
Gold Member
Real Person
Susan set up for Charles to come by on a Sunday afternoon and told him she would set up a space where they could practice in private. Susan set up a space in the study, that turned out to be just big enough for two people to do the practice without her having to move much of the furniture around. She set up a table with some juice and water, put a fan in the room, and set down two mats, a blanket, and a pillow. She thought about using some candles but opted to put some blue lights in a couple of lamps and set them on the end tables next to the regular lamps in the room.

When Charles arrived, Susan was all smiles, and they chatted for a couple of minutes in the foyer. Susan asked Charles if he needed to use the bathroom or wanted anything to *******, and he politely declined. Susan escorted Charles to the room she had set up for their session and locked the door behind them.

Charles put the travel bag he brought with him down on a chair and took out two sarongs. He told Susan that she would need to put one on. Susan didn’t think that they were going to replicate what was taught at the workshop but decided not to worry over it and go with the flow. There was a large rectangular cheval mirror in the corner, so Susan stepped behind it to remove her sweatshirt and jogging pants and put on the sarong. She felt a little apprehensive about having to remove her bra, but let it go in her mind and let her bra fall to the floor as she tied the blue sarong around her body.

When she stepped out from behind the mirror, Charles was wearing a red patterned sarong and stood in front of the mat and blankets she had set out on the floor. Susan went to the other side of the room and turned on a small music player that filled the room with some soft meditation music. They sat down cross-legged, facing each other, and agreed to begin doing some breathing exercises. Charles suggested they do the deep breathing gut breathing meditation, then a few of the exercises they learned at the workshop.

Susan began to get really relaxed and let Charles take the lead on which exercises they would engage in. Charles chose for them to begin with a back-to-back seated exercise, followed by practicing a couple of acupressure holds, and then engaging in some mutual cradling. Charles sat up with his back against a chair and asked Susan to lie down across his legs in whatever way she was comfortable. She chose to lay on her right side with one leg bent up in the freefall sleeping position, cradling a small pillow under her head with her arms. Charles did some acupressure along her back, using some soothing strokes to her forehead when his movements came to the top of her shoulders. Susan began to drift off as Charles’s hands lulled her to drowse where she lay. The last thing she remembered was sliding down Charles’s legs, slightly raising her bent knee, and gripping the pillow more tightly.

A knock at the door woke Susan, and she rolled off her side and sat up. She looked up and saw Charles smiling at her as he asked her if she enjoyed her nap. Susan said she surely did, and gathering her sarong, got up to see who knocked at the door. She cracked the door open and saw the house attendant standing there.

Before Susan could ask her what she wanted, the house attendant asked Susan whose car was at the front while she tried to peer inside the room. Susan moved to block her view into the room and told her it was a friend’s car. The attendant told Susan that she would be leaving and just wanted to be sure there was nothing wrong. Susan assured her there wasn’t anything wrong and wished her a good evening.

Charles had stood up and was gathering his clothing to get dressed. Susan told him he didn’t have to leave. He told her they had both enjoyed a nice relaxing time and got their practice in, so he better get headed out before it was late. Susan went back behind the mirror and put her sweatshirt and sweatpants on. When she returned, she asked Charles if he wanted something to ******* before he left. He grabbed his small bag and declined, so she walked him to the front door. They gave each other a big hug, and she kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for taking the time to come and help her out with the practices. She said she would reach out to him to find out when it was good for him next week, and he agreed to watch out for her text.

The next week came, and they met up just as before. This time Susan had told both Carly and the house attendant that she didn’t want to be interrupted and gave them a three-hour block of time that she would be practicing. The practice session between Susan and Charles went pretty much like it did the last time, except they both did the cradling movements on each other and some longer holds.

