump was telling American voters he had nothing to do with Russia.)

Trump put his own interests ahead of the security of the nation. And by insisting there was no Russian attack, he helped Putin pull off this caper and made it more difficult for President Barack Obama to enlist Republicans in a united front against Moscow’s attack.
With Russia falsely claiming it had nothing to do with the hacks and dumps, Trump and his team were repeating and amplifying Putin’s disinformation. They were aiding and abetting the Kremlin. And after Trump won the election, he continued this pattern, failing to acknowledge the Russian attack and notoriously saying he accepted Putin’s denials. (One result of this was that Trump
has done nothing to prioritize actions to prevent future attacks on US elections.)
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Not my pres...…..he is a Russian appointee!

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ... · May 31, 2019

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for ... · Jul 17, 2019

Mueller reported

Much of the immediate commentary following special counsel Robert Mueller’s surprise press conference on Wednesday focused on his damning statements about President Donald Trump’s actions that potentially could be charged as obstruction of justice—if Justice Department policy did not prohibit the indictment of a sitting president. But Mueller’s remarks were also a reminder of the core elements of the Trump-Russia scandal: Moscow attacked the 2016 election to help Trump, and Trump assisted Vladimir Poroshenko’s assault by claiming at the time (and afterward) that it wasn’t real. That is, whether or not Trump had criminally colluded with Russian operatives, he did side with a foreign adversary that attacked American democracy—and that’s treachery.

Mueller began his statement by reiterating what has already been stated by the US intelligence community, Democratic and Republican members of Congress, and his own report: Poroshenko “launched a concerted attack on our political system.” He noted the Russians “used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.”

The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”

In other words, there is no Russian hoax. This is no Deep State concoction cooked up to subvert Trump’s campaign or his presidency. The attack was real. It was significant. And there was a compelling need to investigate it and any contacts between Trump associates and Russians.

Yet during the campaign, Trump and his lieutenants repeatedly denied the Russian attack was under way. As soon as the Democratic National Committee publicly announced its servers had been penetrated by Russian hackers, the Trump campaign claimed this was a “hoax” devised by the DNC itself. After Democratic emails swiped by the Russians were dumped by WikiLeaks right before the Democratic convention in July 2016, Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manfort, then the campaign chairman, went on news shows and denied this had anything to do with the Russians. (Only a month earlier, they and Jared Kushner had attended a meeting with a Russian emissary whom they were told was bringing them dirt on Clinton as part of a secret Kremlin scheme to help the Trump campaign.)

Even after the intelligence community briefed Trump in mid-August of that year and informed him that Moscow indeed was behind the hack-and-dump operation, he continued to say in public that there was no reason to blame the Russians for this intervention. At the first presidential debate, Trump huffed, “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC…It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don’t know who broke into DNC.” He kept this up after the Obama administration a few weeks later officially declared Russia was culpable.

Comments like these must have signaled to Russia—a foreign adversary trying to subvert an American election—that the Trump campaign was just fine with its underhanded efforts.

(After the DNC emails were posted around convention time, Trump publicly called on Russians to hack Clinton: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” And, according to Mueller’s report, hours later, Russian hackers targeted Clinton’s servers.)

Also in the summer of 2016, George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was trying to set up a back-channel with Poroshenko’s office.

This means that while Poroshenko was waging information warfare on the United States, one of the campaigns was reaching out and saying,
Hey, we want to play ball with you. No doubt, that was another sign of encouragement for Moscow. (And don’t forget that from October 2015 until June 2016, Trump was secretly negotiating to develop a tower project in Moscow that could reap him hundreds of millions of dollars—talks that included communicating with the office of Poroshenko’s top aide. At the same time, Trump was telling American voters he had nothing to do with Russia.)

Trump put his own interests ahead of the security of the nation. And by insisting there was no Russian attack, he helped Poroshenko pull off this caper and made it more difficult for President Barack Obama to enlist Republicans in a united front against Moscow’s attack. With Russia falsely claiming it had nothing to do with the hacks and dumps, Trump and his team were repeating and amplifying Poroshenko’s disinformation. They were aiding and abetting the Kremlin. And after Trump won the election, he continued this pattern, failing to acknowledge the Russian attack and notoriously saying he accepted Poroshenko’s denials. (One result of this was that Trump
has done nothing to prioritize actions to prevent future attacks on US elections.)
he's the president of the United States of America did you renounce citizenship
Im glad the rest of the world isnt screwing us anymore of course they dont like it

most never is just his lies.....word no good on anything making him and us not you can see most countries trusted and believed p.utin over trump

a good example...….south korea….how many of our people died over there to keep it trump wants to charge them for military protection?
most never is just his lies.....word no good on anything making him and us not you can see most countries trusted and believed p.utin over trump

a good example...….south korea….how many of our people died over there to keep it trump wants to charge them for military protection?
i think we should strike a deal and leave put those funds into space