Testosterone and masculinity


After studying a lot of peer reviewed papers, I came to a realization that the USA is about to get doomed.
It's little bit better in Europe.
And I was shocked to see the values here in Russia (where I'm currently at for a few weeks). And let me tell you, if not for the US economy, Russia is much much stronger than the west.
The keyword here is "Testosterone". It has been rapidly declining in America since the 80s.
I have compiled a few reasons for the decline in testosterone in the west (especially America).
1. Food : Not taking enough veggies, fruits, meat and water. Consuming too much sugar, soy, dairy, etc.
2. Promoting sedentary lifestyle: Everyone wants a cubicle in California for a workplace. No one wants to do farming.
3. Destruction of American families: Even the law promotes single motherhood and fathers are seen just as a sperm donor. This constantly conditions young male brain to be a beta.

Now the purpose of my post is to highlight the issue of men in the west. Cuckolding or hotwifing exists because men aren't men enough anymore. Yes even though I am a cuckoldress, I am smart enough to admit that this is a problem!
Why do you think we praise the black bulls here? Thats because they are a bit "manlier" than white cucks. And the data shows that even the black population is not safe from this historical phenomena of the invasion of low testosterone. A few years down the line, there will be black cuckolds jerking off to bulls regardless of their race.
That is an interesting take on modern life and certainly deserves further discussion.
I am limited in my experience of being a cuckold. And one of the things I must say is that most Black Bulls we have encountered fall right into the lacking in testosterone category. Not dominant enough and aside from having only a slightly larger cock than little ole' me, I have felt no feeling of being the beta male when in their company.
So, whats to blame....? Yes, diet, and lifestyle for sure play their part.
Feminism has changed things considerably. Stronger women have made many men feel equal. And i know we are all equal or certainly should be, but it has left so many with the inability to determine when to be THE man and when not.
So both sexes are a little mixed up, and for all other things that could lower testosterone in males, are there equally as many increasing testosterone in females?
I can't make any claims for testosterone in females without properly looking up the data.
But interesting observation you made there about some black bulls showing signs of low Testosterone. That definitely supports this thesis.
Do you want the present Western society to become hyper-masculine? It would seem like going back into the past.
That's a problem! Here in Russia, if a man tells you to do something, you do something. And I noticed that women here are happier and stronger than us too. Turns out feminism focuses on a totally different "equality".
Isn't there rampant alcoholism among Russian men? That leads to other social problems, too, like wifebeating, etc. I am not saying that is the reality in Russia (I don't know very much about Russia), but I would expect that.
Not really. The thing is abusing a wife in a hyper masculine world is the same extreme as abusing a husband in an anti-masculine world.
You don't see the discussions about one extreme as often as the other, do you? Weird things happen when you normalize/ legalize something by bargaining over something extreme.
Feminism is a product of normalizing an ideology that seeks to bargain by focusing on one extreme.
And we should always be conscious of the true beginnings of feminsim. Instigated by nation leaders to double the amount of tax payers. With masses of social downfall caused and ultimately, far too many youngsters growing up without true family structure and support.