Susan knew she was attracted to Charles, so she wasn’t that surprised when she felt herself dampening at his touch. She had restrained herself the last time and didn’t let her mind wander with the thoughts her wetness showed she was having. Charles was a cool character, and if he was aware of her arousal, he didn’t act on it. Susan found herself impressed and fearful at the same time. She hadn’t had sex since she last went with Leah to one of those checkerboard nights a couple of months ago, and since reviving her sexual activity, she felt more in need than usual.

She knowingly kept her body close to Charles, pressing against him and enjoying the firmness of his body. He suggested they end the session with them performing a relaxed cradling position, like a reversed type of lotus position. Susan was seated between his open bent legs, with her lower legs bent over his lower legs as he wrapped his arms around her from the back, placing his palms, right over left, in the center of her chest with her hands on top of his. He leaned back against a chair, his head nestled next to hers, as she leaned back into him. This position was supposed to enhance feelings of security and care, and for Susan it was perfect. They sat like this for a few minutes, breathing deep and just listening to each other’s bodies. After a few more minutes Susan whispered, “I really like you Charles, I want to show it but I’m afraid I’m going to like it too much.”

“I appreciate that, but I think that’s the idea,” he whispered back to her. They both laughed. He hugged her tighter and let her know that he understood, and that he liked her too. Charles reminded her that while the practices could stir up desires for sharing passionately, the larger focus was their ability to provide important basic intimacy everyone required and often didn’t ever receive. Susan rocked in his arms and told him that was why she was so scared, because he was a man she could enjoy on every level.

They sat quietly for about ten more minutes before Charles suggested they end their practices for that day. Susan reluctantly let go of her grip on his hands and turned around in his lap and kissed him. She was happy as their lips moved together and the kiss became more interesting. When their lips parted Charles looked at her and said, “When you’re ready, it’ll be fine.”

His words comforted her as they got up from the floor and stood facing each other. She didn’t even have to look down to see the bulge in the front of his sarong to know that he was also aroused. When she went behind the mirror to change, she told herself she was going to be ready soon.

Fate made sure her words were true by having her meet that next week with Leah and the other core members of Grupa Desdemona to see if she would be interested in joining them in their endeavor. Susan thought it over for about five minutes, then said yes. Susan already knew that she wanted Charles to be her assistant but wasn’t sure how to approach the subject with him.

Susan also knew she was going to have to figure out what she was going to do with Carly. Right or wrong, she didn’t want to have to worry about taking care of her because she couldn’t get it together with her depression. Susan decided she would just ask Charles about becoming her assistant the next time they had a session. She texted him and asked him if he wouldn’t mind traveling over to North Beach on Sunday. She was going to be staying there and wanted to have a session in her suite at the marina hotel. Charles told her he didn’t mind and would be happy to meet her there.

Susan had prepared the room just like she had at home, except this time she did light a couple of candles. She drew the curtains, set up a large mat on the open floor space with blankets and pillows, and put some massage oil and a couple of other small bottles on the mat. She also put two folders on a small table close to the mat, with a pen and a few napkins. She had room service bring up some bottles of juice and water, and an order of sandwiches she had cut up into small portions.

When Charles arrived, she met him in the lobby area and took him to the suite. Once inside, she gave him a quick kiss and told him how happy she was that he had agreed to meet her there. Susan explained that she wanted the atmosphere to be more open and relaxing. She told Charles she had something important to talk to him about, and asked if they could do a couple of breathing exercises before she did so.

Charles just smiled and asked her if she wanted to do them before or after they changed. Susan said after, and she showed Charles the bathroom where he could change into his sarong. When he came out of the bathroom to put away his clothes, Susan had already changed into hers and was seated on the edge of the king bed, waiting for him.

When she stood up, Charles could feel the seriousness of her mood. They sat facing each other and held hands while conducting some breathing exercises. When they finished, Susan asked Charles to sit next to her. She took the two folders and opened the red one.

She looked at Charles and said, “There’s no easy way to say this Charles, so I’m just going to let it all out and you can make your decision. I’ll accept whatever you decide, but I have to let you know that you are my first and only choice.”

