The future of cuckolding. Part One


Real Person
From time to time I see blogs that “hate” on white men and talk about genocide. I think that is terrible and not something I am into at all. In fact I would like to offer a better plan in the form of a fantasy about the future.
First, society needs to become female dominate and female focused. There is already a major female dominance trend happening and this is especially true of white couples. White men need to embrace their role as submissive cuckolds. This is also happening more and more everyday. As young white men grow up seeing black cocks online they cannot help but embrace the truth that they have small dicks. The result of this and young white girls also being exposed to big black cocks. Has created a young cuckold culture that is growing more each day. Training and acceptance should start early. Speaking from personal experience it is hard to develop a cuckold relationship. It is difficult to come to terms with being a cuckold and it is difficult developing this relationship and understanding with your wife. That is why society needs to embrace cuckolding as a natural part of life. Young white males should see their role in a relationship as one of friends, provider and nurturer for the children. Study have already shown that men with smaller testicles naturally make better fathers. Young black males will be encouraged to pursue a number of endeavors. Knowing their offspring will be cared for by the cuckold will free them up to do other things. Couples will be made up the female head of the house, her alpha bull and her cuckold. Both the female and her bull will enjoy sexual freedom while the cuckold remains loyal to her. If she choose to have a long term committed relationship with an Alpha the cuckold will also know that he must remain submissive to the alpha.
Where will white males come from? All females should have their own choice concerning sexual procreation. So, if she choose to allow her cuckold the opportunity to sire a baby she may do so. However, in most homes it is unlikely this will be the case. Therefore cuckolds will be breed artificially either through an insemination program or if science permits the ideal situation will be artificial. This means only alpha black males will reproduce naturally. The artificial method has a number of advantages. Cuckolds will be breed to have submissive personalities (something that already comes natural to most.) And their gentiles will progressively breed smaller and smaller. I understand that sounds hard to imagine considering how small they already are! But eventually they will have nothing more than something that resembles a clit. With testicles as small as peanuts and their scrotum’s will be breed out. Their little testicles will not need to descend so they will not long need “nut sacks.”
This outline is only the start of social engineering look for more installment soon!
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