Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

There is talk of Giuliani suing Schiff - then this crap goes to court.

Rudy must be just a tad bit worried?
Rudy Giuliani Hires Ex-Watergate Prosecutor Jon Sale ...
11 hours ago · Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney at the center of an alleged pressure campaign to enlist Ukraine's help in investigating the president's political rivals, has hired ex-Watergate prosecutor Jon Sale to represent him in the House's …

Rudy Giuliani hires Watergate prosecutor Jon Sale as ...
Florida attorney Jon Sale, who worked as an assistant prosecutor on the legal team investigating the Watergate scandal, is representing Rudy Giuliani in the matter of the congressional impeachment ...
just more of this guy's inability to handle problems....and instead promotes violence.....first it was a civil war if he is not re-elected….and now this...……….

Donald Trump 'suggested shooting migrants in the legs ...
8 hours ago · US President Donald Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down, according to a new book. The book, by two New York Times journalists, says Mr Trump suggested extreme methods ...

Shoot Migrants’ Legs, Build Alligator Moat: Behind Trump’s ...
Oct 01, 2019 · Mr. Trump’s order to close the border was a decision point that touched off a frenzied week of presidential rages, round-the-clock staff panic and …

going to ******* them one way or another

Trump Administration Ends Protection For Migrants' Medical ...
Aug 27, 2019 · Trump Administration Ends Protection For Migrants' Medical Care U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services notified migrants who are suffering …
Bernie Sanders hospitalized with chest pain, campaign events canceled
No we should just let all illegals into the country and YOU should pay for their medical and education costs - that’s what the left wants - don’t you people realize how freaking CRAZY you are - REALLY

wrong again....illegals get nothing in the way of benefits....well except in MA....but first they have to get there
there will be a lot of lawyers filing for bankruptcy when trump is gone!

Donald Trump's long history of getting sued by his own lawyers
Oct 27, 2016 · Trump agreed to pay $7.25 million to the law firm in legal fees, but then only paid Levine Staller $6 million before trying to claim the rest as unsecured debt in ongoing bankruptcy proceedings ...

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t ...
Jun 09, 2016 · Donald Trump casts himself as a protector of workers, but a USA TODAY Network investigation found hundreds – carpenters, dishwashers, painters, even his own lawyers – who say he didn’t pay ...
After 3 years of lefty horseshite long overdue

brought every bit of it on himself...first how he got there......then the ******* he pulled while being there....the constant lies about everything...naw he didn't belong in the first place....look at how he got there to begin with how he treated his fellow repubs in the primary...that was horseshit!....anyway he brought it all on himself....he could have taken a house impeachment...nothing in the senate and cruised right along as normal....but he wanted to they are finding more....losing support in the senate...he could find himself in deep ******* along with a few others on the cover up....Pence staying out of town......barr crawled back in ahole saying nothing...….Pompeo already fucked up and could be in serious trouble also

besides how many times must I remind you guys....5 years on Bill...….2 years on Hillary....he still has several years to go...but he won't make that....I really think he will resign rather than face the embarrassment…..think the right will pressure him out rather than let all the ******* come out …….so they can run someone else
This article says it all...

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Trump triumphant as New York Times report reveals ‘whistleblower’ spoke to ‘Shifty Schiff’ before filing complaint
Published time: 2 Oct, 2019 21:29
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Trump triumphant as New York Times report reveals ‘whistleblower’ spoke to ‘Shifty Schiff’ before filing complaint