Susan then took out the memo and explained to Charles that she was a part of a private group that was going to do a special project to help young black men get and keep good jobs and help them develop families so they could influence building strong black communities. She added that for the group to succeed, all the members had to choose an assistant to help with their group tasks and to help maintain their focus.

“I’m able to double your salary and provide you with room, board, and essentials while you telework and help me with the group tasks I’ve been given, and a few other things. You’ll still be on the rolls and maintain your position. You can’t reveal anything to anyone, and you’ll have to sign this NDA if you agree, and… I’m really hoping you will,” Susan asked him.

Charles tilted his head to the side and looked at her. Susan was almost trembling in anticipation of his answer. He straightened up and smiled at her, saying, “I have some questions, but right now, I need a pen.”

Susan couldn’t give him the pen fast enough, and he signed the memo and she put the folders away. When he asked her what the other folder was for, she told him he could look at it later and that it just contained information about his salary, what would be covered, and when he could move into the two rooms she had set up at her house. Charles just looked at her and chuckled. Susan let out a nervous chuckle and told him he’d find out why later.

They sat down on the mat in a lotus position, Susan holding tight to Charles’s shoulders. As she looked him in the eye, Charles felt a little wetness in his lap and realized she was sitting on him with no underwear on. He looked at her, amused, and she pushed her face forward and kissed his lips. Their mouths opened at the same time, embracing each other as they sat holding each other and kissing in the candlelit room.

When they ceased their lip-lock, Charles leaned Susan to her side and removed the top of her sarong. He lay behind her and was massaging her neck and shoulders, running his foot along her lower leg exposed outside of her garment. He rolled Susan onto her opposite side, her body enjoying his handling of her frame and flesh, not too hard, but with enough effort to be felt and followed.

When he had completed massaging the top of her other side, Charles put Susan on her stomach, which was a little uncomfortable, so he shifted her into the bent-leg position and pulled up her sarong and massaged her bottom and legs down to her feet. He had been using the bottle of massage oil he saw sitting on the mat and asked her what the other small bottles were. In her half daze of relaxed joy, she told him they were lubes.

Charles hiked her up on her knees and began kneading the small of her back and the top of her bottom. As good as it felt, Susan shuddered at feeling his mouth on her. His tongue ran along the length of her vulva, and then lapped at her with a determined pressure that brought loud moans from her lips. Susan was overcome in rapture when the first orgasm took over her body. She wiggled her behind and lay flat to escape the overpowering use of his tongue on her and catch her breath.

As he knelt above her, she turned around and reached up to grab his torso and pull him on top of her. They spent the next hour conversing with each other through their bodies. Charles noted that the lubricant wasn’t needed until much later, due to the wellspring of secretions from Susan’s inner longing.

Charles was every bit of the man she had thought he was, and his fit was perfect for what she wanted. He was larger than her late husband, but not as large as Bobby or a few of those studs she had met up with at the checkerboard events. His movements inside her seemed to draw out the pleasures and fears she had been holding onto, and she let it all out on the floor that evening.

Susan was delighted at the way she never had to say when she needed to move or change her position. Charles seemed to read her mind and move her into a different posture to keep their heated lovemaking going. Soon Susan let out a wail that sounded like she had just had a giant thorn removed from her side, just before Charles kissed her and ejaculated into her pulsing wetted opening. They lay next to each other with heavy breath.

Charles turned toward her and asked, “Am I having sex with you as your assistant?”

“You better damn well be. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it if you don’t,” Susan said. Charles kissed her and told her she didn’t have to worry about it. Susan nestled against him and suggested they eat something before getting into bed for an even deeper conversation. Charles agreed, and when she went for the sandwiches, he told her to leave them and suggested they get dressed and go eat in the dining room with a view of the waterfront. Susan was very pleased with this and couldn’t wait for the chance to enjoy her evening as a couple with a man she was truly taken with.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)
Susan set up for Charles to come by on a Sunday afternoon and told him she would set up a space where they could practice in private. Susan set up a space in the study, that turned out to be just big enough for two people to do the practice without her having to move much of the furniture around. She set up a table with some juice and water, put a fan in the room, and set down two mats, a blanket, and a pillow. She thought about using some candles but opted to put some blue lights in a couple of lamps and set them on the end tables next to the regular lamps in the room.

When Charles arrived, Susan was all smiles, and they chatted for a couple of minutes in the foyer. Susan asked Charles if he needed to use the bathroom or wanted anything to *******, and he politely declined. Susan escorted Charles to the room she had set up for their session and locked the door behind them.

Charles put the travel bag he brought with him down on a chair and took out two sarongs. He told Susan that she would need to put one on. Susan didn’t think that they were going to replicate what was taught at the workshop but decided not to worry over it and go with the flow. There was a large rectangular cheval mirror in the corner, so Susan stepped behind it to remove her sweatshirt and jogging pants and put on the sarong. She felt a little apprehensive about having to remove her bra, but let it go in her mind and let her bra fall to the floor as she tied the blue sarong around her body.

When she stepped out from behind the mirror, Charles was wearing a red patterned sarong and stood in front of the mat and blankets she had set out on the floor. Susan went to the other side of the room and turned on a small music player that filled the room with some soft meditation music. They sat down cross-legged, facing each other, and agreed to begin doing some breathing exercises. Charles suggested they do the deep breathing gut breathing meditation, then a few of the exercises they learned at the workshop.

Susan began to get really relaxed and let Charles take the lead on which exercises they would engage in. Charles chose for them to begin with a back-to-back seated exercise, followed by practicing a couple of acupressure holds, and then engaging in some mutual cradling. Charles sat up with his back against a chair and asked Susan to lie down across his legs in whatever way she was comfortable. She chose to lay on her right side with one leg bent up in the freefall sleeping position, cradling a small pillow under her head with her arms. Charles did some acupressure along her back, using some soothing strokes to her forehead when his movements came to the top of her shoulders. Susan began to drift off as Charles’s hands lulled her to drowse where she lay. The last thing she remembered was sliding down Charles’s legs, slightly raising her bent knee, and gripping the pillow more tightly.

A knock at the door woke Susan, and she rolled off her side and sat up. She looked up and saw Charles smiling at her as he asked her if she enjoyed her nap. Susan said she surely did, and gathering her sarong, got up to see who knocked at the door. She cracked the door open and saw the house attendant standing there.

Before Susan could ask her what she wanted, the house attendant asked Susan whose car was at the front while she tried to peer inside the room. Susan moved to block her view into the room and told her it was a friend’s car. The attendant told Susan that she would be leaving and just wanted to be sure there was nothing wrong. Susan assured her there wasn’t anything wrong and wished her a good evening.

Charles had stood up and was gathering his clothing to get dressed. Susan told him he didn’t have to leave. He told her they had both enjoyed a nice relaxing time and got their practice in, so he better get headed out before it was late. Susan went back behind the mirror and put her sweatshirt and sweatpants on. When she returned, she asked Charles if he wanted something to ******* before he left. He grabbed his small bag and declined, so she walked him to the front door. They gave each other a big hug, and she kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for taking the time to come and help her out with the practices. She said she would reach out to him to find out when it was good for him next week, and he agreed to watch out for her text.

The next week came, and they met up just as before. This time Susan had told both Carly and the house attendant that she didn’t want to be interrupted and gave them a three-hour block of time that she would be practicing. The practice session between Susan and Charles went pretty much like it did the last time, except they both did the cradling movements on each other and some longer holds.