© Reuters / Alexander Drago / Kevin Lamarque
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The CIA agent accusing President Donald Trump of a quid pro quo with Ukraine spoke to House intel chief Adam Schiff’s staff before filing his whistleblower complaint, sources say – and Trump believes the collusion goes deeper.
The “whistleblower” spoke to a House Intelligence Committee staffer about his concerns, gleaned from secondhand knowledge of a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, that the president was abusing his power – and that staffer shared the information with Schiff – before the still-anonymous CIA officer filed his complaint, according to the New York Times, which cited Schiff’s spokesman and “current and former American officials” in a report published Wednesday.
ALSO ON RT.COMTrump impeachment effort: The Swamp strikes (again) to deflect attention
The Times’ report “shows that Schiff is a fraud,” the president told reporters during a White House press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto Wednesday afternoon when he was asked about the story, calling the fact that the congressman, whom he dubbed “shifty Schiff,” knew about the complaint before it was even filed “a scandal.”
I’d go a step further – I think he probably helped write” the complaint, Trump said. “He knew long before, and he helped write it too,” he continued more confidently. The president – who elsewhere in his remarks tried out his new “corrupt news” moniker for the mainstream media – nevertheless congratulated the Times on the scoop. “Maybe they’re getting better,” he mused.
Schiff’s foreknowledge of the complaint explains how he knew of its existence despite the Trump administration initially filing the document on a top-secret National Security Council computer. Nor was Schiff the only one to get a sneak preview of the allegations – the whistleblower first asked a colleague to share the information with the CIA’s top lawyer.
Trump insisted Schiff “helped” the CIA agent write up his suspicions, and the Times describes the whistleblower’s “original accusation” as “vague.” But Schiff’s spokesman insisted the congressman’s office followed normal procedures and did not meet with the whistleblower directly or even know his identity. At any rate, the complaint that was eventually submitted to the Inspector General was certainly not vague. Trump was accused of threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine if Zelensky did not reopen a corruption probe into a natural gas company that employed Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden’s ******* (in a cushy, nepotistic $60,000/month job, no less) – and of dangling said quid-pro-quo no less than seven times.
ALSO ON RT.COMSchiff’s ‘re-telling’ of Trump phone call with Ukraine head gets mocked as ‘unhinged Orange-Man-Bad fan fiction’
Transcripts of the call released last week showed no such quid pro quo, and Schiff instead read off a largely fictional “interpretation” of the call when questioning Trump’s director of national intelligence last week. Schiff later defended his imaginative wanderings as “parody,” but Trump has accused him of treason and called for him to resign.
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This country is now so pathetically dumber than it has ever been. ******* in college can't even answer the simplest questions, it is scary the way liberal leftists, socialistic pushing their agenda on our school systems, are brain washing our children from elementary grades all the way through 4 years of college. It truly is a shame how the political elite despise President Trump so much for only two reasons, one he beat the democrats precious Hillary Clinton and second he upset the system for both Parties simply because he has rocked the boat, disturbing the politically correct corrupt Government.
This country is now so pathetically dumber than it has ever been. ******* in college can't even answer the simplest questions, it is scary the way liberal leftists, socialistic pushing their agenda on our school systems, are brain washing our children from elementary grades all the way through 4 years of college. It truly is a shame how the political elite despise President Trump so much for only two reasons, one he beat the democrats precious Hillary Clinton and second he upset the system for both Parties simply because he has rocked the boat, disturbing the politically correct corrupt Government.

wrong AGAIN....who do you think keeps cutting education to cover the cost of government so they keep giving those tax breaks to the rich...….it sure isn't the DEMs.……...if you had enough smarts to look it up you would see the lowest standards in education are in the south...all republican controlled

The 10 most and least educated states in 2018 -
Jan 23, 2018 · The 10 most and least educated states in 2018. 10. New Jersey. Total score: 64.60. 9. Washington. 8. Minnesota. 7. New Hampshire. 6. Virginia.

here we are next to the bottom in education......and push home schooling a lot! says they have to attend Jr. High...and that is it!

and trump did upset both parties......his corruption...his lies...his treatment of our allies....his love of dictators......yeah he is not liked by both parties.....but the right is to afraid to speak up so let him run wild....for two if they get rid of him chances are it will go to a Dem......the other...if they speak out against him...he will unleash a twitter barrage against them at a time with elections coming up

again you speak with your heart and love of trump and have not made one factual comment.....same as always