Susan knew she was attracted to Charles, so she wasn’t that surprised when she felt herself dampening at his touch. She had restrained herself the last time and didn’t let her mind wander with the thoughts her wetness showed she was having. Charles was a cool character, and if he was aware of her arousal, he didn’t act on it. Susan found herself impressed and fearful at the same time. She hadn’t had sex since she last went with Leah to one of those checkerboard nights a couple of months ago, and since reviving her sexual activity, she felt more in need than usual.

She knowingly kept her body close to Charles, pressing against him and enjoying the firmness of his body. He suggested they end the session with them performing a relaxed cradling position, like a reversed type of lotus position. Susan was seated between his open bent legs, with her lower legs bent over his lower legs as he wrapped his arms around her from the back, placing his palms, right over left, in the center of her chest with her hands on top of his. He leaned back against a chair, his head nestled next to hers, as she leaned back into him. This position was supposed to enhance feelings of security and care, and for Susan it was perfect. They sat like this for a few minutes, breathing deep and just listening to each other’s bodies. After a few more minutes Susan whispered, “I really like you Charles, I want to show it but I’m afraid I’m going to like it too much.”

“I appreciate that, but I think that’s the idea,” he whispered back to her. They both laughed. He hugged her tighter and let her know that he understood, and that he liked her too. Charles reminded her that while the practices could stir up desires for sharing passionately, the larger focus was their ability to provide important basic intimacy everyone required and often didn’t ever receive. Susan rocked in his arms and told him that was why she was so scared, because he was a man she could enjoy on every level.

They sat quietly for about ten more minutes before Charles suggested they end their practices for that day. Susan reluctantly let go of her grip on his hands and turned around in his lap and kissed him. She was happy as their lips moved together and the kiss became more interesting. When their lips parted Charles looked at her and said, “When you’re ready, it’ll be fine.”

His words comforted her as they got up from the floor and stood facing each other. She didn’t even have to look down to see the bulge in the front of his sarong to know that he was also aroused. When she went behind the mirror to change, she told herself she was going to be ready soon.

Fate made sure her words were true by having her meet that next week with Leah and the other core members of Grupa Desdemona to see if she would be interested in joining them in their endeavor. Susan thought it over for about five minutes, then said yes. Susan already knew that she wanted Charles to be her assistant but wasn’t sure how to approach the subject with him.

Susan also knew she was going to have to figure out what she was going to do with Carly. Right or wrong, she didn’t want to have to worry about taking care of her because she couldn’t get it together with her depression. Susan decided she would just ask Charles about becoming her assistant the next time they had a session. She texted him and asked him if he wouldn’t mind traveling over to North Beach on Sunday. She was going to be staying there and wanted to have a session in her suite at the marina hotel. Charles told her he didn’t mind and would be happy to meet her there.

Susan had prepared the room just like she had at home, except this time she did light a couple of candles. She drew the curtains, set up a large mat on the open floor space with blankets and pillows, and put some massage oil and a couple of other small bottles on the mat. She also put two folders on a small table close to the mat, with a pen and a few napkins. She had room service bring up some bottles of juice and water, and an order of sandwiches she had cut up into small portions.

When Charles arrived, she met him in the lobby area and took him to the suite. Once inside, she gave him a quick kiss and told him how happy she was that he had agreed to meet her there. Susan explained that she wanted the atmosphere to be more open and relaxing. She told Charles she had something important to talk to him about, and asked if they could do a couple of breathing exercises before she did so.

Charles just smiled and asked her if she wanted to do them before or after they changed. Susan said after, and she showed Charles the bathroom where he could change into his sarong. When he came out of the bathroom to put away his clothes, Susan had already changed into hers and was seated on the edge of the king bed, waiting for him.

When she stood up, Charles could feel the seriousness of her mood. They sat facing each other and held hands while conducting some breathing exercises. When they finished, Susan asked Charles to sit next to her. She took the two folders and opened the red one.

She looked at Charles and said, “There’s no easy way to say this Charles, so I’m just going to let it all out and you can make your decision. I’ll accept whatever you decide, but I have to let you know that you are my first and only choice.”

Susan then took out the memo and explained to Charles that she was a part of a private group that was going to do a special project to help young black men get and keep good jobs and help them develop families so they could influence building strong black communities. She added that for the group to succeed, all the members had to choose an assistant to help with their group tasks and to help maintain their focus.

“I’m able to double your salary and provide you with room, board, and essentials while you telework and help me with the group tasks I’ve been given, and a few other things. You’ll still be on the rolls and maintain your position. You can’t reveal anything to anyone, and you’ll have to sign this NDA if you agree, and… I’m really hoping you will,” Susan asked him.

Charles tilted his head to the side and looked at her. Susan was almost trembling in anticipation of his answer. He straightened up and smiled at her, saying, “I have some questions, but right now, I need a pen.”

Susan couldn’t give him the pen fast enough, and he signed the memo and she put the folders away. When he asked her what the other folder was for, she told him he could look at it later and that it just contained information about his salary, what would be covered, and when he could move into the two rooms she had set up at her house. Charles just looked at her and chuckled. Susan let out a nervous chuckle and told him he’d find out why later.

They sat down on the mat in a lotus position, Susan holding tight to Charles’s shoulders. As she looked him in the eye, Charles felt a little wetness in his lap and realized she was sitting on him with no underwear on. He looked at her, amused, and she pushed her face forward and kissed his lips. Their mouths opened at the same time, embracing each other as they sat holding each other and kissing in the candlelit room.

When they ceased their lip-lock, Charles leaned Susan to her side and removed the top of her sarong. He lay behind her and was massaging her neck and shoulders, running his foot along her lower leg exposed outside of her garment. He rolled Susan onto her opposite side, her body enjoying his handling of her frame and flesh, not too hard, but with enough effort to be felt and followed.

When he had completed massaging the top of her other side, Charles put Susan on her stomach, which was a little uncomfortable, so he shifted her into the bent-leg position and pulled up her sarong and massaged her bottom and legs down to her feet. He had been using the bottle of massage oil he saw sitting on the mat and asked her what the other small bottles were. In her half daze of relaxed joy, she told him they were lubes.

Charles hiked her up on her knees and began kneading the small of her back and the top of her bottom. As good as it felt, Susan shuddered at feeling his mouth on her. His tongue ran along the length of her vulva, and then lapped at her with a determined pressure that brought loud moans from her lips. Susan was overcome in rapture when the first orgasm took over her body. She wiggled her behind and lay flat to escape the overpowering use of his tongue on her and catch her breath.

As he knelt above her, she turned around and reached up to grab his torso and pull him on top of her. They spent the next hour conversing with each other through their bodies. Charles noted that the lubricant wasn’t needed until much later, due to the wellspring of secretions from Susan’s inner longing.

Charles was every bit of the man she had thought he was, and his fit was perfect for what she wanted. He was larger than her late husband, but not as large as Bobby or a few of those studs she had met up with at the checkerboard events. His movements inside her seemed to draw out the pleasures and fears she had been holding onto, and she let it all out on the floor that evening.

Susan was delighted at the way she never had to say when she needed to move or change her position. Charles seemed to read her mind and move her into a different posture to keep their heated lovemaking going. Soon Susan let out a wail that sounded like she had just had a giant thorn removed from her side, just before Charles kissed her and ejaculated into her pulsing wetted opening. They lay next to each other with heavy breath.

Charles turned toward her and asked, “Am I having sex with you as your assistant?”

“You better damn well be. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it if you don’t,” Susan said. Charles kissed her and told her she didn’t have to worry about it. Susan nestled against him and suggested they eat something before getting into bed for an even deeper conversation. Charles agreed, and when she went for the sandwiches, he told her to leave them and suggested they get dressed and go eat in the dining room with a view of the waterfront. Susan was very pleased with this and couldn’t wait for the chance to enjoy her evening as a couple with a man she was truly taken with.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)